AN: anyway, seeing as I'm a total jerk and putting off my sequel to Breaking the News, that one cakebaby fic, the unbelievably long Silent Hill fic, the Death Note pure crack one, the PJatO Groverbeth one and many others, I'm typing up this.. . XDD Jeez, I'm getting lazy.. I'd like to thank Holmesy for being by my side with all my cracktastic ideas. Aaand, well, enjoy the drabbles.

Disclaimer: I don't own Silent Hill, I don't own anything although I do own a picture of Vincent. -shotshotshotstompedtwice- XDD

AN: Now, this first one is a random-as-hell Walterxhenry-ish one. Please, if you don't like this pairing, I assure you there will be various others of other random pairings. XD

"Oh-hh! My Re-cieverrr!" A blood-soaked Walter Sullivan called out in an eerily childish singsongy voice as he skipped through the fog-ridden street of Silent Hill. God only knew why he was there. Probably because of Henry. The Narrator bets all of her money on that, which isn't much because she's poor. And lame. Anyways, back to the story. Where were we? Ah, yes..

The Conjurer was skipping through the town of Silent Hill. We, by that I mean the readers, have no idea why he's there. Or why he's holding a running chainsaw (Yes, you read that right; A. Running. Chainsaw.) , skipping merrily like a little girl all the while. As soon as the 21st Sacrament was in his line of vision, he squealed like a Twilight fangirl meeting Rpattz for the first time and ran towards him, swinging the chainsaw madly though he didn't realize it. But then his eyes narrowed as he glanced beside his love, at the tall blonde man with a handgun. His beloved Receiver was talking to somebody else! And not him!

Seething with jealousy, he turned to the other blonde and gestured menacingly toward him with the chainsaw. Still facing the blonde, he hissed through his gritted teeth. "Hen-Hen? Who.. Is this?"

Henry rolled his eyes and muttered to the blonde man he was talking to who was surprisingly about his psycho-murderous-stalker's height, "Speak of the devil.." He glanced at the stranger and smiled apologetically. "Anyway, like I said. This is Walter. Walter, this is James."

Walter eyed the blonde suspiciously.

Henry whispered something to James behind his hand. "I told you so. Follows me around everywhere like a lovesick puppy. Come to think of it, I wouldn't be surprised if the former was true."

James raised an eyebrow incredulously, trying really hard not to laugh. "Hen-Hen?"

"Oh, c'mon, like your stalker doesn't make up stupid sissy nicknames for you?" Henry replied defensively, completely ignoring the smiley-faced serial killer with the chainsaw in front of him, tugging on his sleeve and attempting to get his attention like a small child would to his mother.

"Actually, uh, no. He usually just threatens to kill me with a gigantic knife and tries to rape anything with a pulse, and even sometimes things without a pulse too." James replied awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck with an uncomfortable half-smile on his face.

"Oh.. Eeurgh. So far Walter over here," he pointed to the 11th Sacrament now hugging his waist tightly, nuzzling his blood-spattered face to the Receiver's abdomen, ruining his nice white shirt. "Hasn't attempted to rape me. Well, not yet anyway." He frowned as Walter squeezed him tighter, mumbling "Mommy."

"Uhhh.. Yeah. I'm just gonna go… over here." James pointed to a random direction, looking somewhat confused and slightly scared for his life as he walked away quickly, not making eye contact with either of them.

The Conjurer looked up at his beloved. "Can we go home now? I wanna show you something back at my Mom's."

'Uh. Okay?" Henry agreed hesitantly as Walter dragged him away, not liking where this was most likely headed.

Just then a somewhat tall dark-haired guy wearing mom-jeans ran up to them. "Have you seen a little girl? Short, black hair.. Just turned seven a month ago..?"

AN: gehehehe. Anyway, the twist ending was just what this first one needed. Lol, review please and if you want suggest a pairing you would love for me to do, as long as it's not angsty. This will never turn into an angst fic, okay? XD