So...after a few technical difficulities and a couple of rewrites, the chapter that everyone has been waiting for is finished. lol
The usual disclaimers apply, I unfortunetly don't own anything, it all belongs to George. Credit is given to Troy Denning, for a small bit borrowed from Dark Nest I-Joiner King. I know, I know, we all like to pretend that that trilogy never happened. But the quote used, for this story, fit perfectly.
I have to send a great big THANK YOU to Riathe Mia, for all her help. Your Awesome.
Enjoy !!!
"Oh, Jag." Jaina whispered, stepping away from him. She moved further into the suite, turning around in a slow circle, trying to take everything in.
Dozens of candles were spread around the suite, bathing the room in an almost ethereal glow. Soft music was playing in the background. Running along one wall was floor to ceiling sliding doors, with privacy transpristeel, leading out to a private veranda. A small table, intimately set for two, was situated just along the wall. A bottle of wine, already chilling in a bucket of ice, sat beside it. Walking over to the doors, Jaina took a moment to admire the spectacular panoramic view it offered of the surrounding countryside.
Turning back to see the rest of the room, she caught Jag's gaze and the smile that lit her face grew. Leaning up against the wall, hands casually in his pockets, he hadn't moved from his place just inside the entryway, choosing instead to just watch her.
Short of escaping to some far away planet, Jag felt The Oasis was the perfect spot for the two of them to escape their duties and just be themselves. It being secure and out of the way not withstanding, it was beautifully done, without being extravagant. And the staff was genuinely friendly and respectful.
Walking under the stone archway into the main living area, Jaina stopped just to admire the beauty of it. A large fireplace, a fire already crackling, lit the area. The high-vaulted ceiling gave the room a large, open feel, while the soft shades of blues and yellows, interspersed with the wood tones throughout the suite gave it a cozy and romantic atmosphere.
Jaina turned at Jag's approach, two fluted wine glasses in his hand. Handing her one, he wrapped his other arm around her waist and pulled her close.
Jaina took a sip of the wine, her favorite she noted with a soft laugh. Jaina leaned in to Jag, running her fingers up his back and capturing his lips in a kiss.
"I take it you approve," Jag whispered against her lips.
"It's perfect. I love it," Jaina said, placing kisses along his jaw.
The rumbling of Jaina's stomach interrupted them. She stifled a laugh and dropped her forehead to rest on his chest.
"I think your stomach speaks for both of us," Jag said, placing a finger underneath her chin, lifting her face to his. "There is food already prepared and waiting. I'll go put it together."
"While you do that," Jaina said, handing him her wine glass and walking over to grab her bag from where Jag had left them, "I'm going to go and clean up a bit."
"All the way up the stairs, to the left, " Jag told her. Walking past him, she turned her head and eyed him suspiciously.
"Go," Jag admonished, a roguish grin on his face.
Sure enough, at the top of the marble stairs, encompassing the entire top floor, was the master suite. Dropping her bag on one of the repulsor chairs, she walked further into the master suite. It was beautifully done in exotic wood tones. Intricate tapestries hung in front of a sliding door, which lead onto an enclosed deck. She couldn't resist the urge to fall back onto the oversized four-poster bed, sinking into the luxurious red and gold comforter. She kicked off her boots, letting them fall to the floor. Staring at the patterns in the lace canopy above her, Jaina sighed happily, taking a moment to just lie there and let it all sink in.
A slight flick of her wrist brought her bag to her side as she rolled off the bed and headed towards the 'fresher. Putting her bag down on the counter, Jaina turned and looked around. Just this room, she noted, has to be bigger than my quarters at the temple. A whirlpool tub occupied one corner, and in the other a two person shower. She made a mental note to herself to keep those in mind for future use. She changed out of the simple pants and tunic that she had put on at the restaurant, and removed the item from inside the bag and slipped it on.
Now, she thought, staring at her hair in the mirror, to do something with this. It had taken her long enough to do something with it at the start of the evening. Having to change clothes twice and numerous speeder rides later had only served to completely undo everything she had done. Calling upon every beauty lesson that her mother had made her endure as a girl, a few choice curses and three tries later, Jaina looked in the mirror and actually liked what she saw.
As quiet as only a Jedi could be, Jaina made her way down the stairs and across the main living area. She stopped and leaned up against the stone archway to appreciate the view presented her. His back to her, he stood at one of the counters putting the last of their meal on plates. He had changed also, keeping the black pants but exchanging his close fitting dark tunic for a crisp white dress shirt. A wide smirk formed on Jaina's face, Jag definitely did look good from any angle.
Opening up to the force, she lightly brushed against his mind. Come and get me lover, she sent. She knew he wouldn't understand the words, but the emotion would come across loud and clear. She saw his head snap up as he recognized her touch. He turned around, the corners of his lips curving up slightly. She walked slowly towards him, watching as his eyes raked over her.
He had recognized her touch instantly, as well as the familiar sentiment she would taunt him with when they sparred. Jag found himself momentarily stunned by the only person capable of doing so. She had looked beautiful in what she had been wearing at the restaurant earlier, but she looked simply radiant now.
A long, fitted red silk dress hugged her body, accentuating her body in all the right places. She had pinned her hair up in a loose bun, a few wispy tendrils framing her face. Placing her hand in Jag's outstretched palm, she spun in a slow circle, giving him a more complete view.
Jag closed the gap between them. "You look stunning," he whispered against her ear.
"You look quite handsome yourself," she said, turning and kissing him softly.
Dinner was a quiet affair. The food was fantastic, and it had taken Jaina only a short time to realize that Jag had arranged with the Indigo Towers for the delicious food. They both fell into easy conversation. It was not difficult to avoid any of Jag's "off limit" topics. Renewing their long standing debate of "x-wing vs. clawcraft ", catching up on family and discussing the latest starship designs. Mostly, they savored the all-too-rare moment when they could simply sit together in silence and enjoy each other, without the fear of something or someone interrupting them.
Jaina's curiosity finally got the better of her, though. She just had to know.
Running her finger around the rim of her wine glass, Jaina pinned Jag with a gaze. "Ok Fel, spill it. How long have you been planning this?"
Raising a questioning eyebrow in her direction, Jag sat back and took another sip of his wine.
She laughed, shaking her head slightly. "Don't you play all innocent with me. I know you better than that."
She picked up the wine bottle and refilled his proffered glass and then her own. "You know exactly what I mean," she continued. "How did you manage to pull this off? It was only a matter of a couple of days between me mentioning us going away and you telling me everything was set." She raised her hand and motioned around the suite. "Not nearly enough time, for even you, to handle all the details."
A sly smile slowly came to Jag's face. "What you are really curious about is how I was able to finally surprise you without you having any knowledge of me even doing anything."
He picked up their plates and walked over to the counter. "You would be amazed at the information that I just happen to overhear." he continued, "or that makes it across my desk. All of which gets saved for a rainy day, so to speak. That is how I happened to find out about this place." He picked up two small bowls and headed back to the table.
Jaina smirked at him as he placed the bowls on the table and pulled her onto his lap. "It's astounding really," she said as she slipped an arm around his shoulders, her fingers brushing his ear.
Reaching into one of the small bowls, Jaina picked up on of the small red berries. She brought it to Jag's mouth, grazing it lightly across his lips before offering it to him fully. She smiled seductively at him. "Go on, you were saying?"
Jag slowly ran his hand up her back, enjoying the sultry feel of her silk dress as it glided smoothly over her skin. He knew that she would make him pay for being able to deceive her so well, but he would enjoy her methods of torture.
"Do you remember a few weeks ago, I told you that between upgrades on the Gilad Pellaeon and meetings that I would be busy for a few days?"
Jaina nodded, holding his gaze as she slid her hand up his strong chest. Coming to rest at the top of his shirt, she slipped two fingers underneath the buttons, slowly undoing the top two.
Lowering his gaze momentarily to glance at her fingers, he continued talking. He picked up one of the berries and delicately dipped it into the small bowl of chocolate and brought it to Jaina's lips. Tipping her head slightly, she took a small bite.
"Well, the upgrades were minor, therefore taking no time. I managed to resolve all the politics fairly quickly and then diverted here to meet with Mr. D'Ollo. I never told you the type of meetings I had, so technically, I never had to deceive you. Therefore, I never raised your Jedi suspicions."
Any response that Jaina might have had was stopped at Jag's touch. He ran his thumb softly across her lips, his fingers cupping her check, all his love for her reflected in his eyes. Gently caressing her cheek, he pulled her into a slow sensual kiss.
She slid off his lap and took Jag's hand in hers. "Dance with me."
She led him further into the main living area and then placed her small, delicate hand against his chest, stopping him. Brushing her fingers slowly across his chest, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes, she started to slowly circle around him. Her fingers continued, trailing down the taut muscles in his arm, and across the back of his hip. She heard him suck in a quiet breath, his muscles tensing, as she pressed herself against his back. She slid her hands between them, gripping his ass before continuing along the front of his hips. Through the soft fabric of his pants, she cupped him gently in her hand. He sucked in another breath, this one not so quiet, and she chuckled lowly. Her hands continued their trek. Fingers splayed, she slide them up his back and onto his shoulders, ghosting her nails around the back of his neck and along his ear as she came to stand in front of him once again. Her eyes found his, dark with passion and longing, and a smirk slowly spread across her face. She laced her fingers into his, and leaned up to capture his lips in a passionate kiss.
Jag's arms encircled her slim waist, and she slid her arms around him. Resting her head against his chest, she closed her eyes as they swayed to the music, listening to the comforting sound of his heartbeat. The spicy scent that was uniquely Jag washed over her, and she melted even more into him, breathing a contented sigh. Jaina marveled at how right it felt to be in Jag's warm embrace. Years ago, he had somehow found a way to get past all the walls she had erected around herself when no one else could . He had seen her through her darkest hours, giving her light and hope. A reason to go on. No one before or since had ever touched her heart and soul as completely as he did. When all was said and done, she decided, this is right where she wanted to be.
Jag heard Jaina release a contented sigh against his chest, and he held her tighter still. She frustrated him, challenged him and made him feel more alive than he thought possible. Amid all the chaos, she made everything worthwhile. She was the one that he could relax with, find renewed energy with. The one he wanted to turn to at the end of each day.
Jaina's arms wrapped around his neck and her body pressed tight against his, they continued slowly swaying to the music. Jag's hands moved slowly up her back, feeling her smooth delicate skin. He leaned down, inhaling her light lavender scent, lightly placing kisses along her ear, continuing down her neck and shoulder. He smiled as he felt her shudder against him at his touch.
Jag gently cupped Jaina's jaw, running his thumbs along her cheeks. Their eyes locked on one another. Cool green meeting brandy brown. Both dark with the desire they were feeling. His fingers slid into her hair, removing the pins holding it in place. His hands buried in her hair, he pulled her to him, their lips meeting for a passionate kiss. His tongue delving into her mouth. She matched him stroke for stroke in a dance for dominance, neither wanting to give in. The need for air eventually won out. They reluctantly broke apart, their breath coming in ragged gasps, eyes dark with passion.
Her eyes never leaving his, Jaina ran her hands down Jag's broad chest. Her fingers deftly unbuttoning his shirt, she slipped her hands against his hot skin, sliding his shirt off. Her hands moved up his back as she brought her lips to his bare chest. His skin quivered under her touch, his hands tightening in her hair, as she placed small kisses along his shoulders and across his chest. A groan escaped Jag's lips as Jaina's hands moved down around his hips, unfastening his buckle. Her hands moved underneath the waistband, her fingers grazing him, as she slipped his pants off.
When her fingers touched him, Jag lost the last of his restraint. He slipped his fingers underneath the thin straps of her gown, sliding them off her shoulders. He watched, enrapt, as it fell silently away, pooling at her feet. He lowered her onto the plush carpet, reveling in the feel of her body beneath his. Jaina's arms snaked around his neck, her fingers tangled in his hair as their lips came together in a fiery kiss. Her breath caressed his cheek as he moved along her jaw line, his teeth grazing her earlobe.
Bracing himself on one elbow, he lightly ran his fingers across the swell of her breast. His palm burned lower to linger on her hip, continuing gently down the outside of her leg. Jag slipped his hand between them, trailing his fingers up the inside of her thigh until he found the heart of her. His fingers moved down, sliding inside her. She arched against him, her hips moving with an urgency of their own. A soft moan escaped her lips.
"Wait….Jagged, " Her breathing ragged, she reached down and grasped his wrist. "I want you."
He raised above her. Their eyes met, both dark with the passion that was sweltering between them. Capturing her lips in a fiery kiss, he pressed himself fully into her.
It was if the Force had made them to be together. Every curve and nuance of their bodies melded together seamlessly, until Jaina couldn't tell where one ended and the other began. They were no longer two, but one, surrendering to the bliss and letting it carry them up and over.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
Her head on his shoulder and her leg threaded through his, Jag lay beside her, just watching her. He could feel her heartbeat beating in time with his, her breath soft and even as she fell asleep. He tightened his arm around her. This is where we each belong, he thought, as he let sleep overcome him. Together.