A/N: 100-word drabble for madamedarque's "Write a character you dislike" challenge on xoxLewrahxox's forum.
Prompt: Write a drabble featuring a character/ship that you despise. This is NOT an opportunity for character/ship bashing. Instead it should be a serious attempt to portray the hated character(s) in a positive light.
It's the character (James), not the pairing (James/Lily) that I dislike. Just to clarify.
Also, I couldn't remember if we see any wizards blowing out candles in canon, and I don't have my books with me to check. So sorry if I'm wrong and it isn't a Muggle custom after all!
A Silly Muggle Custom
"Make a wish," says Lily.
It's a silly Muggle custom, but ever since Remus explained it on Peter's twelfth birthday, James has followed it.
Make a wish.
Blow out the candles.
Other birthdays, he's wished for broomsticks or passing grades, a place on the Quidditch team, for Lily to say yes.
This year, he has too many wishes, wishes more like prayers. Whose life, whose safety should he wish for? Should he wish for justice, for victory, to wake up from this nightmare?
James wishes that next year, he can waste his wish on a broomstick.
Blow out the candles.
Please review!