The Shape of Love.

Disclaimer- I don't own the characters that goes to Disney and Square.

Chapter 1: Hello Narcissist

Staring in the mirror as per usual, Roxas smiled. It always made him feel at ease, to see his gleaming face. But today even with a brilliant smile to himself he didn't feel pleased. A grimace tarnished his face as he heard Sora shifting in the bedroom. Sora. Roxas sighed, how did it come to this? Sure, Roxas had always loved his reflection. And yeh, Roxas hated the femme-flock with a passion. But, when had he stopped staring at himself long enough to fall in love? And why did this love still make him a narcissist? This love made him narcissistic and incestuous. Holy hell Roxas, why did you have to fall for your brother? You're twin.

Another sound of shifting sheets from the bed then a THUNK! "Owws!" Sora croaked, getting to his feet. He stood, looked around yawning and joined Roxas in the bathroom. First things first; teeth. Teeth brushed and face washed he walked to stand behind his brother. "Morning Roxy!" he chirped, a smile broke out on his sun kissed skin. Roxas frowned. FUCK! He could see their reflection in the mirror. Sora's arms wrapped around him, Sora's head resting on his shoulder. Roxas figured he'd probably started becoming aware of Sora here, right in front of the mirror. His mirror never lied to him. Roxas couldn't deny the fact that he and Sora looked lovely together. Roxas never could ignore what the mirror revealed, and today it revealed the awkward blush on his cheeks as Sora held him. But damn Roxas, and his fucking pride, he had to stop what he secretly wanted. "Sora seriously we're too old to still be acting like this. Get off." Roxas struggled away, causing Sora to pout. "But Roxy we're twins! We're supposed to get along and be super close; with no boundaries." NO boundaries? If there weren't any boundaries that meant Sora would catch on to Roxas' new obsession. All the touching would probably make things react eventually. Boundaries were a necessity. "Honestly Sora, we're 16 not 5. We're teenagers. We need our space." Sora gaped at him for what seemed like forever. "Since when did you start calling me Sora? What happened to Sor? Am I not cool enough to be your brother anymore? I'm sorry I don't dress exactly like you, and that we don't have the same friends. Christ! I hadn't realized that made us strangers. You seemed fine with me yesterday?" Roxas felt the word sting him. Sure, they hurt him but it was better than Sora finding out about his sick love. "Oh shove it Sora, I just want some space. It's not my fault you don't hang with the same crowd I do. It's not my fault we don't hang out anymore! You're the one who pissed off our friends and started acquainting yourself that loser you claim to be you new best friend. Riku, right?"

Sora remembered when he had split up from Roxas. For the first time in their lives they had different opinions. It was a few years back, 8th grade. One of the school's wannabe Abercrombie models had called the twins and their posse 'Fucking faggot Hot Topic Zombies'. All of middle school they had been made fun of but this was it. A fight broke out; cliché clique vs. cliché clique. Preps vs. the little emo-esque boys. Sure Roxas was tiny but he could beat the shit out of just about anyone, leaving them bloodier than a used tampon. The principal was going to expel them all if no one owned up. (a couple guys of the other clique had been sent to the emergency room. Plus it was none of their first time in the office.) If there was a confession as to who did it only the main person would get a week suspension, a month of in school suspension, and two months of after school detention. Sora being the good kid he was went straight to tattle. That was when he was kicked out of their group. Roxas was waist deep in trouble with the school and their mother. Sure Sora felt bad about getting Roxy in trouble, but he didn't want to ruin his twin's education.

Back to now, when Sora took a look around the room he noticed Roxas wasn't there anymore. So it was true, Roxy didn't want him anymore at least that's how it seemed to Sora. What an odd thing when had they become so different. Sora didn't think he and Roxas would be apart. Not now not ever.

School came and went all Roxas could do was mope. He told off his crush, told off his twin. And when he left Sora that morning he had left him with those bitter memories. Roxas remembered how broken Sora was when he got kicked out of the group. Roxas remembered how Sora's shining eyes shorted out after the fight. Roxas couldn't believe he'd brought up something so painful, but it was the only way he could get Sora to lay off. Sora always knew how to read Roxas' emotions. Not this time, not if he could prevent it. Roxas believed if Sora knew of his twisted love then Sora wouldn't speak to him anymore. The best solution was to push Sora away, if he did that Sora would still try to converse with him but he knew Sora well enough to know that he wouldn't barge in on his personal space. Sora always left him alone when he was angry. Even if they shared a room, they each had their separate side of it; their own space. Roxas would be spending lots of time on his side of the room being broodingly angsty over his new found love.

I'm sorry Sora, really. I don't want to hurt you but I can't let you hate me for this feeling. My first love. It's true you are my first.

On the flip side Sora spent his day being a little down, no bounce in his step as there usually was. What had he done to make Roxas angry? He didn't recall any fighting, or doing anything that would annoy him. Sora stayed away from him at school. Roxas didn't hold any grudge on him for turning him in to the principal when that fight took place so long ago, but the guys of his old group still sneered and flicked him off if Sora even looked in their direction. So what could it have possibly been? Everything was the same! Sora couldn't find any flaw with how things had been lately. But that morning Roxas got angry when Sora touched him, that wasn't really all that odd either though. Sora was a very touch oriented person, very affectionate. Roxas never liked his touchiness much but always tolerated it. Maybe he'd just had enough? "Eeep!" Geez Sora had made a very unmanly yelp when Riku suddenly poked him in the ribs (but no one really expected Sora to be manly right?). "Hey, stop zoning out and come back to earth, space boy! You keep staring at me like you can see through my soul. It's really starting to freak me out…" Riku was looking at Sora who was sitting to his left. Sora blinked a few times remembering that he was currently in band his French horn resting on his lap. "Anyways just so you know the bell's about to ring everyone's putting up already. Come on lets go."

Riku tugged on Sora's white hoodie sleeve getting him to tag along to the instrument room. Once Sora put up his horn and made sure Riku's alto sax was safely put away, he attacked! "Gaahh! What the hell?!?" Riku was yelling but laughing at the same time. Sora had jumped on his back (good thing Sora wasn't heavy or they both would've face planted with the floor). "But Riku, you're my best friend! It's my job to ambush you in the instrument room. Unless you wanna be like friggin' Roxas and not wanna be touched by me anymore..." A small pout was on his lips as he recalled Roxas' angry display this morning. Riku laughed softly understanding the older twins temper. "Alright! Alright! Probably jealous because you're the cuter twin. Honestly how could Roxas be so mean to you? " "I don't want to talk about his moodiness. Stupid emo boy…" Sora's voice trailed off but then he seemed to change thought as he brightened up again. "You should come to my house today! We could hang out and play games, ya know. Let's get walking!" Sora was smothering Riku in a childish bear hug. Ugh the cuteness was too much to deny! "Sure. Now then, will you kindly let go of my hand?" Sora's face feel just a bit 'WHY?' was written on his face. "It's because I'm mad at you Sor. It's just people are staring." "So?" Riku let out a nervous chuckle, "I think they're under the impression we're together." Sora quickly dropped his hand, "Sorry Ri-Ri! I don't wanna be the reason people dislike you!" even though Sora had dropped his hand they still walked closely side by side in silence. The staring stopped, while Sora's expression darkened again. "Ugh Sor come on! It's not that bad. I just don't wanna be called a fag. Cheer up, will ya." Riku was trying to convince his shorter friend to be his usual happy self. Sora sighed a response, "It's just nobody wants me anymore. Roxas decided to hate me this morning and you think touching me will make you gay. My sexuality isn't contagious! I don't understand why you're all against me." Riku couldn't believe how childish sora was being, wait scratch that he could believe it, we were talking about Sora after all. Riku snaked his arm with Sora's, "I don't think touching you will make me gay, I just don't like drawing attention to myself." The brunette grinned brightly when Riku took hold of him. On the walk to Sora's house they talked mostly talked about the new songs in band. Their topic was incredibly nerdy by at least the walk wasn't uncomfortable.

Inside on Sora's side of his shared bedroom they sat criss-crossed on his bed. Playing a game of Strip poker. "This really is your favorite game isn't it?" Riku asked he was currently missing his shoes, shoes socks, and jacket. "You just have your panties in a wad because you suck at it!" Sora giggled only missing his right shoe. He stuck out his tongue. Riku lost another hand, in turn pulling off his shirt. "For the record I wear boxers! You should know seeing as you see me in them every time we play." Sora grinned at him slyly, "Maybe I just like seeing you half naked?" Riku made a face and covered his breastless chest. "Oh man, I knew you were starring at my nipples! Stop it Sora I'm not ready for this!!!" Sora's eyes were watering as he hugged himself doubled over in a fit of laughs. He couldn't help it; Riku used such a high pitched girly voice. Sora calmed down enough to speak, "I love how you ignore the fact I like seeing you half naked on my bed. Ha, Riku you're the greatest!" Riku laid back onto the other boy's bed, "Well, maybe I wouldn't mind ya know? I've never thought about that sorta relationship before…" Sora laid down finally too curled up by Riku's still shirtless side. "Do you think you could?" Sora's voice was small and tentative as he asked. "So you really do swing that way? I just thought you acted all feely with everyone." Sora sighed as he propped himself up on one elbow to look down on the silver haired boy. "Riku who've you seen me with other than you?" Riku's eyes closed as he mulled Sora's question over in his mind. Now that he thought about it; if Sora wasn't with him he was usually with Roxas. If he wasn't with Roxas he was with him. Were he and Roxas really the only people talked to? No wonder Sora was so spacey in band! Instead of having two friends, Roxas got angry, and Sora lost his friend and brother. It was no wonder why Sora was so clingy, he was afraid of losing anyone else. Being with Sora though… could he do it? He'd only been in one relationship before and that was with a girl, and of course it didn't end well. But just earlier today Riku had pushed Sora away for making them look gay. Would Sora flake out on him the moment Roxas started talking to him again? And who the hell just brings up the topic of, "Oh hey, maybe I like seeing you half naked?" How long had Sora felt like this towards him? His best friend had feelings for him but only told him when Roxas sorta dumped him. Roxas dumped him?!? That makes them seem incestuous. What if they were? Sora said himself that he only acts like that with him and Roxas. But Sora also said that Roxas didn't get angry until after Sora touched him. . where did Sora touch him?? As much as he thought Sora was childish, maybe he just put this demeanor on to hide his secret sexualness? What should he do? Say it was fine, accept Sora's feelings? Say no break Sora even more? But what if he wasn't gay? What if he just doesn't want to see Sora suffering? Sora suffering vs. his sexuality. Riku was so unsure of himself, but he really hated to see Sora so down. Riku took it upon himself to fix him.

"I think if it's for you, we could make it work."

Sora's eyes brightened, his smile returned full power. Riku laughed; maybe this could work out after all.


Roxas opened the door to his room but stopped in the doorway. Sora and Riku were sleeping on the young twin's bed. Fucking fantabulous. Roxas had pushed Sora away that morning, only because he didn't wanna be found out. Roxas hadn't realized that Sora would be this extreme. Roxas knew Sora feared being alone and always did what he had to, to ensure he always had someone. Sora didn't realize it but Roxas knew how manipulative he could be. But to think Sora would go as far as sleeping with a mostly nude Riku, was a bit much for Roxas to stomach. Riku was only in his boxers and Sora was curled up next to him. How far did they go? Roxas felt more than a little sick. He stared; that's all he could do. Roxas so in love with Sora now had to watch him with Riku. Sick; that was sick, but not as wrong as Roxas wanting his twin. Roxas sighed turning to flop on his own bed. His mind played over scenarios of why Riku was nearly naked. What had Sora said to him? All the while before Roxas knew it Riku wasn't in the scenarios anymore. All of Sora's actions were directed at him. All of Sora's touches, kisses, and happy blissful lusty noises were because of him. Roxas sat up quickly, his body heated in that way that warranted a quick release. Roxas noticed the sizeable erection his skinny jeans were restricting. This was hell; thoughts of the boy he loved caused him a hard-on. The boy he loved had a boyfriend as far as he could guess from their current situation. The boy he loved was his brother… Roxas got up and stalked off to the bathroom, better relieve himself before Sora woke up.

A/N: chapter one complete :D I know this probably sucks... I write it during my algebra and ipc class. Anyways I really used to be an anti-Roxas fan but I've totally come around after playing Days and well I adore him now! Any ways I have two more chapters written so far. Please tell me how you want this story to go! Are you Pro Roxas or Pro Riku? Review please?!? Till next chapter then :) – .