The music room. Where all of my troubles started, and where they would continue. I had no where else to go. I cracked the door open a tiny bit to see if anyone was still in there. It was late at night, so I didn't expect anyone to be in there. To my relief, the room was dark and no one was there. I crept in with my bags and went to the sofa in the middle of the room. I made myself comfy and slipped off to sleep.

"Aika-chan? Aika-chan? Wake up Aika-chan!" I squirmed a bit due to the new noise.

"Sebby? If that's you, shut up and let me sleep," I answered, turning away from the sound.

"Miss Lee, please wake up," I heard an unfamiliar voice say. I woke up to find none other than the host club, waiting for me to wake up. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and gave a big stretch, accompanied by a yawn.

"Oh hello boys and Haruhi!" I smiled sleepily.

"Aika-chan, why were you sleeping here?" Honey asked, pink bunny in hand.

"Oh, right," I began, remembering the night before. "You see, I told my group about you, and they were planning on scaring you for life. Now I thought you were nice enough to spare, but Charles thought otherwise. They weren't true bohemians, so I left. I hope you didn't mind me staying here over night."

"Not at all Aika. You're welcome in the club any time," Tamaki responded in a smooth voice.

"Okay, can someone else give me an answer that just might have some sort of value?" I asked. Tamaki looked hit hard by that.

"But you and your friends were all sharing rented spare rooms, correct?" Kyouya asked. I nodded.

"Shit. This isn't gonna work out for me," I said, hands on my face.

"Do not fear, fair maiden! You can stay with me! I promise to protect you through whatever life throws at you. I will not leave your side, Aika," Tamaki responded, taking one of Aika's hands and kissing it.

"I don't really have a choice, do I?" Aika asked Tamaki. She looked around desperately to get some sort of look telling her otherwise.

"Aika-chan can stay with me! Would you like that Aika-chan?" Honey asked. I ran over to him and got down on my knees to hug him.

"Thank you Honey! I cannot tell you how grateful I am! I'd love to!" I shouted, practically squeezing the air out of the poor boy. I soon realized what I was doing and stopped.

"So you won't stay with me?" Tamaki asked, heartbroken.

"No. I will not stay with you," I responded, smiling. I got off and brushed off my dress.

"Why not?" he cried. I knew it was fake.

"Because you are everything I hate. You are arrogant, obnoxious, fake, overall annoying and you are a womanizer, ladies man, and the most impossible person I've ever met!" I yelled at him. He backed up at every word while I walked towards him. The group stared in awe and horror.

"And that's why they're perfect for each other," Hikaru piped up. I turned my head to the rest of the group.

"And who ever said that is wrong," I answered bluntly. Kyouya looked at me like he was appraising me.

"You do realize you missed your first day, correct?" he asked. I stayed unphased.

"No I didn't. I pulled some strings and I'm not starting until next week," I answered. Today was Wednesday, meaning five days until hell truly began.

"Well then, Honey, you'll either have to call home or check tonight if Aika can stay with you or not, otherwise, Aika you'll have to stay here one more night," Kyouya informed.

"No, she doesn't. Our parents are out of town until Saturday, so she can stay with us until Honey checks with his parents," Kaoru chimed in, coming around and wrapping one arm around me.

"And if his parents say no, she can stay with us. Our parents would definitely say yes," Hikaru finished, coming around and wrapping an arm around me on the opposite side of his brother. I'm sure I looked uneasy about this, but it was better than Tamaki.

"Well then, that's settled! Now, what time is it?" I asked.

"We're just about to start the club!" Honey exclaimed. I brightened up at this.

"Can I help? Please? I could entertain!" I suggested. Kyouya looked at Tamaki.

"What did you have in mind?" Kyouya asked.

"Oh, you'll see," I responded, grinning.