Its only short, but the beginning of a hopefully great collection :D Would love reviews, but only if u think i deserve them :P... Only a way to let of steam from my loveness workdays lol


Sokka wasn't entirely sure when it happened. It seemed to just evolve. Just sort of... became.

When hug became embrace.

When glance became stare.

When protection became jealously.

When friends became more.

It was this, which sped through his mind...statements creating questions, as Katara asked him again.

"How do you look at her like that?" She had been wondering how he obtained such 'love', as she put it, in a single gaze. "I wish I could look at Aang the way you look at Toph. I just can't seem to... love, him." The last words came out as a broken whispered. Sokka gathered his sister in his arms as she began to sob.

His thoughts however were far away. Had he just realised he was in-love Toph? It couldn't be love... in his experience love was hard and exhausting. That wasn't what they had. When he was with Toph, he didn't have to think he just simply needed to breathe, to exist. It was like talking to himself only better. No, he denied, it couldn't be. Love was taxing and compromising and work...

It was then his eyes snapped open his thoughts echoing in his mind.

"It happens naturally." He replied.