Super Writers Block ;.;

But it's over....It's finally over.

Anyway thank you guys for waiting.

Kagome woke to a bright light shining on her eyelids, turning them red, then a woman's voice.

"Ma'am please wake up. Lord Sesshoumaru wants you up and in uniform." She shouted shaking her shoulder with enough power to send her across the room. Kagome's eyes snapped opened to a huge women with a frown on her face. Her orange hair was in a neat bun ontop of her head but she was wearing a chef's outfit. Kagome drowsily sat up her eyes half shut. Sesshoumaru? She had forgotten about everything. She had forgotten again, that she was a mere slave.

"The other maids are busy so I came and got you. His in a bad mood this morning so I'd suggest you hurry" she said folding her arms. Kagome slowly stood off the heavenly bed that took away everything. She liked this bed. Kagome yawned as the women walked away from her.

"Follow me to the bath" she said holding open the door for her. Kagome nodded walking out the door. The women walked ahead of her shutting the door, she walked upstairs. Kagome followed the woman for what felt like hours before they came to, two huge doors. The woman opened it with ease but Kagome could tell that if she tempted to open those doors she fail epicly.

"Ok. Your uniform is in there Lord Sesshoumaru's home office is down the hall to the left." Kagome nodded as she walked into the room. She was surprised when she saw a huge indoor bath. She didn't understand why he had so many unessary things. Kagome turned to the woman.

"Um..excuse me, I didn't get your name" Kagome said politely.

"Hmph. My name is Chiwa Yuma. I'm one of the chef's in this house" she said with a smirk. Kagome nodded smiling.

"Thank you." Kagome said. Chiwa closed the door behind her. Sighing she began to undress. The steam in the bath was getting to her.

Sesshoumaru's was getting very annoyed. His eye bore into his computer infront of him. 'He's becoming a nuisance' he thought. His glasses flashed covering his eyes. He opened the drawer to his desk, pulling out a yellow folder. A knock on his door dragged a growl from his throat.

"Come in" he said opening the yellow folder. One of his maids walked in with a phone in her hand.

"My Lord. You have a phone call" she said her head held down.

"From who?" he asked pulling out papers.

"Well , Lord Inuyasha. He wondered if he could stop by for a visit" she said standing up straight, holding the phone out to him. Sesshoumaru fought back a growl.

"No" he said his eyes scanning over the paper.

"My lord what do i say to hi-" she stopped when his eyes focsued on her.

"Tell him I said no!" he shouted his growl echoing down the hall behind her. The girl nodded, bowing, and turning to run down the hall. His irratation was getting the best of him. Placing his hand on his forehead, leaning back in his chair. He would have to go to his office by the afternoon. Today was gonna be busy, which meant he was going to have a bad day. Leaning properly in his chair he started to type on his laptop before another interruption stopped him from doing so. Before he could bark his office to enter, the door opened. What his eyes caught surprised him. His wench stood at the door, her silky black hair pulled into a high ponytail at the top of her head, stopping under her shoulder blades behind a little white ruffle crown. The black, short, lacey dress clung to her body neatly. Her creamy long legs were covered by knee-high black stockings, her hands clomped the little white waist apron was nervous he could tell, but his mind was becoming sidetracked from today's activities. Her maid uniform, it fit her incredibly.

Kagome bowed politely.

"Good morning my lord, what can I help you with today?"

'Damn!' Kagome thought, rage filling her body quickly. She didn't like the outfit, she was just trying to figure out how the hell the other maids walked around in it everyday. It was to skimpy, to revealing. Kagome sat up, her eyes closed. She would not let him see how this would get to her. Kagome walked towards his desk, her dark eyes on him. Her heart was thumping so loud, she thought he'd hear it. Kagome's eyes bore into her masters. He hadn't said one word sense she got in there. The silence was not helping her confidence in the outfit either.

His eyes closed, finally movement. Kagome , mentally sighed in relief as he stood walking over to a closet door. She wasn't sure how today would be or what was going to happened she didn't trust fate too well. Kagome's eyes caught her master's movements. He stood, pulling off his glasses and placed them on his desk.

"Come here" he ordered walking to the front of his desk, leaning againist it casually. Kagome hesitated before obeying his command. She topped 8 inches away from him, looking down. Kagome waited clenching her apron.

"Look at me" he said a smug smirk on his cool face. She didn't want to look up for anything.

"My patience woman" he announced, his voice becoming harsh. Kagome looked up slowly but surely, staring into his amber eyes. He grabbed her by her waist, pulling her body onto his. His knee, slipped between her legs, and pressed up. Kagome gasped in surprise, but it then molded over into shock when her master grabbed her hands and wrapped them around his neck. He leaned over to her left ear, nibbling on her lobe. She shuddered, goosebumps forming.

"Please me" he gowled, slipping his hands down her back to her ass. Kagome's cheeks were beginning to burn. She laid againist him motionless, scared, nervous. She knew that waiting or not doing what he had ordered was the wrong desicion but she was too afraid.

"Women, unless you want me to take you here, I suggest you please me as much as possible." he said slipping his hands under the hem of her dress. Kagome instinctively pulled away, only to be crushed againist his body harder. Kagome crushed her eyes closed, clenching his shoulders. Sesshoumaru leaned back staring at her as she slowly leaned forward. Sesshoumaru smirked as her lips aimed towards his. Her pink, glossy lips were tantalizing. He waited as her lips came only inches from his. But he was shocked. Her lips found his surprisingly. Her lips formed with his lightly. He smirked, pulling her body closer to his. His tongue licked her bottom lip, liking the sweet taste. He started to pull the string on her apron when she pulled away instantly.

"Your disobeying me-" he stopped when he look at her

He blinked rapidly, staring at her embarassed face. Her cheeks were a dark red. She was looking down biting her lower lip. Sesshoumaru sighed, running his hand into his hair, pulling it out of it's ponytail. She was a virgin.

Go to your room and find a coat. We're leaving" he pulled away from her and walked to his closet. Kagome nodded running out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Her eyes were watery. She raced down the stairs, looking at the golded walls for clues for the entrance to her room. Finally after what felt like 30 minutes she opened the door to her beautifully oversized bedroom. Panting she looked around, finding a brown oak door near her big window. She opened the door, looking around curiously, it was dark. Kagome felt the walls near the door and found a light switch.

"No way..." her eyes widened, shimmering when she saw her huge walk-in-closet. It was full with shoes,shirts,dresses, and a full lenght mirror on the other end of the wall. Kagome took two steps inide looking around in wonder.

"Choose a coat to wear" a voice said causig Kagome to jump slightly. She turned and saw Sesshoumaru watching her intensely. Kagome turned away from him to the areas where the coats were. Her eyes wondered over the hundereds of coats and sighed. She didn't even know how cold or hot it was outside, she didn't know what to choose. Suddenly Sesshoumaru's body came from behind her, pressing his body to hers. Kagome blushed looking down as he rummaged through the coats. He pulled out a long black, silky coat. He handed it to her. Kagome blinked as she looked at the coat then at him.

"Thank you" she bowed as he walked out towards the door.

"Come" he ordered is eyes lazy and cold. Kagome followed

Ok, this is for my silly slow sis. The reason Kagome is OOC is because she's a slave so she can't act like herself. So there. Kiss it :3

LOL. Just kidding silly, but no that's the real reason why.