Yay! Another Mary Sue alphabet! These are so much fun to write. Both of my Mary Sue alphabets were inspired by the Harry Potter one by Irony_chan. I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh GX. Any resemblance to any fanfiction or character is completely unintentional. I apologize if I insulted anyone. So, enjoy the Mary Sue Alphabet!

The Yu-Gi-Oh GX Mary Sue Alphabet:


A is for Ashley
With a genius IQ
She just started Duel Academy,
But in Obelisk Blue.
She's never lost a duel
Since she made her first deck.
But no one is jealous
That she's teacher's pet.
'Cause how could they ever
Think anything bad
About this child prodigy
Who crushed any dreams they had
About ever becoming
The next king of games?
(It's no wonder this fanfic
Got nothing but flames.)


B is for Brittney.
She's Jaden's new girl,
With six names in a row
And sapphire curls.
We're really not sure
If this fanfic's for real,
We're hoping it's not
Since Brittney just healed
A wounded Kuriboh
With the power of love,
And it seems that she has
No flaws to speak of.
It could be a parody.
We don't really know.
But it's so bad it's funny
An author could ever sink so low.


C is for Cairo
(it's used as a name)
But compared to the story
That isn't so strange.
Cause Cairo's half dragon,
Half ninja,
Half elf.
It's complex,
Says the author
Who's not sure herself
Exactly how Cairo
Was born in Japan,
Is the princess of somewhere,
And somehow began
the vampire genre,
despite being ten
(yet an Obelisk Blue).
It's no wonder this fanfic
Has zero reviews.


D is for Dawn,
And she rules the school
'Cause this Mary Sue
Has never lost a duel.
See, Jaden and Alexis
realized their feelings for each other,
and the result of their marriage
was Dawn and her brother.
But all that Dawn does
Is make fun of the losers.
And that just isn't
Enough plot for reviewers.
Now the author won't update
Till she gets five good reviews.
Wait? We're supposed to like this?
Now I'm so confused.


E is for Erin
Or was her name Ern?
There's so many mistakes here,
We're kind of concerned
That maybe the author
Needs a good pair of glasses.
Cause Ern—I mean Erin
Would fail all her classes
If her papers were as bad
As what the author just wrote.
Is that a blue coat Erin's wearing?
Or did she really mean 'goat'?


F is for Falcon
I wish I was kidding.
Though she sure thought her teachers were
When she heard them forbidding
Any students to go near
The old haunted castle
(The author won't say where that came from
'cause it's just too much hassle).
So Falcon was captured
And then used as bait
So the villain can finally
Defeat Falcon's soul mate.
But even after all this
She's as clueless as ever.
"What? You say this is a trap?
The villain's isn't that clever..."


G is for Gaia
(Gemini? Glory?)
She's blonde. No, a redhead.
And this is her story.
She's in the Slifer Red dorm
Cause her grades kinda suck
(No, wait, the teachers just hate her.)
And she has the bad luck
Of being an artifact
Disguised as a person.
It's a magic defense.
No wait, it's a curse. And
Has to stop all the bad guys
Without letting any
Of her classmates
Know about her true past,
Which she can't ever remember
Since it changes too fast.


H is for Heather,
One of many OCs
Who showed up at Duel Academy
Nice as you please.
They're taking over the school
And ruining the show's plot.
Maybe there'll be a storyline?
Apparently not.
All of these OC people
have no personality
The canon cast is off hiding
To protect their originality.
'Cause anyone who meets
An OC like Heather
Becomes as brain-dead as she is,
A zombie forever.


I is for Isabel
Who's only real trait
Is showering Jaden
With nothing but hate.
She seems to have nothing
To do all day long
But embarrass poor Jaden
And always prove him wrong.
Isabel's a great duelist,
And Jaden's really bad.
And Isabel is stealing
All the friends Jaden had.
Despite the author's attempts
To make others hate Jaden too,
He's gaining readers' sympathy
Said the only review.


J is for Jaden
Who isn't an OC,
But he's so out of character
That he may as well be.
He's Gothic, sadistic,
And possibly gay.
He's bipolar and psycho,
Hides in his room during the day.
I think he's a vampire,
But that changes a lot.
If it were consistent,
There might be a plot.
Though that isn't too likely,
Not likely at all,
Since the author hasn't logged on
Since early last fall.


K is for Kaida
An Obelisk Blue,
Incredibly wealthy
And talented too.
Kaida was the best duelist
'Till she was defeated,
And despite what she accused,
She knew Jaden hadn't cheated.
And if you've never
Seen this situation done
Just search out Yu-Gi-Oh
Episode One.
And it's not even like the name is that clever.
Just flip the 'd' backwards.
Worst disguise ever.


L is for Lauren,
popular and cool.
She's in Slifer Red,
But she rules the school.
And she's turning into
What the author swore she wouldn't become.
See, she's taking a test…
Hey! Where'd that keyblade come from?
Now Lauren's turned into
Jaden and Sora all in one.
And there were plenty of readers,
But now there are none.


M is for Megan.
She's Jaden's clone,
And despite the author's claims,
Has no personality of her own.
And despite having been made
Only two months ago,
She's the same age as Jaden.
(She took two months to grow?)
Now cloning a character
May not sound too boring,
But if nothing ever happens,
There's really no story.
Megan goes to her classes,
And talks with her friends,
There's no plot at all.
We can't wait 'till this ends.


N's for Nicole,
Of Obelisk Blue.
She's sailor Earth
And a catgirl too.
She's a vampire who happens
To be immune to the sun,
And has whatever powers
The author thinks would be fun.
She's the Slayer,
The Avatar,
And part Autobot
So much time's spent describing her
That there isn't a plot.


O's for Olivia.
She's viewed as the norm,
Despite her green curls
And her magical sword.
No one finds it strange
That she has amethyst eyes,
And are angel wings normal now?
That's how she flies.
She wears skimpy outfits
Made mostly of lace.
Clearly the school dress code
Needs to be replaced.


P is for Parker
Who's not a Mary Sue.
'Cause Parker has bad points
And weaknesses too.
She's a stupid, annoying,
Hideous brat.
She's incompetent, paranoid,
And horribly fat.
But despite all her flaws
(these are just the beginning),
The whole school is in love with her.
How long 'till the ending?!?!?


Q is for Quinn.
She's backstory-riffic!
But she can't tell you her past.
'Cause it's just that horrific.
Well, if you must know,
Her home was destroyed
After she ran away.
Her sister died in a car crash
On her seventh birthday.
She was kidnapped by scientists
And given superpowers
She's died at least sixteen times,
In the past sixteen hours.
She's somebody's clone
And some villain's daughter.
And it seems any plot
Is just dead in the water.


R is for Rose,
Who's sparkly and pure,
A friend to all living things,
And extremely mature,
For a ten year old girl
(That's the author's age too).
She has golden blonde hair,
Her eyes are a sapphire hue.
She's at one with nature,
But has a "major" flaw:
She's a little bit clumsy,
Which doesn't slow her down at all.


S is for Sarah,
Who's really pathetic.
She trips over her own feet,
Though she's said to be athletic.
She's in Obelisk Blue,
Though her dueling skills suck.
She's won once in her lifet i m e,
And that was just luck.
She's failed every class,
And has to repeat the grade.
See, Sarah's just average,
The a uthor explains.
But despit e being "average",
All the boys are obsessed.
They think that she's perfect.
It makes me depressed.


T is for Thalia
Too good for this sinful Earth,
She gave up her life
To save the school from a curse.
Throughout the whole story,
She's been completely perfect,
And even the villains
Just have to respect
This perfect girl's sacrifice
By changing their ways,
And living according to the morals
That Thalia displayed.
The story should be over,
But Thalia's back
As a guardian angel,
To protect the school from attack.


U is for Umeko.
She's the foreign exchange,
You probably thought
When you first read her name.
But no.
She's a regular
Obelisk Blue.
She speaks seven languages,
And duels better than you!
But she's got a secret
She's going to reveal
In the awesome next chapter!
Is this story for real?


V is for Verity,
Her eyes are silver and gold.
And her dueling skills
Are a wonder to behold.
The teachers think she's amazing.
The girls want her dead.
She could be an Obelisk Blue,
But prefers Slifer Red.
She sings like an angel,
And knows how to fly.
"I just want to be normal,"
She says with a sigh.
All the boys at the school
Think that Verity is the best.
The author has clearly never heard of
A Mary Sue test.


W is for Willow
(the author's a Buffy fan)
And the author is filibustering
Any way that she can.
Willow rants and persuades,
Gets the whole school on her side.
Someone thinks something different?
That's why they just died
In a horrible way
That proves Willow was right.
This has got to be the worst fanfic
Ever found on this site.


X is for Xandra.
She isn't a Sue!
The author exclaims
As she reads a review.
She's afraid of the dark!
It took her a month to learn Chinese!
Her IQ is only 150!
And so what if she sees
Duel Monster spirits!
Jaden can too!
If you're just going to be stupid,
Why bother to review?


y is for yumi
whos story might not be so bad
but there's so little punctuation
it's really quite sad!!!!!
there are no capital letters
and no commas to be found!!1!!
theres no paragraph breaks
but exclamation points abound!!!!!
we cant tell who 's talking!!!!!
we dont know what's going on!!1!!
And half the "exclamation points"
Are really the number one!1!!!!


Z is for Zoe,
The worst kind of Sue:
An author-turned-character
Who out of the blue,
Found herself in the show.
She knows what happens next,
'Cause she's seen every season.
So when the characters are perplexed,
Zoe will know the answer,
And she will save the day.
And her least favorite characters
Are going to pay.