Author's note; Here is the next instalment for you, hope you like it.

Thank you, everyone who reviewed. Sorry it is taking me so long to update, but I am a perfectionist and want to give you guys the best story I can. Enjoy.


Percy stood motionless in the middle of the kitchen. He had nowhere to run, surrounded by five repulsively vile men all staring daggers at him. He slowly pivoted on the spot, searching for some king of gap in their barricade to escape through, but all he found were amused faces and piercing eyes.

"Look guys, you've had your fun. Can I go to sleep?" Percy asked gingerly. He knew the answer would be no but it was worth a shot.

"You know what your problem is?" Max said in response. "I think you're jealous."

"What do you mean?" Percy sighed. He just wanted to be left alone. He didn't have the energy to play guessing games right now. He tried to keep eye contact with Max as the man approached. He wanted to show these men that he wasn't afraid of them. Max was stood right in front of Percy now and being six feet tall, he hovered over the kid.

He bent forward and sneered in Percy's face. "You're jealous that your Mommy gets all the action while you get forgotten about."

"Now that you mention it..." Gabe chipped in, a grin as wide as the Cheshire cat's on his stubbly face.

"Awww, you poor little darling. Do you feel left out?" Bob added, mirroring Gabe's ridiculous expression.

"Well, we can't have that now can we." Joe stated, leaning back against the tall refrigerator, enjoying the commencing display of abuse.

Percy furrowed his brow in utter confusion. What the hell were these bastards getting at? He was really starting to regret his reaction to Gabe's filthy comments now. He didn't like where this was going.

"You're crazy; I don't have a clue what you're talking about. Please, just let me leave." Percy pleaded, but he knew it was pointless.

Carl walked over to where Max and Percy stood. Casually slinging an arm over his buddies shoulder, he mimicked him, leaning down to Percy's level.

"I'm sure we can fix your little problem Percy. C'mon Max, let's show the puppy what he's been missing."

The moment those words left Carl's mouth, an unnerving silence descended on the six males within the apartment. No body mover for what seemed like an eternity, but eventually the quiet was lifted by the sound of feet shuffling along the floor. Those feet belonged to Percy. He was subconsciously backing away from Max and Carl. The look in their eyes was terrifying him and he knew that he had to get away from them, however he could.

His retreat was cut short suddenly as he felt Gabe grab him from behind, tightly holding his arms in a vice like grip.

"Where ya going princess? The fun's just getting started." Gabe scoffed from behind his step son.

Percy instantly began to struggle, twisting and turning, straining with every ounce of strength he had left to break loose from the man holding onto him. As he tried to pull away from the restraining hands of his step father, Gabe adjusted his grip, wrapping his strong arms around Percy in a crushing bear hug. Percy reacted by kicking his unrestricted legs out in front of him. His aim hit the mark and caught Carl square in the gut, causing him to double over and effectively postponing his charge, but that did little to deter Max's approach.

Together, Max and Gabe managed to manoeuvre the almost hysterical Percy into the middle of the kitchen, once again placed in the centre of the mob of men, all of which had unreadable expressions. Percy was forced onto his knees, one of Max's large hands entwined in the back of his dishevelled mop of black hair.

He yelped in discomfort as Max yanked his head back forcefully, enabling his poker buddies to get a good look at the boy in his degrading position. Percy's eyes darted from person to person as his anxiety increased. His chest was heaving as he tried to take some deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself down. His entire body was wracked with intense trembling and his vision was starting to blur from the consuming fear welling up in the pit of his stomach.

"Please..." Percy whispered, closing his eyes in inescapable defeat. That was the only word he was able to force out of his mouth. Although Percy had screwed his eyes shut as tightly as he could, the men surrounding him were all able to see the tears he tried so desperately to subdue, leak out from under his lids and start to bead on his eyelashes.

"Augh geese, you're not crying are you? I knew you were a fucking baby." Bob gloated. Once Percy had been placed on his knees, he had moved over to stand next to Joe, both of them with their backs to the refrigerator. Bob had followed Joe's lead and now, he too was puffing on a thick cigar.

"Hey, let's wash those tears away huh." Gabe suggested. "What kind of Daddy would I be if I didn't look after you?"

He strolled over to Percy and without warning, emptied his bottle of beer onto the boy. The ice cold liquid caused Percy to gasp as it hit his body, trailing unpleasantly down his spine and soaking through his clothes. The coldness bit into his muscles as his wet T-shirt clung annoyingly to his skin and he found himself coughing and spluttering as the beer was poured in his face, robbing him of sight and air.

The crowded kitchen erupted with laughter at the sight of Percy, dripping wet and shivering in front of them. He looked totally helpless and completely at their mercy, which made the games so much more exciting.

Max, who still had hold of Percy's hair, bent down and leaned towards his ear. Percy tried to jerk his head away from the man but Max's hand held strong as he whispered.

"I just love wet t-shirts, and you are by far, the best looking slut around."

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" Percy screamed. He renewed his erratic struggling, desperate to get away. He felt the hairs ripping from the back of his neck but he didn't care. The adrenalin coursing through his veins was enough to dull the pain and he continued with all his strength to break free from Max's hold on him.

Before Percy realised what was happening, he felt the full force of Carl's fist smash into his jaw. The blow instantly immobilised the boy, causing his head to jerk violently to one side, blood seeping from his mouth where his lip had split on impact.

Percy was now free from Max's grip but unable to take advantage of that fact. He was hunched over on his knees, clutching his aching jaw. The punch had knocked him for six and for a moment he forgot where he was. All he could think about was the blinding pain spiking its way through his skull.

Once Percy had regained a small amount of composure, he withdrew his hands from his mouth. They were stained red with his blood. The sight turned the boy's stomach.

"Please..." Percy stuttered.

"PLEASE WHAT?" Carl roared. His booming voice echoed throughout the apartment and Percy nearly jumped out of his skin at his sudden outburst.

"Please don't hurt me." Percy begged, his voice barely above a whisper. Poker nights had never been this bad before and he didn't know how much more he could take.

"HA, one tiny punch and the brat's begging for mercy. Your step-son's such a faggot Gabe." Joe guffawed loudly. His beady eyes were glued to Percy as he continued to laugh at the boy's pitiful request. His meaty cheeks turned pink as he chuckled along with the rest of the group who had all joined in. They were all tanked up to the eyeballs, swaying slightly from side to side and the evenings events were becoming more out of hand than ever before. The night was completely unplanned but all the men were enjoying the party, relishing the power they held over Percy.

The laughter soon died down to quiet huffs, each man relaxing back into his own drunken state.

Max knelt down in front of Percy, roughly grabbing hold of his chin and forcing the boy to look at him. His smokey breath wafted onto Percy's face and once again he tried to pull away. He was cut short when he felt his shoulders back into Carl's strong legs. He was sandwiched between the two men, bruised and bleeding. Shivering from cold and fear. He knew he couldn't escape what these men had planned for him, but he sure as hell wasn't going to make it easy for them.

Percy stared back at Max with steel in his eyes. He looked at the man with contempt and hatred burning deep within his aching body. It was the only form of defiance he could muster in his dire situation, but it had no effect on his abuser. Max returned Percy's hateful glare, his dark eyes boring into the boy.

"I think we better get you out of those wet clothes." Max stated, matter of factly.

"We don't want you to catch cold now do we?" Carl said rhetorically, slowly lowering himself over Percy.

Together Max and Carl tore at Percy's shirt, all three of them locked in a vicious struggle over the dampened clothing. Percy's heart was racing; he just couldn't catch his breath as he strained to keep hold of his t-shirt and his dignity.

Percy fought desperately with the large men, punching and kicking at whatever part of their bogies he could reach. He wasn't going to give up, no matter how badly they hurt him.

Percy's erratically flailing limbs were not enough to prevent Max and Carl from removing his clothes, especially with the injuries he had already earned from Gabe and his friends earlier on in the evening. The flimsy material ripped at the seams under the brutes ministrations. The wet cotton hit the ground in one dull, sloppy thud as the men tossed the ruined t-shirt aside, now turning their attention to Percy's jeans.

As Carl struggled to lift Percy high enough for Max to pull off his pants, Bob decided to join the scuffle, taking one of Percy's arms, Carl grabbing the other. Together the men were able to overpower the hysterical teenager, allowing Max to unbutton his jeans and yank them free from Percy's quivering legs.

Once Max had discarded Percy's pants, he returned to his appalling task, tearing off Percy's underwear in one swift movement and robbing the boy of his last vestige of clothing.

The three men released the boy from their clutches, allowing him to fall in a heap on the wet, beer stained kitchen floor.

"Stand up!" Gabe shouted from his viewing spot in front of the sink. Percy was hunched over in a tight ball. It was as if he was trying to curl in on himself, shrink into the smallest position he could contort his slim body into. He wanted to disappear.

"Didn't you hear me princess? I said GET THE FUCK UP!" Gabe repeated himself, a cross between annoyance and amusement in his growling voice. He strolled over to Percy, who had remained, unmoving in his cowering stance. Gabe grabbed a fist full of his step-sons dark hair and pulled the boy up into a standing position.

Percy used his hand in a feeble attempt to cover himself from the five sets of eyes all glaring in his direction. He hung his head low in an effort to hide his burning cheeks from view as he stood there, naked and alone.