This is just a little note from me to you, please read!

Dear Alice/Tarrant fans and Alice's Return readers:

I could make an alternate ending but I just LOVE to hear people complain! (Sorry, just getting really tired of the complaints) I have a serious question for you, when you read a novel by your favorite author and they create an ending you don't like, do you complain? Or just keep reading the books to find out what happens?

I have a very good reason for doing what I did and am currently in the process of writing the next story where EVERYTHING will be explained. Besides, isn't it more interesting to have an ending that draws you in, making you want to find out what trials await the heroes and how they overcome them? Rather than just saying 'Alice returned home, grabbed the stuff she packed and spent the rest of her life with Hatter. They constantly went at it like rabbits and they had a daughter, who is the perfect mix of them, and later had more children. And nothing bothered Underland for the rest of time, the end." BOOOORRRRIIINNNGGGGG!

Seriously people! I will say this once more, I HATED TEARING ALICE AND TARRANT APART! But it had to be done. Now, please get off my back. I will try to have to sequel posted by next month (I like typing most of it before posting). Although, I haven't decided if I want to make it a T or M rating yet. Let me know what I should do. (But please be kind, I may even post a little one-shot Alice/Tarrant I've been thinking about, if everyone wants.)

Thank you for reading this,

BurtonWannaBe ^_^