Hey Everyone! This story is co written with ATrueLoveStory! Let us know what you think! Enjoy!

Chapter One

"Can you believe it? We are graduating!" Lissa said with excitement. We were in my room getting ready together. Eddie and Christian are suppose to be here in an hour to pick us up.

"I know! Me and you! Christian and Eddie! All at the Royal Court together." I said with a smile.

"Rose, what's the matter?" Lissa asked.

Ever since we fought Avery, her brother, Reed and her Guardian, Simon; the bond has grown stronger. She can now sense my emotions. I'm glad that's all she can sense; I really don't want her in my head.

"It's just that I wish he was here." I say. I decided to tell Lissa about me and Dimitri. She was pissed at first that I didn't tell her but then she was sympathetic and there for me; along with all my other friends.

The one person that I did talk to first about this was the one I never really thought I have a serious conversation with.

I checked the bond to see where Lissa was. She was practicing Spirit with Adrian.

"Come on Cousin, concentrate. Concentration is the key to dream walking. I can't stress it anymore." Adrian said.

"I am trying to! I have a lot on my mind." She said.

I pulled out of her head; I could feel the darkness building up. So …I did what I always did. I took it from her. Now, I felt like punching someone. I had to get rid of it, so I took the ring Oksana made me and put it on. And, immediately the darkness went away.

I made my way across the campus to the male Moroi dorms. I had to talk to someone who knows what I'm going through. Christian.

I reached his room, and stood there for a couple minutes debating whether or not I should be here. I raised my hand and knocked on the door.

I heard something hit the floor hard and then an inaudible grumble. "Whoever is knocking on my door better have a damn good reason!" I heard him say.

"Finally! What took so long?" I asked in my sarcastic tone, welcoming myself into his room.

"Sure, you can come in. Don't mind me." Christian said.

"Never do, Pyro." I decided to sit on his nice leather sofa; it's quite comfortable. Christian sat down on the matching chair, across from me.

"So, what brings you to my awesome room, Rosie?"

"Rosie? I'll let that one slide Lord Ozera." I said. I knew how much he hates that name.

"Rose? What are you really doing here?" He asked. "Why aren't you with Lissa?"

"The same reason you aren't." I said truthfully.

"Oh. So…what can I do for you?"

"Did Lissa or Adrian tell you why I left?" I asked. I wasn't sure how much he knew.


"What did they tell you?" I asked him.

"That you left to kill Belikov. What's this have to do with why you are here in my room?"

"I missed." I said, trying to fight the tears. I can't cry in front of Christian. I can't let him see that I am weak.


"I MISSED!!" I yelled at him.

"Missed what?" I could tell that he was getting frustrated.

"I missed…missed his…heart…twice." I finally said; tears spilling out of my eyes.

Before I knew what was happening Christian got up and came and sat by me. He pulled me into his lap and kept telling me it was ok.

"No, it's not." I choked out. I gave him the letter that came with the stake.

"Who else knows about this?" he asked.

"Only you." I said.

"Rose, why did you come to me to talk about this?"

"B-because you have been through this; I just figured you know what I'm going through and can help me."

"II never imagined the day that Rose Hathaway would need my help." He said.

I couldn't help but give a small laugh. "I know, right?" To be honest, this was one of the reasons I liked Christian, he always knew what to say doing the toughest times. He always made me laugh when I was down. I could never tell him that though; think what it would do to my reputation.

"So, do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't know if I can." I said truthfully.

"It helps, trust me."

So I did. I talked about what happened for the first time. I told him about going to Baia, meeting his family, how they accepted me. We talked about the commune they lived in. I told him about the wake we had about him, talked about his sisters, how Abe kept threatening me. How I made a deal to leave to save Victoria, how she hates me.

Then we talked about the one thing I couldn't bring myself to talk about. I took several deep breaths. "I went out to hunt with a group of unpromised dhampirs like me, we went to Novosibirsk and I tortured the Strigoi to tell me where Dimitri was." I blinked back some tears and kept going. "I went outside one night and he was walking by, I forgot his first lesson – DON'T HESITATE. He punched me and knocked me out. He took me to a manor and kept me there as his blood whore for a week or two."

"He told me that I was to be awakened or killed. Somehow I made a stake out of a wooden chair leg a stabbed him, he was unconscious, so I made a run for it. I made it out of the manor and through the maze and into the woods. I made it to a bridge and by then Dimitri caught up to me. I threatened to kill myself by jumping off the bridge and into the river. I let go and he was there to grab me, while he was pulling me up I staked him." The tears where falling down my face at this point.

"And the last thing ii said to him was, 'I will always love you.' And the last thing he told me was, 'That's what I was supposed to say.'" I started to sob.

Christian wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly to him. He let me sob into his shirt not caring that I was ruining it.

Lissa pulled me out of my thoughts. "Rose, it'll get easier."

"Lis, no offense, but how would you know?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, Rose. I don't know what you're going through. If I could, I would take all this pain away from you." She said.

"I know, Lis. It's ok. We'll make it through it all together." I said.

"We have to hurry; the guys are going to be here in a little bit."

"So, how are things between you and Christian going?"

"Not so great, we're working on it. He still doesn't trust me; but I can't blame him. I still can't believe that Avery did that to me and Adrian."

"Just give him time and space. He'll come around." I said try to reassure her.

Before she could say anything, there was a knock on the door. I told Lissa that I would get it. "Coming!" I yelled.

I opened the door to find, Adrian leaning against my door frame. "Not who you expected?" He asked when he saw my expression falter a little.

"Not quite." I said with a smile. He returned it. "So, are you going to let me in?"

"I'm thinking about it." I said.


"I guess," I said, moving aside to let him in.

"Why thank you, Little Dhampir." He said with his world famous lazy grin.

"Lissa! Adrian is here!" I yelled, since she was in the bathroom.

I'll be out in a little bit. She said through the bond.

"Are you going to go back to Court with us?" I asked Adrian. We haven't had a lot of time to catch up with one other.

"Of course. You don't think I would stay here now, would you?"

"You never know."

"So, what are you doing after Graduation?"

"Just going to hang out with Lissa. You?"

"Care if I join you?" he asked.

"Nope." I said, popping the 'p'.

"Ok than. I'll see you at the gym." We both stood up and he gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.


A couple minutes after he left there was another knock on the door. "Coming!" I yelled once more.

"Could you take any longer?" Christian sarcastically asked.

"I could try too." I replied through the door.

"Just open the damn door, Rose." Christian said.

"Someone's a little moody today." I laughed.

"Isn't everyone?" Eddie asked.

"Depends." Was all I said. "Lissa! Come on! We don't want to be late."

"Rose, when are you ever on time?" Lissa asked walking over to us.

"Never!" I said.

Christian walked over to us and gave Lissa a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Babe, Excited?" He asked with as much enthusiasm he could muster.

"Yes, Is it that obvious?" She squealed with her bright eyes widened.

"Oh No! Not at all." He answered her sarcastically, which was a first. He was hardly sarcastic to her. Hmm?

"Sparky! So glad you decided to join the festivities. They wouldn't be as joyous without your smiling, bright face." I said taunting me with her most antagonizing tone. I couldn't help myself.

"Rosie, Can't you come up with a better one than that? I know you have it in you." He said while smirking at me. He's is acting pretty strange and I'm the only one that notices.

"My dearest Pyro, are you going to miss me when I leave for Court tomorrow with your woman? You know you love me and can't stand a day without my beautiful face." I teased him; giving him the world famous Hathaway man – eater smile.

He just stood there staring at me. What the hell? Is today the day that Rose Hathaway renders Christian speechless? He takes a gulp; what in the hell is going on with him?

Waving a hand in front of his face, "Earth to Sparky! Anyone home in there? Actually, that's asking a lot. Maybe I should ask, Are you okay? Yeah! That sounds better." I couldn't help but laugh. His face expression was priceless!

"Funny Rose, I was just thinking about something." He said to me. What no comeback?

"It must have been pretty good." I said raising my eyebrows, the sexual innuendo apparent.

He locked eyes with her. "Yes it was and it caught me completely off guard, that's for sure."

"Well, Whatever!" I said and slapped me on his shoulder, a little too hard, but he didn't say anything.

"Ready to get this show started?" Eddie said.

"No….I never want to leave this place." Christian said sarcastically and with a roll of his eyes. "Are you ready to become my guardian? And get to live with this awesomeness every day."

"OH! I can't wait!" Eddie retorted while punching Christian's arm.

"We're all going to be together! Just like we are now!" Lissa said, excitement radiating off of her.

"Come on." Eddie said. He was so excited to being leaving this place; I couldn't blame him. So was I. I want to get far away from this school.

We were walking towards the gym and talking about what we would do if we all stuck together. We decided to move into a house near the court. We would go to school together. To think all of us in college. The next four years will either be fu n or be hell. Depending on whom you are.

We reached the gym doors, novices on one side and Moroi on the other. I gave Lissa on last hug and gave Christian a high five. Eddie and I went to sit next to each other.

We took our seats and then Kirova came on to the stage.

"We are here today to celebrate our graduating class. We have many Novices that will become full fledge Guardians, who will be guarding the graduating Moroi. I would like to congratulate all of you, you all worked really hard. I know that a few of you have been through a lot more than most. You have all matured over the years. I'm glad to see that Vasilissa Dragomir and Rosemarie Hathaway are graduating with us this year. Before this speech gets too long, I'll stop here. "

And with that Alberta came on stage, and gave us directions. "I'm going to call the names in alphabetical order." Me and Eddie both flinched at that. Mason was always the first to be called, not this time. Thinking that had brought tears to my eyes. I blinked them back, he would want me to be happy.

Alberta kept on talking, "You are to come up get your stake and repeat your oath. Tomorrow you all will get your Promise Marks. With that, let's begin."

I had a while to wait so, I zoned out till I heard Eddie's name.

"Eddison Castile."

Eddie got up and walked to the stage; people were clapping and cheering for him. I think I was the loudest one, but I really didn't care; I was so happy for him.

"Eddison Castile will be guarding…." Alberta trailed off, she turned the microphone off and looked to Kirova and a bunch of other Guardians. They were talking about something and from the looks on Eddies' face I could tell that something was wrong. I shook his head 'no'. Why the hell was he saying no?

Alberta came back, "Sorry for that, there was a slight confusion with who was guarding who."

This is why Eddie was saying no, I wasn't getting Lissa, he was. I bet that Queen Bitch had something to do with this. I turned around and looked for Lissa. I spotted her and gave her a reassuring smile. She returned it with a sad smile. This couldn't be happening to me. Didn't the bond mean anything to anyone?

"Eddison Castile will be guarding Vasilissa Dragomir with Guardian Janine Hathaway." Alberta finally said.

No, no, no, no, no, this can't be happening. I kept saying to myself. I kept my control in check and didn't start anything. At least no yet. I was determined to get to the bottom of this.

While I was talking to myself Eddie had already took his oath and had his stake. He was coming back down the steps and took his seat right by me.

"Rose, I'm so sorry." Eddie said as he sat down.

I was staring at the back of the head in front of me. "It's okay." I whispered. Nothing ever goes the way there supposed to. I lost Mason, then Dimitri, and now Lissa. Why me? What have I done to deserve this, I know that I'm sarcastic and what not, but still I worked hard to get here and now I'm losing everything.

I didn't here Alberta call my name at first. Eddie gave me a nudge. "Rosemarie Hathaway."

I slowly stood up and walked up to the stage. People were whistling, clapping, cheering, for me. I finally reached Alberta and waited for her to tell me who I was guarding.

"Rosemarie Hathaway with be Christian Ozera's Guardian."


Hope you liked it! Reviews are appreciated. :)