Everything About Her (13/13)
Chapter title: Surprise
Rating: R, mostly for subject matter and language
Summary: A collection of short one-shots that show Lamb's POV during Veronica's pregnancy
Characters/Pairing: Veronica/Lamb, Keith
Spoilers: entire series but AU from 3X14
Word Count: 2022
Disclaimer: I don't own Veronica Mars
A/N: This is a Follow up to my fic 'A Kiss Before Dying' which you should read first. Follow this link to the last chapter which contains links to the whole story: .com/veronica_
This follows the months of Veronica's pregnancy and focuses on certain events or experiences, in no specific order.
A/N: The following chapter is a little different from the previous ones in this fic. Instead of one issue and scene between Lamb and Veronica, this chapter has a multitude of moments all focusing around the labor and arrival of their child. now that having been said, I have never been pregnant, nor have I ever been in attendance at the birth of a child. all events taking place in this chapter are based on research and scenes from books, movies and TV shows. As always somethings are exaggerated, this is fiction.
Thanks to everyone who has reviewed, alerted and/or favorited this fic!
It's time:
Her water decides to break at probably the best possible, or worst possible, time depending on how you look at it.
Its two weeks before her due date and it's the fourth day in our new house, I'm getting ready for therapy and she is supposed to meet Parker and Mac for lunch. We get in the shower together and of course can't leave the other alone. I'm sitting on the ledge in the stall, she's on my lap with her legs are wrapped around my waist, I'm still inside of her and we're both coming down from our mind-blowing orgasms when all of a sudden she gasps loudly. "Oh my god!"
I flinch a little, both startled and worried, afraid I'd hurt her, and then I realize that I'm soaked and not from the shower, because the shower head is hitting my right side and I suddenly feel like I'm sitting in a puddle on the ledge which up to that point had been fairly dry. "Veronica?"
Her eyes are closed, her legs are still wrapped around me and I'm still buried inside of her when she looks at me and smiles through what looks to be a very painful moment. "My water just broke."
I'm pretty sure I'd already figured that out, but fuck if those words don't scare the god damn shit out of me. "Um, oh fuck. Are you ok? Is it bad that we were having sex when it happened? Did I cause it? Oh my god, is it my fault?"
She tilts her head, gives me a funny look, actually laughs a little and says. "Well technically babe, yes, this is your fault. But you didn't make my water break, it's just time." I breathe a sigh of relief as I pull out and then spray down our lower halves with the shower head before jumping out, grabbing a towel, wrapping her up in it and carrying her to the bedroom to get her dressed and rush her to the hospital.
As she sits on the bed in her sweats and bra I rest my forehead against her. "I love you, Veronica."
She breathes out her answer. "You too Deputy. Are you ready for this?"
I nod. "I've never been more ready for anything."
It's that moment when her first real contraction hits and she doubles over in pain. And that's when I really freak out. I pull her shirt over her head, finish dressing her and myself, and we are out the door in less than 5 minutes.
When we get to the hospital they wheel her away from me and it breaks my heart. Even though I know I'll see her in a few minutes it still kills me because I just hate being away from her.
I make more phone calls in the 15 minutes it takes her to get settled in than I've made in the last year put together and then they finally let me join her.
She's wearing a gown that opens in the front, has her knees up lying back against the pillows with her hand on her belly and looks like she's in pain and a little worn out already, but god if she isn't still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
"Bout damn time you got here."
I stop dead in my tracks and smile at her cautiously. Ok, what did I do? "Uh, sorry babe, they wouldn't let me in while they were getting you settled."
She doesn't seem too angry so I walk over to the bed and cup her face with my hand, caressing her cheek with my fingers and she gives me this look that's a mix between exasperation and distress. "I have a perky nurse."
Well shit, wasn't there a spot for that on the admission form? Like under allergies, expectant mother has a severe allergic reaction to pep in any shape or form. "Well isn't that just fucking phenomenal. Do you want me to get her replaced?"
Veronica shakes her head and pulls me to her. "No, but I'm warning you now that if she turns into a cheerleader while I'm pushing a watermelon out of my body you're gonna have to resign yourself to conjugal visits."
I laugh a little, give her a mock salute and hop on the bed to sit next to her. "Aye Aye Captain."
I lean in to kiss her and when I pull back she's looking at me suspiciously. "What took you so long anyways? I spent a good 5 minutes waiting for you after I was settled. I think the comfort of your girlfriend during the impending birth of your child is more important than your freak-out reflex."
"I did not freak out." Veronica gives me the head tilt complete with eyebrow raise and it's so fucking hot that I have to actively remind myself that ripping her clothes off is not an option. "Ok, so maybe I freaked out a little."
She gives me another head tilt and smiles. "You drove the whole way here at warp speed blowing through every traffic light and stop sign, you asked me every 5 seconds if I was ok and when they wheeled me away the orderly asked me if you had a heart condition they should be aware of."
Ok, so she had a point. "Fuck, I did, didn't I?"
She nods and smiles. "Yep. I don't know why you're so worried, I'm the one that's gonna be spread eagle and ejecting a human life from between their legs in a matter of hours."
Now that's an interesting mental image…..and not necessarily a good one. Ok Don, move on and say something sweet. "I'm sorry Mars, forgive me? I love you." I give her quick kiss and then grab her hand as I brush some hair out of her face and she smiles.
"I love you too, and just this once I'll forgive you. But you still haven't told me where you were."
"I figured I'd take a minute or two to raise the red alert. I called your dad, Logan, Mac, Wallace, etc. They all know and they're all waiting with baited breath for the emergence of the mini me."
Veronica smiles slightly and I just know a snarky comment is coming, but before it leaves her lips a contraction hits. She grabs my hand so hard I swear she nearly breaks my fingers and I wonder why Keith didn't sign her up for more sports. I mean fuck, my girl may be small, but damn she is fucking mighty.
When the pain passes she collapses back against the pillows and lets out a loud sigh. "Fuck, is it over yet?"
"Nope, sorry baby."
"That was a rhetorical question jackass."
I love this woman, I really truly do. But it's about that point that I realize that it might be in my best interest to just keep my mouth shut unless directly requested to speak. I don't really want to die before the birth of my first child after all.
It takes 19 hours.
After sitting there for 17 hours with her, feeding her ice chips, rubbing her back and legs, holding her hand through contractions and cradling her body through an extremely painful epidural, the doctor finally decides she's ready to push. I swear I've never seen her look more excited, confused and scared shitless all at the same time in her life.
She holds my hand as the staff in the room increases and I see the apprehension cross over her face. She hates the fact that all of these people are going to see everything, but she takes it in stride and just squeezes my hand as I stand off to the side. I don't think I've ever been so proud of her.
She doesn't say a damn word until Nurse Peppy grabs my arm, tries to pull me to the end of the bed and speaks.
"Would you like to see the head?"
My mouth opens but no words come out and before I can even say that I'm not interested, Veronica nearly pulls my arm out of its socket when she yanks me back towards her. She smiles at me and gives the nurse a look that would make a full grown lion back off. "Take one look and it's the last one you'll ever get sweetie."
I lean in, kiss her forehead and smile back at the nurse who finally gets the point and doesn't open her mouth again.
Veronica has officially achieved one of her lifelong goals. To aid the world in the abolishment of perkiness. I personally think that she should receive a medal.
The final 2 hours of labor are the most traumatic thing either of us have ever experienced.
She cries and she screams, tells me she hates me and she swears she can't do it anymore. It kills me to see her in so much pain and I swear I'd take her place if I could. But I can't, so instead I'm right there with her, behind her on the bed, holding her as she pushes, telling her I love her and that she can do this because she can do anything.
And when we hear that loud wailing cry, we both have tears in our eyes.
In that moment I realize that nothing will ever be the same again and god, if it isn't the greatest feeling that ever existed.
Labor was filthy and long and bloody and agonizing for her, but none of that matters when they place a tiny pink wiggly creature on her chest and its big blue eyes look up at us.
Ten fingers, ten toes, Veronica's nose, my eyes and a few wisps of blonde hair.
It's a girl and we name her Evie Lynn. It took us months to decide on a girl's name but Evie just fit because it means life and Lynn…well that's for Logan. Evie Lynn Lamb is our second chance at life.
I hold them both against me, Veronica in my arms and our daughter in hers and I feel complete. It took me 30 years and one near death experience to find my place in this world. And my place is with them.
We have found our peace.
She's exhausted beyond belief, her hair is matted and she has more stitches in her pelvic area than should ever be allowed. But she's more beautiful than ever in that moment, I still love her more than words can express and she still laughs when I tell her. "At least we know what to expect next time."
When she's done laughing she looks at me and brightly smiles. "Next time? How many times do you think we're gonna do this?"
I smile sheepishly and sit on the edge of the bed holding her hand. "I was thinking like twenty."
And then there's the laugh again. "If you think I'm doing this 19 more times either you've got way more brain damage then we thought, or you plan on carrying them and delivering them yourself. "
And there is my Veronica Mars. I smile and offer a compromise. "Four?"
She just shakes her head, but she's still smiling. "Let's just stick with the one for right now and go from there."
I kiss her lightly and move the hair from her forehead. I'll wear her down, I always do, and besides, when I see her look at our baby in the plastic crib by her bed, I know for a fact that it won't be too hard of a task.
"I love you, Veronica Mars."
She smiles and kisses me. "I love you too, Deputy Lamb."
The biggest surprise I ever get is the realization that all of my dreams have come true.
Veronica is with me, we have a beautiful daughter, warm home and love each other with everything we have.
And it's a surprise because if you would have told me 4 years ago that this was where I would be, I would have laughed in your face and not because I didn't want it, but because I was afraid it wouldn't happen.
But it's true, it did happen and we are here, but the best part...is that it's only the beginning and we have our whole lives ahead of us.
Thanks for reading! Review please!
So this is the last chapter of this fic and I want to thank everyone who has stuck with it! I do have another sequel planned for this universe which will be just a collection of one shots over the years, so if you have any requests let me know! And if you're interested in it put me on author alert, the summary will say that it is a continuance of the 'kiss and everything universe.' As of yet i stil do not have a title.
oh, and if you havent voted on my poll yet, please do so.
thanks again!