Disclaimer: I do not own Jareth or Erik or anything related to their respective stories!
A/N: Yes, it has been a while since I updated... I appologize... but it was worth it... this is a long chapter... Remember Listen to All The Time by Barry Manilow for this chapter :D Review please! :D
Chapter Two
All The Time
As Skillet poured from Morrigan's alarm clock, Morrigan groaned. It was a typical Tuesday. This meant Morrigan was awake, unhappily, while Autumn slept on in bliss…unless she was getting killed in her freaky dreams again. Morrigan reached the alarm and shut Skillet off. Shower…then…other stuff. Morrigan hopped off the bed, missing the chair and her shoes, and grabbed her shower stuff and slid into her shower shoes. Dorm showers are gross. Even when you only have to share them with two other girls.
After her shower and staring at her clothes like they had wronged her, Morrigan sat down at her beloved monstrosity. Waking the computer up took no time. She checked her e-mail and played a few mindless games before looking for a good story to read. At seven, she glanced at Autumn. Lucky. Got to sleep. Autumn rolled over grumbling about something to do with video games. Morrigan shook her head. What are the odds that two girls who sleep talk room together? With nothing else to do, Morrigan packed her bag for History since 1877 and Psychology. She'd catch a ride at nine. Totally out of stuff to do, she zoned out in her chair thinking.
So there are two guys, Erik and Jareth. One's blonde and really cute. The other is the Phantom…and still cute, though in a much darker way. And that isn't to say that dark is always bad; he was simply darker than Jareth seemed to be. What are the odds that Jareth's the Goblin King? I mean, his name is Jareth. Not exactly your most common name, and he avoided the whole, where are you from question. He was either the Goblin King or the best impersonator Morrigan had ever seen. Morrigan thought of the Elvis impersonators she had seen versus the video clips of the King...odds were for Jareth being the Goblin King.
Snapping out of her daze, she realized that it was almost eight. Her roommate STILL showed no signs of life. Kinda like herself in Psychology. Yea, Psychology. Why did that class always go on forever? As she reached back to begin fixing her waist length hair, she realized that she liked her history class better. And she hated history.
After another hour of thinking, Morrigan got up and slid into her green jacket. Her hair was back in its customary braid. She grabbed her stuff and stopped at the door with it opened.
"It's nine. Get up and don't miss class."
"See ya later." And with that she let the door close behind her, hoping that Autumn didn't sleep through her class. She made her way to the back of the dorm to meet her ride that would take her to the other campus.
Morrigan found the Dodge truck easily. She smiled at Ox as she got into the vehicle. Ox was her mostly reliable Tuesday/Thursday ride to class. He was nice enough but often times misunderstood the fact that girls, especially Morrigan, didn't like other people messing with their hair.
"Greetings and salutations."
"Hi Ox."
Ox just looked at her as he put the truck in drive. Morrigan shifted uneasily in the seat. She wanted to either sleep or zone out. Preferably the first. He was on her mind again. Her current best friend/former boyfriend. She missed not being able to hang out with him seeing as he was still in high school in her hometown. Unfortunately, she was also thinking about being a freak. It happened sometimes. More often lately, those two thoughts had come to her together.
Once they reached the other campus, Morrigan darted away to her History class. It wasn't that she didn't like Ox; it was just strange for her. Not to mention, for once she was looking forward to her history class. They were doing WWI, so it was actually interesting for history. Morrigan smiled as her professor came in. He was great. He always wore Wranglers, cowboy boots, a silver and turquoise watch, and a polo. But that wasn't even why he was awesome as a professor. Morrigan smiled inwardly. He taught much like her grandpa, the WWII vet. There was a friendly, comfortable nostalgia is the way he spoke. He related everything he could back to Texas, and that was fine with her.
Morrigan was surprised, as usual when class ended. It always seemed both long and short. "Oh well. Time always plays tricks on me here. It's like a week goes by in a minute and an hour takes a day."
She gathered her things, and mentally braced herself, for Intro to Psychology. And as she walked out of the Academy she realized braced was the right word. With this wind, she was suddenly very thankful that she always kept her hair in a braid. As she tossed her braid over her shoulder and trudged the few yards to the nearby business building, she saw an elegant black car pull into the parking lot. What I wouldn't give to ride in a car like that! Morrigan thought.
She walked into the lecture hall her class was in and made her way down to the second row. She settled into the seat on the end, leaning back in the chair happily. Ten minutes to boredom. Snapping forward she pulled out her notebook and pen, before twisting in her chair slightly.
"Excuse me." A soft voice said slightly behind her slanted chair.
Morrigan turned her head, and snapped upright. "Sorry. I'm not used to anyone on this row."
Erik looked at her a moment before walking past. She shrugged, tilting her chair back again. Morrigan closed her eyes, Am I really sitting next to the Phantom in a Psychology class? she wondered silently. Poor guy. I hope no one else finds out who he is.
Suddenly the professor said to get in partners with whoever was sitting nearest you and discuss a way condition a behavior. Morrigan looked at the Phantom. He looked at her startled. A smile grew across her face at the look of terror on his.
"I don't bite...hard." She laughed inwardly as the look on terror grew on his face. "How about conditioning by music?" Morrigan offered, trying to calm the poor boy down. Erik looked at her strangely.
Or not. Apparently, the Opera Ghost doesn't like music. What's wrong with this picture?
"Or we could use something else. Chocolate's always good too."
"Music is acceptable. I was merely startled by the suggestion."
"I bet you were." Morrigan smiled knowingly at Erik. "Come on, let's get this done, then you can go back to whatever you were doing and I can go back to pondering the insanity of my roommate."
Erik smiled slightly, then nodded as he pulled out a piece of paper.
An hour later Morrigan was staring at the cloudy grey skies angrily. No ride, and another ten minutes till the shuttle. The wind blasted against her again. I hate being cold. Why does it have to be cold when I don't have a ride available?
A sleek black car pulled up in front of her. The window closest rolled down. "Would you like a ride back to campus?" Erik's voice floated out of the car along with the sound of Chopin.
"Ride in a McLaren P11? Most definitely!" Morrigan said looking over the car for a second, her mind wandering back to her best friend. He would be amazed by this. She shook the thoughts away as she gently opened the door and climbed in.
The ride back to campus was awkward, much like class had been. There wasn't any talk, aside from Morrigan commenting on the music and a goodbye when Erik dropped her off behind the dorm.
When Morrigan got back to the room Autumn was there, as usual on Tuesday's, playing Kingdom Hearts.
Autumn awoke suddenly to the sound of her phone alarm going off. Sleepily she opened the phone and switched the alarm off. 9:45... Yet again she was glad she set the alarm in case she didn't wake up when Morrigan left for her class at nine.
She sat in the bed looking at the poster of a guitar on the wall for a few more minutes. Finally, when the haze of sleep left her mind, she jumped out of her bed. She showered quickly and put on her Nine Inch Nails shirt with her faded blue jeans and sat at her desk trying to think if there was homework for her 11:00 class.
When she decided that she didn't she turned her TV on and started playing Kingdom Hearts. At around 10:30 she got up and finished getting ready for class.
Ten minutes before her English Composition class, Autumn took her seat at the front of the room near the far wall. She pulled out a blank piece of computer paper and began drawing. She didn't know what she was drawing; she just let her hand glide over the paper, forgetting about everything else.
She stopped drawing and covered the paper with her binder when the professor came in to start the days lecture. The lecture lasted ten minutes before she told them to get into pairs and work on the questions on page 98 of their book.
Sighing, Autumn turned to the seat next to her to find that the person she usually worked with was not there. She sighed again, realizing that she was going to have to work alone.
"Excuse me," Autumn looked behind her to see Jareth sitting there, "Would you like to work together?" He asked with a smile. Of course Autumn could see through the fake smile and see the sadness in his eyes. He was wearing a mask that she recognized all too well. She had worn that mask for a year after her grandmother died, she still wore it sometimes. His mask was slightly different, but it served the same purpose.
"Sure." she said with a genuine smile and what she hoped was sympathy in her voice.
Halfway through the assignment a boy walked by and accidentally knocked Autumn's things off of her desk. He apologized, but didn't bother to pick her things up for her. Before Autumn had a chance to reach down and grab her things, Jareth picked up the binder and single piece of paper that fell.
"Thanks." Autumn said, taking the things. She set them back on her desk with the drawing on top, not even looking at it.
Jareth however, noticed the picture. "May I?" he asked, pointing to it.
Autumn looked down at the drawing for the first time, having forgotten that she had even been drawing earlier. It was a simple anime drawing with a likeness to a certain Goblin King that was sitting beside her. The man in the picture was standing in a room, placing a clear crystal ball on an end table.
"Sure." Autumn handed the drawing to him. Oh jeeze… I can't believe I drew him without realizing it… I hope that he doesn't notice that's it's him and asks me about it… I don't know what I would tell him. "Oh hey did I forget to mention that you're a fictional character?" … somehow I don't see that ending too well.
Jareth examined the picture for a few minutes, "This is very well done." He said with a smirk.
"Thank you."
Jareth hesitated for a second, "I know this is rude to ask an artist, but do you mind if I keep it?"
"I don't mind, but I would like to finish it first." Autumn said, surprised that he had asked to keep a rough sketch that wasn't even that great. Maybe he does know it's him… That can't be good…
Jareth handed the paper back to Autumn, "That's fine."
"I probably won't be able to finish it today though; I have a Chem. lab at 2." She said as she placed the picture into her binder.
There was a bit of shock in Jareth's eyes, "There's a lab for Chemistry?"
"Yes, it's in the math and science building." Autumn smirked, "And your hair has to be pulled back."
Jareth's face changed from shock to startled, "My hair has to be pulled back?"
Ten minutes later Autumn was back in her dorm room killing heartless in Wonderland.
Music… even after the class was over, it was still bugging Erik that Morrigan had suggested to condition behavior using music. It amazed him that someone else thought similar to the way he did. After all, when the professor said to discuss a way to condition behavior, music was his first thought…
Erik walked to his car and sat in the driver's seat, starting it before he shut the door. He sat there for a second listening to the rich piano of Chopin. He put the car into reverse to back out of the spot he was in and when he looked behind him he saw Morrigan. She was seemingly glaring at the sky standing on the sidewalk, waiting for the shuttle.
I'm going to regret this. He thought as he backed out of the spot and pulled up to where she was. He rolled down the passenger side window, "Would you like a ride back to campus?" he asked and her eyes grew in surprise.
"Ride in a McLaren P11? Most definitely!" Her voice was full of awe, but her eyes held a bit of sadness as she looked over the car. After a second, she gently opened the door and climbed into the car.
"Chopin, good choice." Morrigan commented as Erik pulled out of the parking lot.
"Yes." Erik agreed. Unsure as to what else to say, Erik remained quiet the rest of the short trip. Morrigan did as well, and he figured that was because she was scared of him. After all, Erik figured that she only took the ride because of his car.
"Bye." Morrigan said as she climbed out of the car behind the girls' dorm.
"Goodbye." Erik said simply as she closed the door. Now what? Somehow, I do not think my roommate will believe me if I said I merely happened to give this Mam'selle a ride back to campus. However, it is not as though he does not keep things from me.
Erik pulled his car away from the back door of the girls' dorm. He continued down the back drive towards the music building. I hope they have a grand, preferably a Kawai or Steinway.
Two hours, several missed calls, and forty messages later Erik walked out of the music building frustrated. They had a piano. A brand new Steinway even. The instrument was not the problem. Without her he could not compose. He could not even play something simple...such as Moonlight Sonata. It disturbed him that he had lost his music with the loss of his muse.
"Is your phone broken or do I need to break it for you?" Erik turned as he heard the sarcasm dripping from his roommate's words. Jareth was standing in front of him, clearly not amused, with his hair tied back with a hot pink hair-tie. Everything about the blonde's stance screamed annoyance.
"I was composing. And that shade of pink is lovely with your eyes." Erik made to brush past Jareth, but Jareth grabbed his arm.
"Don't play with me piano player. Unless you want me to start making up the terms of the game. Then I'll gladly...play." Jareth's eyes were ice as he looked at his deadly roommate.
Had Erik been a lesser man he would have been terrified. As it was, he was merely wary at the ice-cold grip on his arm. He had dealt with powerful killers before, and had yet to come away seriously hurt. However, seeing as he slept in the same room as his current threat, he thought caution would be wise. Slowly, he lifted his free hand to pry Jareth's fingers off his arm. Erik never once looked away from the deadly pools of ice that were locked on him.
Jareth released Erik as swiftly as he had grabbed him. He pulled the hair-tie out of his hair with one smooth motion and shoved it in his pocket. As he turned away, he called over his shoulder, "I'll make sure to tell the girl I borrowed it from that you said it was my color. I'm sure she'll find something...psychological to say about it."
Erik walked past his roommate, seriously wondering, not for the first time, why he had ever left the depths of his opera house, much less France.
Jareth walked into his British Literature class in a foul mood. It wasn't even noon and he already regretted getting out of bed. Though not as much as he normally did. He had found himself dreaming of her again... He took a seat somewhere in the back of the room and looked at the board to find one word written, Beowulf.
That was all it took for him to regret showing up for class. Grendel, though distant, was part of his family, and Jareth didn't like the fact that a human had killed him. Now he would have to sit through an hour and a half of hearing about his idiot relative's defeat and the professor's take on the situation. Of course, at least Grendel wasn't beaten by one measly little girl.
All of the Fae had mocked the way Grendel was killed, and Jareth could only imagine the things they were saying about him. No matter how hard Jareth tried to keep her out of his life, it all seemed to come back to her.
Jareth was brought out of his thoughts as the professor walked into the room. The professor walked to the front of the room and placed his things on the podium. He pulled out a brown calligraphy pen and began taking roll. "It's good to see that you have joined us, Mr. King. I hope that your tardiness will not reflect on your work ethic this semester."
"Of course not, Sir." Jareth said with little emotion.
The professor continued to take roll before beginning class. The first thing that he did was give some background information on the poem. Once he had done this, he read the first three stanzas before taking volunteers to read. It had just gotten to the part before Grendel's death when Stevens asked Jareth to read.
Grumbling in his mind, Jareth read through Grendel's death quickly and with little emotion. It isn't bad enough that I can't get her out of my head, but then I have to read the scene where Grendel dies... which inevitably makes me think of her again. He thought as he zoned out for the remainder of the class, wondering what his acting king was doing.
Class let out ten minutes before his English Composition class, so he decided to take a short walk to clear his head, since the English class was in the same building as the Brit Lit class.
Jareth walked into the class and took one of the only seats available against the far wall in the second row. It was a few minutes later when the professor walked in and gave a small lecture before she instructed the students to get into pairs and work on the questions on page 98 of their book.
He noticed that everyone immediately began moving around the room into happy laughing pairs. He also noticed the girl sitting in front of him look at the empty seat next to her and sigh before looking back at her book.
I am going to regret this... "Excuse me." Jareth said in a soft voice as he placed a relaxed smile on his face. The girl looked at him and he noticed that it was the girl from lunch the day before, Autumn. "Would you like to work together?"
Autumn smiled, "Sure." There was a hint of sympathy in her voice.
If it's not bad enough that I am having a terrible day, a girl I don't even know is feeling sorry for me... Jareth thought as they began to work on the assignment. I don't need anyone to feel sorry for me.
They had gotten through half of the questions when a child walked by and knocked Autumn's things from her desk. The child did apologize, but he did not bother himself with picking the things up. Why are humans so rude? Jareth thought as he reached down and got them for Autumn.
"Thanks." She said as Jareth handed her the things. She placed them back on the corner of her desk.
Jareth's gaze immediately went to the piece of computer paper on the top. It was a drawing, but he could not quite tell what it was. "May I?" He asked out of curiosity as he pointed at it.
Autumn looked down at the drawing; the first thing that registered on her face was shock, it then went to slight panic as she picked the drawing up. "Sure." She said with a forced smile as she handed the drawing to him.
Jareth looked at the drawing. It was of a man standing a room; he was placing a clear crystal ball on an end table. That was fine, except the man in the drawing held a certain similarity to himself. This girl has drawn a picture of a man that appears to be me... it is extremely well done, but there is no way that she can know about me. So, how is it that she has drawn me? Perhaps it is merely a coincidence...
"This is very well done." Jareth told Autumn with a smirk. Or perhaps this human girl is not what she seems to be.
"Thank you." Autumn replied. Jareth got the impression that she wasn't convinced.
He hesitated for a second, "I know that this is rude to ask an artist, but do you mind if I keep it?"
"I don't mind, but I would like to finish it first." Autumn said with surprise clearly lacing her voice. It was obvious to Jareth that the girl did not think highly of the drawing.
"That's fine." Jareth said as he handed it back to her.
"I probably won't be able to finish it today though; I have a Chem. lab at 2." She said as she placed the picture into her binder.
Chem... lab... "There's a lab for Chemistry?" Jareth asked with shock.
"Yes, it's in the math and science building. And your hair has to be pulled back." It didn't escape Jareth's notice that she smirked at the mention of his hair having to be pulled back.
"My hair has to be pulled back?" Jareth asked startled. I suppose that mocking me is better than feeling sorry for me... though it does not make me feel any better... he thought.
It was only a few minutes later that they had finished the assignment. Autumn gathered her things, took the assignment to the professor, and left the room quickly. Jareth walked out of the room and made his way across campus to the cafeteria. On the way, he pulled out his phone and called his roommate.
Jareth sighed as he left a message letting Erik know that he was in the cafeteria and needed to talk to him. He sighed again as he realized that he had forgotten his ID card in his dorm room and had yet to memorize the number. "Just my luck..." He said under his breath as he walked out of the Cafeteria and to Rune Hall.
It only took him a few minutes to get the card and return to the cafeteria, but in that time he called Erik once more and sent him at least fifteen text messages. True this wasn't like Jareth however, he needed someone to vent to and Erik was the only person he could vent to in the human world. He was the only person that knew…
By the time Jareth had gotten back to the cafeteria he had sent ten more text messages. I'm being ignored…He thought as he got into the now long line of students, a scowl on his face. Being as he was a king, Jareth had never been ignored before, and it didn't make him feel any better about the day he was having. He didn't enjoy this aspect of the humanity he was attempting to blend with. He wanted to kick something.
Despite the long line, it only took Jareth a few minutes to get inside the cafeteria. He placed his things in the seat of the second booth and went to get his food. Pizza… Hamburgers… Omelets… how do these humans survive? He thought as he grabbed a plate and began putting salad on it.
Once he got back to the table, he pulled out his schedule to check and see if he did indeed have a lab for Chemistry. As he scanned over, he found that there was a lab and it was scheduled for Tuesdays at 2pm… Great… this is what I get for skipping yesterday… Now I need to find a hair tie… He looked around the room, Perhaps one of the girls will let me borrow one. Although, that means I have to speak to one.
He turned around to see a girl with long red hair pulled back into a braid down her back. Perhaps she has an extra one. He sighed heavily, "Excuse me." He said, just loud enough for her to hear him.
She turned around to look at him, and it was the girl that had ran into him, Morrigan. She looked startled for a second, but then smiled. "Yes?" She tilted her head slightly and looked back at Jareth oddly.
Jareth smiled softly and leaned on the back of the booth, "Do you have a hair tie that I can borrow?" He widened his smile a bit, "I have a chemistry lab and my hair has to be pulled back." He explained.
Morrigan moved away slightly, "I… think so." She reached into her pocket and pulled out her extra hair tie. She looked at it, "I… umm… Sorry, it's pink…" She held it out to him, barely holding it.
"That's alright." Jareth said as he reached out and gently took the hair tie, "Thank you." He smiled warmly. "What time will you be in here tomorrow so I can give it back to you?"
Morrigan shifted slightly, "You can just give it to my roommate…" She said softly. Jareth could tell that she was uncomfortable talking to him, so he just nodded and turned back around to his food.
Pink? He looked at the hair tie. This isn't just pink… it's hot pink! He sighed and looked at his watch. Thirty minutes… He looked up at the ceiling. Why did I ever leave The Underground? He asked himself as he grabbed his untouched plate and stood.
He dropped his plate at the tray drop and walked out of the cafeteria, into the cool day. What am I supposed to do with thirty minutes when my roommate won't even answer my calls? He thought as he pulled out his phone and sent a text message telling Erik to call him as soon as he could.
He looked up at the cloudy sky; I could always go back Underground… He shook the thought away almost instantly. No, if I did that I would never live it down… He smirked softly as he started walking. Besides, humans are interesting. He couldn't help thinking about the girl from his English class and her drawing, then about the girl who gave him the ponytail holder. I just keep running into them…
If I went back now I wouldn't be able to find out if that drawing is of me or just scarily similar. He looked down at the hot pink hair tie. And I wouldn't be able to give this back.
He walked across the campus attempting to think about the world around him, but with everything that had happened in the day he couldn't keep his mind from wondering back to her.
Why won't he answer me? He thought as he sent another text message to Erik. Well, there isn't much that I can do to get him to answer me now. I need to get to class… He looked at his watch. No, I needed to get to class ten minutes ago… He sighed and walked leisurely to the math and science building.
He arrived at the lab just as the professor had gotten there to unlock the door. Well at least I'm not late to this class… he thought as the professor got the door open and the other students started to walk into the lab room. Jareth walked to the professor as the last student walked into the lab.
The professor was about average height. He had black hair that was slicked back professionally. He wore a long lab coat over black slacks and black boots. He smiled at Jareth, "You must be Jareth King." He held out his hand which Jareth took.
"Yes sir." Jareth replied with forced ease.
"I'm Dr. Fletcher." He held out a few pieces of paper, "This is the lab for today, I would like you to find a lab partner and they will explain what we have been doing in class. Tomorrow after class, if you have time, I would like you to come by my office and I can get you caught up."
Jareth took the papers, "I have time." Jareth said simply.
"Good. Have fun with today's lab." Dr. Fletcher said before walking into the room where everyone else was already at work on the lab.
Jareth followed and looked around the room to see if there was anyone without a lab partner. His gaze fell on Autumn who was setting up a Bunsen burner. She was the only person in the room without a lab partner. I guess I can work with her… I already have once today… Maybe this time she won't pity me…Jareth thought as he walked over to her. Perhaps I should ask her who the man in the drawing is.
"Hello again." He said with a charming smile.
Autumn smiled awkwardly, "Hey…" She whispered as she looked up from her work.
Jareth set his things on the table next to her, "It appears that we are again partners." He said simply.
Autumn nodded as she lit the burner, "Looks that way." she said softly.
The lab was awkward at first as Autumn tired to explain what they were going to be doing, but as the time passed Autumn seemed almost happy as she worked with Jareth to finish the experiment. The group behind Jareth had been goofing around and not paying attention to the lab and, just as Jareth and Autumn had finished cleaning up their mess, one of them spilled a hot, liquid acid down the back of Jareth's shirt.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were there!" The girl apologized frantically.
Well as if the day hasn't been bad enough… Jareth thought as the acid began to burn his back.
"Get him to the acid wash!" Dr. Fletcher yelled to Autumn.
Autumn quickly and carefully walked Jareth to the shower in the center of the room. "This will be cold." She said as she pulled the chain, causing freezing water to pour over Jareth.
Well now there's no hope for fixing my clothes… He thought as the burning slowly stopped and the water stopped running. Jareth sighed and glared at the floor.
"Are you okay?" Autumn asked as she looked at him, worry clear on her face.
Jareth looked up at her, What is it with this girl? People don't usually worry about people they don't know… He thought as the glare left his face. "I'm fine." He said simply as Dr. Fletcher walked over from yelling at the other kids for messing around in lab.
"We should get you to the nurse." He said looking over Jareth.
Jareth shook his head. I just want this day over with. "I'm fine. The acid didn't burn me." He lied.
Dr. Fletcher looked at him unconvinced, "Are you sure? It's a pretty potent acid." He explained.
Jareth nodded. "I'm fine." He repeated. "Really."
Dr. Fletcher nodded. "If you are sure." He said. "Because of this incident I'm exempting you and Autumn from the next lab. You may take that time to do as you wish."
Jareth nodded again. "Thank you." He stepped out from under the shower and walked to his bag without another word. At least I put my phone in my bag before class… He thought as he quickly left the room. He pulled out his phone and called Erik again.
It was about another half an hour before Erik walked out of the music building. Jareth knew that he was there because he went back and watched everything that had happened to Erik that day. "Is your phone broken or do I need to break it for you?" Jareth asked as Erik walked past him.
Erik looked over Jareth, "I was composing. And that shade of pink is lovely with your eyes." He said as he made to brush past Jareth towards the parking lot.
Jareth grabbed Erik's arm tightly. First he ignores me all day then he disrespects me further by insulting me! "Don't play with me piano player. Unless you want me to start making up the terms of the game. Then I'll gladly… play." He said his eyes locked with Erik's.
Jareth had enough. He was sick of everything about the human world, but most of all he was sick of himself. He hated how he had let himself fall so low, and because of that he needed someone to vent to and the only person he knew in the human world that would understand was Erik. He had been in a similar situation. But when Erik ignored him it made Jareth madder than anything else that had happened that day.
Erik moved his free hand slowly to pry Jareth's fingers off of his arm, but before he could Jareth calmed himself down a bit and released him swiftly. He pulled the pink hair tie out and shoved it in his pocket as he turned and started to walk away. "I'll make sure to tell the girl that I borrowed it from that you said it was my color. I'm sure she'll find something… psychological to say about it." He called over his shoulder.
He tells me not to involve women and then he goes and gives a girl a ride back to campus. Jareth thought as Erik walked quickly past him. I should just go back Underground…He paused for a second. No… I can't do that… my 'acting king' would kill me if I did…
Autumn walked back to the dorm after her lab. She felt oddly sad. She knew that Jareth getting hurt wasn't her fault, but she couldn't help but feel that there was something she could have done to stop it. Why do I feel like crap even though I know I didn't do it? She thought as she walked slowly up the stairs. Maybe it's because I'm the one that pushed him under the cold water…
"Fall!" Morrigan said as she opened the door at the top of the stairs. "Come on! Kari's waiting for us in the Caf." She said before dragging Autumn back down the stairs.
Autumn staggered back down, nearly falling on her face. "Hey! Warn me next time!" She said when they reached the bottom.
Morrigan smiled, "I did warn you. I said Kari was waiting for us." She replied as they walked down the hall back to the door.
"Yeah, as you were trying to kill me." Autumn argued, getting her backpack back on her shoulder.
Morrigan shrugged, "It's not my fault you didn't listen to me." Once outside Morrigan smiled at Autumn, "So how was lab?" She asked knowing that Jareth was in her lab.
Autumn fidgeted. "Umm… Jareth's in my lab now…" she said reluctantly as she remembered how mad he seemed to be after acid was spilled on his back.
Morrigan smiled, "I know. I let him use my extra hair tie." She said. "Though it was awkward when he asked for it…" she added as an afterthought.
Autumn shrugged, "That explains why it was hot pink…" she said with an awkward laugh.
Morrigan stopped walking and looked at her friend, "Fall. What happened in lab?" she asked sternly.
Autumn laughed again, "Umm… well someone may or may not have spilled hot acid on Jareth and I may or may not have had to put him under the acid shower…"
Morrigan gasped and started walking again, "They put hot acid on him? Poor boy." She said simply, opening the glass doors to the cafeteria.
"Yeah… and he seemed to be having a really bad day already… He was hiding it, but I could tell…" Autumn explained as she walked through the open door.
Morrigan walked quickly up to the counter, giving the lady her ID card, "You talked to him?" She asked looking around for Kari.
Autumn nodded, "Yeah… he's my new lab partner." She said handing the lady her ID as well.
Morrigan looked back at her with a raise eyebrow, "He's your lab partner?" She laughed, "Man I really feel sorry for him now…" She paused, "Does he know you're a science freak?"
Autumn smiled, "Not unless he got that from today… but he does know I'm an artist…" She said as the two walked to the back of the room where Kari was sitting with Theodore.
"You were drawing in lab?" Morrigan questioned, glancing over her shoulder at Autumn.
Autumn shook her head, "No I was drawing in English… well… before English and then I had to be his partner for our assignment and he saw the picture. He asked if he could keep it…" She explained placing her things in a chair.
"He wanted to keep it? What did you draw?" Morrigan questioned as she place her purse on the table.
"Hey guys!" Kari said excitedly, looking up at her friends.
"Hey Kari." Both girls said at the same time.
Kari shivered, "Do you have to twin talk all the time?"
They both smiled, "Yep." They said before turning and walking away to get their food.
"I'll show you the drawing when we get back to the table… I think it's still in my bag." Autumn said as she walked off to get some pizza while Morrigan went to get a hamburger.
Once back at the table, Autumn opened her bag to see if she had the drawing with her. "Here it is." She said pulling the single piece of paper out.
Morrigan took the paper and looked at it for a long moment. "You drew…him?" She looked at Autumn, "Lady, what is your problem?"
Autumn blinked, "You know how I draw… I don't pay attention when I'm drawing I just draw… I didn't even know I had drawn him until he asked to look at it and I picked it up." She paused, "Do you think he realized it was him?"
Morrigan sighed, "He asked to keep it?" Autumn nodded as she took a bite of her pizza. "He realized… Did he ask you about it?"
Autumn shook her head. "No. But he smirked when he said it was good."
"Okay. I have to ask… What are you two talking about?" Kari asked as she looked at her friends confused.
Morrigan shook her head, "Autumn being her usual self and blowing the world up." She said as she handed the paper back to Autumn.
Jareth looked around the destroyed dorm room. He knew he had gone too far breaking everything in the room, but he was upset and a king… so he had a temper tantrum. Nothing new… not recently anyway… Before her he was always composed and seemed to have a handle on his emotions… but now, now he would lose it if someone looked at him wrong. That's most of the reason why his 'Acting King' suggested he spend some time Aboveground… well that and he thought Jareth would find someone to take his mind off of her.
Yeah because that's going so well… He thought as he sat on his bed and looked down at the pile of keys from Erik's electric keyboard. I should fix this… He thought as he picked up one of the keys. Why did they have to room me with someone like him?
Jareth stood as he heard a key in the lock. He looked around the destroyed room and snapped his fingers. Suddenly everything in the room was back to normal, nothing was broken and nothing was out of place. Jareth sighed; I guess I'm not so angry anymore… He thought before looking down at his ruined shirt lying on his bed. Then again, that was one of my favorite shirts…
Slowly the door opened and Erik walked in. He looked around the room as if he had seen the mess it was seconds before. He glanced at Jareth, but didn't say anything to him as he walked over to his desk.
I think it's safe to say he is still angry. Jareth thought as he looked at Erik glaring at his keyboard. Then again I would be angry too if he threatened me the way I did him.
Jareth sighed and sat back on his bed again, "Listen Erik. About earlier… I do apologize. I should not have threatened you. Today has been a rather trying day…" it was hard for Jareth to apologize, but he felt it necessary since he was sharing a room with the man he had threatened.
Erik looked up at his roommate his face hard, "I do not take threats lightly Jareth." He said simply.
"I don't expect you to. However, you are the only one here that knows the truth about me, and I do not wish to have you angry with me." Jareth said, his eyes never leaving Erik.
Erik crossed his arm, "So, you aren't apologizing because you're truly sorry, you're apologizing because you want to protect your secret?" Erik laughed humorlessly, "Have you always been this selfish, or is this new for you?"
"I didn't mean it like that. I simply meant that I want us to be friends, or at the very least, get along." Jareth tried to explain.
Erik shook his head, "No, I think you meant that you don't want me to go out and tell people that you aren't human." He stood and walked to the bathroom door, "Well you don't have to worry about that, I don't plan on telling your secret Jareth." He opened the door, "I don't plan on being your friend either." He said before walking into the bathroom and closing the door.
Jareth sighed and looked down at the floor. So much for that… He thought before standing. Why am I even here? He asked himself before vanishing.
He reappeared on the roof of Rune Hall. Sitting away from the edge he looked up at the sky. He looked at his hand as a crystal appeared, he knew that he shouldn't, but he couldn't resist he wanted… no he needed to see her…
He looked into the crystal and saw her face. Her long brown hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and she was laughing and smiling.
Jareth sighed making the crystal vanish, She's happy… he thought as he lay back on the roof with a frown. He wasn't too sure if this made him feel better or worse. On one hand he was glad that she was happy, after all that's what he had tried his best to do… make her happy… However, on the other hand he resented that she was happy because he was miserable.
Why can't I just get over her?
A/N: Jareth sulking is always a good way to end the chapter :). Don't worry it won't always be like this... Anyways please tell me what you thought of this chapter :D