The city threw us a 'Thank you for saving the city party' on a yacht a week or so later. Reed had developed me a suit like Johnny's. One that was flame proof and could stand the heating conditions. Sue and Reed had gotten a lot closer in the last couple of days. Ben brought over the girl he had been dating, Alicia. Johnny had taken me on a proper date and ended it like a proper gentleman. With only a kiss even though we lived in the same building. It was cute. Sue had accepted and was OK with Johnny and I dating.

Sue, Alicia, and I were at the bar getting drinks.

"Ladies your drinks." the bartender said.

"I don't think we need another." Alicia said laughing.

"Just one more." Sue said, handing us our drinks. We walked back into the party. I left them to go find Johnny. He had just gotten done talking to the fire chiefs. When a whole bunch of girls swooped in like he was the last raft on a sinking ship. He was laughing with the girls. I walked over.

"Excuse me ladies, but this man is taken." I said linking my arm with his. I wasn't 'claiming' him as my property and I wasn't jealous. I was happy, and I had found Johnny in this crowd of people. I just wanted to be by my boyfriend, plus making it known was fun.

"Excuse me?" one of the ladies said. "But why do you think that?" she said coping an attitude.

"Because you cant handle the heat." I said, Johnny started to laugh at the irony of the fact. I really was the only girl in the world who could handle the heat. They all looked at him expecting him to tell me to walk away. He didn't so they eventually dispersed.

"Hey there cutie." he asked.

"Hello hot stuff." I said as we walked out onto the yacht's deck.

"You know they were just talking right?" he asked me as we went out to the clearer air.

"Ya, I know. And I am fine with people talking to you. I get pissed though when they practically start giving you a lap dance and just saw me walk away from you." I said referring to what happened a couple of days ago. Johnny had bought me a drink that he had owed me for some time at a bar near the Baxter building. I got up and left for a moment to powder my nose and when I came back some girl was basically giving him a lap dance. He was in such an awkward position trying to tell her to go away and how he has a girlfriend. I walked up to her and decked her in the face. We got kicked out, Johnny wouldn't let me live it down.

"You know you really are an Angel with a dirty face." he said laughing at what I had said. I smiled I loved his laugh.

"You have no idea." I said kissing him. Sue and Reed walked onto the deck as well. They didn't even notice us. We watched Reed propose to Sue. She went invisible.

"Your sis needs to work on that whole invisible thing." I said. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. We watched as Ben and Alicia, and everyone else came onto the deck. We walked over and stood by Ben and Alicia. Sue became visible and kissed Reed.

"Awe she's kissing him." Ben said.

"They're so cute." Some woman in the crowd said.

"Hey, no more wise cracks about the way I look." Ben said to Johnny. He let go of my waist and held onto my hand.

"Hey, call me Mr. Sensitivity." he said to Ben and patted his shoulder with his free hand.

Johnny started to walk forward with his hand still in mine.

"Okay, wide load coming through! Everybody move! He's huge!" Johnny said and walked faster. Ben followed. Johnny and I stood on the deck.

"Come here Mr. Sensitive!" Ben said. Johnny looked down at me. I rolled my eyes and crouched.

"Flame on!" he said and I pushed off the ground and we flew into the air. In the air he let me go I floated there as he made a huge 4 with a circle around it. He flew to where I was.

"But you are my favorite one with super powers. And you are the best side kick." he said.

"You are so cheesy." I said and kissed him. We floated in the air while he was on fire and kissed.