A/N: I wanna thank everyone who reviewed and Alerted All She Ever Wanted. This as you may have guessed is the sequel. I hope by the end of this you'll forgive me for the bad things that happened in the other story. Lol. Anyways here's chapter 1.
The Greatest of These is Love.
…But now we still have faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.-1 Corinthians 13:13
Chapter 1
Dean felt as though his whole world had fell apart. In the last year he had lost his brother, and his wife, the love of his life, Jo. But he still had Hope. His now six month old daughter. She was getting so big. And she looked like her mother, same blonde hair, same soft yet intense eyes, though her's were green, like his.
He held her lovingly, the only thing he had left. Had it not been for her he probably would have went crazy.
They had been staying with Bobby, but Dean was beginning to get anxious. He needed to do something about the apocalypse. But he didn't think he could bear leaving Hope behind. And Bobby wasn't exactly able to watch her.
He was walking around holding Hope, when Castiel appeared out of no where.
" Dammit Cas. Why do you do that? Haven't you ever heard of a door?" Dean asked, almost angrily. He had nearly dropped the baby.
" Of course I have Dean." Cas seriously stated, his voice deep and rough.
" So there's a reason you're here. So why don't we get this over with.' Dean said.
" Lucifer has been spotted."
" And? What do you want me to do about it? We can't beat him. We haven't found God yet, remember?" Dean remarked.
" Perhaps it is time to consider the alternative, Dean." Castiel said.
" What now you want me to say 'yes' too? Well hate to tell you, it isn't going to happen, angel boy." Dean informed him.
" We are running out of options, Dean. I would not ask this of you if it wasn't necessary."
" Well Cas, I can't." Dean looked down at Hope, and Cas followed his eyes, almost smiling at the baby.
" Think of your daughter, Dean. If we don't stop this, and stop it soon, she won't have a world to grow up in. Do it for her." Cas reasoned.
" I'm not going to do it because of her. What if I die Cas? Huh? What then? She'll have to grow up without either of her parents. And I won't do that to her." said Dean.
" Very well. I can see there is no changing your mind. I will just have to hasten my search for God. And pray we find him. Or we're all dead."
That struck Dean. He felt selfish but he was doing this for Hope. He couldn't guarentee his safety, and he wasn't going to leave her with no one.
" I'm sorry, Cas." Was all he said. And with that Castiel left.
Meanwhile, Lucifer was pacing a room angry with himself. He had planned to eliminate the Winchester, his big brother's vessel. And Sam had stopped him. He couldn't figure out how though. Perhaps the boy was more powerful than he thought. That almost scared him.
He had gotten rid of the little bitch though. And he knew that had hurt Dean. He had not had any trouble out of him. Perhaps he's given up, Lucifer thought, or maybe he has said 'yes' to Michael and this is the calm before the storm. He knew the latter possibility scared him a little, for Michael was the only one who could stop him.
He decided he'd wait, and bide his time, until the truth revealed itself.
Dean put Hope to bed. He smiled at her.
" You really are a cute kid you know? Me and your mom did good." He laughed.
It was this time, in the middle of the night, when he was alone with just Hope, that he missed Jo the most. He would sit and cry silent tears. But what got him, what really got him was the dreams.
It had been almost five months since he had lost Jo, and still he dreamed about her every night. Sometimes he simply seen her jumping in front of him to protect him and Hope, sacrificing herself for those she loved. But sometimes, well sometimes he dreamt that she was alive, with him and Hope, laughing, smiling, and nagging. He liked those dreams though they broke his heart.
He laid there listening to the soft breathing of his daughter and, dozing off into an uneasy sleep, he smiled at the thought of how his family should be. . .
A/N: So what do you think?? Lol ld love reviews. There will probably be about 10 chapters in this but idk for sure. Lol. Much love.