Disclaimer: Still in part 1.

A/N: Well, this is it. My muse and I fought on this one, too. We came to an amicable compromise. I only got to keep two things from my original ending but they are doozies. Hope you like it and thank you for reading and reviewing.

Epilogue: Hardly Average – chapter 4

Penelope could barely contain her excitement, as Derek held the door to the Family Birthing Centre open for her. It might not have been part of their plans when they decided to spend Earth Hour together. However, as they approached the registration table as Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, nine weeks and two days pregnant, they had to admit they couldn't have planned better if they'd tried.

They'd run away to Chicago the weekend after Easter and gotten married in the same little chapel where his folks had wed nearly forty-one years earlier. When they realized they were pregnant a couple of weeks later it had been with a great deal of pride and nervousness respectively.

They'd opted to tell the team right away. This way, Penelope could avoid having to explain her sudden need to take her lunch breaks in the form of a nap. As, both Penelope and Derek expected JJ took the news the best.

"Pregnant? When you two decide to move forward…Henry will be over the moon to have a new playmate."

"Hotch had actually smiled. "Parenthood is a gift the likes of which can only be understood by those who have experienced it. You'll both be wonderful. Your child is blessed to have such fine parents." He'd hugged them both and then excused himself to go and call Jack. Penelope buried her face in her husband's shoulder to hide her tears at his heartfelt words.

Then there was Rossi. "Derek, it was one thing to take my advice in regard to how to best spend an hour without lights, television, sports, but this? Couldn't you two simply date? I really thought you'd be the one to challenge my legacy." He walked away shaking his head but both Derek and Penelope could clearly hear he was whistling, as he headed for the hall leading to Chief Strauss' office. The tune: Everything's Gonna Be Alright©

Emily couldn't stop smirking. She circled them and smirked. She sat and smirked. At last she said nothing and still, so much in the crooked grin that remained on her face. She was happy for them and that was enough.

Reid. Well Reid fainted. Sort of. The news of their pregnancy was just too much for him. "Pregnant! You do realize that having a last quarter baby drastically reduces the child's chances of being a high achiever. Not to mention that so many of his classmates will share his same birth week, if not very day, he or she will be doomed to a life of average. Studies show…" Emily was right there with a chair to ease him into it, as Reid fell silent and slumped. She was very careful to tuck him against his desk and arrange his head on his arms before stepping away from him, still smirking.

Derek and Penelope thought it best to refrain from speculating. Reid was obviously still breathing and already coming around as they'd escaped the bullpen for their parenting information session. Now, as they stood in line to register and listened to the number of couples who were also due in December they thought again of Reid's comments about their child being average.

"Not our baby, hot stuff."

"My sentiments exactly, baby girl."

"Simply not possible with the god of chocolate thunder for a daddy."

"Not to mention the Oracle of Quantico for a mommy."

They shared a knowing smile and said, "Reid". No child could ever be average with him in his or her life.


"Derek and Penelope Morgan," Derek answered.

"Expected due date?"

"December 19th," Penelope said.

"Oh, you're the only ones that week so far. Congratulations."

Derek and Penelope shared another knowing smile. Nothing about them was average and it would be the same for their child.

The End.

P.S.: It's totally Reid's opinion and not mine or that of my muse that 4th quarter children are not achiever. There are far too many successful people born between September and December for it to be correct.