I am SO SORRY for the extreme lack of posts for the last month- almost two!-

I've been under A LOT of stress and emotional distress over the last month and I couldn't find it in myself to muster any real writing.

Writing just to update and giving you guys a horrible story wouldn't have been fair and I don't think I could have taken updating without any real effort.

I'm so so so so so so SO SO SO SO SORRY!

Fortunately, I've been getting better. I've gained back my ability to actually get my head screwed on straight and it'll be easier for me to concentrate on writing you guys a whole load of new chapters!

I know, you guys probably don't even trust me anymore because it seems like I'm absent from fanfiction a lot.

I probably also lost about all of my lovely readers who have been following the We Are One fanfic from the very beginning. I love you guys and I can't explain how deeply saddened I was to come back and see that I haven't updated since APRIL and my ratings have fall juristically!

I only ask that you guys forgive me and wait one more day for me to update Severed Chains. Please!

I love you all and I can't believe that I had to break my promise to all of you. I received a few reviews while I was gone and I'd like to thank you guys for continuing to read for this whole time!

Please forgive me!,

America's Ham