A/N: This is the last chapter and a short one which is why I decided to add in a small chunk of what my next story will be about. It takes place a month after the honeymoon. I also do not own anything from Disney. Enjoy! R&R!

Revision: Not much to revise here since the chapter was so short.

Honey Moon Bliss

Chapter 3 : Au revoir Paris!

Tiana handed her last luggage to one of the help

"Will there be more, madam?" the man asked.

"No, thank you," Tiana replied. She was a little sad to be leaving her honeymoon, but was also happy to be coming back to her restaurant. Her other dream come true…

"Tiana. Are you ready to go?" asked Naveen, who was standing behind her.

She took in a deep inhale and exhale.

Naveen kissed the top of her head, "I will also miss this beautiful city."

"This honeymoon was unbelievable." Tiana's eyes began to well up with tears. "I don't know…there's so many more opportunities here for me."

"What are you saying?" Naveen has never heard Tiana speak this way.

She wiped her tears away and laughed a little. "Nevermind. I'm just a little heartbroken about leaving. Let's go before the ship leaves."

"No Tiana…if you want to stay longer we can get that arranged."

She shook her head 'no'. "I have the restaurant to go back to. You know that. All the repairs and such are done."

Naveen decided not to go further with the conversation. He took her hand and gave her a smile. "Let's go back home."

A month later…

"Tiana's Palace is flowing in so much money! I can't believe it!" Tiana said with excitement, plopping on the bed in their bedroom.

"If you keep this up you will be the richest woman in town." Naveen said, giving his wife a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm sure Mr. La Bouff would love that." She joked.

"He'll just have to accept it." Naveen began kissing Tiana on the neck. "I have other plans for you tonight."

"Mmm." Tiana wrapped her arms around her husband's waist. "And what plans are these?"

"Making passionate love with my wife," he continued kissing and sucking on her neck.

"We have an early start tomorrow…," she breathed out.

"Then we might as well get started," Naveen replied, running his hands up and down her thighs.

Just then the phone rang.

"Muya Juadonte" He cursed. (Mother fucker)

"Watch your language." Tiana warned, pushing him off of her. "It could be important."

"It could be for someone else." He tried to sneak in a kiss but Tiana turned her head.

"Fine." He kissed her cheek. "I'll get it." Then got up and ran over to answer the phone.


"Naveen…" Naveen's mother Nagina replied.

"Mother?" Naveen asked, breathing a little heavy.

"Why are you breathing this way? What were you doing?"

"Tiana and myself are newlyweds. What do you think we were doing?"

"Oh…nevermind. I need for you to come home immediately. It's your father."

"What' s wrong with him?"

"He's very ill. We need you here."

"But I have a restaurant to run with Tiana—

"This is serious Naveen. You may be king before this week is over."

Naveen stomach dropped after he heard that. The last thing he wanted to be was king of Maldonia right now. But he also had to show respect to his father. With a sigh, Naveen simply answered, "I'll leave as soon as tomorrow morning."

A/N: That's it for Honeymoon Bliss. I'm working on another story that takes place after this one but I wanted to add a little bit of my next fanfiction 'Queen of Maldonia' at the end since this chapter is so short. R&R!