I love our little world; in our world light and darkness can exist together. In our world love and hate can be friends.

I wanted to know how to be like you, how stay in the light and not crumple down from the strong amount of brightness the sun gives off.

You didn't show me.

I am disappointed, but you did something good enough. You have come into the dark with me. You don't care anymore about the fact that I could probably kill you at any given moment if you annoy me.

Even though we both no I wouldn't.

How could I?

You are my world, Tamaki, and something tells me that I am yours.

Tamaki Suoh…

Tamaki Suoh…


I looked around the large room when I felt another weight on the bed, very near to me.

I look to my left and I see Tamaki has sat next me. He is staring at me, and for some reason it gives me goose bumps.

I look away and busy my self with straightening the pillows on the medium sized bed.

The bed was rather plain, much like the rest of the décor in the room. A simple white sheet, light blue blanket, a second blanket folded and lay at the bottom of the bed, and two simple white pillows.

Tamaki looked at me. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing." Tamaki said before leaning in and kissing me lightly on the lips.

This shocked me for a moment, but that disappeared after I felt his hands snake around my body.

I felt like melting into him, just relaxing my whole body and letting him have his way with me.

I really did feel like doing that…

I almost did, until I felt your strong arms start to push me over onto the bed. I lay there, back down, feeling very vulnerable.

I thought my virginity was as good as gone when I felt you deepen the kiss. I felt like kicking my self when I let your tongue come inside my mouth.

I felt like kicking Tamaki when he started to grind against me, but I also felt like grinding back.

In fact, I did.

And if felt good. God, it felt so good!

I almost moaned until I felt Tamaki's hands start to pull my cloak off. I knew it was dark, but I would feel utterly naked without it. But I still let him slide it off me. Next I felt him start to work on taking off my pants. I could feel the bulge growing in his pants and I felt a bit selfish when I pulled away.

Tamaki looked down at me, "What's…wrong?" He asked.

"I…I…um…I don't think I'm…I don't think we should do this just yet, Tamaki." I finally spat out.

Tamaki nodded in understanding. That was a good thing. He smiled down at me. "It's fine. I'll wait." He replied smoothly, "Because you're worth waiting for." He said this so seriously despite how corny it was.

That made a smile take over my features.

So love was obtainable.

Not completely extinct for someone like me.

A dark, shadowy figure who had finally found a light.

Tamaki Suoh…

You are my light, my love, and my life.

Tamaki Suoh…

Tamaki Suoh…