Unexpected Fate

Chapter 47

CMG: All good things must come to an end it seems. Dammit! I've been working on this fic for almost a whole year and now, it's over! *cries*

Saria: *hands CMG a tissue* There, there. You can always write another series.

CMG: *stops crying and suddenly grins evilly* You're right. My next idea's another humor fic since people seemed to like the other ones I've written. Of course, this one will be pure genious! I wonder if I should throw in the horrors of the dubbed episodes of Dragon Ball Z while I'm at it...

Everyone who reviewed along with the Gods/Goddesses: NO!

CMG: Fine. I was joking. As a treat, let the final chapter begin!


"Throw it!" said Bardock.

"I can't!" yelled Goku. "Vegeta, Trunks, Goten, and Gohan are down there and if I throw it..."

"Oh shit!" said Bardock as he switched to Saiya-go. /You have to throw it! Forget them and do what's right and save the universe!/

/If I do, then I'll.../ said Goku as he shut his eyes tightly. /...be no better than Kakarotto. I'll be just like him! Do you want me to become what he was dad?! Another murderous Saiya-jin?!/

Bardock was a loss at words.

/Touching, but when I absorbed Goku, or Kakarot as you call him, I also gained memories of the Saiya-jin language you two are speaking in,/ said Kid Buu.

/You fucking bastard,/ said Bardock as he suddenly ascended beyond the ascended Saiya-jin and charged at Kid Buu with hatred in his heart.

/Dad! Don't!/ yelled Goku. /That's what he needs! Another hostage!/

Bardock roared as he went Super Saiya-jin 3 midway down to where Kid Buu stood. As he got within an arm's length of him, Kid Buu suddenly disappeared as he reappeared above Bardock. Acting quickly by trusting the bond, he grabbed the bodies of Vegeta, Goten, Gohan, and Trunks and teleported to where the reformed Buu and Piccolo were at along with Elder Kai. They were surprised by the sudden appearance of Bardock as he eased the bodies off his arms.

"Watch over them!" said Bardock as he teleported back into the sky next to his son.

/Next time, tell me what you're planning,/ said Goku.

/You knew,/ said Bardock. /Now drop that thing!/

/Right!/ said Goku as he smiled and raised the tips of his fingers and threw the giant Spirit Bomb down at the insane Kid Buu. However, Goku was having trouble sending it at his target because of his energy being depleted from the making of the Spirit Bomb. Vegeta on the ground was healed by Good Buu as he watched on.

/Kakarot!/ yelled Vegeta. /You have to keep fighting!/

/I'm trying!/ said Goku. /My body's too weakened from gathering the energy though!/

/You all will die,/ said Kid Buu as he suddenly manages to get a good grip on the giant Spirit Bomb. (A/N: Uh-oh! It looks like trouble for Goku! Run! *hides under the kitchen table* Wait a minute. I'm the author! I choose who lives and who dies! *runs back to the computer as Gods and Goddesses moan*)

/It's true,/ said Bardock. /He's used up too much of his energy and the only way he would get it back is if he were to gain a Senzu Bean or if one of us donates our power to help him./

/You can forget that,/ said Vegeta angrily. /Maybe those humans can help./

/Vegeta, they already did their part and if they give too much of their energy in our favor, they'll die,/ said Bardock.

/Then what should we do? Call Shenlong and tell him to give Kakarot the power to... wait! The Dragon Balls!/ said Vegeta happily.

/Hm?/ said Kid Buu. /Whatever you have planned, that won't work./

*Dende! Quickly! Use our last wish to help Kakarot gain back his strength!* yelled Bardock telepathically.

*Right!* said Dende's voice as tense moments passed.

Goku didn't hear what was going on from the roar of the Spirit Bomb and was concentrating hard not to die, but he eventually dropped his guard. (A/N: Gah! YOU IDIOT!) The giant bomb that was meant to destroy Kid Buu edged closer as Kid Buu kicked it back at Goku as he was prepared to die a warrior's death. However, Bardock angrily and stubbornly didn't want his only son left to die.

"I can't do it! I'm not strong enough!" yelled Goku.

"Kakarot! Don't give up!" yelled Bardock to his son.

*Goku! We used the last wish to restore your strength!* interrupted Dende as Goku suddenly felt a rush of strength return to his body.

"Kakarot! Dende's..." said Bardock as Goku suddenly bolt upright as the bomb came deathly closer to him.

/Dad! I know I can do it!/ said Goku in Saiya-go as transformed into a Super Saiya-jin 2 and stopped the bomb inches from impact. When Goku stopped the Spirit Bomb, ripples were seen on it's surface as though he was stopping a giant ball of water. (A/N: Oh Kami! I don't need to be reminded on having to use the bathroom right now! *knocks on the door* Scrix! Hurry up! I haven't gone in 17 hours now!)

"What the-?" said Kid Buu as he looked in horror at Goku recharged and ready to take out the evil creature below his massive Spirit Bomb.

"This is the hopes of Earth," said Goku as he looked down at Kid Buu. "I'm sorry this has to end this way, but I promise that you will be reincarnated into a kinder soul." With that, Goku raised his two fingers in a salute to Kid Buu and said the final words: "Until next time, goodbye."

Goku pushed the Spirit Bomb at Kid Buu. He moans in discomfort as he tries to fight back. One by one, the characters pop up in the order they call Goku, blotting out Kid Buu for a moment or so.

"Goku!" cried Dende on Namek.

"Kakarot!" cries Bardock and Vegeta.

"Dad!" cries Gohan.

"Goku," said Piccolo as Goten and Trunks appear without saying anything.

"Do it!" they all say to the Saiya-jin with the prayers of the universe on his shoulders. They disappear as the whole scene shatters like glass. With a loud cry, Goku thrusted the Spirit Bomb at Kid Buu as he pours his restored energy into it. Kid Buu cried out in pain as his body dissolved on impact. Then, there was a flash of light as a long and huge creater dug the ground. Goku falls out of his ascended Super Saiya-jin mode as he slowly floats to the ground with his head down.

'Kakarot?' thought Bardock before he saw his son point his thumb up. Then, he lifted his head with a smile on his face as he landed in front of Vegeta, who was sitting down on the ground. He gives a thumbs up as well to Goku and then, they both do it at the same time, which surprised Bardock.


"They did it!" said Dende happily.

"Yes," said Shin. "The universe is saved."

"May the other Kaioshin rest in peace now that the threat has passed," said Kibito.


About an hour after the ordeal, Shin teleported everyone, except Elder Kai, back to Kami's Lookout. Dende smiled as everyone rushed over to the heroes. After agreeing that Fat Buu was not to be killed, the Z-Fighters didn't really keep their distance from the gentle chubby fighter and greeted him warmly. Goku hugs Chi-chi as Goten and Gohan both gather around. Vegeta looks at Bulma, who had tears in her eyes.

"Are you back for good, Vegeta?" said Bulma. "I never want that to happen again."

"I promise for now on, I will not kill anyone innocent for they do not deserve to die if they did nothing wrong," said Vegeta as he gives Bulma a heart-warming kiss.

As Goku watched, he quietly looked at Bardock over Chi-chi's shoulder. He seemed depressed about something as he felt guilt in his heart. Leaving his gentle wife's arms, he walked over to his father.

"Need to talk somewhere, dad?" said Goku.

"You read my mind," said Bardock.

"Chi-chi, I need to talk with my dad," said Goku. "I'll be back around dinnertime, alright?"

"I know you will," said Chi-chi with a smile. "Besides, now that you're alive again, you'll need to keep up your strength." Smirking, she whispers, "And later on, we can catch up on the time you've been gone."

Goku blushed as he felt it get about ten degrees warmer. He nipped at Chi-chi's nose to cause her to yipe a bit in surprise. After this, he leaves with his father to a forest south of the tower.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" said Goku.

"Do you think that I should stay when I have no love to be with?" said Bardock as Goku felt sorrow in his father's heart.

"There's no doubt about it," said Goku. "What if something happens to me or if another threat comes? We'll need all the help we get."

"Still, I'm lonely," said Bardock.

"Nonsense!" said Goku. "I think I can do something to help."

"Huh?" said Bardock as the scene fades.


"Goku! Bardock!" called Chi-chi as she calls out the door. "Dinner's ready!"

Chi-chi saw three figures coming. One she knew was Goku, but Bardock had his arms around another woman as he spoke in Saiya-go to the woman. Chi-chi was confused until they got closer.

"Who is she?" said Chi-chi.

"Well, I went to the Other Realm to ask Scrix for a favor and give my mother, Cerpia her life back," said Goku. "He said that since we saved Earth, Bardock earned his own mate back."

"Pleased to meet you," said Chi-chi as Cerpia looks at Chi-chi and then at Goku.

"I see my son's picked a very fine mate," said Celpia. "I can see the wild fighting spirit inside of her. I guess she's a worthy sparring partner."

"Wait a minute," said Goku. "I don't think she's up to the challenge to spar anytime soon!"

"Goku's right," said Chi-chi with a sly grin. "I'm going to spend a bit of time with him first."

Goku passed out from the thought. Bardock laughs as the scene fades out.


With that, the earth was at peace. Time passed as the Z-Fighters settled down. As the years passed, Gohan and Videl married and had a daughter named Pan. Secretly, Bardock and Celpia both trained the child whenever she visited their home next to Goku and Chi-chi's. When they weren't training Pan, Celpia was sparring with Chi-chi, trying to make her a better fighter. Eventually, Goku couldn't run from a conversation once Chi-chi learned to fly and was dragged back home to be yelled at. Bardock laugher would ring out clearly through the forest at the scene whenever it happened. Since he was now with his mate again, Bardock decided to make his own house next to his son's so that he wouldn't feel lonely and make sure that they were alright.

So, it was 10 years of peace. Until one day...


"Dad! I want to fight in the tournament!" said the 4-year old Pan.

"Honey, they don't have the children's tournament this year!" said Gohan.

"So?" said Pan.

"You'll get hurt!" said Gohan.

"Relax," said Bardock as he gives him a wink. "I've taught her all I know."

"What?!" said Gohan as his eyes grew tiny.

"Yep." said Bardock with a chuckle. "Come on! We'll be late!"


The fighters were gathered at the tournament, except Mr. Satan who was deemed a coward after Bardock's victory over him 10 years ago. Goku seemed very eager as Fat Buu walked happily with the rest of them. Everyone stared at the gentle chubby fighter and were wondering where they've seen him before. Years eariler, Goku had used the Dragon Balls to erase the memories from everyone, except the Z-Fighter's memories to make sure they wouldn't attack the jolly fighter.Then a year later two other wishes were made and the Z-Fighters were not told about the wishes as well as anyone else. Goku occasionally sparred with either Bardock or Buu during the 10 years of peace and eventually grew tired of his fighting outfit and decided to wear a different outfit. So, he sported a blue top with a white belt and orange pants with some low cut shoes.

"Hey Buu," whispered Goku quietly. "Can you rig the matches?"

Buu nodded his head happily as Goku explained his plan. The other Z-Fighers were not sure what was going on as Trunks and Goten look around. They ran into some rather weird men who were flirting with them. Bardock saw this and knocked the two gay men out with a satisfied smirk.

"If anyone asks, tell them that they knocked themselves out," said Bardock as he walked away cooly.

Eventually, the fight was down to 8 (after Bardock's knockout) as Buu worked his magic to pull a few strings. Like Chou-zu had done in the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament, the slips of paper were mixed up. Goku saw a dark skinned boy and felt his energy. It felt familiar and he was excited to fight him.

"Who's that boy?" said Vegeta.

"His name's Uub," said Goku. "I hope he's a good challenge!"

So with that, the tournament started. Pan easily defeated her opponent with one punch. Goten and Trunks had their rematch and Trunks won again, making Vegeta smirk. Then, the match between Goku and Uub came up.

"Let the match begin!" said the announcer as the gong sounded.

Goku taunted Uub and moved quickly around the ring, confusing the young boy. Uub seemed defenseless, but eventually, Goku stopped moving quick and started throwing punches at the boy. Uub furiously attacked Goku with his strength and surprised Goku with a upper cut that nearly sent the Saiya-jin out of the ring. However, Goku stopped in mid-air, which surprised a lot of spectators since they had no idea of anyone with the ability to fly. Since the wish, everyone's memories were wiped out from the whole incident, except that a warrior easily defeating Mr. Satan with one blow.

"Can you fly?" said Goku as Uub looked up at the man.

"No," said Uub. "I can't!"

"Hm," said Goku with a smile on his face. "We'll have to fix that."

Everyone was confused as Goku flew up to his wife in the stands. A small conversation took place as Bardock watched from the sidelines. After that, Goku said bye to everyone and took the young boy off somewhere. The tournament continued with Bardock vs. Vegeta. Bardock won the bout easily and advanced. Buu also advanced after defeating a weaker fighter. Then in the second match, Trunks lost to Pan easy and Buu lost to a ring out with Bardock's special attack...

"Candy launcher!" said Bardock as Buu chased the candy out of the ring. (A/N: What? Master Roshi or AKA Jackie Chun used a bone to get Man-Wolf out of the ring, so why not?)

The last fight was between Pan and Bardock. The young girl won the crowd's hearts as Bardock looked at the young girl with a gentle smile.

"You ready to fight me, little one?" said Bardock as he switched to Saiya-go. /Give it all you got and I'll make it so that you look like the victor!/

/Yes grandfather,/ said Pan as the scene fades out.


That night, Pan celebrates with the others as she holds the trophy proudly in her hands. Everyone thought that Bardock threw the match and should have ascended, but Bardock mentions that they made a pact that they weren't allowed to ascend and had to keep it. While everyone ate, everyone wondered where Goku went as Chi-chi walks up to the window and sadly looks out at the stars.

'Where are you, my son?' thought Bardock as he closed his eyes to try to find him. His energy seemed so faint it was not even close to home, but far away. Giving up, he decided to let his son do what he had to do and left the table quietly.


Outside one warm summer night a few weeks after the tournament, Bardock was sitting under a tree when he heard something in the bushes. Instictively, he pounced on whatever was in the bushes as he aims a fist down at the head of the person pinned beneath him. However, a familiar scent stopped him from hitting the face as he let go of the figure and shook his head.

/Kakarot,/ said Bardock. /You should know better./

/I was only wanting to know what you were doing out here with the full moon out tonight,/ said Goku.

/Full moon?/ said Bardock a bit worried.

/Yeah, why do you ask?/ said Goku.

/Oh shit!/ said Bardock as he ran down the path. /Come on! We need to teach the half-breeds how to control the transformation now that they have their tails back!/

As the two Saiya-jins run through the forest, the Gods above smiled. For this wasn't your everyday father-son moment that seems to go wrong. For it was unexpected fate that had brought the two together in the first place and has taken them on an unforgetable adventure. If it weren't for the almightly powers of Infr, the two wouldn't have been reunited or would have never found the power to defeat their foes all by themselves.



CMG: *pulls out party hats* PARTY! My first very long and wicked fic is done!

Scrix: *tied to the pinata* Can you please untie me from this thing?

CMG: Let me think. I think... NOT!

Karis: You're mean!

Saria: Where's Infr?

Infr: *stumbles in wearing a Sailor Moon costume with the blonde wig around his shoulders and a bottle of whiskey in his other hand* I am Sailor Moon! And on behalf of the Moon, I shall punish you! *Karis and Saria face vaults*


Scrix: Oh by the power of everything that is holy! How in the hell did I end up in this damnation?

CMG: Because I created you and if you weren't created, you wouldn't of been helping these Saiya-jin at all and the whole timeline in this story I've created would have been for nothing! Now quiet or I'll use this rather nice paddle to smack the pinata. *pulls out a comically large paddle as Scrix has a sweatdrop run down his face* Until the next series, remember these words...

Darth Vader: Luke, I am your father!

CMG: Wrong words!


Scrix: Liar!

CMG: Fine! I'll own him one day then! *suddenly grabs Gogeta and smirks* Bye! *scene fades out*