I just wanted to post the link to the two fanfics that inspired me (remove the spaces, 3 per link):

http:// . net/s/4567400/1/ Seven

http:// . net/s/4942443/1/ Eighteen

These were written by Estora. I assure you, they are amazing works.

Thanks for the review! It made me happy.

I guess I can put up a small piece of story, after he left. (Not an actual chapter):

He left. He didn't say why, or if he'd return. He just walked away.

It's been a week since he did, and I haven't heard from him.

Mom and dad are worried, and have sent Emmet and Jasper to look around for him. If they don't, mom and dad will go next.

I wanted to go too, but they won't let me. Instead, they just ask me to tell them (or show them) what happened.

I'm tired of it. Uncle Jacob is out there, sad, lonely! I want to find him!

Why did he leave me...?

It's been three years since Jacob left. I no longer call him "uncle", it hurts to know that he doesn't deserve it.

He left and never returned. Mom found him near Seattle, hidding! From who?

From me. He said that he can't see me ever again. I know he thinks I'm a monster... he probably hates me.

I guess he's right.

Today, mom told me about how much he loves me. She called it his "imprint".

That's strange, I don't feel... imprinted. I just miss him.

I get the feeling that he misses me too.

Then she explains that Jacob and I were ment to be together. Together, together.

Is that why you really left?

Today I decided to run away. No one knows about this, especially not dad or aunt Alice. Leah came over today, and I told her that I wanted to find him.

Alice won't see my future, and dad is too busy with mom to read her mind... or notice.

Rosalie went upstairs for a second, but that's more time than I need.

Leah has tought me that I can't be what people want me to be.

That I need to follow my heart. She tought me to be strong.

I'm strong enough to face Jacob.

I see him, and I'm pretty sure he sees me.

I'd better hurry towards him; mom and dad are probably looking for me.

"Come back." I manage to say, walking towards him.

I see him smile, and I think that he's tearing up. Was this imprint still existent?

"I can't, Nessie. You need to be free."

I'm near enough to touch him, so I do. I show him what I think, what I feel.

He smiles and nods. He's upset too. Then, he steps back.

"Stop!" I try to call him, but he's walking away. "I love you, Uncle Jacob."

He stops and turns, chuckling.

I feel tingly inside, as if the tension between us was broken.

I can see him as my uncle again, my best friend.

He seems relieved, and surprised.

"I think you broke it." He blinked, staring at the floor as if an invisible thread kept us together.

"I broke the imprint?" It doesn't make sense. I didn't do anything.

"I'll be whatever you need. You need your uncle, not a lover."

I nod slowly, trying to understand.

I gasped when I realized. He gave me freedom, he stayed away.

I chose him, but not as my soulmate.

My choice was the key to his freedom as well.