AN: Standard disclaimers apply. Harry Potter is all JK Rowling's, Nick Cave's lines are all his, OCs are mine.
This is a difficult chapter, it contains a lot of background information, I hope you can still follow the plot. I am not quite satisfied with Snape's character in this chapter, I hope you'll forgive me.
I let love in
Despair and Deception,
Love's ugly little twins
Came a-knocking on my door,
I let them in
Darling, you're the punishment
for all of my former sins
The door it opened just a crack,
but Love was shrewd and bold
My life flashed before my eyes,
it was a horror to behold
A life-sentence sweeping confetti
from the floor of a concrete hole [1]
They gathered in front of Morrigan's study and as soon as the door was closed, Severus couldn't contain his question any longer, having the sight of Morrigan's rotten chest vividly before his eyes. 'What happened to him?'
The response to his question wasn't exactly encouraging: Charlotte squeezed his arm and shook her head, Hinrichs sent him a warning glance, lying a finger on his mouth, Mirai stamped on his foot, Cassandra stared at him, while Justus waved his hand in denial and answered 'Let us have dinner.'
Severus took the hint, they had to be still within Morrigan's reach and in silence they walked back. Charlotte jerked from time to time and as Severus glanced at her, he noticed her furtively drying her eyes. This was taking its toll on her, but if she didn't want to talk about how she felt, he would leave her.
In what a mess had Dumbledore and Charlotte tracked him into? He hadn't asked for adventures, for sleeping with a woman though the experience was pleasant. He had been completely satisfied with his comfortable life in Hogwarts, teaching, the daily routine, no surprises waiting for him. What was he supposed to find out? About what left him Dumbledore in the dark? Was there a way of getting out of it unscratched?
Upon his pondering they reached the kitchen, a bountiful table awaited them: the already mentioned stew and mashed potatoes were accompanied by salad, various vegetables -some Severus had never seen before -, an apple pie, a selection of cheese, bread, some pitchers with wine, beer and whiskey. Never before Severus had seen such a variety of food on one table for such a few persons.
On Clemens and Gregor's unspoken question, Justus shook his head and answered in the second Serena entered the room. 'Nothing. Rabanus condition is worse, he is more confused than ever, loosing his mind.' Justus shot a brief glance at Charlotte, visibly considering if she could stand him saying more and he came to the conclusion that she could. 'The decay is spreading, his skin is starting to glow green, his heart turned black, he even took Leander's position about humans. We'll have to find a solution soon or it is too late.'
Charlotte turned around to Severus and laid her head against his throat, crying her silent tears, he could feel his shirt getting wet, he ignored it the best he could, looking from one to another in the kitchen. Charlotte needed support and comfort and since nobody seemed to care about them, he laid stiffly his arms around her. In response, Charlotte tightened her grip on him as if he was her only salvation in this moment. And probably that was exactly how she felt.
'As if we hadn't tried already. He is beyond our limited abilities.' Mirai resumed bitterly. 'This is an Elves intern affair, we'd make it worse meddling with it.'
Hinrichs shot her a daring glance. 'It is our affair as well, since Charlotte is affected. This castle is still Charlotte's property once belonging her mother, we raised her. For heaven's sake, Mirai, it is her father and herself we are talking about, we have to do anything within our capabilities.'
Nobody seemed grievously disappointed about the outcome, only shocked about Morrigan's shape. nobody seemed to have expected some clues and all took their places around the table, even Charlotte, who hastily dried her tears and didn't seem to mind her red-cried eyes. Everybody pretended not to notice it, leaving her the time to compose herself, and started eating and drinking. It was time to repeat his question 'What happened to him?'
Charlotte laid her hand on his thigh and squeezed it, she wouldn't be able to speak about it, the one who answered with calculated reluctance was Justus.
'It is a long story about love, faith, temptation and betrayal, leading to this result. The facts that might be important for you are that Rabanus' companion and Charlotte's mother, Beata Morrigan, was a human witch. They loved each other dearly and for their love they accepted a bond the Elves forced on them, fearing for the pure blood of their race and their very believes. Rabanus developed emotions, claimed to feel love, a concept the Elves, who freed themselves of emotions long ago, didn't understand. They are proud of their rational mind, but through Rabanus they saw what they are capable of.'
Severus threw a furtive glance at Serena and Clemens, unmistakable their features twisted in revulsion and disdain while Justus continued. 'For his love Rabanus even accepted the fatal bond they forced him and Beata into, the bond you saw inscribed on his chest. Loosing Rabanus, who was standing high in their ranks, to a Human was unbearable for them and they wanted to make sure that he never turned back to the Elves realm, secretly hoping that he would give up his love for Beata upon a forced bond as strong as this one.
'But he consented, his love was stronger. The quintessence that concerns you as well is, that this kind of bond connects the souls. Beata was a cunning and powerful witch, but she was borderlining between light and dark, from the first day Rabanus met her. One day, shortly after giving birth to Charlotte, she chose a side, the dark one, she fell completely for it, so completely that even Rabanus couldn't do anything about it.
'Rabanus was forced to murder his soulmate and the mother of his child once she had surrendered to the dark site. He couldn't allow her to live, she held too much power and knowledge, but he insisted on doing it himself. You saw the result in the study, it left his soul damaged beyond cure and it eats him alive.'
'This is what you deserve for believing in love.' Severus perceived Serena muttering. Though the Elves were proud and fair creatures, Severus started to pity them. How could a being exist without any feelings? His strong ones got him through the most obstacles.
Mirai left proof of her wicked sense of humour as she grinned amused, trying to ease the tension around the table. 'At least Charlotte can't murder you without killing herself.'
There was no doubt that Charlotte appreciated Mirai's helpful comment as much as he did, she glared at her while he answered. 'I am thoroughly relieved.'
While his cheeks were filled with food, Hinrichs chuckled and managed to utter 'Good one, Severus.'
'Will you call the Council?' Serena asked, slightly irritated by her companion's behaviour.
Justus nodded. 'I will. They ought to know what happened, we should have done it right away, informing Rabanus was pointless. Something is going on, someone is plotting behind the scenes and acting already. The ambush on Charlotte and Severus is proof need to know who it is and what he or she is planning.'
They all nodded in consent and the conversation shifted to more light and harmless topics while the wine, beer and whiskey went round and round as well as the food. Mysteriously all plates and pitchers were emptied, while everyone told anecdotes of his latest adventures. Especially Clemens and Mirai proved to be excellent entertainers, and while he laughed with them he noted that never before in his life he had felt so much like being at home. When Charlotte snuggled closer, listening to Mirai, and made herself comfortable against his admittedly not very cosy form, lying an arm around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder, her hair tickling his throat, he felt like he had found the family he never had.
After some time listening to stories that were mostly told to explain the Grey's duties and deeds, and drinking, his eyelids felt heavy and he almost fell asleep. As he glanced over to Charlotte, he noticed that she had already done so, her eyes were tightly closed and her breathing and heartbeat were way too even to be still awake. Justus had registered it as well and clapped in his hands, abruptly ending the discussion at the table. 'We may discuss further within the living. Charlotte and Severus need rest, they had two strenuous days, and there are more to come.:'
With some effort Severus managed to wake Charlotte to have her walking while Justus guided them to their sleeping room, informing them about the latest circumstances in the castle. 'The only working running water you'll find in the kitchen, you can enter your names in a list if you want to clean yourself. Enter yourself into the kitchen police list if you are planning to stay longer than three days.'
Wonderful, that meant that he would have to prepare a meal together with Charlotte, the walking kitchen threat, the challenge for each pot, the nightmare for every good ingredient. Meaning: Severus would do the cooking and Charlotte the cleaning.
'What happened to the bathrooms?' During his last visit, Severus had enjoyed the bathtub immensely, it was like the one in the prefect's bathroom in Hogwarts and he would very much have liked to bath here again.
'The one in the first floor is flooded with green slime, Gregor is working on it, maybe you can use it in two or three days. The one on the second floor harboured Jinneh and some of her guests from the Haunted.. If I were you, I wouldn't set a foot into it until Gregor took care of it.'
'Jinneh? Haunted?' From the many new names and impressions in addition to the lack of sleep, Severus' head started to hurt.
'Another realm, like the Human's, Demon's and Elves' ones. We didn't want to introduce them all at once to you, originally we wanted to fill you in step by step, but the circumstances outran us. You'll meet them soon enough.' Charlotte explained.
What probably was a wise idea, considering his swirling mind. 'Fine.'
Justus stopped in front of a door and tried to open it, having the doorknob in his hand while turning it. After throwing the useless knob with a shrug of his shoulders into a corner, Justus concentrated for a second and with an aimed, forceful kick the door opened. 'Here is your room. The roof was gone with the last hurricane, but we made a barrier, it won't rain inside and the sky is atmospheric to look at.'
Tired as she appeared to be, Charlotte threw herself into the next armchair, only to find herself accompanied by a loud crash on the floor within a cloud of white dust. Severus didn't bat an eyelid, he would never have dared to sit on a chair in this come down castle without testing it before. It didn't surprise her as well, she remained right where she was until most of the dust had settled down, raising only an eyebrow at Justus who apologently shrugged his shoulders. 'I considered this room best, since the beds in the others are too small for two. Mirai and I won't give up ours as well as Cassandra and Gregor. Clemens was rather reluctant too, you know how he loves his playground, only the woods know who he is picking up tonight. Good night.'
Maybe it was for the best that there was no bed which could break down, Severus resumed, only a pile of cushions and blankets on a large mattress reminding him very much of a divan. Charlotte got rid off her clothes, never caring to arrange them properly, while he did the same and crawled over to the so-called bed, observing Charlotte.
In the sliver moonlight her skin was milk white, pristine except for the inscription and the mark on her neck, both indications of his possession of her that she belonged to thought of possessing something this unique nobody could take from him was tempting. Did he ever possess something unique? Did he ever have someone belonging to him in this way? Except Lily? If Potter hadn't been, Lily had been his. He wouldn't be here, he would safely sit in his house, Lily beside him and some kids would be running around and causing a mess.
'How many sleepless hours did we have?' He extended a hand to touch Charlotte's body, to follow the curves of her breast, of her waist, only to rest on her hip, her body was too perfect to be real. Yes, he could understand why every last one of their Slytherin schoolmates had tried to date her or to steal a kiss from her.
'Too few?' She suggested, smiling wolfishly, she knew what he was up to, she knew what a tease her body was for him, that he couldn't resist it, even if he put effort into it.
He couldn't help himself, the vision of her perfect body bent under his touch, made all parts of him react and he pulled her close to make his intentions clear. 'Care for a few more?' His hot breath and deep voice whispered in her ear.
'Always.' She bent back just as he had imagined and her willing lower parts brushed against his, he couldn't hold back, she was offering herself ever so freely to him, burying her hands in his hair, pulling him close that he could only wonder what made her doing so. Was it really him? Did she feel the same urge to have him close, even closer? When she finally bent back, her body covered with sweat, he knew he wouldn't be able to abandon this feeling, once finished, he already wanted more of her body and with care he laid her head on the cushions.
Under the impression that within the moment Charlotte's head touched the cushions she was straight asleep, he laid beside her and after placing a blanket over them both, a green glow caught his eye. What was that? By looking closer, he noticed the source of the glow: the emerald on Charlotte's necklace. Severus glanced at the blissful asleep Charlotte and couldn't hold back, it was as if the emerald called him, he took it into his fist together with the ankh as he had seen it Charlotte doing furtively in the moments she falsely supposed to be unobserved.
The sensation he experienced was comparable to apparating, like being pulled through a narrow tube and the next second he stood at the border of a small, all too circular to be natural, clearing bathed in a surreal white light.
In the middle of the clearing was a large stone and someone was sitting on it, facing Severus with his back. Having some experience gathered, Severus could tell from the long, golden hair, the tall, slender frame and the upright carriage that the person in question was an Elf.
'We meet finally, Wizard Severus Snape.'
The warm, refined voice with a superior arrogance leaking through belonged to a male. Alarmed, Severus reached for his wand, only to realize that he didn't materialize, he was transcendental like a ghost. The Elf jumped gracefully from the stone, his long, opened hair swinging in the breeze, and turned around.
'There is no need for a wand, we can't harm each other in this condition. I called you here because I wanted to talk to you.'
So the glowing emerald had been a call indeed. 'Talk? There must be more convenient methods for a meeting.' Severus observed the all too leisurely and athletic Elf closely for any signs of an attack.
'No, I object, there aren't. Actually this is the one and only method for me getting in touch with you, for I am dead.' The Elves lips twitched in a traitorous way, revealing his annoyance about the situation. So he felt as uncomfortable as Severus felt, there had to be a good reason for this. 'Please let me introduce myself, it feels quite rude knowing your name and leaving you in the dark about mine. I am Darius, a former follower of Rabanus.'
The Elf waited for a reaction like Severus was supposed to have heard his name before. But as much as he tried... hadn't Rabanus spoken of a sacrifice a certain Darius had made that shouldn't be wasted on a human being? 'What could you want from me, if you are dead?'
'To warn you. There lies grave danger ahead for you, being not a full Grey yet and for Charlotte, being half human, half elfish.' Darius' stare got lost behind Severus as if the Elf recalled some memories, too precious to share and so rare that his attention got lost. With a brief shake of his head the Elf appeared to be back in present. 'In the moment of my murder, I became aware of a conspiracy, I could see it unfold when I became access to the collected minds of the Elves gathered in the afterworld. They are planning to obliterate the Wizarding world and to reach that aim, they have to destroy the Grey first, for they would fight them until the bitter end.'
This appeared so fantastic to Severus, who just had learned about this whole new world, that he couldn't comprehend it. Why should the Elves want to extinguish the Wizarding world? 'Why don't you tell the Greys yourself? I am hardly the right person to address for I am just getting involved.'
An intense stare from Darius evaluated him, he felt like being an insignificant insect lying under a microscope. 'I can't tell someone already being part of the Grey. Firstly, there is a magic barrier preventing me. Secondly, there has to be a traitor among them I couldn't identify yet. It would be an ironic twist of fate if I'd inform the wrong person.' Darius sent him another intense stare. 'Furthermore Charlotte trusts you.' The way, Darius' glance shifted when he spoke of Charlotte and the fact that Charlotte wore the emerald indicated Severus that there was more behind the relationship of the two.
'And what am I supposed to do with that knowledge?'
'Inform Charlotte, but only her and find the traitor, he or she has to be eliminated for being a danger to the realm's balance.'
Severus considered the words, the quintessence was exactly what Justus had said. But how came that the Elf knew about this? Was Darius one to trust? Charlotte obviously did, carrying this emerald. What happened if everything Darius said was true and the Elves succeeded? 'Makes sense.'
There would be no witch and wizard left, the world he knew would be gone. And if the Wizarding word managed to fend of an enemy it never knew that it even existed, there would be grave losses. Lily's son would be in danger as well. This was not a Dark Lord with comparable small forces who ambushed a completely unprepared world.
With the same intensity Darius had shown before, he continued. 'For the Grey's safety, you ought to know about the background I got hold of. Please listen closely, I don't know if we find the opportunity for another meeting.'
'It seems that I can't conceal my thoughts from Serena, Clemens and Rabanus.' Severus added for consideration.
Concentrated, the Elf bit his lip. 'I can add a mental seal, making it impossible for them to access your mind and stumble over my information. Charlotte knows how to release the seal.'
There was it again, another hint, that Darius and Charlotte had been closer to each other than to the rest of the group. 'I'll listen.'
'Being on the brink of extinction, there is a smoldering discontent under the few remaining pure Elves. They had a plan to evade extinction, but it failed. Let me share several of my memories with you to explain you thoroughly.'
The Elf extended a hand and instinctively Severus backed away but the Elf shook his head. 'I won't harm you, this is not my intention. If it were, you would be dead already. I want to show you some of my memories, so that you understand thoroughly the situation you and Charlotte are in. It is necessary that you both survive. We can't afford to loose even one Grey in times like these.'
For a few seconds Severus considered Darius' words before he gave his consent and Darius touched his temple in a way Charlotte had done it earlier with Mirai. 'The Elf on the table is Kyros, our leader at that time. See through my eyes, use my body to witness.' Darius muttered under his breath into two fingers of his other hand.
He was standing in a clearing in a forest, looking around he could see the gigantic trees surrounding them and he was standing among a mass of Elves, In the centre of the clearing was a table-like stone and on it was the most impressive Elf standing Severus had seen so far. Only then Severus realised that he was experiencing the memory from Darius' view, he shared his body, it was a completely different way of sharing a memory he was used to. Severus experienced it as the person who showed it to him.
The crowd was murmuring, but as soon as the respectable Kyros raised a hand the crowd fell silent.
'I have gathered all of you to discuss our dilemma. Gwen is dead.'
A shocked murmur rose and Kyros raised his hand once more, instantly it was quiet as a mouse. 'She died in the sixth month.'
Several hands raised and the impressive Kyros pointed out one Elf. 'Has any survived recently?'
Kyros dropped his head and shook it in denial, the clearing was utterly quiet and Darius threw a closer look around, forcing Severus to do the same. *Serena is here, Clemens is here, why are they concerned with our issues? Why is Rabanus here? Something big is going on.* There were mostly men, Severus could spot only a handful women among them. Since Darius had mentioned them, Severus recognised Serena, she was standing close to the stony table as well as Clemens by her side. And wasn't this the healthy, full of life version of Rabanus Morrigan? Was it really him?
The Elf on the table raised his head. 'We have to face reality. We are highly developed, achieved an optimum with our mind, our magic, our body. But we've reached our limit, we can't reproduce anymore. And we found the reason: the embryos demand too much, they are sucking up the lives of their mothers, there is no chance to prevent it. We'll have to take some drastic measurements.'
'What do you suggest?' One from the crowd asked.
Sending a meaningful glance over the crowd, Kyros answered. 'Refresh our bloodline. Use carefully chosen female humans.' The crowd started to get restless, a constant murmur was heard and the Elf on the table raised his voice to be heard over the turmoil. 'The resulting crossbreed could be used to re-breed with pure Elfish genes. Hopefully one generation with Humans is enough.'
'You can't be serious! Breeding with this... unworthy creatures!' One disdainful interjection from the crowd could be heard and an agreeing murmur rose.
'They believe in a concept called love, they are not rational.' Another one objected, equally disdainful, almost spitting the word 'love'.
Contemptuously the leader shrugged his shoulders, accompanied by a scornful twist of his mouth. 'Fool them, we look attractive to them, adding a little sweetalk should do the job. We'll find as many suitable female humans as possible for the job. We'll only need the female crossbreeds from the mating, the male ones can remain in the human world and mix with the humans. Once in a while, the elfish genes will be gone.'
'What about our magic?' This objection seemed a grave one, for all of a sudden the crowd fell silent.
'What do you mean with it?' Kyros' eyes narrowed about the visibly inconvenient question.
'Will the crossbreeds be able to use magic? Like we do? Won't we bring magic into the human world?' The questioner added into consideration.
'It is a risk worth taking. If it gets out of hand, we'll take care of it and eliminate the emerging sorcerers resulting from the matings. We have to take the risk if we want to survive.' For the first time Clemens had spoken, earning an approving glance from the Elves' leader.
'A powerful, strong group of magical beings might arose among the humans, being a threat for us.' Another one argumented.
Serena climbed on the table and raised her voice.'Do you have a better suggestion? We are only a handful left and I am not willing to risk my life on the slightest prospect that I might eventually survive a pregnancy.'
There seemed to be no more open objections though many in the crowd appeared to be discontent.
Darius had removed his hand and Severus was back in the surreal clearing. 'That was over one thousand years ago – in your timeline. More and more male Elves became fond of you humans and our blood mingled inexorably with yours, as well as our magic. Wizards and witches were born, sometimes the genes got lost in a family and resurfaced later, that is what you call 'Muggle-born'. The few remaining female Elves all died being pregnant while only Serena, who refused having a baby survived. But there were those who would have preferred the Elves race to extinct than to mix with humans. The next gathering that is important for you was thirty years ago. There are over thousand years between the two gatherings, you'll notice our decimation.'
Once more Darius extended his hand and this time Severus offered willingly his temple.
It was the same clearing with the same stony table, with the same, but visibly smaller crowd. This time he spotted no other female besides Serena. She was standing next to Clemens on the small side of the stony table, another impressive Elf was standing on it together with Rabanus Morrigan and a red-haired human witch close by his side, it had to be Beata, Charlotte's mother. There seemed to have been a discussion beforehand.
'There is love, Leander, you'll have to accept it.' With Beata's and his hands intertwined, Rabanus addressed the formidable Elf standing with them on the table.
Disdain was engraved in Leander's features 'No, there is not. If you are really planning to go through this, you are not allowed to come back. There is no turning back.'
Rabanus' features were unreadable 'Agreed. Do it.'
Leander raised his hand to his mouth, murmured incantations in two fingers and cut a small wound into the wrists into the extended hands of Rabanus and Beata. They laid the wounds together and Leander continued with his incantations, green light enveloped the wrists. Leander moved one hands slowly over to Rabanus' bared chest and the other to Beata's bared chest. It took some time, but once Leander removed his hands, Rabanus and Beata had the inscription right above their heart, almost the same Charlotte had.
That's how Rabanus and Beata ended with their bond and they left the Elves realm to life in the Wizarding world. Only a few years later was the next meeting, Beata had fallen victim to the temptations of the Dark Arts, she surrendered completely. She held too much knowledge and too much power to keep her alive. This time the Human and Elfish Grey came, Rabanus, Beata, Leander and myself. Charlotte was five years old then, we kept her away, this wasn't meant for her to witness.'
Once again he found himself in the clearing, the red-haired witch was chained to the stone table, yelling curses in rage, fighting her restraints while Leander had his hand on her temple, murmuring incantations in the other. What ever he was doing, it seemed to course pain within her, her screams got intense with every second. Leander intensified his murmuring while Rabanus watched the scene with a white face, trembling, falling on his knees. 'Please, Leander, let me do it.'
'I would have asked that of you anyway, my dear Rabanus. That's what you deserve after surrendering to uncontrollable feelings like love. But I must extract her knowledge first, she's to suffer for her deeds, you'd go straight for a quick ending.'
'Please, stop it.' Rabanus begged and unmoved Leander continued with his task.
After some more time with Beata's screams filling the clearing, and Rabanus on his knees, tears falling down his cheeks, an indifferent Leander addressed Rabanus 'Anything you want before this deed forces you into insanity?'
'Where is our daughter?' Rabanus was white as chalk, his voice was trembling as well as his body.
'Safely within our custody, she won't witness anything.' Justus stepped in.
'We'll take good care of her. She is a pure one.' Mirai affirmed Justus, lying a hand on his shoulder.
'I want her back.' Rabanus demanded.
'You are not in a position to make demands.' Scornfully Leander grimaced.
'We'll take you back with us, Rabanus. You'll always be close to her.' Cassandra said and somehow Cassandra's words seemed to calm Rabanus.
'You failed as a husband and father, Rabanus. Until she is old enough to be given to one of us, the Grey will raise her.' Leander left no doubt about his intentions and the Grey exchanged glances, obviously they disagreed with Leander but didn't object him openly.
'Whom have you chosen for her?' Rabanus was a mere shadow of himself, now Severus could tell since he had seen him full of health and life.
Severus felt Darius stepping forward. 'Me.'
'Darius.' Rabanus whispered, it was unreadable if he appreciated the choice or not.
'I will take good care of her.' Darius affirmed him.
'By using her as a vessel for carrying your offspring?' Rabanus glared at him and Darius didn't respond.
'Do it.' Leander commanded.
The Grey witnessed closely how Rabanus raised his trembling hands, and how tears welled in his eyes as he addressed his chained companion 'I love you.' All he earned in response was a manically laughter and as the tears started to fall from his cheeks, he cast his spell. All at once the manically laughter stopped, Beata was dead, but the spell seemed to backfire at Rabanus, light emerged from his chest and he fell to the ground, manically laughing and weeping all at once. The once proud Elf was a broken man.
'That's what love is good for.' Leander didn't consider Rabanus worth a look and left the clearing.
Hinrichs picked up Rabanus while Justus addressed Darius with much disdain as Leander had held for Rabanus. 'Do you want to check her well-being?'
'No, I am nothing like him:' Darius nodded in the direction where Leander had left. 'I'll come once she if of age.'
'I want her to finish her education.' Justus' keen eyes focussed on Darius, and Severus was impressed how much threat and hostility Justus managed to express with just one look.
Darius didn't seem impressed one bit. 'That is my intention too. I have no use for a daft mother for my children.'
Hadn't Darius said that the Elves in the afterworld had revealed the plan to him? Didn't Darius appear to be content with the Elves' plans so far? 'Why do you betray your own kind, Darius?'
With a bitter touch in his voice, the Elf laughed. 'And I thought you, Wizard Severus Snape, out of all people would understand my situation.'
Intensely the Elf stared at him and Severus saw the mere greed, the abyssal desire, unrequited love, the burning desire, the unfulfilled need, the unbearable craving, the final hope of possession reflected within his own self and realisation dawned in him. 'You loved her.' As much as he loved Lily.
'I still do, Severus. I loved her so deeply that I, too, left the Elves' realm to start a new life with her, I followed Rabanus' way. He showed us that there is more to life than we always thought. But let me show you the last memory for you, let me show you how I died.'
The Elf extended a hand and laid two fingers on Severus' temple, in a flash, he was somewhere else.
The light was dim, he was standing in a black tunnel, Charlotte was standing in front of him. 'We are almost there, Darius.' He perceived her voice though she didn't speak.
'Carefully.' Severus seemed to say though he didn't speak.
Liminal, Charlotte nodded and as she turned slightly, Severus could see that her eyes were wide with fear. Darius extended a hand, laid it on Charlotte's shoulder. 'We will make it.'
All of a sudden the walls went red while Darius and Charlotte looked up in high alert. Darius seemed to take his weapon while Charlotte pulled out the needles from her bun and took them between her fingers.
Doors manifested on the walls of the tunnel which had appeared to be compact before, death came leaping out of it, hundreds of small demons flooded the tunnel. Charlotte threw one needle after the other, hitting a demon with each one, it disappeared, and reappeared after a few seconds.
Darius shot one arrow after the other, all reaching their aim, one demon after the after vanished and reappeared a little later. Then Darius switched to an elegant blade he handled with so much grace that Severus had almost the impression he would be dancing. Still they didn't manage to eliminate one of the opponents, only to keep them at bay. They would loose this fight, why couldn't they kill the demons?
A deafening thunder filled the tunnel, shook it, dust filled it and made it impossible to see, Darius closed his eyes and fended off the assailants relying on his feelings for their locations. As the dust settled finally, Severus saw a mighty, impressive figure standing in the tunnel, the small demons paying close attention not to get within armlength reach. Relief spread through Darius body. 'Astraroth.'
'Here.' Astraroth threw a white glowing sword with a red eye on its hilt over to Charlotte who caught it effortlessly.
'Ma-ken!' Darius gasped. 'So it isn't only a legend.'
'Buy me time!' Charlotte yelled, murmuring incantations, lightning from her arm winded along the sword until it seemed completely charged.
'Stop talking and fight, Elf. I don't want to die here.' Astraroth jumped between the small creatures swept them away with his arms, every little one that vanished, reappeared.
Charlotte yelled and it looked like dancing as she swung the sword through the creatures, the red gleaming eye on the hilt widened and every creature she touched with it, vanished, absorbed into the blade. Finally they had found a way to get rid off the annoying creatures.
In that moment Darius turned and saw at the end of the tunnel an Elf standing, bending a bow, aiming, unrecognisable within the red darkness of the tunnel, against the light of the exit. 'Thank the woods, help is near!'
But what was that? The Elf was aiming at Charlotte! She was busy fighting her way through the never ending flow of demons coming out of the doors, the blade sucked up the creatures, she didn't realise the danger. He, more suiting, Darius, shouted 'Beware!' but within the noise of the battle, his voice got lost. The Elf released the bowstring, sending the arrow on its way. Without giving it a second thought, Darius jumped between the arrow's way and Charlotte. He could only watch as the arrow pierced right through his chest, right through his lung.
In shock, Darius looked up to the exit of the tunnel, the Elf remained standing there and when Darius fell, he vanished into thin air. The noises of the battle all of a sudden vanished as well and Charlotte said something to Astraroth who answered in his trademark, deep rough voice until he was interrupted by a strident scream 'Darius!'
His head was lifted, Charlotte laid it into her lap, tears were running down her face. 'Darius, what happened?' Darius briefly wondered if it wasn't obvious with the arrow right through his chest and looked down, but the arrow was gone. Vanished into thin air like the Elf who had shot it. He tried to speak, but he couldn't, a stream of blood was leaving his mouth, his lungs were filled with blood already, the arrow had been poisoned for a quick ending and charged with magic to leave no traitorous traces behind.
Charlotte went chalky white, tears were streaming down her face as she caressed his face, desperately, frantically, as if this would keep him alive. He had to inform her what had happened and tried to to touch her temple, but his arms didn't obey him anymore. There was one more thing he could do and he gathered the magic still left inside of him, concentrated it in his blood mixed with her tears, condensed it, more, more, it wasn't enough, just a little more... for Charlotte.
He was everywhere around, Charlotte was kneeling on the ground, surrounded by twinkling stars, Darius had died, his body had evaporated.
Comforting, Astaroth laid an arm around Charlotte's shoulder and squeezed it slightly, picking up the emerald lying where just Darius' body had been. 'That is for you, Lotte.'
She was sobbing uncontrollably 'What is this?'
Taken aback, Astraroth stared at her. 'You don't know what this is?'
'No.' As if she would be interested in jewels at the moment.
The almost tender care Astraroth showed contrasted in a bizarre way with his outward appearance and his voice. 'I don't know if it is a good idea to tell you now, Lotte, but you ought to know. It is an Elves' essence, a very rare rarity, even I have never seen it and thought it was a legend. Created between two Elves in the moment of a murder of one of them. Using the blood of the dying one and the tears of the surviving one, pressing it into an emerald by magic. The essence of life, the only ones who ever managed to cheat the Grim Reaper had been the High-Elves. You are the rightful user, it was created with your tears, you can decide on whom you'll use it, whom you'll bring back to life.'
'Darius.' was all Charlotte could sob.
'It is too late for him, Lotte. His soul left, his body had evaporated already. He wanted to give you the chance to safe another beloved person.'
The twinkling around the two kneeling figures subsided. Only darkness was left.
Darius had removed his hand and something within the Elves' expression and his posture made Severus suspicious. 'The Incubus was sent by you.' Severus summarized his observations.
'By me and Astaroth.' Darius affirmed his assumption.
'Astaroth?' The gigantic creature with red skin, goat-like horns and spiky fangs?
'I am sure you'll meet him in person within the next days. He controls the demon's realm, mighty he is. Though his outward appearance takes much getting used to, he is the most trustworthy and reliable ally one could ask for. I informed him that an ambush on you was near and considering the remaining time, we came to the conclusion that the Incubus was the fastest and safest method to keep you alive by using Charlotte's skills. Though, I admit, our Incubus has overacted a little, his job was only to connect your lifethreads. Well, I think it can't be helped, that is what you get, relying on daft demons, I had a hard time getting the spell inside his head within such a limited time.' Darius' posture told that he was proud to have managed teaching the Incubus.
'Is there a way to get rid of this incantations?' Severus wanted to know. If there was one thing he surly didn't want, then it was to end like Rabanus.
'Yes, yours is different from Rabanus and Beata's one. But we have to decline, too unsafe it is for you. But once you see Astraroth, you should ask him to modify it.' At last there was a chance to get rid off the annoying effects it had and as much as Severus knew Charlotte, she would force a solution.
Though Darius appeared to be finished with his story, he still seemed to have something on his mind. 'Anything else?' Severus asked.
The Elf appeared to be relieved that Severus had noted his discomfort and explained. 'As you witnessed, I died protecting her, I died with the full knowledge there would be another man she would choose and I died with the definite knowledge that she'll use the essence of life my death would grant her for another man to keep him alive, to lead the life I always dreamed of.' Obvious aversion dominated Darius's expression. 'But I never thought it would be someone like you.'
'Do you have a problem with me?'
'Yes, I do have. My dream was that she'll find another fool who'd love her as much as I did, but not someone who is in love with a dead woman and swore to protect her son. Yes, I do have a problem with you. There can't be a more undignified and humiliating situation for all of us. She never truly loved me. She thought she did, but she didn't. I had wonderful years with her, I was allowed to love her.'
'What do you want?' Darius sounded as if there was an ulterior motif behind this, and now he stared intensely at Severus to make clear that the coming would be important.
'The Grey will never tell you, but once the time of your death is near, you do have the chance to choose: Firstly, accept the essence of life I created, continue living with Charlotte. Secondly, proceed into afterlife, let my soul enter your body while you'll have the chance to reunite with the one's you loved and who are dead. But there is one thing I beg you: if you don't love Charlotte, give me back life. Give me your body to continue living with her and you'll have an eternity in afterlife with your loved one's.' Darius' expression filled with disgust and pain. 'Do you have an idea that it is like to see you bedding her? With that knowledge? To hear her moaning your name while once it had been mine? While once it been me she begged to be touched?'
'Yes.' It was an odd thing to say, but Severus had only need to imagine Lily together with Potter. Nothing he'd like to have witnessed, never in his life.
'To look you into the eyes while you sleep with her and to realise that it isn't Charlotte you care for, but another woman. What it is like for me who even died protecting her? To know that you'll be the one she saves with my gift. A man who loves another and uses my loved one's godly body to please his lowest needs?'
Darius appeared to talk himself into a rage and Severus distanced himself, before the Elf got even more personal – if this was possible. 'Is that all you wanted to tell me?'
The Elf regained his composure. 'Don't hurt her, neither physically nor psychically.'
'That was never my intention.' As if it was possible with the strange bond Darius and Astraroth had forced upon Charlotte and him. A nagging suspicion warned Severus, that Darius had taught the incantation to the Incubus. Had he taught him on purpose the side-effects to have a better control over them?
'If it would have been, I would never even have contacted you. You would be dead now, unable to protect the child of your loved one.' There was no doubt and no hesitation within the Elves words and Severus knew that he was deadly serious.
With that last words Severus felt himself being pressed and pulled through the narrow tube again, Darius had turned his back on him and was walking away from him. With a thud he felt himself being back on the mattress beside Charlotte, the emerald was still in his grasp but had stopped gleaming green. Charlotte was peacefully sleeping, breathing even and he extended a hand to caress her cheek, he felt tears running down his own cheek.
Did he deserve this after all he had done? Would he have been as noble as Darius had been? Would he have died, granting an essence of life for Lily to save Potter? No, even yet he caught himself with the thought that he wished it was Lily who laid peacefully beside him instead of Charlotte. What more could he want, what more could he ask for? Compared to the Elf with his perfect looks and his unselfish deeds, what could he offer? Why had Charlotte chosen him? Because this was what she had done, he had no doubt about it.
[1] Nick Cave and the bad seeds; album: Let love in; song: I let love in; 1994