DISCLAIMER: Stephanie Meyer owns Edward and his thoughts, I'm just manipulating them. I don't own any of these characters or themes. So please don't think that I think I do cause I don't. Ya?

Entry 1:

Have you ever wanted to drain the blood from your lab partner's body because her blood smelled so good?
No, It's just me then?


Entry 2:

Hello again journal darlingest. I guess I should explain myself from before. Today at school my new lab partner in biology smelled so good. I almost killed her, right there. I almost wish I didn't have such perfect and amazing self-control. Sorry, but I am just not in the mood for this right now.


Entry 3:

I, being the monster that I am, almost lost control with that Bella girl and have decided to hide out in Alaska for awhile as to not endanger the poor human further, much to my family's dismay (I'm so glad I won't be there to witness the look on Esme's face when she finds out I am missing.) So, for now I shall entertain myself with moodily driving my "father" Carlisle's car and hunting...a lot.

Still dangerous,
Edward Cullen

Authors Note: Yup, I'm weird. Press that little button and review cause it makes my whole day sparkly.