Disclaimer: I am quite aware that I did not come up with this wonderful world. The characters within this story, all but a very few, all came from the thoughts and dreams of other talented writers. I am merely a vessel for a little bit of my own fic set in this world. I make no money, so don't sue. I just love Repo! so much I needed to let a little of my love shine out. Sorry if things seem a little OC or off from the original story, I know and I have a plan. I swear. I'm trying to follow the sub plots that were left out of the movie, so I'm taking some liberties here and there. I also make the assumption that there are many Repomen and that they all have code names, that Nathan's was Night Surgeon So you know why I make references to that. Oh, and feedback to writers is like water to flowers so, water a writer today!

Poison in the Blood

Chapter One

Where to now?

"Free at last," she said softly. Then louder, almost screaming it, "Free at last!"

Shilo held her head high, aware of all the eyes on her. Aware of the surviving Largo's arguing loudly on the stage. "GeneCo's mine!" "No, mine!" "No, brothers! It's mine mine mine!" Aware of all the people whispering her name, "Repoman," and "Blind Mag."

Her whole life no one has known her name, no one has even known of her existence. Now people were calling out to her, reaching for her, trying to touch her.

She shook them off.

Shilo stepped out the door of the opera house and into the blinding light of the dawning new day. The long long night was finally over and the city was awakening to a rebirth. Everything was changing now.

Rotti's limo driver stood among a mob of reporters; flashes going off and people yelling all at once, a jumble of voices mingling. Upon seeing her, the driver held the car door open, as though he had been waiting for her. Shilo stared at it for only a moment before stepping in and leaning back against the oh so soft leather seat letting her eyes drift closed. Her mind was swimming in all different bloody directions, so many thoughts battering her brain like a pair of betta fish trapped in the same bowl.

All she wanted to do was sleep.

She heard the rustle of leather against leather. Her eyes popped open. Rotti's henchgirls sat across from her, expressionless and stone still. How did they get here so fast...? The blonde leather clad twins looked at one and other sharply, then snapped their heads back to face her. The one on the left leaned forward and handed Shilo an envelope. "From Mr. Largo," she said. Shilo looked down at it in her hand and frowned. "He's dead." They didn't respond. "He killed my father." She griped the envelope tightly and they still didn't respond. Impassive.

"Get out," she whispered. Looking up at them, "Get out!!" she growled. The one on the right handed her a wrist cuff similar to her own, but gold and very heavy compared. Dad gave me this when I was five. "Call when you need us." They slid from the car like liquid and snapped up straight, their boots clinking on concrete. The door slammed closed and any reporters that had been trying to peer into the darkened windows all stepped back at the sight of the henchgirls.

Shilo stared down again at the envelope in her hand, her fingers smearing blood over the crisp white paper. Her hands and arms, even her hair, were smeared with the sticky red stuff. Mag's blood. Dad's... She shoved it and the cuff into her bag, not wanting to look at them, not sure what to do with them either. The window between her and the driver slid down, Driver's face turned slightly to look at her questioningly. "Take me to my mother's grave." She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the headrest again. The window went back up and they began to move.

She didn't know where to go.

The world was hers now. She supposed she could go anywhere in it she wanted. She was free after all. All she had ever wanted was to be able to be outside. She just... didn't know whereto go. Or how to get there, or what to do once she was there. She'd never been alone before. She'd always had her father to take care of her. Dad.

So Marni's grave was the only place that came to mind right now. She wanted, no, needed to be some place familiar to gather her thoughts. Plan her future. Although her bed would be a welcomed place right now, it had been a very long night, she didn't want to see any of her father's things. So even her home was out of the question.

"Dad," she whispered softly, pressing her fingers to her eyes, her head throbbing. Her wrist cuff started to go off. She wretched it free from her arm and when the limo stopped, she darted out the door quickly, not waiting for Driver to open it, and threw it as hard and as far as she could.

"Miss?" The driver raised his bushy eyebrows looking at her from over the top of the car. "Go away," She yelled at him. "Go back to GeneCo or...or where ever. Just...just go away." Softly, "leave me alone." She ran to the crypt, shoving open the door then let it close heavily behind her. She leaned back against it, staring up into the face of a mother she never knew. Marni's pictures had decorated her home, her room, memorials to a woman who died at her birth. Her black veiled body had kept a silent vigil over her room at the other end of the hall.

Her resolve was fading away, she was starting to shake. "Oh, Mom," her voice was beginning to crack. She knew her mother really wasn't in the grave, but... "Mom, Dad's...Daddy's..." She slid down the door to the ground, wrapping her arms around her legs and burying her face in her knees. "Oh Mom, Dad, what am I going to do now?"