I'm sorry I stopped writing this fanfiction for a little bit... I hope you can forgive me. ^^;;

"Misaki can you go to the story and pick up some spices? Shintani-san is coming over later today with vegetables and I thought it would be a good idea to make curry." Minako handed her daughter a list of ingredients with a wry smile.

"Sure Mom, I'll be glad to." Misaki took the list and headed outside. She looked across her yard and saw a blond figure leaning against her gate and marched towards it. "What do you think you're doing you perverted-" she stopped her yelling when she saw he was sleeping, head titled downward.

Misaki let out a sigh and pulled her hand through her hair. "Idiot. Did you seriously spend the nigh sleeping in front of my house again." A very faint smile came to her lips as she crouched down next to him to get a better look at his face.


With his book bag in one hand and in the other a plastic bag filled with vegetables, Hinata skipped down the street to Misaki's house. He came up with the perfect plan to spend the day with the lovely Misaki by having her teach him the homework he did not understand- and to teach him such confusing math problems will take whole day-it was perfect. Also he planned to sway her heart with many other clever plans he had up his sleeve.

I know I'll win her over this time!


No matter how hard she tried to fight it, the smile she kept bottled up whenever he is around would not leave her face. This strange occurrence seems to happen often now a days and she could not understand why.

"Stupid Usui, why is it that when you have no idea that I am looking at you a smile always appears on my face." A strange feeling bubbled in her stomach as she started at his sleeping face that made her heavy head have a mind of it's own and seemed to fall onto his shoulder willing.

It must be his alien mind control...


As Hinata approached Misaki's house he happened to see the a girl with dark brown hair facing in the opposite direction from which he was coming from. He felt flattered, this was the first time Misaki ever waited outside of her house for him. He waved the vegetable bag in the air and chirped, "Misaki-chan I'm so happy you have waited for me! I'm so grateful I could cry!"

Oh shit!

Misaki's body suddenly locked up at the sound of his sing-sound voice. She felt like she was going to die from embarrassment if he caught her in the act of doing this, I had to movie fast or-

Takumi's head flopped to the side she was at causing her to let out a high pitch scream no one saw coming from her. "Gahh!" She shot herself up in shock and tried to make a run for in the opposite direction Hinata was coming from.

"Misaki-chan.." Hinata whined, dropped his bags at the sight of Takumi droopy eyed face. "Wait Misaki-chan come back!"

She did not dare look back at either of them but suddenly felt something wrap around her ankle and pull her down to the grass patch to the right of the sidewalk, Takumi's hand.

"Misaki-chan, I thought you said you were going to be free today, no Usui-san..." Hinata whimpered and with shaky hands picked up his bags, trying to suppress all the emotions building up inside.

"That's what I thought too." She muttered under her breath and into the hard grown below her face.

Takumi yawned and looked around confused. "Ayuzawa why are you running away, you seemed to be enjoying your self watching me sleep." She pulled her self up with her arms and gave Takumi a deadly glare.

"Usui...baster...you were fake sleeping won't you.." Her eyes burned holes in him.

He gave her his sly smile. "Not the whole time I woke up just before you said: 'why is it that when you have no idea that I am looking at you a smile always appears on my face.'-you really should learn to control the volume of your voice when your mad- Silly Ayuzawa you can't hide a secret like that from me, I knew it was a good idea to spend the night sleeping in front of your house."

"Stupid, stalker, perverted, out space alien, Usui!"

This is going to be a long day...

Question to the reader: Should I write what happens next or move onto a new topic?

Thanks for reading :)