A year and two months? REALLY? |D
My condolences, awesome readers..
I blame school; and don't own Hetalia.

Pardon the crap?

"Hallo..? Vargas.."

The man had started off at a jog, but they were now up to a full-on sprint through the hallways.

"Listen: please stop.."

Ludivine tried her best to keep up. The Italian had a grip on her arm that wouldn't relent, even her tugging at full strength. Not only was this shirt getting stretched, but her dignity was in jeopardy.

"STOP!" She shouted, his reaction (of nothing) showing that she hadn't been heard.

Breathing in deeply, she took a quicker sprint until she stood beside him, grappled onto his throat, and threw the Italian to the ground. Catching her breath, she pointed, a warning glare in her eyes, but her breath lost.

Covering his face, Feliciano repeated, "I'M SORRY!", voice ringing throughout the hallway.

Kicking him might shut him up, the blonde thought, but would most likely make him louder than ever. So, with a sigh, she crouched down to his level. "Listen to when people talk, Vargas. You might learn a few things."



The amber-eyed boy sat up, smiling. "I'm called Feliciano. Vargas is too formal, Ludivine."

"We've only just met, Vargas. What reason do you have to call me by my first name?" Ludivine said, threat obvious in her tone.

"Because," Feliciano quietly said, " You seem nice; I like you. We should be friends!"

The German blushed, scowling. "Friends.."

"Si!" Reaching up, Feliciano pulled Ludivine's face down, planting a kiss on the left cheek.

Which resulted in him getting slapped. The German fell flat on her hindquarters, scooting back, quickly.

Each held their cheek; the boy, frowning, tears blipping in his eyes, and the girl, frowning, so as to hide her prominent redness. Thank gott, she prayed, that it hadn't landed on her lips.

"Now that was a bit much, don't you think?" Boomed a loud voice, causing the blonde to turn. To her surprise, it was the principle; in all of his curly-haired glory, he helped the lecher up, smiling. "It was only a friendly greeting, my girl. Adele, say something to calm her."


Looking up, Ludivine saw none other than her mother- the blonde, sharp-eyed woman who had raised her as strictly as possible so that she wouldn't turn out like Gillian- step from behind the principle. Standing, she saluted, putting on a serious face.

"At ease, Ludivine."

Meanwhile, the two brunets were chatting.

"Quite the catch.."

"Isn't she beautiful~?"

"Just like her mother, the child has Germanic beauty."


"Although I would like to add that her.. 'tracks of land' were inherited form the father's side.."

"How would you know that, ve...?"

"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to."


"Talk about my child as though she were not here," the vice-principle threatened, "and I will allow her to maim you AND your troublesome brood."

Looking the two over, the younger blonde saw the resemblance they shared. Honestly, she wondered why she hadn't thought of it in the first place... but the obvious was usually the hardest thing to spot. But the German played along with her mother's words, cracking her knuckles for emphasis.

The eldest Vargas patted his son's shoulder, backing up. "Well.. yes.. but you see, Adaliez, that if she hurt me, she would be suspended..."

"I'm sure that if you actually did what you said you would, I wouldn't be here. And those papers on your desk would be signed.." The blonde hinted.

"Just as well." Ignored the principle, striding over to Ludivine. "My dear child, I am Crispinus Vargas. Your mother and I have been associates for many a year, and I-"

"Papa, we should leave~," Feliciano hugged the German, pulling her away from his parental figure's grabby hands. "Mister Kirkland will yell at us if we're late on the first day!"

"Of course, of course!" Crispinus laughed, walking down the hall. "We'd best be on our way, Adaliez, these children have better things to do with their time than talk to us old-timers~"

"Call me Adele again. Just see what happens."

They watched the duo leave, Ludivine, feeling a little star-struck.

"He's my daddy. He makes everyone feel a little happier, ve."

Until she was reminded of the nuisance still gripping her. Pushing him away, the blonde took off.

Bounding alongside her, Feliciano didn't say a word for a minute- a full minute! It must have been a record, in her brief experience with the man.

"Ludivine, you'll be my friend, right?"

Said blonde shot him a strange look, pausing a step.

"You never said you would be, and I'm not the surest when it comes to reading people. Someone told me that this 'Atmosphere' book might help, but I could only find stuff about Space~" The Italian made a strange, ve-ing noise again. "But! But! Are you? Will you?"

Ludivine shook her head, sighing. "I can't really say no to you, can I..?"


"I have no choice, then. I'm your.."

"My what~?"

"... friend.."

"Is that a bad thing, bella~?"

"No.. I'm just not used to.." She swallowed, "friends.."

"Then I'll teach you! And I'll let you meet all of the nice people that I like lots~"

The Italian hummed, bouncing ahead of her.

It gave Ludivine time to consider things. How she had met this man. How she had been seemingly forced into a friendship with him. How she really didn't think this was a bad thing... and how strange that was for her.

How she felt, deep inside, that knowing this man would bring her trouble unlike most others she had seen in her once-peaceful life.

Grabbing her hand, the warmth of his palm jumbled her thoughts.

Good news, everybody! I have yet to give up on this story!
Also, that'll never happen. :3
Pardon any confusion, but I have yet to go to the first few chapters and edit them; Adaliez is Fem-Germania, and Crispinus is Rome.
I might get to it. = _=
Anyway, school's been out- it'll actually be back in, soon- and if the feedback is good enough, I'll try to dig through my memory and update this baby. :33
Thank you very much for reading; ABDH out.