(A/N) MLAHAHA. Perspective change 8D



Hmmm... OOCness a bit, some fluff, but don't lose your heads! I'm trying my best!

And it's TEMPORARY AmeriPan in here, but be patient, Lithuania's coming!

Enjoy ^^

While Lithuania was out with Alfred...

11:47 AM... Arthur's house.

"What the furk ish that Lithuanian bashtard doin' at MY Alfred'sh housh?" Arthur ranted to his imaginary friends, stunbling drunk. The unicorn rolled its eyes, the fairies shrugged, and the dwarves tried to support his shaky legs. Arthur continued to ramble aimlessly, walking very crookedly,ramming into a window. He ricocheyed to the ground in a split second and groaned in his general physical and emotional pain. His ears felt as if they were bleeding when he heard his house phone ring. That American invention sure was convient at times, but a huge pain at the moment.

Arthur stumbled to his feet and shuffled groggily to the phone.

"What the hell you want?" he answered, hand holding the phone almost correctly, the other with a half-empty bottle of whiskey.

"Ah! Arthur-san, is this a bad time? You sound... preoccupied."

"My bad, Kiku, I didn't mean to sound like a wanker. I'm a bit pissed off."

"... Of course. Well, I understand you haven't been having a good week and - "

"THE HELL I HAVEN'T, SO WHY THE SOD SHOULD YOU CARE?" the Englishman hollered, throwing his bottle. He looked around his house. All was chaos. Was that... peanut butter on the couch? He'd already forgotten how it got there.

"My apologies, but I insist you listen to what I have to give," Kiku continued, sounding persistent.

"Give?" Arthur paused and smirked, "And what would that be?"

"I made some very delicious sushi just now, and if you'd want some, I can drop it off. It's made by Japan for you," Kiku answered, and Arthur heard him smile. Arthur nodded, understanding even when gradually recovering from being hammered.

"If you insist, dear friend. And my apologies for my strange behavior for the past weeks."

"You will always be forgiven, Arthur-san. The sushi will arrive shortly."

With a sudden click, Arthur found himself smiling light-heartedly. He put the phone up, and motioned for a few fairies to fly to his side.

"May you get my hangover pills? You know where they are, I presume."

They nodded and flew to his bathroom, while Arthur sat himself on his plaid couch, waiting for the sushi to arrive.

Later that day, 12:03 PM... Matthew's House.

Matthew was absolutely ectstatic that tomorrow was hockey night. Hockey night was the best night of every week. All the memories he had to look back on with Alfred, whether it was while they were together, and while they were only good friends. Even a few great nights were shared with Berwald and Tino, if they excluded Peter's occaisional "running man" attempts. But whether it was only the two of them or accompainied by some Scandinavians, hockey night was always the best night of the week.

Matthew just about finished tidying up his house, even set up a flag or two to be patriotic, and remembered to feed Kumajirou. He sat in his golden brown leather recliner, propped up his legs, and closed his eyes for a few moments. He caught a whiff of pine from the open windows, and lifted his nose just slightly to sink in more of the sweet scent. Matthew's head started to turn back the clock and swim in a pool of memory, relaxing his body laying on the warm recliner.

Matt's peace was abruptly ceased when the telephone rang.

"Alfred, I wish you made that thing ring a bit more quietly," Matthew mumbled, reaching for the phone.

"Williams residence, eh," he answered, with a smile plastered on his face.

"Ah, Matthew-san! I'm glad you are home," the voice answered. Matthew's eyes went wide. They typically ask for Alfred.

"W-wow Kiku! I'm happy that... you're glad, eh," Matt gushed, even blushing a little.

"First, I wanted to apologize for my behavior during that day at Alfred's residence."

"Oh, Kiku! I'm sorry! I let myself go, eh!" Matthew apologized sincerely. He was glad he and Kiku could be on better terms now. The tension during meetings bothered him.

"Well, I understand, Matthew-san. I also understand that it's lunchtime, how about you have some of my homemade sushi? Just cut it. It's absolutely fresh!"

"Sushi?" Matthew paused, "I love sushi! I'll be happy to have it!"

"Fantasticu!" Kiku exclaimed, his accent slipping out, "It will arrive shortly. Orregato!"

And with a click, Matthew stared at the phone for a bit, smiling.

"People can be kind, eh?"

While Lithuania was with Poland, 10:31 PM... Alfred's House... Kiku's P.O.V.

All is fair in love and war.

That is a saying I heard Alfred-kun say a few weeks back while he was still tense with Russia-san. He explained to me there was nothing metaphorical about it, and that it is okay to incorporate it sometimes. I did some thinking and at last, it came to my intentions that I'm in some type of war involving love. Therefore, wouldn't now be the best time to follow up on the statement?

Anyways, I set myself on one of his lounging chairs and folded my hands into my lap respectively, and watched Alfred-kun's back as he went to the kitchen to get a few drinks. He looked so tall and sturdy from my perspective, and as he walked he oozed pride and confidence from his ever-positive aura. He never caught me smiling at him or around him once, but I fear that one day will be soon, and then I'd have to explain myself.

But no matter, I'm very good at hiding emotions.

When he walked back he beamed a smile at me, his skin seemed to gain luminosity. I looked down and hid my flushing as he set down two glasses of water on the coffeetable. Alfred-kun lifted his legs and rested them onto the table, then looked over to me.

"Kiku," he began, "Why don't you smile?" he asked, his grin gradually fading. I blinked a few times. H-had he read my mind?

"Well, Alfred-kun... I guess it hasn't occured to me that I don't smile around you..." I lied. I sudddenly felt overwhelmed in guilt when I saw his expression. He turned dim, and his face became disappointed, almost blue.

"Oh... do you not like me or something? I understand I am a bit loud, arrogant, childish, nosy, just... annoying, I guess..." he trailed off, reaching for a drink of his water and set it back down. I shut my eyes hard. I didn't want Alfred-kun to think I hated him at all. Although I wanted to protest so badly, I stayed silent. He found an opprotunity to continue.

"When you want to speak Kiku," he continued, making hand gestures, "that is when you speak. If you have an opinion, question, opposition..." he nodded in contentment of his small humble moment, and silently excused himself to the kitchen again. I felt my face twitch, and finally did something I've never done before. I followed him into the kitchen, and while he was a good four meters away from me, I stomped for attention. He jumped and turned.

"I have an objection," I began, trembling with my eyes closed, "I object that you are too loud, or arrogant, or childish, or nosy, and above all, annoynig!"

He froze, and a positive aura slowly began to grow within the room. I went along with my dramatic yelling.

"My opinion is that you're actually enthusiastic! And you're confident, fun, concerned, and not annoying, but..." I struggled to find the right word, and I just spat out the rest.

"...But you're just a wonderful man, Alfred-kun! And others would agree with me!"

The room was silent excluding my harsh breathing. I've never done such a thing to express my inner feelings, and I felt as if an entire metric ton was lifted off my shoulders. I figured why Alfred-kun was so opinionated; it felt great to get your voice out there.

His smile was what the confession was all worth for. His asymmetrical, glowing, perfect smile was the perfect reward. Alfred-kun finally began speaking, still frozen in position.

"Kiku... Kiku you are..." he stopped to think, "you always make me smile."

It was a day of breakthroughs, because the next thing I did was unbelievable. I genuinely smiled for Alfred-kun to see. He walked to me, patted my shoulder, and gave me a short and friendly hug. He then walked to the living room and turned on the Genesis while I stood frozen in the kitchen, red as a tomato. I saw the phone hung in the kitchen and my stomach flipped immediately.

I had to tell him, but it would just tear up his heart. I thought that I should tell him later, yes. But I couldn't forget. How would he react if he found out about the sushi I made?

"Kiku, let's play! I put in your favorite one!"

I smiled and ran to the living room and set myself on the same loungechair as before. I quickly gripped onto the controller and began to play with him. Alfred-kun stayed focused on the screen, his teeth biting his lip in concentration. I let myself smile. He glanced at me with a grin and turned right back to the video game. I didn't have to look at the screen. I knew every code and secret to every game out there, so without looking at the controller or screen, I crushed Alfred-kun.

"How do you even do that, Kiku?" he exclaimed, throwing his arms up and flailing them aimlessly.

"I made this game, Alfred-kun. I know all things about it by heart."

"I don't know..." he mumbled, giving me a dark grin, "I think it's pretty suspicious..." he started to crawl towards me, and I started to giggle a little and jumped off the chair. He pounced to his feet and dashed behind me. I ran through the halls and Alfred-kun eventually caught me on my heel. I heard a thud on the ground once he dove to catch me. It was hardly a thud, actually, it was more like... a splat.

"I did the perfect belly-flop..." he groaned, chuckling and rolling over in pain. I luaghed a bit too. Alfred-kun even keeps a positive attitude through pain, which I found pretty impressive. I gasped when he pulled me down on top of him, and we both just froze. He was right under me, in a position where I could have control. Alfred-kun smiled bashfully and looked to the right, whereas I was thinking of what to do then. I was deciding on whether to continue laughing, get up and brush off possible dust, or...

That idea might work.

While he spaced out I slightly arched my back so... well... my buttocks were sticking out a little... like a cat. I slowly leaned in and closed my eyes, and before Alfred-kun could say anything to pierce the silence, I placed my lips on his. The reaction wasn't strange, but kind of unpredictable.

He purred a bit. Can Alfred-kun really do that? ...I guess so.

I guessed he'd actually never really had a good kiss from anybody before, because it seemed he didn't know what he was doing. I found that okay, because I've never kissed anyone before. I gradually slipped my tongue in to get more than just feeling him. During that moment, I wanted more than a small peck on the lips. I wanted to taste Alfred-kun, hear him pant, feel his chest rise and fall at increasing speed, and just... I wanted to need him.

He tasted of strawberries and cream, which I found interesting. I never would have guessed that if he typically had hamburgers and soda most of the time. I prepared myself for the taste of potato chips, or even bacon grease, but... I wonder if he knew how much I loved strawberries.

Or, at least the taste.

My hands ventured into his shirt, and caressed the tough ridges his abdomen seemed to make. It felt damp, steamy, and felt as if boiling temperature was on th surface of his skin. My wandering hands wiped the forming beads of sweat very slowly and softly, even though Alfred-kun wasn't exactly a delicate piece of glass. Alfred-kun's fingers slowly danced down my back, but he removed them and moved his head away. I pulled back, a small string of saliva hanging from my mouth remained.

He pushed me off of him very calmly and sat up, buttoning his shirt. His glasses were more than crooked, and his shirt was nearly off. Alfred-kun's breathing went from intense to almost normal after a minute of silence. I kept my head low, trying to wipe the saliva off of my mouth. I straightened my light blue polo and khaki pants until most wrinkles were unnoticeable. I finally turned my head up so that my eyes were resting into Alfred-kun's. I knew what feelings were behind my eyes. Temptation, longing, love, possibly a tad of lust lingered in the brown of my irises.

Alfred-kun's eyes were different. It was guilt, resistment, bewilderment, but a small speck of want remained. His blue orbs dimmed with those feelings, also with the help of the dark lighting the hallway had. I couldn't understand him at the moment. His expression was unreadable, and he stood up with a groan. He extended his hand to me, which I took after observing his hand for a moment. The skin didn't glow, not like it did just moments before.

I held it and stood up, but didn't let go. He looked down to my eyes with a sad smile, and let go of my hand himself. I didn't understand anything then.

"Alfred-kun..." I uttered, still having my hand extended out to him.

"I can't do it, Kiku, I just..." Alfred-kun sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He banged his fists against the wall softly but consecutively.

"Why not...?" I croak out, feeling my eyes get wet. The back of my throat turned sore from holding back my tears. It tasted salty, and the burning sensation was very powerful.

"Because... because... something isn't right. I feel like something wrong is going to happen."

I let the tears fall after him saying that. He figured it out. I clenched my fists, and tried to look at him through the warm watery shield blocking my sight.

"I..." I began, trembling, "I know that you're right, Alfred-kun..."

"What are you trying to imply, Kiku?"

"I'm such a bad person... I'm a horrible person..." I repeated, knees buckling then. Alfred-kun leaped to my side and supported me up. His face demanded explaining.

"Kiku, why would you be a bad person?"

"I..." I began to bawl there and collapsed to the ground. My hands nearly clawed at my face, let alone covered it. Alfred-kun got down on one knee and put an arm around my shoulders for a minute, then wrapped his arms from behind me and hummed a soft tune. Alfred-kun rocked me back and forth until my sniffling went to a minimum.

"Kiku, you're not a bad person. People just do stupid things sometimes, and it's okay to do stupid things. Look at me! Nixon was my boss for a horrible few years!"

I choked out a small laugh at Alfred-kun's cheerup attempt. But then I sighed and looked at him.

"Will you still be my friend, if not more, if I tell you what I've done, Alfred-kun?"

"Kiku, your current facial expression makes me wonder why I don't just tear you up like we got married right now."

We both laughed, but then I straightened my face and looked down, but made my voice as clear as I could allow.

"It's a long story, but to begin it... I called Arthur-san earlier today and - "

"Asked if his refridgerator was running?" he interrupted with a laugh. I playfully shoved him.

"No, I offered him some sushi I cut fresh earlier today. He accepted, and after him I called Matthew-san and offered him some sushi as well. He too, accepted, and so I dropped it off and - "

"You're a swinger?"

"Alfred-kun! You're thinking a bit off from what I'm trying to say!"

"Sorry. I thought you were going a totally different direction there."

"I watched them both eat it, to make sure they didn't throw it away or just say 'they weren't hungry', or any other excuse to not eat the sushi."

"So why was eating the sushi so damn important, Kiku?"

"Becuase..." I took a deep breath and got ready to explain everything.

"Because Arthur-san and Matthew-san are obstacles, Alfred-kun."

"In the way of...?"


Alfred-kun's face froze, trying to caculate the story told to him, but his face still looked puzzled. He still looked to me in curiosity.

"I am in love with you, Alfred-kun," I confessed, clenchin my fists for the following, "and I let my desires get the best of me. The sushi isn't normal spicy tuna or even unagi, but it's a type of blowfish..."

"What's so bad about that?" he asked after trying to take in everything I threw at him. It took him a lot longer to speak then.

"What's so bad about that is... it's poisonous. And if consumed, it has an 89.5% chance of waist-and-below paralysis."

Alfred-kun's breathing stopped. He swallowed after a few painful seconds, and whispered then.

"So, the other 10.5% is still being able to walk?"

"No," I answered, "that remaining percent is fatality rate."

Alfred's face twisted in horror, and he backed away from me. He glanced up to the ceiling and back at me, his eyes tearing up. I extended out my hand sympathetically, but it was rejected within seconds. He stood up, brushed off possible lint, and walked a few steps until he paused and turned to me.

"I'm flattered you love me Kiku, and I have feelings for you..." he stated, looking back. I shone hope through my eyes.

"But my feelings for you are the only things keeping me from blowing your ass up right here and now. You have to tell me exactly what was going through your head when you poisoned my two out of four closest people of mine. Don't waste time, Kiku, I need to know now." His eyes became sharp and piercing, and bitterly cold. They turned from ocean blue to an ice blue from his anger.

My lips moved, but no sound came out. I looked down and muttered the only excuse I seemed to have.

"All is fair in love and war."



But luck-yyyy, you made out with Alfred :p

So, here we are, the next chapter. And it finishes pretty OOC, angsty, and with a very disappointed America.

Lithuania, next chapter, to the rescue!