Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or the Final Act....Dammit!

Note: Yes, all of you Inuyasha fans, your prayers have been answered! The Inuyasha anime series is continuing! I hear it'll be dubbed into English and released in early spring of 2010! until then, go to Youtube and look up "Inuyasha: Final Act". If you want to see this particular episode, Google it. The final episode is called "Toward Tomorrow."

Promised Challenge: Many of you InuXKag fans have read my earlier works, such as Together Forever and Don't Leave Me Again. To all the fans of those stories, I would like you to read over Together Forever, my first story ever,once more. After which, come back and read this, and be how I've improved as a writer over the years. Please, friends, do this for me!

His Love

Inuyasha stared at the starry sky. His ears were full of the sounds of chirping crickets and the wind. He was having trouble sleeping, and he knew why. He silently sat up and cast a steadfast gaze on the Bone-Eaters Well.

The Well that had been sealed for three years, now. Keade claimed that it was because Kagome's role in this world, her purpose, was served. She never belonged in their time, so when her role was fulfilled, she become unable to access this, the world which had no place for her. The old lady's words made Inuyasha seethe with rage. Of course Kagome had a purpose here! Him! Her purpose was to be with him!

He loved Kagome. Inuyasha had known it himself for quite a while, though he'd never admit this to other people. Try as he might, he could never really pinpoint the turning point in their relationship, when he began to fall for her. He often supposed that it was sometime before they encountered the Thunder Brothers. When he though she was dead, he was instantly on the verge of tears, not caring about the Sacred Jewel Shards, and his heart felt as heavy as stone. He'd subconsciously held her hand tightly, as though the contact would somehow keep her with him. The first time Kagome was over on the night of the new moon, to see him human, she'd cried for him. Did he really mean so much to her? It was that night that Inuyasha realised that Kagome was a very special girl to be able to openly show such emotion over a half-demon.

He'd had trouble accepting the fact that he loved her at first. He hated the threat he felt when Miroku had asked Kagome to bare his child, or when Koga had tried to claim her as his own. The competition was bad enough, and now he felt threatened when someone else tried to weasel their way into her heart. It only reminded him of how precious she was to him. He'd even resented the confusion that dawned on him whenever Kikyo appeared. That fact that Inuyasha didn't know who meant more to him was frightening. Did Kagome really mean that much to him?

Inuyasha cringed. Three years had passed. It had taken him a while to admit how beautiful Kagome was, and his stomach churned as he though of all the guys in her time who were probably after her.

Kikyo had been his first love, there was no denying, and she'd always have a special place in his heart. However, the truest of his love for the priestess had died along with her. He'd felt no true love for her resurrected self, it was merely an emotional illusion that he created for himself out of pain. He'd tricked himself into thinking he was still in love with Kikyo, but he was really only in love with the memory of being in love.

Kikyo was no longer who his heart belonged to. Kagome now owned it. He loved her now, and he dreaded losing her. He still love her as much as he had when they'd defeated Naraku. His feelings hadn't lessened one bit. Kikyo had died by Naraku's hand more then once. Upon Kikyo's final death, Inuyasha had become determined to protect Kagome. Inuyasha wouldn't -couldn't- see something happen to Kagome, as well.

Kagome...Her name meant 'lost'. But no. She was anything but lost. She did seem kind of spacy at first, yes, but afterwords she became...Her. So brave, smart and very pretty. She was never lost. In fact, she always seemed to know what she was doing. Not at all like how he'd made her look. However, her name also meant 'everlasting light', which he found to be endlessly perfect for her. She was his everlasting light. She was the only one who accepted him, he felt, as a half-demon, aside from their friends and his late mother. Not even Kikyo had done that; she wanted him to become a human.

It had always meant so much to him that Kagome felt that way. Perhaps that what made him start to fall in love. He'd known for a while that the love he felt for Kikyo was based off of loneliness, not a more genuine, secure setting like Kagome's unconditional acceptance of him and his status as a half-demon.

Inuyasha couldn't believe it. In the one year they'd had together, they'd fallen in love. He use to do nothing but yell, insult, and belittle her. He hated himself for that. Half of the time he was trying to cover up how much he loved her, and much of the time it backfired when she stormed home, leaving him lonely and saddened, which he also covered with anger.

Inuyasha wasn't as blind to Kagome's emotions as everyone seemed to think. He'd always had a bit of a feeling that Kagome felt more then friendship for him, ever since she told him how much she wanted to be with him, and how she couldn't forget him. At first, he was uncertain about how she felt about him, but as time went by, he picked up more and more hints. And finally...In her room, talking about Naraku, after Kikyo's final death. He'd tried to kiss her...And she let him. Not only that, but...She was going to kiss him back!

Yes! She most definitely loved him as much as he loved her. After that, Inuyasha had become set on telling her. He himself knew it was hard to confess such an emotion, with words, anyway. He only knew one other way to express such feelings without words, but he would wait until the right time.

He'd lunged into the darkness to save her, the girl he love more ten life itself. He'd faced millions of demons, Naraku, and the possibility of death, if only to save her. That's what love was. Loving someone meant wanting to die for them. It meant opening yourself up to the possibility of heartbreak and hurt. And Inuyasha was more then alright with it.

When he'd reached her, it was all he could think about was to hold her close. He'd nearly lost her, the woman who had his heart, forever. He'd been terrified. Before feeling the need to express how he felt. Without the use of words. There was only one way to do that. To tell her he loved her, but not uttering a word.

He kissed her. And she kissed him back.

The kiss lasted for a few seconds. It was a modest, gentle kiss, and yet so much burst forth that it seemed like so much more. Suddenly, he didn't feel so much like a lowly half-demon. It didn't matter. In those small moments, he felt whole.

Going back to her time, her family cried with her. Inuyasha's heart wrenched to see his beloved cry like that, even though he knew it was out of happiness. With a look from her mother, Inuyasha realised that they considered him a member of their family. He had a family. That made him happy. He was about to walk over, but the well began to close.

As much as Inuyasha desperately wanted to stay, he didn't belong in her time. Despite how much they loved one another, the Well didn't think they belonged together. That stupid Well. It wasn't fair. He'd had plans for them after everything was done. He was going to profess his love to Kagome and ask her to marry him! But no. The time they shared was cut much shorter then he wanted.

He'd heard Koga had married Ayame, much to his own dismay. Miroku and Songo had gotten married and had three children; two girls, about two years old, and a boy, just born that morning. Rin had come to live with Keade, with Sesshormaru saying that she needed to live with humans. Shippo and Kohaku both trained to become the best Fox-demon and Demon-slayer, respectively, that they could be. Kilala had taken to staying with Kohaku rather then Songo.

It seemed as though everyone had gotten on with their lives. But not him. His life couldn't continue. Not until she was in his arms again.

Inuyasha's gaze broke off of the Well. He growled. That was it! The Well that refused to let him see his beloved Kagome! The only time he saw her nowadays was ether in his sleep or one of his many daydreams about her. Inuyasha had never dreamed about anything else since the day the Well closed up. He hated it. He'd missed how she'd fall asleep near him and sometimes lean on him lovingly. He loved the way she'd always flirted with him, think that he didn't know. Oh, he knew. And he loved every second of it. He'd always think of her when he fell asleep, weather he wanted to or not. No matter what he tried the think about at night, his thoughts would always wonder off to Kagome. Soon enough, he didn't even bother to fight it.

But...The Well...Why...How could it close up?...Just when things were going to get better.

He missed her so much. Inuyasha looked up at the sky. It was raining slightly. He hadn't noticed it start.

Rain. He vividly remembered how he'd often sheltered Kagome from it. He remembered one particular Thunderstorm in the earlier day of their travels, when it was just them. One bolt hit only a few feet away. Kagome got scared, berrying her face in his chest. He nearly had a heart attack.

He missed her. He wanted her. He needed her. He loved her.

Inuyasha couldn't help but wonder if Kagome had gotten on with her life, too. Did she miss him every day? Did he haunt her dreams every night? Did she think about him all the time?

However, Inuyasha would never give up hope. He'd keep pinning and mopping and wishing until she came back to him. Inuyasha could only be happy with Kagome. And he knew that Kagome could only be happy with him, too. It was as though their hearts were connected, which he could believe.

They were meant for each other, and no one else. Plain and simple.

Take my challenge? By the way, I got the translation for her name from WikiAnswers. I just used it cuz it fit so well. And I'm not changing it, so don't hold you breath! Review.