A/N: So here it is! Kurt's list. Thanks for all the ideas! We have quite a few, but we need more. My goal is to get all 304. Really. So what we need is some of the early reasons before he really knew Finn and then I am kind of following the episodes. Remember that my story is set a few months after Sectionals so some things haven't happened. Like the Theatricality. Also remember Kurt never set up their parents because they were already together. I also want to go through First Kiss again to get ideas from there. Let me know if you have any to add. Also hope I didn't forget anyone who gave me ideas. If I did just remind me. :)


Reasons I want to be with him

1) Finn is my knight in shining armor. (debraelq)

2) through 9) open

10) Finn has an amazing smile. (debraelq)

11) through 18) open

19) Finn looks really good in his football costume. (debraelq)

20) Finn looks good even in those big shoulder thingies. (FreakyGleaky)

21) through 24) open

25) Finn has beautiful brown eyes. (debraelq)

26) through 100)

101) Finn is so freaking adorable. (debraelq)

102) through 116) open

117) Although not designer label, Finn has a cute preppy look. (FreakyGleeky)

118) open

119) I love when Finn's smile slowly widens. (FreakyGleeky)

120) through 138) open

139) Finn is really cute when he's confused. (FreakyGleeky)

140) through 144) open

145) Finn is really sweet. (FreakyGleeky)

146) and 147) open

148) Finn holds my coat for me when I get thrown in the dumpster. (FreakyGleeky)

149) open

150) Finn joined Glee club, today! (FreakyGleeky)

151) Finn has a beautiful voice. (FreakyGleeky)

152) open

153) Finn plays the drums. Who knew? (FreakyGleeky)

154) Finn likes sour patch kids and doesn't really care about the fat content of food. (FreakyGleaky)

155) Finn went on the Glee field trip and even lied to Puck to do it. (FreakyGleeky)

156) Finn is even able to get along with Rachel. (FreakyGleeky)

157) Finn saved Artie from the portapotty, which was really sweet! (FreakyGleeky)

158) Finn came back to Glee and saved us from Rachel. (debraelq)

159) open

160) We performed Push it and Finn looked hot! (FreakyGleeky)

161) Finn didn't complain when I slapped his butt during Push It. (debraelq)

162) open

163) Finn looks really good in a boy band. (debraelq)

164) and 166) open

167) I love Finn's dancing. It reminds me of a drunk gorilla. (debraelq, FreakyGleeky)

168) and 169) open

170) Finn helped me get on the football team! (FreakyGleeky)

171) Finn sings in the locker room shower! (FreakyGleeky)

171) through 183) open

184) I love the pure boyish insanity of Finn. (FreakyGleeky)

185) through 190)

191) Finn didn't fall for April's flirtations. (FreakyGleeky)

192) through 199)

200) Finn looks good in a cowboy hat. (debraelq)

201) open

202) Finn's so cute when he falls asleep in class and has to come up with excuses. (FreakyGleeky)

203) through 213) open

214) Finn is so naïve. It's annoying and at the same time, adorable. (FreakyGleeky)

215) through 219) open

220) I find his stupidity charming. (debraelq)

221) Finn thinks the square root of four is rainbows. (debraelq, MorganD)

222) through 224) open

225) I like explaining long words to Finn. (kurthummelfinnhudsonlove)

226) open

227) Finn is really tall and that makes me feel protected. (kurthummelfinnhudsonlove)

228) Finn really has lovely eyes. (kurthummelfinnhudsonlove)

229) open

230) Finn is really strong. (kurthummelfinnhudsonlove)

231) through 233) open

234) Finn stood up for me again, today. (kurthummelfinnhudsonlove)

235) and 236) open

237) Finn looked good in his hair wig. (FreakyGleeky)

238) Finn looks good in blue pjs. (FreakyGleeky)

239) open

240) Finn really cares a lot about his mom. (FreakyGleeky)

241) through 257) open

258) Finn really is clueless about facial care. (FreakyGleeky)

259) through 266) open

267) I showed Finn my mom's dresser and he showed me his blankie. He used to cry without it. (debraelq, FreakyGleeky)

268) through 303) open

304) I will always love Finn, always. (debraelq)

A/N: I condensed the numbers that didn't have reasons to make it easier to read. :) Send me your ideas and I will add them.
