I've seen the movie 4 times already and I want to see it more! I'm addicted to this Alice in Winderland so I had to post a story. This is basically what I want to happen if there was a sequeal. Warning: there is not going to be any big conflict. I do not own the characters (wish i did though).

Chapter 1

Six years, that's how long it's been. Six years since she fell down that rabbit hole and into that magical land. Six years since she last saw Hatter, Mirana, Chessur, and all the others. All those years since she set out on her journey to find herself. Since that day she'd been around the world and seen many of the wonders it held. But nothing had matched the beauty of Underland.

"Alice!" A female voice called over the crowd. "Over here!"

Alice Kingsleigh turned to see her sister, Margaret, waving from in front of one of the shops that lined the busy docks. Alice smiled and made her way through the crowed. Margaret stood just to the left of a vegetable merchant holding a small white bundle. She had a smile spread over her face that grew as Alice stopped in front of her.

"It's so good to see you again." Margaret wrapped on arm around Alice in a sideways hug.

"I've missed you, too." Alice returned the hug, careful of the bundle in her arms. She looked down at the bundle. "This must be little Thomas." She brushed her hand over the baby's cheek.

"Yes, this one is Thomas." Margaret lifted the baby up a bit as it began to squirm. "Come on."

"He's so beautiful. But where's your other one? Robert?" Alice asked as they started to walk away from the busy dock.

"He's with Lowell. That boy is going to be a fine man." Margaret said with a distant look. "He's interested in everything and he has your imagination." She gently bumped into Alice jokingly. "I'll find him in the garden daydreaming about your little Wonderland."

"Then he has a good mind. Dad always said that imagination is what creates the future." Alice bumped back.

"Yes, well, he needs to start focusing on his studies."

"Maggie, he's only four, let him have his childhood."

"Perhaps you're right. Anyways, how are you? How have your travels been?" Margaret asked as she stepped into her carriage, followed by Alice.

"I've been well, I've missed you all. Lord Ascot said that, because of the recent trades with China, father's business has been incredible. He has asked me to take up a post at our London office. He worries that I'm wasting my life traveling for the company." Alice sighed, jerking slightly as the carriage began to move.

"Did it ever a cure to you that he might be right? You're twenty-five years old and still unmarried. Perhaps you could try to find a husband?" She gave her a coy look.

"I'm not really interested in anyone." Ok, that was a lie. There was someone but her sister would never believe that. Alice looked out the window with a small smile at the thought of him. "I'm not ready to settle down yet. There's so much I want to do."

"Alice, we worry about you, Mother and I. We just want to see you happy. We know you are happy travelling but you could be happier." Margaret began to bounce Thomas a little.

"I'll find the right man when I find him. It just takes time." Alice touched her sister's knee. "Don't worry about me. Now, tell me what has been happening."

Margaret smiled and began to tell her of everything she couldn't say in her letters.

A big party, honoring her return was held. Alice dressed in one of her best dresses and mingled with the people. She could care less about showing them the proper Alice she'd become. But she'd promised her mother and sister she would attend. Each time she looked out the window her mind would wander to the one place she wished she could return to.

After the party and the good-byes, she excused herself and hurried to her room. Quickly she changed and snuck out. She hurried to the old tree half-way to the Ascot estate. The tree had grown a bit, hiding the rabbit hole a little better. She knelt down and looked to see if she could find a bottom of the hole, but it was too dark.

"It's worth a try." She sighed. Closing her eyes, she leaned forward.

She was falling, just like before, only this time she wasn't screaming or surprised. She tried to dodge the floating objects, especially the piano. Before she knew it she was in the room with the doors and the table. Smiling wider she moved to the curtain, pushing it aside to find the small door that was once again locked.

"Let's see if I can remember this correctly." She said to herself. On the table waited the key and the shrinking potion. Grabbing the key in one hand, she drank the potion. Coughing she began to shrink, just like before. Quickly she fashioned a dress, but before she went to the door she grabbed the growing cake. Unlocking the door she grabbed pulled her dress through it with her.

Once again she lost her breath at the beauty of Underland. It must be about daybreak, she could just see the sun rising above the horizon. The plants were beginning to stir and awaken for the day. Two flowers near her stretched their petals and leaves.

"What a beautiful morning." The yellow one spoke.

"Indeed it is." The red one nodded then saw Alice. "My stars, it cannot be."

"What?" The yellow rose turned to see Alice and gasped. "It is. It's Alice!"

"Alice?" Many other flowers called out and tried to get a good look at her. Murmurs sounded all around her. "She's back!" "The real Alice?"

"Hello." Alice called.

"It's so good to see you again." The red rose spoke.

"It's good to be back." Alice nodded to them.

"We will send word to Marmoreal that you have returned, shall we?" The yellow rose asked.

"That would be great. Thank you." Alice nodded again. Suddenly the ground began to shake.

"Something's coming." One of the flowers called.

Then a huge white and black creature barreled through the plants, growling and bearing its teeth. The Bandersnatch slowly prowled up to Alice. She stepped back and gulped when it sniffed her. Then it licked her and laid down, panting like a dog. Alice laughed and patted its head.

"So you remember me." She laughed out. "Will you take me to Marmoreal?" The Bandersnatch nodded its head. "Thank you. Hang on." She took a tiny bite out of the cake that made her grow, which she guessed the amount right. She pulled on her regular dress and climbed onto the Bandersnatch. The creature ran at a leisurely pace, allowing her to take in how much Underland had changed.

Being under the White Queen's reign seemed to be good for the land. Everywhere she looked beauty bloomed. No more fear or terror resonated from the inhabitants of this magical world. She just hoped that her friends were doing just as well. As they ran she heard the plants and little creatures talking about her. It was great to be back.

In Marmoreal Mirana stood in her gardens with her court when Mallymkun and Bayard scampered in. The dormouse was smiling widely.

"Excuse me for a moment." She bowed her head to her court and walked to meet the two. "What is it Mallymkun? Bayard?"

"You'll never believe what we just heard!" Mallymkun laughed.

"What is it?" She asked smiling at the mouse's humor.

"Alice has returned, Your Majesty." Bayard answered.

"Alice? Are you sure?"

"Positive. The message came by flowers. They say she's riding the Bandersnatch, heading here." Mallymkun replied this time.

Mirana looked around, joy shinning on her face. "Oh a happy day it is. Alice has returned to Underland of her own free will again."

"Your Majesty, the Bandersnatch is approaching the gate with a rider." McTwisp, the white rabbit, came hopping into view.

"Let them enter." Mirana called and turned to meet them. "Oh, and please don't tell Tarrant. This will be the best surprise."

"Awww," Mallymkun whined but nodded. Even though she had been in love with the Hatter, Mally knew that she could never be with him. So she wanted to see him happy, and Alice made him happy.

Satisfied, Mirana once again headed to the gates. No soon then she arrived, the Bandersnatch came skidding to a stop just inside the iron gates. Alice slid off the beast and faced the Queen.

"Welcome back Alice." Mirana waved her arms in a welcoming jester.

"It's good to be back, Your Majesty." Alice gave a gentle bow. "I have missed this world."

"And we have missed you." As if on cue everyone started to enter the courtyard.

"Alice!" Mallymkun called as she and Bayard walked in. "Welcome back."

"Hello Mallymkun, Bayard." Alice knelt to pet the dog and pick up the mouse. She then turned to the others. "McTwisp, Chess, Tweedles, Thackery," she called them by their names to prove she hadn't forgotten. "I have missed you all."

"We've missed you, too!" The Tweedles hugged her.

"Of course I missed you more." Dee said, straightening up proudly.

"No, I missed her more!" Dum pushed his brother which started a hitting contest.

"You both missed her a lot." McTwisp rolled his eyes. "They are the same as always."

"Yes but I missed this." Alice said with a chuckle. She greeted all of her old friends. Hugged them, laughed with them, but something was nagging at her conscious. Where was Hatter? She looked around with a frown, her eyes stopping on Mirana. The Queen's smile grew.

"Well, now that we've all said our hellos I suggest we save the celebration for the party." The Queen clapped her hands together.

"Party?" Hare bounced up and down. "Oooh, that sounds lovely?"

"Yeah, a party!" The Tweedles skipped around.

"Well then, if you all would be so kind as to spread the word. Tomorrow evening. Here, at the castle. All are invited." She spread her arms out, still smiling.

"As you wish, You Majesty." Bayard was the one who spoke but they all bowed. Once Mallymkun took her place on his neck they headed off in one direction while the other headed in different directions.

"Now, shall I take you to him?" Mirana turned to Alice and lifted her eyebrows.

"I assume you mean Hatter?" Alice smiled back. "Then yes."

Mirana just chuckled and headed into the castle, Alice following her. As they walked down the third floor hallway a little boy around the age of four with curly light brown hair came running at them.

"Mama!" He cried and jumped into her arms.

"Hello, Alaric." Mirana giggled and rubbed her nose against his. "I want you to meet someone. Alaric, say hello to Alice."

"Awice?" The boy spoke, seeming to have trouble with his Ls. "The Awice?"

"Yes, the Alice." The Queen shook her head "Alice I would like you to meet my son, Alaric."

"Hello, I'm Alice." She bent to look the boy in the eyes. He had light brown eyes that matched Mirana.

"I know of you. Everwone knows of Awice." He shook her hand and smiled brightly.

"Alaric!" A male voice called from down the hall. Then a tall man with shoulder length brown hair and dressed in a cream colored suit rounded the corner. He faltered in his long strides for a moment as he saw them. "So that's why you ran off."

"Daddy, meet Awice." Alaric called.

"Alice?" The man raised a shapely eyebrow as he stopped in front of them. He kissed Mirana on the cheek.

"Yes, dear, this is Alice Kingsleigh, our champion." She nodded. "Alice, this is my husband, Michael."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Michael took Alice's hand and gave a formal bow.

"The same to you." Alice curtsied in return.

"Dear, I was just taking her to see Tarrant. Do you know if he's in his rooms?" Mirana asked.

"Last time I saw him, he was, and that was about ten minutes. You know how that man is." Michael shook his head with a smile. He turned to his son and held out his arms. "Come on you, you still have your lessons."

"Awww," Alaric sighed and went to his father. "Are you coming Mama?"

"I'll be along in a little bit." She kissed the boy's forehead then gave her husband a quick peck on the lips.

"It was good to meet you Alice. We will have more time talk later." Michael bowed his head.

"Bye-bye Awice." Alaric called as they headed back down the hall.

Mirana sighed and put one hand on her cheek. "That boy just doesn't want to do his studies. This way." She turned in the opposite direction.

"You have a son and are married?" Alice asked in a voice that asked her to explain.

"Yes, a few months after you left, we were all helping to clean up after my sister's mess. I met Michael on one of the sweeps. He was one of the young knights my parents had sent out many years ago to the corners of Underland to help the villages that had been ravaged by the Jabberwocky. We use to be old friends, I almost didn't recognize him." Mirana explained as a dreamy look passed over her face. "One look was all it took."

"Instant love." Alice nodded, thinking of her and Hatter.

"Yes." Mirana giggled. "I took only a few months after that before we married and a year later we had Alaric."

"It seems as if Underland couldn't be happier since I left." Alice mussed.

"Now that you're back, Underland will truly glow." Mirana smiled at her. "He's down here. Spends most of his time in his rooms these days, making hats and cloths like crazy."

"Why?" Alice frowned.

Mirana shrugged. "He said he was happy to be working at his trait again. After you left and the clean up, for about half a year, he spent most of his time where his clan used to live. No one with him, rarely showing himself. Thackery and Mallymkun didn't even go with him. If Chessur hadn't popped in on him every once in a while, we all would have thought the worst."

"What was he doing?"

"Cleaning up his old home." Mirana sighed. "I asked him when he came back why he went alone. He said that it was something he had to do alone."

"Is he alright now?" Alice felt her heart flutter at the thought of anything horrible happening to him.

"He seems to be himself but I'm hoping that with you here he will be alright." The Queen's brown eyes flashed with knowledge that seemed beyond her appeared age. "This is it." They stopped in front of a pair of white double doors with a golden plate on one of the doors that read HATTER'S SHOP. Alice could hear movement behind the doors. Mirana knocked three times and called out. "Tarrant, it's Mirana, you have a guest."

"Yes… one moment… oof." Hatter's call was muffled. "Come in."

Mirana shook her head but opened the doors. Alice peered in and almost laughed, the room looked just like she thought it would. A large window covered most of the opposite wall, colorful curtains hanging pulled aside to allow the evening light in. Two huge wardrobes covered one side wall while the other had two bookshelves flanking a door. A long table stood in the center of the room, on each end sat a sewing machine with yards of all different colored fabric between them. All around the table where other smaller tables with hat stands; most had hats of all different types. A few wire mannequins were strewn about.

Hatter currently stood next to one of the wire mannequins, fussing over a fancy looking dress. He kept moving pieces around, changing the style. He went from an off the shoulder style to a one strap to a sleeveless. He would pin up a piece step back, circle it, then take it apart.

"I just can't seem to make the right style." He muttered.

"Tarrant," Mirana called, humor lining her voice. "Someone is here to see you." She moved to the side to allow Alice to fully enter the room.

"Yes, yes… of course… " He nodded, moved the fabric around one more time and nodded again. "I like it. Now, guest." He turned, a smile covering his face. When his eyes landed on her his smile faltered. His eyes grew wide and jaw went slack.

"Hello Hatter." Alice said as a smile of her own slid in place. She took in the sight of him. His skin seemed to darken a bit, much like her own. He didn't have on any of the dark shadows he had the last time she saw him. His bright orange eyebrows were trimmed down to normal and his hair had grown a little, it now reached his shoulders and lost most of its curliness. He wore a pair of deep violet trousers a little too short showing his yellow and blue stripped socks and black boots. His long sleeve shirt was blue with a vest covering most of it. He didn't have a bow like before but he was wearing his famous hat.

He really changed and yet he was just how he was before.

Tarrant Hightop, a.k.a The Hatter, couldn't believe his eyes. He blinked and blinked again, but she was still there. His Alice was back and she looked… gorgeous. Her wavy blond hair was pulled back into a high ponytail with pieces falling freely around her lovely features. Her skin seemed to have gotten more color, turning it from the very fair it used to be to a light neutral. The color brought out her brown eyes and rosy lips. The rest of her had grown; fuller hips, slightly tucked in waist, and full high breast. She was dressed in a blue dress that really brought out her features. He had to force his gaze back to her face before his mind went any further down the path it was going.

He forced himself to swallow. "A-Alice?" She nodded, her smile never leaving her face. He turned to Mirana. "You see her too, right?"

"She's really here, Tarrant. If you two will excuse me, I have to meet my son." She nodded and floated out of the room.

Hatter just stared at Alice for another long moment, a frown of confusion on his face. He reached up and pinched his arm. He winced and Alice couldn't stop from laughing out loud.

"I'm really here Hatter. This isn't a dream." She walked up to him, pausing to look at some of his hats. "These are beautiful."

Suddenly he started laughing. Alice turned with a puzzled look. He walked up to her, still chuckling, and pulled her into a tight hug. She couldn't stop the surprised squeak that escapes her. When he spun her around she joined him in laughing.

"Hatter!" She giggled.

"You're back! You're back!" He chanted, still spinning them.

"Yes, now please put me down." She tried to sound stern but failed. How could she be anything but happy?

Reluctantly Hatter did what she asked, keeping his hands on her waist. "I can't believe you're back! Well, obviously you're back… who else could you be… You look just like Alice…"

"Hatter!" She called.

"Right, sorry… I'm fine." He shook his head. "I'm so happy you're back."

"I am too. I've miss you all and this place." Her smile had his heart stopping. Oh, how he wanted to lean forward and take her lips with his own. He stepped back, trying to remove himself from temptation.

"H-how have you been?" He looked away before cheerfully moving back to the dress he'd been working on.

"As well as can be expected." She moved closer to him, noticing how strange he was acting. Well, stranger. "Are you well?"

"Me? Of course! Fit as a fiddle." He waved away her concerns. Alice was silent for a long moment, simply staring at him. Feeling her eyes on him, Hatter turned with questioning eyes.

"How long have you been in here?" Her question was random.

"Well, since you left I suppose." He gave a thoughtful look.

"No, I mean how many days has it been since you went outside? Got away from your work?"

He thought about that. How long had it been? He'd been so busy with the request for new hats and such that he simply lost track of time. "I don't really know."

"Then I suggest that you leave for a little while. Come on a walk with me." She offered. There was nothing she wanted to do more than see what Underland had become and she wanted Hatter to go with her.

Hatter was momentarily shocked by her offer, but that wore off quickly. He tugged off his apron and pulled on his jacket. "Nothing would please me more." He said with a slight bow and held out his arm for her. "Shall we?"

"Of course." Alice laced her arm through his and let him lead the way. They walked together through the white gardens of Marmoreal, talking of her journeys through Overland. She told him of how she spread her father's dream further than he would have thought possible, of how she became one of the most successful people in her world. But no matter how hard she tried she couldn't get him to talk about more than his job as the Queen's hatter and advisor. Eventually Alice shrugged and dropped her attempt; she would try another time, when he was willing to talk about what he'd been through.

Right now she was more than content just walking beside him.