Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans or anything related to DC. I may change the rating of this story in the near future if the content becomes a bit more mature.

Chapter One: Changing Her Luck

She glared at herself through the foggy mirror. Her eyes looked worn, defeated even. How did she end up here? A shoddy motel in the wrong side of town, with questionable neighbors and an option to rent the room by the hour…not exactly ideal for where she wanted to be.

She never went home after her showdown with Madame Rouge. As she wandered the streets on that cold evening, she threw her communicator into the river along with her keys to her now former lair. She just couldn't do it anymore. She couldn't pretend to enjoy the company of idiots, nor did she really experience a rush of joy when she knocked off malls and other small local shops. As of late, she felt a pang of guilt when a victim looked her in the eye, offering her a silent desperate plea. That look used to disgust her, but now it phased her to the point of nightmares at night.

Kid Flash seemed to be the hammer hitting the nail on the head. Even he saw her wasted potential, and her lack of direction. What did it matter to her though? The opinion of a stranger that was an immediate opposite of her shouldn't hold an echo in her mind, and yet it did. His eyes seemed to see right through her guise, and peel her down to her most exposed layers.

She splashed cold water against her face before padding it dry with the cheap motel towel that she was provided with. She only had a little bit of money with her, but she would try to make it. She wasn't sure how she was going to go straight, but she would be damned if she had to withstand one more look of fear and disgust as she took money from some hard working person.

Eyes glanced down to her clothes, causing her to cringe. Those would have to go. She then fixated on her hair, and ripped the elastic bands from her hair, letting it fall into a natural down position. Contrary to what everyone thought, her hair wasn't pink, but her eyes were. She would have to dye her locks to something different if she wanted to restart. A woman with cotton candy pink hair stood out like a sore thumb in the crowd.

Fingers roughly removed her clothes as she approached her worn down bed. The covers weren't comfortable, but she didn't care. She clicked off the lamp and finally lulled off to sleep.

The morning came too quickly for her liking, but she forced herself to move. She begrudgingly put on her old uniform, but she kept her hair down. Once she freshened up a bit, she left the motel and walked a few blocks down to the drug store and combed the isles for hair dyes. The debate was a long one, but she finally just grabbed the permanent dye and paid the cashier.

It was an uncomfortable exchange to say the least, his eyes kept looking to her nervously, as if he was waiting for her to make a move to rob him blind. She couldn't blame him though, if it had been a few weeks ago she probably would have.

With dye in her possession she felt a little more confident. She could change her look , and perhaps people wouldn't recognize her. She didn't bother waiting until she went shopping for clothes, she went right back to the motel and administered the color.

Letting the color set seemed like an eternity, even though it was only half an hour. A smile finally spread across her lips as she rinsed the extra color from her hair and watched it blend with the water. When it was successfully washed , she toweled her hair off and observed the damage with satisfaction. She finally blow-dried it, allowing it to remain in down in its naturally curly state. Jet black. The color was believable for someone of her appearance, and yet it suited her.

She radiated confidence as she went back out into the city and ventured into a few boutiques and bought a new wardrobe. It was not a complete reverse from her prior look, but it was certainly an upgrade from before. More fashionable, to say the least. She paid for her clothes, and then changed into one of her outfits, a black sundress with pink skull polka dots and hot pink shoes, at the store.

As she walked down the street, it seemed that nothing could ruin her day. That's when she saw him, piercing pool blue eyes with fire red hair and that garish uniform. He had just rescued a woman from an oncoming car. As he set the civilian down, he looked up and locked eyes with something familiar; pink cat eyes.

She blinked quickly, and broke contact before hurrying off, but she should have known better. Within seconds, she hit a wall of yellow and red. She looked up, and she found those familiar eyes staring down at her.

"Jinx?" he questioned in a hushed tone. Before she could respond, he scooped her up and bolted off out of the public's view.