Disclaimer: Don't own, shame really...but no JK is the rightful owner here. Plot's mine though :D
Harry supposed this…thing with Draco began when Draco asked him for a drink outside the Ministry on a warm summer evening, just after the Malfoy's hearing, to which Harry had been present and testified for. According to Draco, who had escaped prosecution on minor charges all thanks to Harry's interference, he deemed it appropriate to thank Harry for this in the way of a drink at the Leaky Cauldron. Harry was immediately suspicious and reluctant to agree to the offer of a drink with the school rival, and point blank refused practically as soon as Draco asked.
'No.' Harry said flatly, preparing to turn and leave, before a pale hand grabbed his shoulder and brought him back around to face Draco.
'Oh go on Potter,' Draco whined, 'The Chosen One can't be above getting drunk. Join me, just this once, you only have to have one Butterbeer, that's all.' Harry still refused and Draco rolled his eyes melodramatically, 'You're not scared of what you'll say to me under the influence of alcohol, are you Potter? I'm not going to find out you've been secretly lusting after me since you were 13, am I?' He said with a cocky smile on his thin lips, Harry blushed at the statement and of what he might say to Draco should he get drunk. Draco's suggestion that Harry loved, or lusted after him was one that was frighteningly close to the truth, the secrets that could spill out of him should he end up inebriated in Draco's company, were enough to give the Daily Prophet a field day. If Draco found out for real that Harry preferred men he would undoubtedly do two things; one: shudder and attempt to gain as much distance away from Harry as he could; and two: tell the Daily Prophet for a large exchange of galleons.
'Scared? Of you, Malfoy? Unlikely, if not impossible.' Harry said in an attempt to mimic the scathing tone that Draco often used. Draco smiled at the voice, before pointing at Harry with an indignant expression on his face,
'I'll have you know, Potter, that I can be terrifying. Grown men cry out in fear when they see me.' He sniffed loudly in an attempt to sound upset and Harry realised that Malfoy was joking, with him of all people. Harry sighed inwardly, assuming he'd most likely regret his decision later, but resolved to accept the offer.
'Of course they doMalfoy, now, I suppose I'll hear more of these supposed truths when we're out for this drink?' Harry replied with a slight smile on his face, amused as Draco went from playful boasting to surprise at Harry's response.
'Indeed you shall Potter, I was thinking the Leaky Cauldron? I can't say the Hog's Head is to my liking. Don't you agree?' Draco closely avoided mentioning the Three Broomsticks and Harry did likewise, making sure that he didn't bring up any of the events of their sixth year.
'The Leaky Cauldron it is.' Harry said as he prepared to apparate, disappearing from sight just before Draco with a swirl of robes.
With a sharp crack, Harry and Draco apparated to an alleyway just behind the Leaky Cauldron, a place ideal for hiding the fact wizards that were just appearing out of thin air from the Muggles.
Draco glanced warily as a drunken Muggle stumbled past the alley entrance and watched them with unfocused eyes, before he stumbled past them and muttered something about 'fucking gays'. Draco raised his eyebrows and tutted,
'Muggles are so incredibly obtuse. Our clothes and setting don't necessarily give the idea that we're fucking in the dirt out here.' Draco said huffily, before striding casually towards the door to the Leaky Cauldron. Harry followed hurriedly into the pub where he found Draco buying their drinks at the bar from a toothless Tom. Harry grabbed a small table in the corner away from the majority of the other customers as Draco made his way over to Harry, placing down a large glass of Firewhiskey and a steaming flagon of Butterbeer. Harry took a sip and gave Draco a murmur of thanks before leaning back in his chair and scrutinising the blonde in front of him. He was completely unsure as to what to say, and Draco seemed to think that Harry should be the one to initiate the conversation. Harry wracked his brains for something to say and decided to start with the first thing they had in common: school.
'So, are you looking forward to our eight year?' Harry asked brightly, regretting the question slightly when Draco's face darkened.
'I'm glad it's being held outside Hogwarts, I don't think I could cope there again. Not after…not after everything that's happened.' Draco replied quietly, taking a large sip of his Firewhiskey.
'I know what you mean, I don't think I can go through the grief of recalling where I killed Voldemort, or where…where everything else happened' He took in a sharp intake of breath as he recalled images of the dead Tonks, Remus and Fred lying on the narrow beds in the Great Hall, Harry tailed off as he felt like he'd just had the wind knocked out of him.
'Yeah, I'm hoping to get it over and done with as quickly as possible so I can move on with my life. NEWTS aren't the top of my priority list to tell you the truth.' Draco said in earnest, still looking away from Harry and at a wax ring on the table.
'Yeah…do you know what you want to do after we've finished?' Asked Harry, sipping at his Butterbeer, Draco frowned in thought,
'I'm not really sure, I'd like to do something potions related, that's the only subject I can really tap in to. I suppose my parents on the other hand, would prefer me to go into politics like my father did.' Draco wrinkled his nose in distaste, 'I guess it all just depends on NEWTS results. So perhaps my parents' wishes will be answered. What about you?' Draco questioned Harry with interest
'With a bit of luck, I plan on becoming an Auror.' Harry replied without even the slightest hesitation,
'Really?' Draco said with an air of surprise, 'I thought you'd want to take a break from fighting dark wizards.'
Harry nodded in understanding, seeing as this was the reaction he'd had from nearly everyone, even Ginny, who'd always understood what fighting Voldemort and every other evil thing in his path had meant for him.
'Well, I've been set on being an Auror since fourth year; funnily enough, it was a Death Eater who told me I'd be good at it, but I guess the idea just kinda stuck. Besides, Defence is my best option for pass grades; I got an O on my OWLS. And as you may have noticed, certain subjects, like Potions were never my forte. ' Draco smirked at this comment, recalling some of Harry's Potions blunders.
'No, clearly not.' He answered in an amused tone, 'But an Auror's a good career choice. A more solid choice than Potions, at least you're guaranteed to get somewhere.'
'Well,' Harry said, 'I like to think so.' He took a sip of Butterbeer, and they sat once again in an awkward silence, taking large sips of drink to pass the time. When both eventually drained their drinks, Draco stood up, much to Harry's surprise,
'Another round?' He asked cautiously, picking up his own glass and hovering over Harry's.
'Yeah sure, I'll get the next one.' Harry said with a quick nod, Draco smiled at the comment
'If I didn't know better Potter, I'd think you were trying to get me drunk.' He teased, before making his way to the bar and purchasing two Firewhiskey's. When he returned back to the table, he was met by worried eyes as the Firewhiskey was placed in front of Harry.
'Don't worry Potter; it's not laced with poison.' Joked Draco, before he realised his response would probably remind Harry of the fact that he'd poisoned the Weasel, accidentally, in the sixth year, 'Anyway,' He coughed, hastily changing the subject, 'Even the Chosen One can get a little inebriated, no-one's going to hold it against you, you've deserved it.' Harry shuddered at this comment, his brow furrowing in disagreement.
'I really wish people would stop that. I don't deserve anything, in the war; I got so many people killed, all of them trying to protect me. So what I killed Voldemort? That was chance and everybody knows it.' Harry said bitterly, swilling his drink in his hand, 'I deserve to be hated by anyone who lost someone, I don't deserve the title of hero; I'm a murderer. The Weasley's should despise me for what I did, Andromeda…Teddy.' Harry's voice cracked and he went silent, staring sightlessly at the scratched wood of the table. Draco sighed in annoyance,
'How the hell could anyone hate you Potter? God knows I tried and I ended up indebted to you for saving my life.' Draco pointed out in exasperation. Harry's head shot up and he looked at Draco like he'd just claimed to be a werewolf eloping with Gilderoy Lockhart.
'Don't mention that,' Harry said brusquely, 'It would be great if we could just forget about it. I don't want any unearned favours.' Draco laughed humourlessly,
'Harry, you saved me from Fiendfyre when you could have let me burn; any favour from me will be well earned.' Draco replied in a startlingly soft tone, surprised at Harry's simple-minded view of life debts. He supposed living with Muggles for 16 years prevented him from understanding magical customs and cultures.
'Well, don't expect me to collect that favour for a long time.' Harry retorted in a low, slightly hoarse voice, surprised at how quickly Draco had changed to using his first name.
'Oh I won't.' Draco said causally, as he drained another glass of Firewhiskey in a single gulp and noticed with a start that that Harry's was empty also.
'I believe it's your round Potter.' Draco drawled, pushing his glass towards Harry, who glared at him but made his way towards the toothless Tom nevertheless, noting the change back to Potter with something similar to disappointment.
When Harry returned to Draco, he slammed down two flagons of Butterbeer on top of the table, spilling some of their contents on the worn wooden tables, and slumped into his chair with a grimace on his face. Draco merely smiled at his companion and picked up the Butterbeer without complaint
'Good thinking Potter, this is ideal, I've already downed two Firewhiskey's in a row, wouldn't want to start slurring when the night is young.' He winked at Harry and took a sip,
'Malfoy, why are we really here?' Harry asked tiredly, as he watched the blonde from across the table
'What do you mean? I was under the impression we were having a drink.' Draco asked as he took another sip of Butterbeer
'You and I usually hate each other, yet here we are sipping drinks and exchanging pleasantries like the past seven years never happened. What I want to know is why.' Harry said impatiently, as Draco's eyebrows raised another notch.
'Maybe I don't want to hate you.' Draco said calmly, 'Maybe I want to be your friend, and I want to end this unpleasantness between the two of us. Is there something so wrong with that?' He asked as Harry continued to eye him suspiciously.
'Why would you want to be friends with me?' Harry asked incredulously 'You've never been into hero worship before.'
'I've never been into heroes at all frankly, however…if you were drunk enough.' Draco said wistfully, winking at Harry once again
'I'm serious. Why do you want to be my friend? I've got enough as it is thanks. I don't need another prat trying to cosy up to me just because I'm famous.' Harry said savagely, his eyes wild.
'Well, you may remember that I tried to be your friend before I even knew who you were. Remember, in Madam Malkin's? Obviously I didn't go about it in the right way, insulting everything you've ever known, but I tried nonetheless; and now the war is over I've decided to invest in some people I can actually call friend's instead of people who will just stab me in the back as soon as they get the chance.' He paused briefly before continuing along the same vein, 'I realise you'll think I'm just after a power trip, but I've seen the way you treat your friends, and I want to be part of that.' Draco explained calmly.
'Lovely speech.' Harry replied scornfully, rolling his eyes at Draco's claims 'Now what is it you really want? You've got money, fame, some surviving prestige and influence in the Ministry. What could you possibly need from me?' Harry growled, all calm completely evaporated, Draco shrugged,
'I don't know; you're right, I have all the things you mentioned. But, you know, maybe I'm not after material gain. Had you thought about that? I mean, I don't have anyone to talk to, or discuss my problems,' Harry snorted, 'you can be as derisive as you like, but it's true, Malfoy's have issues. And I don't have anyone to talk to about them. I want to be your friend for completely selfish and yet selfless reasons, but none of them have anything to do with improving my social status. I don't want the same things my parents want.' Draco said in a soft voice,
'Yet still I hear you allow them to choose your wife. Whatever claim you have to want different things then your parents is completely worthless. If you're still so wrapped up in doing what your parents tell you to do, you and I will never be friends. Especially if you're just using me to ride around the high end of the Ministry, because if that's all you're trying to do, you can forget this drink and leave me alone.' Harry said acerbically as Draco crumpled and bashed his head on the table.
'Oh dear god, Potter! Can you not get it through your thick Gryffindor skull that I just want to be your friend? No strings attached, no unearned favours, nothing!' Draco yelled, causing the entire pub to look at him with bemused expressions. Harry smiled at them politely, and the majority of the Leaky Cauldron's customers look away, a few still staring with blatant interest. Harry turned back to Draco, who was looking positively feral as he glowered at Harry,
'Now there's the Draco Malfoy I know.' Harry said with a smile, 'I was wondering when you'd get frustrated with me. Alright, I accept that for whatever supposedly selfless reason, you want to be my friend. I'm willing to try it out. Although, I'd appreciate it, if you kept your bigoted views of my friends, my parents and my upbringing to yourself when I'm around you.' He watched Draco shrewdly, but the blonde had visibly relaxed and nodded vigorously before smiling at Harry brightly.
'Will do, I'll say nothing against the Weasel and Granger in your presence.' Harry looked at him pointedly, 'Sorry, I meant Weasley. Anyway, what do you think; another round to celebrate?' Harry rolled his eyes, but he smiled at Draco nonetheless as Draco grabbed their glasses and walked back to the bar.
Harry glanced down at his watch and noticed with a start that it had just gone midnight, looking blearily at Draco through his drunken haze, he said,
'Midnight, do you reckon Tom would appreciate we leave?' Draco glanced at the bar man who was cleaning glasses and looking in their direction every so often, clearly hoping they would go so he could shut up shop. He nodded at Harry and the two of them waved at Tom, stumbling out the door into the warm, summer night. Harry stopped down the alley behind the Leaky Cauldron, looking up at the full moon and thinking of Remus with the familiar weight pressing on his chest; shaking himself internally, he turned to Draco,
'Do you want to go on a walk? There's a park round here somewhere…we could, uh, admire the sunrise?' He suggested lamely, as Draco snorted scornfully
'The sun won't rise for another 6 hours you dolt,' He paused briefly, frowning slightly, '…Come on, I've got a flat near here, present from my parents for my 18th. We can go there for the rest of the night; I trust you have nowhere pressing to go in the morning.' He barely gave Harry time to answer before continuing, 'Good. Luckily, I am less affected by alcohol than you, so hopefully, I won't splinch us.' Draco grabbed Harry's arm and apparated before Harry could protest, leaving the alley empty with a loud crack.
Draco amazed Harry as he still managed to manipulate the wards on his house to allow Harry to enter, even though he had already downed three Firewhiskey's and two Butterbeer's, yet still had the lucidity to remember the incantation and wand movements he needed that would allow Harry to enter the dwelling unharmed. Together they walked up the path and Draco pushed open the glossy, blue door allowing him and Harry to walk into a darkened hallway. Draco lit the light hanging from the ceiling with a flick of his wand, bathing the two of them in bright yellow glow and making Harry squint as the light suddenly filled his eyes. Draco led Harry through the house and into the kitchen, exposing Harry once again to the sudden searing light as he lit the kitchen ones with another flick of his wand. As soon as Harry adjusted to the brightness and was no longer squinting, he noticed Draco was watching him expectantly with a bottle of wine in his hands.
'Although to you it may seem like bedtime, it really isn't too late, and you and I don't have school tomorrow. Do you fancy some more to drink? I've got some Elvin wine,' He gestured to the bottle, 'Want some?' Harry nodded and Draco conjured two glasses and filled them with a pale, yellow liquid which he handed to Harry who accepted with a quiet murmur of thanks.
They made their way into the living room, which was surprisingly decorated in cream and pale blue, contradicting the décor of Malfoy Manor. Draco seemed to notice Harry's astonishment,
'Not very Slytherin, I know, I quite like it actually. Slytherin style usually relies far too much on silver and silk. This is much cheaper, and it looks a lot nicer.' Draco said, as Harry smiled and nodded in agreement before sinking into one of the pale, blue sofas and looking up at Draco, who was leaning against the wall and drinking his wine casually, scrutinising a painting on the opposite wall.
'So…what do we do now?' Harry asked awkwardly as he took a sip of his wine and allowed the sweet, syrupy liquid to rest on his tongue, concentrating on it as a means of distracting him.
Draco, who remained looking at the other wall, replied nonchalantly, 'Good question Potter, if I were with a friend here - unlikely, seeing as I have none at this current point, but if I were - I would probably converse with them.'
'About what exactly?' Harry asked irritably,
'Our lives, our friends, our romances, jobs, families, anything we want actually. For instance, all night you've been avoiding any talk of redheads, surprising actually, I would have thought they'd be a main topic of conversation, so I shall start with them; I heard you broke things off with the Weaslette. What happened there? Last time I saw you, the two of you were practically joined at the lips.' Draco questioned curiously, oblivious to Harry's suddenly panicked expression as the brunet ran through different answers to the question in his head, all of them intended to be as discrete as possible.
'We had…conflicting interests. I wasn't what she wanted, she wasn't what I wanted, we just agreed it wasn't going to work between us so we broke it off.' Harry replied carefully as Draco snorted at the answer,
'Well that was cryptic, conflicting interests? I don't suppose you could elaborate on that matter?' Draco asked teasingly,
'Honestly Malfoy, I don't really think it's any of your business.' Harry growled, sending Draco a dark look from his place on the sofa.
Draco smirked, 'Actually Potter, seeing as you and I are attempting to be friends now, this is the sort of thing that you'd tell me about.' He ignored Harry's pout, 'Now what were these conflicting interests? Did the redhead find out you were gay or something?' Draco joked, laughing casually before stopping short when he noticed Harry had paled substantially, 'Merlin's pants, was that it? Do you prefer men to freckled redheads?' Draco asked incredulously, unable to comprehend that Harry Potter, saviour of the wizarding world, was a homosexual. Harry sighed at Draco's assumption, clearly expecting the worst reaction,
'Yes Malfoy, I prefer men to women, I only found out recently, in the past few weeks actually. Now go ahead, reject me.' Harry said bitterly, placing his glass down on a table next to the sofa and hanging his head.
'What do you mean? I'm not going to reject you, in case you hadn't realised I'm not exactly the most heterosexual of men.' Draco replied
'Oh please, you're off with Pansy Parkinson, everyone knows it. You're just trying to make me feel better.' Harry said disparagingly, 'When Ginny found out, she tried to be understanding, she even tried to smile at me when I told her the truth, but I could tell she was repulsed by the mere sight of me. I – I tried to give her a pat on the shoulder and she flinched! It was like I was this horrible monster to her…god, what's wrong with me? She and I can barely talk now because of this; the Weasley's are all acting differently around me now, even Ron. It's just a matter of time before I lose all of them.' Harry's voice broke off, as he stammered out his confession and fought the urge to cry, brushing back the hot tears that had begun to form in the corner of his eyes. Distracted by his own grief, he didn't notice as Draco moved to sit next to Harry on the sofa, their knees brushing slightly as Draco put an awkward hand on Harry's shoulder and stroked in a soothing rhythm.
'E-everything's meant to be simple now! I've done everything I need to do, everything everyone's asked of me. How did I manage to screw everything up all over again?' Harry said frantically into his hands, covering his tear-strained face, the worry and frustration of the past month or so bubbling over and pouring out in the form of tears.
'Listen Harry, you haven't screwed anything up, the wizarding world honestly doesn't care as much about gay wizards as Muggles apparently do. Give Weasley a while to adjust, it must have come as a bit of a shock, I never would have pinned you as gay frankly, and if she didn't you must have been hiding it pretty well. She'll get over it in time, but if you think about it, she's probably pretty embarrassed that Harry Potter realised he preferred men when he was dating her. Just give it a while, everything will sort itself out.' Draco said knowingly, as Harry pulled away from Draco's hand and wiped away the tears that were trickling down his cheeks.
'Ron won't understand, he'll think I was trying to hurt Ginny; that I purposely pretended to be straight just to upset her. Even though we're friends, she is his sister; he'll hate me for this.' Harry said morosely, his eyes downcast as he processed the thought of his best friend despising his existence. Draco decided that if Harry was continuing to think along this vein of pity and doubt, there were only two responses to this statement. One, allow him to wallow, or two, prove him wrong. He decided on the one that appealed to him the most, especially in his intoxicated state. Grabbing Harry's chin, he forced the brunet to look him in the eyes.
'Harry, I thought I already told you, it's practically impossible for anyone to hate you.' He said plainly, as Harry looked up at him with glassy eyes. Suddenly, Draco leaned down and kissed Harry softly on the lips, causing Harry's eyes to widen in shock. He mumbled something into Draco's lips, but he didn't pull away, or wrench himself out of Draco's grip when the blonde wrapped his arms around Harry and brought him closer. Draco, taking this as a victory, instantly began to kiss Harry with more vigour, angling his head to allow himself better access to Harry's mouth; biting Harry's bottom lip and slipping his tongue into the moist cavity, savouring the sweet aftertaste of the wine that still lingered in Harry's mouth. He traced his tongue along the inside of Harry's cheek and teeth, smiling slightly when the smaller boy shivered against him at the sensation. Breaking away from Harry, much to the brunet's disappointment, Draco started to place a series of kisses along Harry's neck, behind his ear, and on his collarbone, biting at the soft skin where Harry's neck met his shoulder and swirling his tongue sensuously around the mark, leaving a dark bruise on the pale skin.
Without pulling away, Draco began unbuttoning Harry's shirt with nimble fingers, exposing Harry's heaving chest to Draco who traced the skin, putting the outline of Harry's skin to memory. He rolled one of Harry's nipples between two fingers, making Harry hiss as the sensation sent shocks of pain and pleasure towards his groin. Draco continued to kiss down Harry's body, swirling his tongue over both nipples before biting down on Harry's hipbone, making Harry squirm and let out a gasp, before finally taking initiative and gripping Draco's shirt and pulling his up for a rough kiss. He too began to undo the buttons on Draco's shirt, and they broke apart only to allow Harry to pull the interfering cloth away from Draco's body. Draco grinned as Harry drank in the sight of Draco without a shirt on, frowning slightly at the silver scars covering the skin, and tracing them with a finger.
Draco sighed, refusing to be put off by the pity in Harry's eyes, and he brought Harry close to him, bruising his lips, and sucking at his collarbone as a means of distracting Harry from the marks covering part of his chest. Harry whispered in his ear in-between moans and sharp breaths,
'I'm sorry Draco.' Draco shook his head, ignoring the comment and moving his hands from around Harry's back to the belt of Harry's jeans, quickly unbuckling it with shaking hands, just as he was about to pull away the material preventing the both of them from getting what they wanted, a cool hand grabbed hold of his wrist and made him pause.
'Not here. Please.' Harry whispered, releasing the wrist and placing a delicate kiss on Draco's jaw.
'Ever the romantic, I suppose Potter.' Draco complained teasingly, before leading Harry into the bedroom and pushing him onto the pale covers. He returned back to the task at hand, pulling down Harry's jeans with a slight manic expression on his face, Harry kicked off the trousers and sat up to undo Draco's trousers with equal determination. Soon, both men lay panting on the bed, Draco on top of Harry in a rather dominant manner, his hips pinning Harry to the bed. He placed butterfly kisses along Harry's stomach and on the skin just above the waistband of his underwear, he tapped his fingers on the sensitive skin and Harry squirmed beneath him.
'Draco…get on with it already.' Harry growled, and Draco smiled at the impatient tenor in his voice, before ripping Harry's underwear down his legs and leaving the Boy-Who-Lived incredibly vulnerable on the sheets. Harry groaned as the underwear brushed past him and freed him from restraints of his boxers.
'You know, you look mighty fetching on my bed-spread, I may have to keep you there permanently.' Draco joked easily, pulling his own underwear off swiftly and returning back to lie on Harry's lithe frame. Their cocks brushed one another and they both moaned at the friction created, their hips crashing into each other, trying to recreate the sensation. Draco kissed Harry furiously, biting at his lips and pushing against Harry's tongue, demanding that Harry submitted to him and allowed him to have control. Strangely enough, Harry allowed this to happen and he stopped pushing against Draco's tongue and allowed himself to be sucked into the kiss.
Whilst they were kissing, Draco's hand began to sneak steadily downwards in between the two of them, with a casual stroke Draco began to brush against Harry's erection, as Harry moaned into the mouth that still had his tongue captive.
As Draco increased the speed of his stroke, Harry bucked into Draco's hand, throwing his head backwards and pulling away from the kiss, breathing heavily. Draco chuckled at his reaction, and placed his legs on either side of Harry's hips, straddling him firmly as he groped for his wand which was lying on the side table next to the bed, gripping it in one hand he cast a quiet cleaning spell, coupled with a lubrication spell and Harry squirmed as he felt the spells run through him, a cool liquid placed around his entrance. For once second he panicked as he realised what he was doing was real, and not a hyped up daydream, but he quickly calmed himself with a few deep breaths, moaning as Draco gently stroked his weeping cock. Lost in the feelings of lust, he barely registered when Draco said,
'This is going to hurt, but I promise you it gets better.' Draco then placed a single finger in his entrance and pain shot through his nerve endings, making him freeze against Draco and bite his lip. Draco watched him with concern,
'Are you ok?' He asked worriedly,
'Mmmmm, just give me a second.' Harry said awkwardly, still staying stock still against the intrusion into his backside. He tried not to cry out when Draco moved his finger steadily forwards, pushing apart the strong rings of muscle slowly, as Draco entered another finger and began scissoring Harry with gentle meticulousness. Harry ignored the slight pain as Draco stretched the muscles inside him, concentrating on the weave of the duvet cover, or on Draco's flushed face. He remained as still as possible, until Draco brushed gently against the small bundle of nerves inside him, which made him jerk upwards, crying out loudly and squirming on the sheets, and pushing back on the hand inside him. Draco smirked and took that as his cue to add another finger, brushing Harry's prostate once again and causing a loud, breathy moan to escape from the brunet's lips. He continued to stretch and brush against the bundle of nerves until Harry was quivering on the sheets, breathing heavily and flushed with arousal. Draco finally retracted his fingers, covering Harry's whine with a kiss and turning the brunet over onto his front.
'You ready?' Draco asked quietly, brushing Harry's erection with a single finger, and making Harry shiver against him.
'Go ahead and do it.' Harry instructed, tilting his head and kissing Draco softly on the lips, still being the eternal Gryffindor and acting overly-romantic in Draco's opinion. To him, this clearly wasn't just a quick fuck, something Draco was perfectly fine with, as the feeling was mutual.
'Well, I'm always one for obeying orders.' Draco said as he aligned himself and pushed the tip of his cock in Harry's stretched entrance. Harry groaned as he attempted to get accustomed to organ inside him, pushing apart his walls and threatening to rip his muscles. Draco also struggled to keep still when he was inside Harry, holding himself tightly and trying not to hurt Harry any more than had. When did I become such a sentimental Hufflepuff? Draco asked himself contemptuously in spite of the situation, as his conscience mocked him for caring about the man he was about to fuck. But you do care for him, that's what this is all about. A voice at the back of his head said quietly, reminding Draco of his original purpose when he offered Harry that drink. His attention was brought back to earth by a single word from Harry,
And so he did.
Draco pulled out of Harry swiftly, before plunging back into the hot, tight hole and pushing apart Harry's muscles with quick precision. Harry let out a deep breath and gripped the sheets in clenched hands as Draco slammed back into him quickly, his pelvis pushing Harry into the sheets. At first, the feeling was…odd, as Harry tried to understand why the combination of pain, and the feeling of Draco's erection sliding in and out of him felt so good, but then Draco brushed against the small bundle of nerves inside Harry, and the brunet shook as pleasure wracked his body. They continued this motion for another few minutes, with half-words tumbling out of gasping mouths and sounds of contentment filling the air, then Draco wound his hand around Harry's length and began to stroke his enlarged member. Hitting his prostate another few times and stroking Harry with fervent determination, Draco caused Harry's mind to go blank at the unadulterated bliss that filled his body as he came over his stomach. Draco soon came into Harry; the hot white liquid spilling into Harry's entrance as his walls tightened around Draco's softening cock. The combination of ecstasy, pain and shock caused Harry to close his eyes and drift off into darkness, with Draco's heaving body pulling out of his and lying with his arms wrapped around Harry, holding him close and closing his eyes to join him in the realm of nothingness.
Harry woke the next morning to the dull throb of a headache surrounding his temple, as he opened his eyes he noticed with the faint air of panic that the warm bed he was lying in was not his own. Frowning, he waited until his eyes adjusted to the bright light streaming through the thin curtains covering the wide window on one side of the room. He moved slightly and heard a faint murmur of discontent coming from beside him; a lean, thin arm wrapped around his midriff, pulling him closer, and he now turned to his fellow bed companion. The pointed chin and pale, silvery blonde hair fanned out on the pillow made the man lying next to him easily recognisable. Draco pulled Harry close, resting his head in the hollow of Harry's collarbone, his warm breath tickling Harry's skin. Harry's own breath stuck in his throat, his chest constricting and he struggled to get his lungs working again when he realised he was naked under the covers. He tried to push the other man away, but instead the arm just tightened, pulling him even closer, constricting his movements.
Harry was momentarily distracted as the smell of peppermint pervaded his nostrils as the hair fanned out under his chin shifted and the smell of Draco's shampoo was released into the air. Then it finally clicked, he, Harry Potter, the supposedly straight hero of the wizarding world, was lying naked in a bed with his arch enemy Draco Malfoy, an ex-Death Eater, who was busy trying to wrap himself around Harry's midriff. Finally, Harry took action, manoeuvring himself from under the arm; he twisted and rolled out of bed onto the soft carpet. Harry immediately took notice of his surroundings, locating at least one item of his clothing, his underwear, being the last thing he'd taken off; he struggled to put it on in haste, eventually falling over and landing with a thud on the carpet.
Draco, who was now awake and aware he'd lost his human pillow, made a sound of annoyance, and a scowl marred his tranquil features. Blearily, he opened his eyes and watched as Harry stumbled, swore and winced as he stood up and tried once again to dress himself.
'Well good morning to you too Harry. It's not normal to find someone who slept so peacefully next to me all night trying to escape as quickly as possible in the morning. Having regrets are we?' Draco raised an eyebrow and smirked, 'Don't bother. We haven't done anything wrong. You also know you're gay for certain now, so everybody's happy. Now, feel free to come back to bed, we're not in any rush to leave.' Draco gestured to the empty space beside him, his sleep-mussed hair and groggy expression meaning his words were slightly slurred, and his smirk was less smug than usual, a more casual smile playing at the corner of his lips. Harry paused in his search for items of clothing to look at Draco in both horror and bemusement.
'Uh…n-no thanks, that's fine.' Harry stammered in an unnaturally high voice 'I should get going. I need to get back home, and I'm sure you've got better things to do.' He hastily grabbed his trousers, getting his leg caught in one of the leg holes, but pulling them on and fumbling with the belt. Draco slipped lazily out of the bed, the sheet wrapped around his waist, his half-naked form illuminated by the bright sunlight from outside; he wrapped his arms around Harry, who stiffened immediately at the contact.
'Actually Harry, I have nothing better to do than spend time with you. And maybe repeat the events of last night. I suppose I'll have to wait and see; although, you didn't complain last night so I assume it's fine.' He kissed the skin behind Harry's ear and the smaller boy yelped, pulling himself out of Draco's embrace.
'N-no Draco, seriously, I have to go. Perhaps…' He paused briefly, 'Perhaps it would be best if we just remained friends.' Harry glanced away from Draco's hurt gaze, stepping away from him and walking through the doors to the living room, picking up a shirt that was lying crumpled on the floor. Draco followed him, the sheet from the bed now slipping slightly on his hips and revealing the hip bones protruding from his thin frame.
'I suppose I'll see you at the Ministry then?' Draco asked casually, his tone clearly giving the impression that he wished to see Harry before then. Harry nodded, pushing his feet into his shoes, 'It'd be best if you took the Floo, easier that way.' Draco indicated to the fire place, which Harry then lit with a flick of his wand, which he'd pulled from his pocket. 'Powder's there.' He gestured to the small pot of greenish, glittering powder, which Harry promptly took a handful of. Stepping into the flame's he glanced at Draco, who regarded him with a cool gaze, the easy smile no longer on his face.
'I'll be seeing you then I suppose?' Harry asked,
'I suppose so, unless I see you sooner.' Draco said in agreement, he paused just as Harry was about to drop powder into the flames. 'One last thing Harry, I'm not sure if you've realised….but that's my shirt.' He smiled at Harry, who had only been half listening as he recounted the tips that Fred and George had given him on his first time travelling by Floo, removing his glasses from his nose and tucking them safely in his pocket. He dropped the powder into the flames, which flared green and called out '12 Grimmauld Place' in a clear tone, just as Draco pointed out the flaw in his clothing. Glancing firstly at his shirt, and then at Draco's smiling face, he was whisked away in a cloud of ash and reappeared in the fireplace coughing up dust as a worried Kreacher bent over his master's heaving frame; his bulbous eyes curious as to the absence of his master the night before.
Once Harry had brushed aside Kreacher's worried questions and sent him off to make breakfast, he hurried upstairs to Sirius' room and flopped down heavily on the bed, ignoring the queasy feeling the sudden movement caused in his stomach. He lay there, staring up at the ceiling, watching the dust particles float through the air, attempting to recollect the night before. Judging by his waking state and the dull ache in his backside, they'd gone a lot further than kissing, but he could only remember small glimpses of what had happened. Turning his attention to the pain in his arse, the queasy feeling in his stomach intensified as he considered just exactly what Draco had done to him.
He stood up, swaying a little and walked into the bathroom, intending to shower and rid himself of Draco's smell; glancing at the mirror on the wall, he noted the dark purple bruise that was showing just under the collar of his – Draco's – shirt. That was going to be hard to hide, he thought briefly, peeling the shirt off so as to inspect the other damage. His nipples were bruised slightly, and there was another purple mark on his collarbone. Luckily, unlike the one on his neck, these marks were easy to hide; it wasn't like he walked around without a shirt on in public. Pulling off the remainder of his clothes, he turned on the shower and stepped into the warm spray of water; sighing slightly in appreciation as the water beat down on his tired muscles. He ignored the pain in his back as he stretched, clicking the joints and trying to wake his body up. After standing there for another ten minutes, allowing the water to wash over him in a continuous rhythm, he turned off the shower and stepped back out, wiping steam off the mirror to check his reflection. The bite on his neck was as visible as ever, and he brushed a finger over it in mild curiosity, shivering as the sensation sent a spew of memories running through his head.
'Draco…get on with it.'
He blushed as he remembered the sudden assertiveness that had overcome him the night before, no wonder he was in this mess now, he gets slightly inebriated and lets his own enemy take advantage of him. Honestly, if this is what alcohol does to you, you should never drink again. I can't believe you'd be this irresponsible Harry. Hermione's voice shrieked shrilly in his head, instantly making him feel ashamed of himself, even if he was only imagining her reaction. No, it was Malfoy, he planned the whole thing. He bought the drink, and invited me back to his flat, and gave me the wine…clearly, he'd already pre-meditated the whole thing. He knew I was vulnerable from my break-up with Ginny. I was just caught in post-break up depression, and he took advantage of that fact.
Happy with this reasoning, Harry resolved to go back downstairs and soothe the frazzled house elf, to forget the whole incident, and move on with his life. Even if it meant putting up with Malfoy as his friend, something he could stomach, as long as the Slytherin kept his hands to himself.