AN: Hey, I don't own Bleach and this is the only time I'm gonna say it. If I did own Bleach, Gin would've Shinso'd Aizen from afar and said something along the lines of "Oh noes! Ya walked right inta that one, Aizen-taicho! Sometimes Shinso has a mind of his own! Sowwy!" Also, what's happening in the manga right now would NOT be happening. A certain fight that's taking place would NOT be taking place (all my favorites tend to fight each other. Why, Kubo-sama? WHY doth thou forsake me?). Other than that, it's cool. XD

Chain of Fate

Chapter 1: The Snowflake and the Bunny

A figure in all black slinked through the trees silent as a rock in a cave. They moved quickly; you would miss them if you blinked. After a few minutes of nonstop jumping from tree to tree and virtual flying, they jumped down to the ground and paused. Golden eyes flitted from side to side. The clanging of metal could be heard off in the distance. Immediately, the small body took to the trees once more and headed towards the source of the noise.

Over a hill, a battalion of about 400 soldiers was camped in a clearing they had made in the forest. The figure hidden in the trees silently made their way to the ground and hid in the brush. Golden orbs managed to spot who appeared to be the leader of the group. After a quick assessment, the figure disappeared without the slightest sound.

One of the soldiers blinked and turned their head. His friend looked over at him. "Something wrong?"

"No. I just thought I saw something. That's all."

Sora Inoue sighed and looked up at the other three men in the room with him. "About a day up the main road; just through the pass," he said.

"Maybe they're just passing through," Isshin Kurosaki said. Three pairs of eyes glared at him. He simply shrugged. "I'm just saying that we shouldn't jump to conclusions. Surely they don't slaughter every village the come across. We're neutral ground, after all."

Ryuuken Ishida pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. "I wish it was that simple, Kurosaki. Your naïveté and simplistic view on this astounds me. Honestly, it is quite admirable. I wish I could be so optimistic," he said. Isshin simply smiled at him.

"Sora, these are Aizen's men?" Kisuke Urahara asked. Sora nodded. "I see. It's a sixty-forty chance that they'll actually pick a fight with us; that's if they stop at all. Hopefully they're being lead by someone who's half-competent," Urahara said.

"So we just accommodate them wherever they stop?" Sora asked.

Urahara nodded. "We've really no choice. We don't want to get involved in this war." He ran a hand through his pale blond hair. "It's been one year, four months, two weeks, and five days; we're still neutral."

It first began as a type of cold war. It was a war of words between the two super powers of Soul Society and Hueco Mundo. After assassination attempts by both parties, it evolved into something much more. It's debatable who declared war first, but the date is indisputable: September 3rd.

Karakura was known for its peacefulness and neutrality. It was a safe haven. For the most part, the warring realms had respected Karakura's wish to stay out of the fighting. If soldiers did pass through the neutral towns of Karakura, they were treated fairly as long as they did not fight. They could receive medical assistance, shelter, and sustenance. All they were asked in return was to keep the peace.

However, it was becoming increasingly harder to do so. The war was starting to become territorial. Karakura had the unfortunate providence of lying somewhat between the two realms of war. It was a valuable place and both powers were looking for any reason to invade. Karakura could and most definitely would defend itself if ever the time arrived. Its four leaders, Sora Inoue, Ryuuken Ishida, Isshin Kurosaki, and Kisuke Urahara, vowed to keep their homeland safe no matter what the cost.

Urahara looked up at Sora. "Yoruichi has left again, then?"

"Yes. I asked her to check on my sister while I am here."

A small girl in leather dress that belonged under armor sat on the forest floor. Her arms were tied together and her feet were tied together as well. She leaned against the tree her captors had sat her against. They had stripped her of her armor and her weapons, which she could see off in the distance across their camp. She was seemingly at a great disadvantage.

I, Rukia Kuchiki of the Thirteenth Squadron of Soul Society, will not be defeated so easily, she thought as she shifted position. She brought her legs up and sat on them. Idiots should've taken my greaves off. Big mistake, she thought. She discreetly pulled a knife from the right one. Then she started to cut the ropes tying her hands together.

"Tesla? Tesla! TESLA!" an impossibly tall, one-eyed man yelled. He looked around as another man with one eye scrambled up to him.

"Yes, Nnoitra?" Tesla answered breathlessly.

"Where's that little bunny we caught from Soul Society?" Nnoitra Jiruga, commander of the 5th Espada Battalion of Hueco Mundo, asked. "I want a few words with her."

"She's tied up on the other side of the camp, Nnoitra. Do you want me to go get her?" Tesla asked. Nnoitra simply glared down at him. Tesla swallowed. "Yes, Nnoitra." He turned on his heel and began to scurry across the camp.

When he arrived at the area where the "little bunny" had been, the men who had been guarding her were unconscious heaps in the dirt. He saw the ropes that had bound her were sitting next to the tree, sliced in half. Tesla swallowed again and looked back towards where Nnoitra was.

Nnoitra isn't going to like this, he thought.

Rukia Kuchiki ran through the dark forest. Without her armor, she made far less noise than usual. She also could move faster. She had not heard anyone coming after her yet. She stopped for a moment and looked at her surroundings.

Just trees. I know I'm in Karakura, though. It's hard to see anything in all this... Rukia turned her head. She could here footsteps and hooves behind her. In the distance she also saw light. Damnit! They figured it out ALREADY?! She started moving again.

"I can hear her! Over there, men!" Rukia heard.

Cursing some more, Rukia continued to run as fast as her small legs could carry her. She had to make it back to Soul Society by any means. Being captured or killed was not an option. If she could make it to some sort of town, she would be fine. The Arrancar forces would never fight there. It was like an unwritten law.

A rushing sound filled Rukia's ears. Water. I can hear it. It sounds so... Rukia came to a skidding halt as the ground itself came to an abrupt end. Leaves and rocks fell over the edge. The sound of the rushing was just beneath her. Rukia listened as the rocks fell. A cliff; no, a gorge. There's a river below this gorge. She peered over the edge. Rukia winced in pain as an arrow went flying past her, grazing her bare right arm. She whirled around, seeing that the search party had caught up to her.

"You're a fast one. I didn't think you would get so far so fast." Tesla walked to the front of the group. "Come along. Commander Jiruga wants to speak with you."

Rukia scoffed. "I know of Nnoitra Jiruga. The very last thing he wants to do is SPEAK with me." She turned back around, facing the rushing black water at the bottom of the gorge. "I'll be going now." She made to jump off the cliff.

"SHOOT HER!" Tesla yelled, knowing Rukia held valuable information. Arrows went flying, but Rukia had already made her swan dive off the cliff. Tesla ran to the edge and looked down. In the darkness, he did not see her surface.

If the fall didn't kill her, the current will, he thought somewhat optimistically. Again, Nnoitra isn't going to like this.

Yoruichi Shihouin walked up the steps to a grand house lined with Corinthian columns. She rapped a few times on the large wooden door. At first, no one answered. Yoruichi looked up as someone peered over the balcony above her. She waved with a smile. Thirty seconds later, the door was pulled open by a shorter girl with short black hair and dressed in a white peplos. She smiled when she saw Yoruichi standing there.

"Good morning, Yoruichi. What brings you here?" she asked, offering Yoruichi entry.

Yoruichi walked inside the house, removing her gloves and sandals. "Hi, Tatsuki. I traveled all night to get here and I'm exhausted. In fact, I've been traveling nonstop. Scouting, you know? But, where is Orihime? Sora sent me to look out for her while he's gone," she said.

Tatsuki Arisawa crossed her arms. "Orihime went down to the spring to... do whatever it is Orihime does down there. She shouldn't be too long. While she's gone," Tatsuki stepped up to Yoruichi, "could you tell me what you found on your scouting mission. I know you found something. Otherwise, Sora would've come back and you would've stayed with Urahara."

Yoruichi smirked and wove her way around the girl through a pair of marble columns. "Clever thinking, Tatsuki. I can see why you're the captain of the defenses here. But, I found some of the Arrancar troops stationed about a day's journey up the main road through the mountain pass. If they follow the river, they should make it here within the day. If they go through the pass, then they should make it to Urahara's domain."

"Well, what do you all plan to do?" Tatsuki asked.

"I plan on doing absolutely nothing. We have no reason to fight them. We've gone this long simply letting them do as they please, bar fighting. Unless they pick a fight, we have no reason to be worried. But..."

Tatsuki frowned. "But?"

"But, their commanding officer was with them. They were toting cargo with them." Yoruichi looked back at Tatsuki. "I wonder what that cargo was."

Orihime Inoue stepped through the brush. She inhaled deeply as the fresh morning air filled her lungs. She was usually a happy person and today was no different from any other day in her opinion. She looked out over at the spring and its deep blue water. Smiling to herself, the redhead held a bunch of her white chiffon dress in her left hand and she strode happily over to the spring. She eyed the large rock in the spring and grinned. Then she began using the little rocks leading up to it as stepping stones.

Her jumping slowed noticeably when she saw something shiny and metallic floating in the water. Squinting, Orihime saw that it was a greave. It did not seem to match any that the soldiers wore from her nation. Quirking an eyebrow, she looked around as she reached the large rock. Orihime climbed up on the large rock, careful of her dress.

"I wonder where it came from." She glanced across the spring and saw the cave where many things constantly disappeared into. She covered her eyes from the sun. Something glimmered in the cave. Orihime looked down at the greave. It was seemingly pointing in the direction of the cave. "Did it come from the cave? Is someone in the cave?" she whispered to herself.

Without wasting another minute, Orihime stood up on the rock. She moved towards the edge and took a deep breath. She jumped in the water, momentarily forgetting about the dress she was wearing. When she popped back up, she cringed at the coldness of the water. Taking a deep breath, she faced the cave and began swimming, with her billowy dress slowing her down. She tried to push it down to no avail, as it would only rise back up. The hanging shawl behind her was no better. By the time she got to the middle of the spring, Orihime was being pushed by the current. Still, she was determined to get to the cave. When she did, she knocked against the stone entry roughly and gasped for air. Then she looked around for whatever had given off the gleam. Her eyes widened.

A small woman was barely hanging on to a rock deep in the cave. It seemed that the strap of her dress had caught on to the rock and it was the only thing keeping her there. Orihime inhaled and started to make her way down the cave. The water got progressively deeper and soon she was pulling herself forward using the jagged wall.

Finally, she made it to the girl. Orihime looked her over and saw that she had a bump on the head and a cut on her right arm. She checked the girl's pulse and saw that it was weak but still there. Orihime glanced back at the opening of the cave and sighed. Now she had to make it back out of the cave with the extra weight. She turned in the water, draping the girl on her back.

Here we go, Orihime thought as she used the wall to pull herself forward slowly.

Rukia could feel water moving beneath her. She could also see the sun above her. She moaned and noticed that she was moving, but the water was not carrying her. SOMEONE was carrying her. She gasped as she noticed the red hair and white dress. The girl who she was draped over was trying her hardest to move in the current. Rukia slipped off her into the water.

"Hey!" The girl turned in the water, grabbing on to Rukia's hand. She pulled her back above the surface. "Hey! You're awake!" She sounded far too cheery, even if she was clearly out of breath.

Rukia swallowed and looked around. "Where am I?" she asked.

"Just outside of my town, Pacis. I'll take you there. Let's get out of this water. It's cold." The girl turned, still holding onto Rukia's left arm.

Rukia had no choice but to follow. When they reached the other side of the spring, Rukia crawled forward and then tried to stand. It appeared that something was wrong with left leg. She looked over at the other girl. She was trying to straighten out what had once been a rather elegant dress.

She's dressed like someone of importance. Why is she out here alone? Rukia thought while she stood there shivering.

"I'm Orihime Inoue, by the way," the girl said as she tried to fix her soaked red hair.

Rukia nodded. "Rukia Kuchiki."

Orihime nodded in return. "Well, follow me. It's not a long walk. We'll dress your wounds and get you something to wear," she said. She caught sight of Rukia's leg. "Your leg..."

"It's fine. I can..." Rukia watched as the girl turned and motioned to her back. "What?"

"You can't walk with your leg looking like that; especially through these trees. Come on. Up you get," Orihime said, motioning to her back again.

Rukia hesitantly approached the girl named Orihime. She slowly climbed on her back. Orihime stood up quickly, securing Rukia.

"There! That's not so bad, is it? Everyone needs a little help sometimes," Orihime turned her head a bit to the right, "even if they are proud Soul Society soldiers."

Rukia blinked. "How'd you know?"

"I've seen enough armor to tell the difference between the Shinigami forces and the Arrancar forces. Your greaves and mail are that of the Shinigami," Orihime said as she began walking. She felt Rukia stiffen and giggled. "Don't worry. I'm neutral, remember? I lend a helping hand to the weary traveler. You are the weary traveler in this situation."

Yoruichi tapped her foot irritably as she stood outside the Inoue estate. The sun was already high in the sky, indicating that it was midday. Orihime should be back by now. Maybe I should just go look for...


Yoruichi turned her head. "And why are you here, baby Kurosaki? Shouldn't you be with Isshin in Otium?" She crossed her arms over her chest as the flame-headed son of Isshin Kurosaki strode up to her.

"Actually, he sent me here. Said something about me helping out." Ichigo looked around. "Place looks pretty quiet right now," he mumbled mostly to himself.

Yoruichi raised an eyebrow. "Should it be something else?" she asked.

"The way the old man sounded last night made it seem as though it was urgent that I catch up to you." Ichigo looked down at her. "Didn't really say why. He said you'd know when you saw me."

Yoruichi nodded. She motioned for Ichigo to go inside the Inoue home. That was when she spotted Orihime trudging up the street. It took Yoruichi a moment to even realize that it was Orihime. The girl was stopping and smiling at every passerby who offered to help, but she refused it. Rolling her eyes, Yoruichi marched over to her.

"Oh! Yoruichi! Hello," Orihime said happily.

"What happened to you? Who is this?" Yoruichi motioned to the passed out girl on Orihime's back.

"Her? Oh, that's Rukia Kuchiki. I found her in the Cave of Forgotten Things," Orihime said with a giggle.

Yoruichi's eyes widened. She knew the name "Kuchiki." She moved the girl's hair off her face to get a better look at her. Then she heaved her off of Orihime's back. Rukia did not stir at all from the sudden movement. Orihime instead stood up straight, stretching her back out.

"Thanks. Let's get her wounds dressed and her something to wear at the house. Come on, Yoruichi." Orihime began walking quickly off to the house before Yoruichi could say anything against it.

This is probably who the Arrancar forces are after. She must've run and now they're on her trail. This could be bad, Yoruichi thought as she followed after the kind soul. Orihime's too nice for her own good.

"No sword-fighting in my house!" Orihime yelled as she entered the main courtyard. Tatsuki and Ichigo were already going at it.

"Technically, we aren't... Orihime, what happened to your clothes?" Tatsuki yelled as she took in the sight of her best friend.

Orihime looked at her. "What? You don't like it?" she asked with a smile and pose.

"It's partially see-through, Orihime," Yoruichi said as she came through the doors. "Ichigo, take this girl upstairs. Tatsuki, get some water for a bath. Orihime, find her some clothes that will make her blend. I'll get the medicinal herbs and bandages." Yoruichi practically shoved the girl into Ichigo's arms.

Ichigo looked down at the unconscious girl and then up at Yoruichi. "Huh?"

"Don't 'huh' me, baby Kurosaki. Just obey." Yoruichi watched as Orihime disappeared upstairs and out of earshot. She leaned in towards Ichigo. "This girl is from Soul Society. I'm sure that the Arrancar are looking for her."

Ichigo frowned. "Well, then we have to get rid of her. She can't..."

"Shhh! She's in no condition to be out there alone. Besides," Yoruichi sighed, "she's just not any Shinigami."

Rukia's eyes popped open when she felt warm water on her skin. She immediately began flailing her arms and legs. Then she stopped when she realized that she was sitting in a large basin of sudsy water. She blinked a few times and looked around. There was a woman with long violet hair standing on the far side of the room she was in, mixing something in a bowl. Rukia looked down at herself just as the woman turned to face her. She crossed her hands over her chest in an effort to cover herself.

Yoruichi laughed. "You can quit that. You don't have anything I don't have. Besides, who do you think got you out of those clothes?" She pointed to Rukia's dress.

Rukia frowned as the woman approached her. The way she moved reminded her vaguely of another person. Only one other person moved with such fluid grace. It was almost as if she did not walk, but instead she glided above the ground. Rukia shifted slightly, warily watching as the woman put her finger in the bowl she held and kneeled down next to Rukia.

"My name is Yoruichi Shihouin, and you," she put some of the white concoction on Rukia's wounded arm, "are Rukia Kuchiki. What's a Kuchiki from Soul Society doing so far from home?"

"None of your business," Rukia whispered. Yoruichi simply smiled and applied more of the medicine. Rukia bit her lip to keep from screaming. "What is that stuff?" she asked through clenched teeth.

Yoruichi smiled. "Old family recipe. That should heal up ten times as fast now. Now, you just washed up and dressed. We have much to discuss, little bunny rabbit..."

"Yoruichi!" Tatsuki's voice rang from outside.

Yoruichi's eyebrow twitched. "Stay in here, Kuchiki. I'll send Orihime up here with you."

Orihime came out of her room, wrapping her braid around the base and pinning it up at the top of her head. She watched as Yoruichi and Tatsuki met up with Ichigo downstairs. She leaned over the railing, watching them.

"What's going on?" she yelled down to them.

Yoruichi turned to face her. "Go in the room with the Kuchiki girl. Keep her company until we come back. Under no circumstances is she to leave, Orihime. Do not let her out of your sight," Yoruichi said.

Orihime nodded. She straightened the thin pink rope around her waist that held her short, gold V-neck dress up. Then she entered the guest room where Rukia was. "Rukia? Rukia?" Orihime walked quietly in the room. "Rukia? Ru..."

Yoruichi, Ichigo, and Tatsuki watched as the 5th Espada Battalion rode into town. Predictably, the streets began clearing. Yoruichi walked between Ichigo and Tatsuki to meet them on the main street. Some of the townspeople who were known fighters stood apprehensively in their doorways in case they were needed. Tatsuki motioned for them not to make a move and they nodded, watching the incoming intruders warily.

Ichigo leaned over to Yoruichi. "So who's the leader of this bunch?" he whispered to her.

The one-eyed dusty blond stepped forward out of the group of soldiers dressed in white. He looked at the three in the middle of the street as if he were sizing them up. Then he cleared his throat loudly. "I am Tesla, second in command of the Fifth Espada Battalion. We seem to have misplaced something very valuable around these parts. We were passing through here and merely wondering if you've seen it."

Yoruichi stared at the man named Tesla. He was not the leader, of course. She had seen the leader and he was not present among the men from what she could see. As she contemplated his possible whereabouts, Tatsuki spoke in her place.

"What are you missing?" Tatsuki asked. "We of Pacis will be of service in any way we can if all you are looking for is a simple object."

Tesla smirked. "I thank you for your cooperation. However, it is not an OBJECT, per se. Rather, it is a person; a messenger. She has valuable information and we must have her back." Tesla narrowed his eye. "You wouldn't happen to have come across any small, raven-haired young ladies, would you?"

Tatsuki frowned. "Here in Karakura, we are always open to the wandering soul. But no, we haven't seen anyone matching that description. As it stands, your presence is making the townspeople nervous. I cannot have this. I must ask that you pass through quietly and with haste."

Tesla nodded. "We mean to cause no disturbance. Thank you for your time." He turned to walk back to his battalion. Before he got there, he faced Tatsuki again. "I never caught your name."

Tatsuki smiled. "That's because I never gave it to you. Good day, Tesla."

Orihime ran around in the trees behind her house. Rukia couldn't have gotten far. She was hurt. Why did she leave? she thought. She cupped her hands around her mouth and leaned forward.

"Rukia!" she half-whispered and half-yelled. "Rukia!" Orihime continued to move through the trees looking for the injured girl.

Rukia turned around. She saw Orihime standing not too far from her. Sighing, she started to limp over to the girl. "Orihime, what are you doing out here?" Rukia yelled towards her.

Orihime started to go towards Rukia, a smile coming to her face. "What are YOU doing out here? You're still hurt. You shouldn't... Rukia, what's wrong?" Orihime slowed down. Rukia's face had changed from mild aggravation to worry.

"Orihime, run!" Rukia yelled.

Orihime looked behind her. She saw someone in white coming towards her and took off. She caught up with Rukia. "Who is that?" she asked.

"Arrancar soldier from Hueco Mundo. They're probably after me. That's why I was leaving. I didn't want to drag you in this," Rukia said between breaths. She winced as she ran through the pain. She chanced a glance over her shoulder. More than one was following them. "Shit!"

"Huh?" Orihime turned her head. "Ah! What do we do?"

"Split up. You left, I'll go right. On the count of three. Got it?" Rukia asked. Orihime nodded. "One... Two... THREE!" They crossed one another, Rukia ducking beneath Orihime.

I'm really sorry about this, Rukia thought as she heard one of the soldiers take off after Orihime.

Orihime could still hear feet behind her. She knew the area like the back of her hand, so it was not a question of her getting lost. It was a question of her getting tired. She skidded and made a right turn. The soldier was still following her.

I can't believe he's still following me. He's really persistent, she thought. She deviated slightly from the straight line she was running in. Five, four, three, two... There were no more footsteps. Orihime turned around. She saw that there was a hole. She walked towards it and looked down into it. She squeezed her eyes shut and the gruesome sight of the soldier's body being impaled with several wooden stakes placed at the bottom of the trap.

"So that's what they put at the bottom of these holes," she whispered. "I better go see if Rukia's okay." Orihime took off running again. She had not gotten 100 feet past the trap before something jumped out of the trees and grabbed onto her from behind. Orihime screamed. Her screams were quelled by something being stuck into her mouth. It took her a moment to realize what it was.


"You are a very fast little girl. I've never seen a little girl outrun a grown man like that before."

Orihime craned her neck around to look at who was holding her. Her eyes widened. She did not like the way this tall man was grinning down at her with his impossibly wide smile and single narrowed eye. Even worse was that he wore white: the color of the Arrancar. Oh no... She tried to get out of his grip to no avail.

With his other hand, he jerked her face up to look at him. "Hi. I'm Nnoitra Jiruga. We're gonna be GREAT friends."