and I missed you guys even more! I hope you haven't forgotten this! but I would understand if you did since I myself forgot, too. D:

so, yeah. AN UPDATE. :D more info at bottom A/N.

for the meantime, enjoy. :)

News spread fast in Konoha University. One small slip and it'll all be in everyone else's tongues.

Green eyes sparkled in curiousity as to what exactly they were gossiping about, especially the fact that they would look at her in disgust— in understanding— in pity.


"Poor Sakura-chan."

It was her... wasn't it?

"Serves her right."

Oh, no.

She ran to the girls' bathroom as she heard taunts and puns thrown at her. Once there, she splashing her face with water. She looked at herself in the mirror.

'They found out about last night, didn't they?'

She fisted her hands on her skirt. She wanted to cry so badly. She thought whatever stayed at the dinner party stays there. Apparently everyone knows she'd been total freak of the night.

The bathroom door opened and for a moment she wanted to die on the spot.

"Saki!" Ino chirped, hugging her tightly by the neck. "I'm so sorry!"

"H-huh? For what?"

"What do you mean for what?" Ino raised an eyebrow at her. "For what happened at the dinner party!"

"Everyone knows." Sakura mumbled. "I hope you guys don't think of me as a freak, too."

"Wait, Sakura..." Ino said, confused. "Are we talking about the same thing?"


"We are talking about Sasuke being engaged, right?"

Chapter FOURTEEN: Rolling In The Deep
[*- You had my heart and soul in your hands. -*]


As if on cue, the rest of the girls came in, hugging her tight. "Sakura, are you okay? We're sorry for what happened!"

"Oh, God." Her eyes glazed over and her head was spinning. "Sasuke's... engaged?"

"We thought you knew." TenTen said, squeezing her hand. It was then she realized she was crying.

"Oh, Saki." Hinata spoke, squeezing her other hand. "I should've told you sooner. I was there, you know. I saw how it all happened."

Sakura couldn't keep it all inside, so she just burst. Her eyes were welling, her knees were shivering, her lips were quivering, and her whole body shaking— her heart shattering.

Almost immediately, she was breaking down in front of them— pounding on the floor in agony, burying her face in her palms—and what's worst was, they can't do anything...but absorb her pain.

"Sakura, Sakura, listen to me." Temari stated, shaking Sakura gently by the shoulders. "You're strong, okay? Whatev—"

"But, Temari, I'm no where near his status in life! I'm—"

"No! Sakura, listen." Temari herself was already aching, seeing her best friend— her sister— in front of her like this. "If he doesn't want you, so be it. We are here for you, Sakura. Remember that. You are strong. You can do this without him, you hear me?"

"Yes Sakura. We are here for you. We won't leave you at all." TenTen said, determined.

In spite of herself, she managed to smile. Wiping her tears with the sleeve of her jacket, she stood up. "I..."

"Hush, dear. You don't need to speak." Ino whispered, patting Sakura on the head.

Hinata opened the bathroom door wide, and extended her arm to Sakura. "Come on, Sakura-chan."

Sakura grinned, grabbed Hinata's hand— and froze.

In front of her was Sasuke and Keoki, linking arms as if they were the only two people in the world. They looked... perfect.

Behind her, Temari whispered something, and patted her back for support. "You are strong, Sakura."

"Well, if it isn't you." Keoki cackled, tightening her grip on Sasuke's arm. He groaned, trying to release himself from her.

She leaned towards Sakura's ear and whispered, "I told you I'll keep Sasuke safe and warm for you."

"Ohayo, bastard," Naruto, who had just come to school, seethed, seeing Keoki hanging latched into his poor arm. "To you too... Keoki."

He pushed passed the couple and came face to face with Sakura. He immediately softened. "Sakura-chan."

And she immediately broke. "N-Naruto..."

Naruto wrapped his arms around her. "Sasuke's a bastard, you know."

She giggled, sniffling at the process. "I know."

"Don't worry, Sakura-chan. Shinoichi will be here for you." he assured as he kisses her on the crown of her head.

That was it for Sasuke.

He yanked his arm away, despite Keoki's protests. 'Damnit, you dobe. Sakura's mine.'

He grabbed Sakura by the arm and dragged her to the nearest room.

"S-Sasuke-kun? Where are you going?" Keoki shouted, following them. Sasuke grunted and stopped, giving her a glare.

"Don't you dare follow us, Keoki."

She 'eep'ed and stopped where she was, thinking of the worst. "That Sakura Haruno..."

She was pushed inside the abandoned classroom and almost fell would she not have been shoved to the nearest wall.

"Sakura." she felt his breath up and down her jaw and throat, his nose buried at the crook of her neck. "Sakura."


He moved away, his face now in front of her, his eyes looking straight at her. "Sakura, how could you?"

"What?" She snapped. "How could you? You—God, you're engaged, Sasuke!"

"I would never accept that, Sakura. You know damn well that I would never!"

"But you still did!"

"That's only because I saw you kissing him!" he punched the wall beside her head, she flinched.


"That night. You were with him when you left." he said through gritted teeth. "How the fuck could you do that to me?"

She was in tears now, and he was controlling himself to not hug her and apologize and—let's just forget about everything, love. "You're no saint, either! Who are you tell me that? Who was the one who got engaged? Who was the one who completely turned their back?"


"You don't know, Sasuke! You didn't know what happened that night! How could you just accept the offer? How did you live wth yourself knowing that you didn't even know anything that happened? How could you do anything else without knowing my say in the matter?"

And it dawned on him— yes, how can he live with himself knowing for a fact that he didn't even know the reasons for her leaving?

"Why? Sakura, tell me why you left."

"Ask your wife!"

So she had something to do with it. "Tell me!"

"Ask her! You'd listen to her, right? You clearly made it obvious by not listening to me!"

"Sakura, just tell me!"

"I told you to ask your wife!"

"I want you to be my wife!"

"Well, who said I didn't want to be?"

And she bit her lip, frowning at what she'd said.

"Sakura, please."

"I-I don't want to talk about it."

"Then," he started, his hands on both sides of her head, his knee in between her thighs, his lips on her ear. "Why were you with Gaara?"

"Because, he was...there."

"What do you mean?"

She sighed. "I admit the fact I was with him, that I...kissed him, but that's only because he was there. At that moment."

Anger bubbled inside him. "I could've been there, too!"

"But you weren't!"

"I didn't even know you left! No one told me where you were!"

"You saw me and Gaara, right?" she asked. Angry, hot tears spilling out of her eyes. "Then why didn't you try and stop us?"

Yes. Why didn't he?

"You..." she was shaking violently, sobbing. "You don't even love me."

"Sakura." he softened, and pushed back strands of her hair, staying on her cheek. "Sakura, I do. I really fucking do."

She swiped his hand away from her face. "But you're engaged now! There's no use!"

"Sakura, it was for the company! Stop yelling at me like you know!"

"I've known, okay? I've known for a long time that someday, you won't pick me— that you'd pick the company over me!" She was biting her lip, her tears still rolling, and her body was still shaking violently. "I was stupid to think that if I gave you love—no, I was selfishly thinking that if we really loved each other, nothing else would matter."

Realization hit him hard. He loved her. He loved her. Why did he choose the company? Why the—

'You were angry. You were stupidly making decisions because you were angry.'

She shoved him aside and was already twisting the doorknob. "But now, I know I was wrong. To think... to think that you'd actually choose me. God, I was so stupid to actually believe that you love me!"

"Sakura, I—" He looked at her with wide eyes, trying— just trying to reach for her hand— the hand that felt so warm and smooth against his cold, calloused ones. Trying to make her stay. Not just here, but make her stay. With him.

"I hate you!"she shouted just before she slammed the door shut.

Through the deafening silence in the room, he could practically hear his heart break.

She didn't know where she was going, all she knew that she was running from it all. Away from the gossips, away from the world— away from him.

Just when she was coming to a stop, she heard footsteps advancing towards her. She was about to run again, but arms made their way around her body and a familiar scent reveled around her.

"Let go of me!"


She was squirming, trying to ease free. "Let go, let go!"

"Sakura, stop moving."

"Let me go! I wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for you! We would never break up if you just stayed out of my life! I hate you!"

He froze and let go, just standing there taking in what she had said. She gasped, realizing what she has sprouted.

"I-I didn't mean to—" her eyes widened to see his eyes so also wide, so glazed over— as if he wasn't even there.

"Gaara, I—"

"I'm sorry." it was a whisper. He leaned on the wall, and slid down. Now sitting on the floor, he buried his face on his knees. Like a child— like he was scared.

She knelt down in front of him, feeling guilty at what she'd said. "I'm mad, Gaara. I didn't mean to—"

"It's true, though. If we've didn't meet that time, then you wouldn't be sad. You wouldn't be so miserable right now." He hugged her tightly by the neck, pulling her close. "It's okay to blame me, I accept that it was my fault, but please don't... don't hate me. I'm sorry."

She can only cry on his shoulder.

He had his arm around her shoulder when they saw a flier on the bulletin board.

"Sleeping Beauty; A Konoha University Drama Club Play." she read. "Sign up now."

She looked at Gaara for a moment, and he back away immediately. "No way."

"Oh, Gaara-kun, please!"

"I don't do plays."

"Then do plays now, for me?" and because she was begging, because her eyes were so wide and green and sparkling—


"Aww." she looked back at the paper, and her eyes widened. "Sasuke-kun signed up."

In a blink of an eye, Gaara was examining the paper. "He has girly hand-writing."

"Keoki wrote it, obviously. Their names are together."

He grabs a ballpen from his bag and hands it over to Sakura. Shocked, she looked at him.

"Do what you want to do." he sighed. Sure, he didn't do plays, but the hopeless look she had when she saw his name together with that other her's name changed his view suddenly.

She beamed and jotted down their names, then smiled at him thankfully. It's been a while since he's seen a smile on her lips.

And it's been a while since he himself had tasted those lips. He smirked.

He bent down and gave her a peck, and she blushed.

"With him out of the way, I have a chance now, right?" he joked, adjusting his bag strap on his shoulder.

She can only giggle and punch him playfully. "Of course you do, Gaara-kun."

"Sasuke-kun, Sasuke-kun, how much I love you Sasuke-kun." Keoki chanted over and over, an annoyed Sasuke being tugged on by her.

"Stop it, Keoki."

She doesn't.

"You're annoying."

And flashes of green irises and pink hair and eight-year-old promises banged on his head.

"Sasuke-kun!" Keoki screeched, pointing at the flier that the Drama Club has made—the one she wrote their names on without his consent. "It's them!"


Out of curiosity, he took a glance at the paper, immediately landing on a familiar penmanship. Sakura's.

Seeing another name beside hers, his eyes narrowed. 'What are these two playing at?'

He stalked off, leaving Keoki appalled and angry. "Sakura, again?"

SNEAK PEEK: "Prince Philip will be played by Sasuke Uchiha, and Briar Rose will be..." Asuma picked up a piece of paper out of the hat, "you."

OMGGGGG! I hope this was enough for you, guys! I will try my best to revive this! :D

why did I not update fr so long? The notebook I've written the story on got lost so I'm having difficulty remembering the scenes. I still know the plot, though. so, yeah. that's basically it.

also, I'm super busy with school right now. I'm only a few steps away from being a high-school graduate, and exams are coming up! my parents are bugging me with the course I'm going to take and all I can think of is 'I want to write a book, god damnit.'

so anyway. review, please do! if you don't... then I don't know what I'll do. D:


BYE. :)