Kagome sat on her thin, battered, matress staring into the one window in her cell. The only sanctuary she had in this place, no, this hell. Boredom, forced bathing, no good food, poor living conditions, and paranoia, it was enough to make you go crazy. Some woman not strong enough to take it did go crazy, they were sent into room 63. No one's ever been seen coming out of there and the only way to leave this hell alive was to stay pretty so you can be sold or ugly and thrown into the streets. Being thrown in the streets sounds better then being in here but outside of this hell, if you weren't strong enough, you'd die within a week.

You have to be strong. Always be strong. Being sold at a young age can make you feel ugly or make you, ANGRY. Being angry all the time is ugly. People say forgive and forget but you can't when your only sixteen and living like this sense you were three. Forgive and forget isn't as easy as it sounds. What do you think?

Today was the day. The day for hope or false hope. Today was the day the rich lords, princes, queens, kings, or someone with alot of money could buy cuccubines. That's what she was. A cuccubine, a woman or man who became a sex slave for someone. But there were only three kinds of people out there who buy cuccubines. One type was the nice, gentle type of people who actually have a heart and give a damn about people. The second type was the bastards that treat you like crap and use you as a toy then throw you away. Last but not least was type three was the traditional kind, they'd treat you like two and three but they could snap.

Kagome stood, naked with millions of women and little girls in a straight line. She stood, her perfect brown orbs looking blankly towards the ground. While at least three groups of people walked down the long line checking women or young girls off on the brown checkboards, like they were cows. It made her sick that not one of them felt remorse for what they were doing to them. When they were done they would walk a few yards back and call out at least a two thousand womens and girls names.

"Yuki Haruhi"

"Jessica Maksato"

Kagome cringed when she heard the words she thought she'd never hear before her life was over.

"Kagome Higurashi"

She automactically walked forward into the small group of women that had a scared look in their eyes,some on their face and what scared her but made her happy at the same time was that they were all pretty. Which ment she was either gonna be sold to a number one, two,or three. Her eyes still fixed to the ground like she was taught when she first got here, she thought.

'The day was finally here. Let's see my fate..'

Sesshoumaru sat in the backseat of his limo, his eyes closed, his legs crossed by the knee, and a cigarette between his first and second finger. He's colleagues and business partners sat on the seats on the window. They would aways ride together but left seperately in there own cars. He liked it that way, he didn't like getting to friendly with business partners. They weren't nessacary, they were tools to his company, disposable tools.

Once the limo stopped the doors around them opened. Sesshoumaru waited as the shadows climbed out of the car. That's what people were to him shadows. They were everywhere, he couldn't see but it didn't change what he was capable of or who he was.

He sighed when he smashed the head of the cigarette into the ash tray and climbed out of limo when all shadows were gone. Camera's clicked, lights flashed, and reports appeared as he got out. He ignored them as if they were a small wind in the spring wasn't totally focused on them or anything else that didn't require his attention. In front of him was a carmel colored masion six stories high. It was decorated with red silk flags hanging from the balconies.


Sesshoumaru stopped. When a voice whispered the word 'hell'. His eyes looked to the left and the right of him casually. He didn't like the way that sounded or where it came from. He contiuned to walk inside the building, on his guard.

Kagome sighed as she sat on the stage, her legs folded to the side of her, behind the closed curtain. Her heart was accelerating. She was scared, no terrified of what was going to happen. Who was going to buy her? What type will he be?


Kagome gasped when she heard someone whispering in her ear. She turned her head side to side until a bodyguard hit her in the back with his knee.

"Hold still wench!"

Kagome titled her head down. 'I've been sitting here for 4 hours'

She was too anxious. She was too scared. She had never been put up for 'adoptation' before. Thats what they called it, it was sick. But what made her heart stop was hearing people walk into the room behind her curtain and talking. She heard alot of men voices, plus chairs scrapping againist the floor, being pulled from under their table. She was shaking a little now. It didn't help her nerves when the room got louder and louder by the minute.

She looked at the ground. There was nothing to think and their was nothing to do, nothing she could do. It was happening and it wasn't gonna stop for any reason. Soon, only a few minutes later she heard a booming voice from the outside of the curtains speaking.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen!" 'He said it like a joke.'

"Today our company thought it might be fun to give our important guests a parting gift." 'An item, thats what I was to these people, they were hardly people.'

"Today we have a few beauties here." 'He laughed, why is he laughing? It's not funny'

Suddenly the curtains pulled apart and fear ran down her spine with a violently shiver. Mumurs were heard. Kagome clenched her eyes shut when the man with the mic walked from the front of the stage to where she was and grabbed her chin, lifting it so the audience got a chance to look at her face.

"Like this one for instance. A doll don't you all agree?" he chuckled as her eye widened to the large crowd.

"She's a young girl, full of energy, beautiful, and-" the bodyguard grabbed both of her knees and opened her legs. Her eyes widened.

"A virgin from the front and the back" hearing this caused Kagome to do something she would regret. Her mouth found the bodyguards arm, her teeth sinking into his arm. The man gave a surprised cry, pulling away. Kagome waited for punishment but none came. The crowd just howled with laughter.

"She's also got moxie." He licked his lips at her but Kagome scowled in disgust.

"I'll start the biding at 300,000." As soon as he started the bid, numbers shot up.





Kagome's eyes snapped towards the loud voice as did everyone else. A demon. His hair was a knee length sliver, round golden eyes, and wearing an expensive looking suit. If no human bet higher, she would get sold to a demon, which was twice as bad as being sent to a human. Kagome's brown eye's shimmered as she stared into the golden eyes of a demon that would buy her life for 1,000,000.

"Going once..." No one.

"Twice.." No one.

"Sold!" 'No!'

'What the hell ever happened to three?!"

Kagome ignored the fact that she was being picked up off her feet and pulled off stage, as another slave was brought on.

'So...this was it...'