Hi I'm Dragonfairy and this is my very first Gundam Seed fiction. Nice to meet you all *Bow*. It's just always been annoyed how the story talked about the Ultimate Coordinator and then just went a different direction. I was like WHAT O_0. So since I hate AU's I'm just going to make it a continuation of Gundam seed and Gundam Seed Destiny.

Disclaimer: Not mine and I think it belongs to Sunrise.

This is a BL with Kira x Athrun being the main couple but it's not all romantic goop. Also no one's about Kira being the Ultimate Coordinator except for Mu.

*C.E 75 Space*

A young woman in a deep red space suit floated along the ruins of the once colony of Mendel. Her green eyes scanned the broken metal and old machinery her black bangs sticking to her face in sweat. The silence of the vast darkness was making her nervous. She felt much better on earth and could never understand how people could live in space. Turning around she looked about with nervousness written across her face.

"Hansel where did you go?" She asked through the small head set intercom built into the helmet.

"Hansel!" She called again.

"What!" a man's voice came through loudly and she watched a blond haired man in a blue suit appeared behind a floating wall.

"Stop disappearing and do your job," She said angrily and began to move forward.

"I am doing my job," He said lazily and followed the young woman. "I still don't understand why you need a body guard anyway Dalma,"

"That's Dr. Sugimoto, please stop forgetting that. And you never know what can happen here in space so just stay next to me," They continued to float in space until they found an intact hallway. Making their way through it they came to an open area and Dalma gasped in happiness. Positioning herself in front of one of the large computers she crossed her fingers and turned the power on. The computer came to life with a soft buzzing sound and came to a blue screen that flickered every couple of minutes.

"So what exactly is Blue Cosmos looking for in this dump?" Hansel asked letting himself float next to the scientist.

"Any kind of advantage to use against the Coordinators," She said typing onto the computer. "There," She said as computer code appeared on the left side of the screen and the picture of a human embryo on the right. She laughed and pulled out a small USB port and connecting it to the computer.

"What's all this stuff mean?"

"It means that the Coordinators just destroyed themselves,"

* A few weeks later Orb Nations Capital*

Kira jumped back with a long staff in his arms. Sweat trickled down his face and neck and panted for breath. He ran forward in his tight black top and sweat pants and swung the rod again. It was blocked by a black haired man who smiled happily.

"Good block Lainer," Kira said.

"Thank you Kira-san," The kid said happily and the two bowed. Kira walked over to a bench on the side of the room and grabbed a water bottle gulping down as much water as possible. He heard his cell phone ring from his bag and he picked it up.

"Hello," He said happily.

"Hey Kira," He heard Athrun on the other line. "I just want to make sure that we're still on for tonight,"

"Of course, I'm actually about to head out for shopping now,"

"Ok I'll see you after the council meeting," Athrun finished and hung up. After showering in the locker room he dressed himself in a tight dark red top with slits going down his sides and arms and black pants with knee high black boots. Walking out of the dojo like building he hailed a taxi and made his way to the shopping district in the city.


On the other side of Orb's capital Athrun sat in the car and placed his phone in his white Orb uniform next to Yzak who wore his own white ZAFT uniform.

"So," Yzak started. "Are you finally going to ask him to move in with you?" Athrun looked over to his friend and rolled his eyes.

"Let's just get this over with," He said and they drove into the capital buildings parking lot showing the security guard their badges. Walking along the red carpeted hallway they found both Murrue Ramius and Mu La Flaga standing together both in their orb uniforms.

"Ready for another boring meeting," Mu complained. Everyone nodded and walked into the crowded giant circular room Yzak taking a seat with the rest of PLANT and the other three took their seats with Orb. In the center sat Lacus, Cagalli, and a man in a black suit and tie. After taking a seat in the back of the crowded room the black suited man stood up and banged the gavel in front of him to silence all the people.

"The Meeting will know commence. Chairwoman Lacus Clyne will represent the PLANT, Queen Cagalli Yula Athha will represent Orb and I Councilman Cardel Menstrape will represent the Earth federation. Does someone like to start?"

"I would," A man called from the back and everyone turned to him. A young blond haired man with green eyes in a white suit walked down to the center floor. Athrun frowned at the man knowing exactly who he was, everyone did. He was Nathan LeBlanc the new leader of Blue Cosmos and was a huge on radicalism. He handed a guard a USB port and the guard plugged it into the computer. A picture of computer code and an embryo of a baby appeared on the screen behind the three representatives and everyone looked at it in confusion.

"A small group Natural scientists went to the abandoned Mendel colony and discover some interesting information. The Coordinators were conducting secret experiments 20 years ago called "The Ultimate Coordinator" Experiment," Athrun felt Mu tense up next to him and looked over to see the lieutenant staring at the screen with wide eyes.

"You didn't have permission to enter Mendel grounds," Lacus said sternly her long hair wavered behind her. "That is PLANT property,"

"Yes well I don't recognize PLANT," He said mockingly. "But besides the point of that after going through the files we have discovered that all 150 experiments were deemed terminated except for 1. The one successful child born from a mechanical womb is believed to still be alive. He or she would be a first generation Coordinator of course and would be turning 20 within the month or recently turned 20. There IQ and strength would be well over a normal Coordinator and we would like your permission to search for this Ultimate Coordinator and put him or her somewhere that wouldn't threaten Naturalists," Silence met the young man before Cagalli stood up in rage.

"Are you serious?"

"Quite your majesty,"

"I would never give permission to hunt down an innocent person,"

"I second that," Lacus said calmly.

"I third it," The Council man next to Cagalli shouted. The room buzzed with shouts of concern. While many disagreed many others were able to see the point of Blue Cosmos. The threat of a Coordinator more powerful than they are now was big news. Cardel stood there in silence for a few moments.

"I wanted to do this legally but I'm not going to just lie down with this," He said and pressed a button on his watch. "I had a list of Coordinators living in the capital matching the description and the search is about to begin,"

Before anyone could ask what he meant an explosion was heard outside the capital building.

"Guards," Cagalli yelled and security grabbed the now laughing leader of Blue Cosmos.

"For the preservation of our Blue and Pure World!" He shouted with laughter as another explosion went off outside.

Everyone ran out of the dark room and looked out the window. Smoke in different parts of the city rose above the buildings. Athrun scowled as realization hit him. Kira was out there and would have no idea what was going on. He took out his phone and dialed his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry your call could not be connected," The woman's voice on the phone spoke in a monotone voice and he snapped the phone shut. He knew he wouldn't be able to get through; Blue Cosmos would be smart enough to jam the cell phone signals.

"We have to go," Yzak said coming up behind him. "I know there's a couple of GINN's out back and I know Shin and Lunamaria are down there for security," Athrun nodded and he and Yzak began to make their way down. Mu came up from behind Athrun with a frown pasted on his face.

"Where is Kira," The older man said sternly. Athrun told the Lieutenant that the young Coordinator was at the market and that he was heading out that way now. Mu nodded.

"I need to go with you," He said and walked pass Athrun and Yzak and made his way to the mobile unit.


Kira stood in front of a small vegetable stand conversing with the stand owner when the first bomb went off. The explosion knocked him off his feet causing him to lose consciousness. A few seconds later he regained his vision and looked around the smoky chaos with people screaming and running. He rubbed his ears trying to get himself to hear again but got nothing but a high pitch tone. Placing his hand back on the ground next to him he felt his hand slide on something wet. Holding his hand back up he found it caked in blood and with wide eyes looked back down to see the vegetable owner laying limply on his side his grey eyes staring at Kira's deep violet.

Jumping back slightly he tried to stand up with the help of the broken stand next to him but found a large splinter going through his knee. With a yell of pain he pulled the large piece of wood out of his leg and ripped off a one of his sleeves. Wrapping it around his leg he stood up weakly and half walking half hopping made his way along the street. Dead bodies littered the ground and Kira cried in pain as he stumbled upon them. He turned around suddenly when he felt someone coming up behind him.

"Hello…is anyone there?" He cried out. He saw two men walking up to him through the smoke with large guns in their hands. Kira glared at them bending down slowly and picking up a pipe on the ground.

"You heard us huh," one man laughed. "Must mean you're one of the Coordinators we're looking for,"

"He looks like the guy in the picture," The other man said. "Hey kid, are you Kira Yamato?" He asked the Coordinator.

"It's none of your business," Kira stated moving back slowly not wanting to hurt anyone unless he had to. The men just kept moving forward.

"Oh believe us you want us to know. If you're who we're looking for we can't touch you. But if you're not him than we get to test out this new performance-enhancing drug we took and kill you," The man cheered hoping that Kira was not who they were looking for.

"Let's at least shoot out his other leg," The other man said holding the gun out and pulled the trigger. Kira dogged the bullet and threw himself behind a turned over car. He had nothing but the pipe to protect himself and he couldn't run away. Finding a piece of the car mirror he picked it up and held it to the side and watched as one of the men got closer.

Standing up quickly he threw the pipe at the man nailing him straight in the head. Jumping behind the car once again he heard the man fall with a cry hopefully giving him more time to find an escape route. Looking around he found a door to a restaurant blown opened and knew that his best chance was to get in there and take the back door out. Concentrating on his escape he didn't notice the other man coming up behind him until it was too late. The man pulled back Kira's head by his hair and pulled him up painfully.

"You hurt my partner," The man growled holding his gun with his other hand. Kira hissed and tried to pull himself away but found that with the man's enhancements and his lost of blood from his wound he was no match. He closed his eyes and tried to get himself into seed mode but he couldn't seem to do it. He was just too tired.

Suddenly he was dropped harshly some of his hair being ripped out at the same time. Looking up weakly he saw three GINS heading towards them. The man standing over him began firing his gun which just bounced off the strong metal of the mobile suits. Seeing he was out matched he shoved the hair he grabbed from Kira and stuffed it in his pocket and began running back leaving his partner to lay unconsciously on the ground.

One of the GINN's opened up and Yzak at the helm shifted forward and let Mu jump out. Running over to Kira he bent down and held the younger man's head up. Turning around he watched Athrun followed by Yzak, and Shin run towards them.

"Kira," He whispered and Kira looked up.

"What's happening?" He asked as his vision began to swoon.

"I'm so sorry Kira but they know…They know about the Ultimate Coordinator project,"

Hopefully that's an ok start. I usually get better with my stories once I get into it and I'm done setting the story up. I hope you continue to read. Secrecy

Review kindly onegai