Title: The Power of Water Prevails

By: anorbooboo

Category: AU, story, drama, angst

Rating: eventually M for violent content

Warning: Eventually this story will contain violence against a child. Please don't read if you are sensitive to this.

Time Frame: 20 years pre TPM

Note: The title of this story comes from Tao Te Ching 78.

As usual the characters in this story are wholly the property of George Lucas and I will make no money from this story. I gain only my own enjoyment.

The Power of Water Prevails

Part 1

It seemed to her that she was never able to be alone. And so Perigilliam

san Fi`anna was feeling very excited about her eminent departure from the

Jedi Temple on Couresant. The padawan learner would be completely alone for thirty-six hours while she piloted a small transport ship to Demetrus. Her Master had been on the planet for the past week on a solo mission. Perigilliam was to bring him back to Couresant. While she had missed her Master, she could not deny that she was a solitary person and was thoroughly enjoying her time alone. Yet, a jedi is never alone in the Temple. The force sensitive minds around oneself could always be felt even sometimes heard. Now, now she was going to be completely alone.

"Is the ship ready to leave, Master Cialte?"

"Yes Padawan Fi'anna. You may leave whenever you are ready." The old

Jedi was wiping his hands on a dirty rag. "I must apologize for the delay.

I had a little initiate hanging on me most of the morning. Has a real

affinity for mechanics, but the boy can be a real bother sometimes." The

chiding was gentle, but there was real frustration behind it.

"Believe me Master, I know how you feel. I worked in the children's

dormitory yesterday." She simply shook her head, as Master Cialte laughed


"Have a good journey Perigilliam and may the force be with you."

"And you too Master."

The cruiser came to life in her hands and after final checks were done

she was on her way. The jump into hyperspacewent smoothly. She adjusted the autopilot and pushed her seat back. It wasn't long before she was enjoying the tea she had prepared for the journey and reading an ancient manuscript written about a thousands years before she was born. It was written by Sil-A'brim one of the greatest jedi masters to have ever lived. He and a handful of other force sensitive beings formed the jedi code which she and all others of the order aspired to live by. Soon she was completely absorbed. Perigilliam loved these books. She preferred their company over any single person's except her Master's. Master Qui-gon Jinn was a perfect match for her. She couldn't imagine anyone else as her teacher. He was wise and tolerant. He knew to allow his student plenty of room. Although lately as the twenty-year-old Perigilliam approached the time when she would attempt the trials to earn her knighthood, Qui-gon was lecturing her more and more about her need for isolation.

"It is a weakness," he told her. "Not in itself, but in that you have not

examined its causes."

She knew he was right, but that did not make the "examination" any

easier. She banished these thoughts and was soon enjoying her book and her solitude once again. But something was nagging her, pressing at the very back of her mind. She sat up straight and quickly studied her instruments. Nothing. "What is it?" she asked herself, exasperated.

"I'm really sorry."

Perigillaim whirled around, her lightsaber already ignited. What greeted her made her immediately power down her weapon. Standing in the doorway of the cockpit was a very young boy. From his clothes she could tell he was an initiate at the temple.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm really sorry, really. I....." The boy was shifting from foot to

foot, uncomfortably.

"What are you doing here?" Perigilliam repeated her question more

slowly, trying her best not to sound impatient.

"I...I... Master Cialte wanted me out of his way, but I didn't want to go

down to the dormitories yet and I....well.... I thought I could study the

hyperdrive schematics in the service tube and well....I...well....I kinda

fell asleep. I'm so sorry."

"I can't believe this. This is just my luck." At this point she didn't

care if her words made the boy feel badly. He deserved it. "Well we're

closer to Demetrus than we are to Couresant. We had better continue on and pick up my Master, then we can deal with you. In the meanwhile I'm going to contact the temple so they know where the missing initiate is. What is your name?"

"Obi-Wan Kenobi."

"I am Perigilliam san Fi`anna padawan learner of Master Qui-Gon Jinn."

She figured that being as formal as possible with the boy would impress upon him the seriousness of the situation. "And how old are you Obi-Wan Kenobi?" she assumed that he was under the age of eight and therefore in the dormitories overseen by Master Shivani.

The boy suddenly forgot his discomfort and fear "I'll be seven in three

weeks," he said with the kind of pride only children can muster at the coming of a birthday.

"Okay then, we will contact Master Shivani." Obi-Wan's proud smile and

puffed out chest both fell. As she opened up communications with the temple, Perigilliam fully understood.

Every young initiate in the temple feared Master Shivani; feared his disappointment or his disapproval. It wasn't until they were much older that they realized just how much he loved each and every child under his care. He would give anything for one of "his" children. All of this meant of course that he needed to be strict. He needed to prepare them for the difficult path they were on.

The boy handled himself well in front of the holo-image of Master

Shivani. He accepted the words of condemnation and accepted that he would face punishment when he returned.

"You are to do your utmost to stay out of Master Qui-Gon's and Padawan

Perigilliam's way. Learn by observing from a distance." The old Master

appeared finished, but quickly added with a smile at the young boy. "Do not worry me like that again Obi-Wan."

"Yes Master."

The image faded to static. The boy slumped down into the co-pilots seat.

"Now, please do as Master Shivani instructed and we'll have you back to

the temple in no time."

Obi-Wan opened his mouth to speak, but apparently thought better of it

when he saw Perigilliam pick up her book and turn all of her attention to

it. "Boy, I really did it this time," he thought to himself. Following the

older Padawan's example he picked up a book that lay within his reach. It

was entitled "The Meditation's and Teachings of Mil'Tor Nidos" He knew

about Mil'Tor Nidos from one of his classes, but he couldn't remember much about him. He opened the book and set to work understanding the cryptic teachings.

Perigilliam watched the boy out of the corner of her eye and smiled. She

had been working for as long as she could remember to understand and put into practice the teachings of Master Nidos. The boy tried to look as if he understood every word. He would nod sagely every once in a while, but it was the sudden perplexed looks that he was unable to hide which told the real story. She liked the boy in spite of her best efforts not to. The rest of

trip passed quietly.