Author's Note: ...Well, it looks like I lied a few chapters ago. I'm really, really sorry, guys, but I'm afraid this will be my final installment for "Of Elfs and Kittens."

Don't get me wrong—the past few years working on this fic have been fun, and I enjoy reading the feedback y'all have and PMing with other like-minded Kurtty shippers. But to be honest, writing "Of Elfs and Kittens" has lately become more of a chore or an obligation than something fun. When I'm not having writer's block, I'm focusing on other writing projects, and when I'm not doing that, I'm focusing on real life stuff like school, family, and other hobbies unrelated to writing. Heck, I hardly ever check out the Evo section on this site anymore, and it's been months (a year, at the very least) since I sat down to watch an Evo episode.

Maybe I could just go on hiatus for this fic, but the hiatus could last forever for all I know, so I think it's kinder if I just pull the plug now.

I don't know if I'll be writing another Evo fic, but in the meantime, let's have one last fluff fest with our favorite Fuzzy Elf and Kätzchen, shall we? *smiles weakly*

To anyone who has read, reviewed, faved, and alerted "Of Elfs and Kittens," thank you very much, and again, I'm sorry for springing the end of this fic so suddenly.


It was official, Kitty thought; Kurt was acting strange, even for him.

They were at one of the most expensive restaurants in Northbrook. Kitty had raised an eyebrow at that; she couldn't remember the last time Kurt had taken her anywhere fancy. And he hadn't even complained about the prices; when Kitty halfheartedly joked about how much money he was spending on her and that she wasn't worth it, Kurt just looked at her oddly and said seriously, "Of course you're vorth it."

Several minutes after they'd ordered their dinner, Kitty couldn't keep quiet anymore.

"Kurt, you do realize that you just ordered a vegetarian pizza, right?"

"Vhat?" Kurt, who'd been staring into space for the last few minutes, asked.

Kitty frowned. "Either I've finally converted you to vegetarianism, or there's something wrong. I'm going with the second option."

"Zere's nozzing wrong...per se."

"Is it about my dad?" Kitty pressed. "What were you two talking about today, anyway?"

Kurt smiled mysteriously. "I'll tell you later."

Kitty let out an impatient sigh. "Kurt! You said you'd tell me tonight; it's tonight already. So what's going on?"

"Patience is a virtue, liebling," Kurt replied simply, continuing to smile.

Kitty decided to let the issue go for now when their food arrived. If something was seriously wrong, Kurt would have told her; she should know after almost seven years of dating him. In the meantime, Kitty spent the next few minutes being amused by Kurt's disgust at his vegetarian pizza.

"Vhy did I order zis?" Kurt asked rhetorically after he had taken a bite.

Kitty laughed. "Oh, don't be such a whiner; it can't be that bad," she said, helping herself to a few spoonfuls of her soup.

Kurt muttered something about vegetarianism being overrated, but Kitty was far too used to his comments on the matter to truly be offended. He seemed to be back to normal, at any rate; whatever had been on his mind, Kitty figured she'd know sooner or later.

After dinner, Kitty expected that she and Kurt would go back to her parents' house; instead, Kurt drove them to the local park.

"Wow," Kitty murmured as she and Kurt began to walk on one of the park's roads. The moon was shining above them, and there were many fireflies flying about, looking like tiny, glowing lights of a Christmas tree.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Kitty asked.

Kurt didn't answer; he seemed to be lost in thought. Kitty stopped walking and stepped closer to him, gently putting her arms around him.

"All right, Kurt; what's got you so distracted?" Kitty looked up to smile slightly at him. "It is now later..."

Kurt chuckled. "Okay, you vin." He disentangled himself from Kitty's grasp before speaking again.

"Keety, have you ever zought about changing your name?"

Kitty blinked. Whatever she had expected Kurt to say, it hadn't been that. "What does that have to do with whatever you talked about with my father?"

"I needed his permission before I could do zis."

And with that, Kurt got down on one knee in front of Kitty. Her confusion increased. What's he—?

"Katherine Pryde," Kurt began solemnly, then he suddenly smiled as he pulled out a black, velvet box from his pocket, opened it, and held it up to her, "how'd you like to become Mrs. Wagner?"

The first thought to cross Kitty's mind was, He's never called me Katherine before. A second later, she realized that there was a golden ring with a single diamond in the box. And then it clicked into place.

He...he's proposing!

Tears sprang to Kitty's eyes. "Yes," she said, nodding as a smile on her face formed. "Yes!" she exclaimed, pulling Kurt up and kissing him fully on the mouth.

"Yes," Kitty repeated breathlessly after she pulled away, her eyes sparkling, "I'll marry you."

Kurt laughed as he slid the ring onto Kitty's left ring finger. "Zat's very good news; zis ring vasn't cheap, you know."

"But you think I'm worth it, right?"

"'Course." Kurt pulled Kitty into an embrace, letting his tail slip out of his holographic form to wrap around her waist. He kissed her forehead gently.

"I love you, Keety," Kurt whispered.

Kitty let out a small giggle; she'd never get tired of hearing him say that.

"I love you, too."

As they went back to the car (their walk long forgotten), a still giddy Kitty was saying, "I've gotta call Rogue."

"Call her tomorrow; she'll be asleep by now," Kurt told her.

Kitty ignored him, instead choosing to look at her engagement ring, her face glowing.

She looked up at Kurt, smiling. "I love you," she repeated, practically skipping into the car after Kurt opened the door for her.