Note: I dont own any characters and this story isnt meant to offend anyone, its just a story. Anyway michael looks like he did when he was with lisa marie but in this story at the moment he isnt with lisa marie he is around 40 his kids are: Paris 14 Prince 10 and Blanket 7 i know it is messed up but i wanted it to be that way. thats all for now please R&R please please please please! :) (this is my first michael jackson story, so please dnt be mean but feel free to be honest)

Michael smiled absently as his bodyguards helped him stagger back to his room. He was clearly out of his mind, with no doubt gallons of alcohol settling in his liver.

'Ya know I never used to be a drinker? I just used to be the sensible quiet little piece of torn carpet that everyone walked over. Well I gotta tell ya, I aint takin' their shit no more!' Michael shouted through the epically long hallways.

Prince and blanket filed out of their rooms to view the commotion that had rudely awakened them at 3 in the morning. They were greeted by the sight of their drunken father who had quiet recently come home in this state. After the bodyguards managed to pin Michael down to his bed they shut the door and stood outside to give Michael some time to get changed but Michael made it clear that he had no intention of sleeping anytime soon.

'Hey! Where'd my bottle of vodka go?' Frustrated yelling was heard from behind the giant door and one of the bodyguards managed a small smirk as he presented the bottle from his large pocket. His Co-worker had an amused look on his face.

'How did you manage to smuggle that then Jerry? More of your magic tricks?'

'I would say yes but this time a magic trick wasn't needed, he was so spaced out that he didn't even notice…till now.' He smiled.

The angered voice from inside the room rose again.

'Jerry is this another one of your fucking jokes? Give me my bottle now!' Michael demanded.

'Umm Mr. Jackson I think you have had enough' the other bodyguard Carl shouted back.

'Umm Mr. Richards I think I'm the one who's paying your damn bills, so if I were you I'd GIVE ME MY DRINK NOW!'

'I'm afraid we can't allow that sir, we have orders.'


'You! Good night Mr. Jackson.'

Michael fell silent, immediately knowing that this was a losing game. He just took his clothes off in an attempt to make himself comfortable and got into bed, he lay on his back staring at the intricately carved pattern in the ceiling and decided to choose this time to think about how messed up his life had become. He thought back to last year when he had everything a girlfriend, obedient kids but that all went wrong once he walked in on his girl cheating. Michael had replayed that scene in his head many times and was thinking of how much people had taken advantage of him.

'Kids I'll be back in a little while, I'm just going to see Karen' Michael announced through the door while his kids waved goodbye to him. He made his way down to her apartment with no bodyguards just so that they could be alone. As he climbed the three flights of stairs and fished in his pockets for the personal key that Karen had given him, Michael couldn't help but smile when he thought of the look she would have on her face when she realized that he had decided not to go to L.A to do his stage rehearsal. He silently opened the door hoping to just appear behind her and surprise her even more (hopefully not giving her a heart attack in the process). He walked around looking out for her and heard a rustle from the bedroom he ran in to see that she appeared asleep. Even better. With her whole body covered under the bed spread. He pulled a corner of the fabric off of her and almost tripped backwards when he realized that the person occupying the bed wasn't her, but was a male who seemed unimaginably embarrassed and amazed to see a superstar in the very same room as him. Karen eventually appeared from the other side of the bed.

'WHAT THE HELL!' Michael shouted. At first it didn't register in his head what he was experiencing but all of a sudden everything clicked. The male jumped out of bed and was weakly attempting to cover himself and Karen was making an even weaker attempt to reassure Michael that he was under the wrong impression. AS IF!

'Michael Freaking Jackson! You Never Told Me You Were Dating Thee Michael Jackson!' The man said looking even more startled than Michael who was now breathing hard and breaking into a sweat. He couldn't think of a time where he had been more angry and humiliated in his life and that was saying something seeing all the things he had been through.

'Michael he is just a friend of mine who needed a little comforting so I decided to…'

She could tell by the anguished look on Michaels face that she should shut the hell up right then and there. His look then turned to rage and him staying completely silent seemed to be making things worse. But the thing that made Michael explode was…

'Umm Mr. Jackson I know this is hardly the time and place but I'm a huge fan and well… can I have your autograph?' Michael smiled slightly in disbelief and then without warning with all his might he clenched his fist swung a punch at him. In 3 seconds the man was on the floor out cold Michael looked at Karen with teary eyes and ran off with just a whisper. 'How could you?'

Michael had always been a gentle and innocent sprit and had never thought that someone could ever do something so terrible. He ran as far away from that place as he could. He was pumped with adrenaline, partly because he was filled with mixed emotions and partly because he had just punched someone out of anger. He had never done that before and well, it felt good! He got in his car and drove barely able to see due to the tears but he just had to get away no matter what. He put on a brave face for his children and told them that Karen wouldn't be coming to visit anymore but didn't really give a valid explanation as to why.


Michael awoke to a pounding headache and all of the other effects that came with a wrecked liver he got up had a shower and went downstairs to brace himself for an awkward breakfast.