No one's POV

"Damn it," Silver muttered as he entered the hotel room. He gently set Soul down on the bed close to the door and glared at the others. "Now, what?" He grumbled and shot a venomous glare at Gale who growled in response.

Ethan sighed and shot them both a look. "Well, for one, stop trying to kill each other - that's always a good starting point." Silver clenched his teeth but didn't dare break eye contact with Gale. Ethan sighed and walked over and sat by Soul brushing her loose hair out of her face. Gale broke her glare at the vampire and directed it to Ethan.

"Ethan- or whatever the hell your name is, get away from her." Gale growled as Ethan slowly stood up and raised his hands over his head in a surrendering matter and stepped back. Gale quickly shot to Soul's side, tensed ready for a fight. Ethan just rolled his eyes.

"Calm down wolf. We aren't going to hurt her, right?" He said, looking to Silver for back up.

"Speak for yourself; I would love to rip that wolf's throat out right about now."

Gale growled and muttered a "Touché" before she glared at Ethan once again.

"Who are you anyways? That thing called you Gold. So which is it, Gold or Ethan?" She asked Ethan who shuffled nervously.

"Yeah, Ethan, which is it?" Silver asked, smirking.

Ethan frowned and muttered, "You know damn well which one it is Silver." He sighed and shook his head, "Shouldn't we wait until Soul wakes up? I'm sure she'll have questions of her own."

Gale frowned, "No, You will tell me who you are and just what you have to do with Soul." Ethan sighed and sat on the opposite bed as Silver leaned against the wall by the door.

"Fine, my name is Gold, I'm a Seer. As for my connection with Soul? Well, that's my business."

Gale's eyes narrowed, "Not good enough. Seers hate Soul Readers such as Soul herself, now why?"

Silver sighed, "You are annoying. He said it's none of your business wolf."

Gale spat at him and gazed at Ethan.

"Again I can't say. Now it's my turn. Why are you here, wolf?" Ethan asked and it was Gale's turn to sigh.

"Fine, I was sent here by my pack to watch over Soul."

Ethan groaned, "Great, now the wolves and vampires know about her."

Gale glared, "And what about you Silver? Why are you here?"

Silver rolled his eyes, "What, you didn't think you could hide her forever, did you?"

Ethan sighed and shook his head, "I wasn't trying to hide her. But, you're not the person I expected to find her first. I at least thought her brother would…."

Silvers eyes widen as Ethan cursed at himself for saying that. "Brother? Who's her brother?"

Ethan averted his gaze from Silver and focused on a faraway point. "No one important."

Silver growled and walked over to him lifting him by his collar, "Don't screw with me, who is it?"

Ethan met his glare and smirked, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Silvers eyes flared and he held him tighter, "Why you little-."

"Uh, guys she's waking up!" Gale interrupted as Soul slowly began to open her eyes.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Gale asked, gently putting a hand on her shoulder as Soul rose. Soul squeaked and jumped away from Gale, her back against a wall with her hand over her mouth. Gale's eyes fell and she cursed the Seer.

"Soul-" Ethan began but stopped as Soul shook her head wildly. She was scared to death of him. Ethan turned his gaze away to hide the sadness, although he knew it was no use, she could see right through him. She could feel his sadness and even felt a bit guilty for causing it, but she was too confused.

"W-Who are you people, really?" She stuttered as she glanced at each one of them worriedly.

They sat in silence until Silver groaned, "Really? You have to ask after all of that? Isn't it obvious? I'm a vampire, he a Seer, and she's a werewolf. Come on, Soul, keep up - it's not that hard! God, you're stupid!"

Soul flinched at his harsh voice and glared at the older teen. "Can you blame me?! My best friend turns out to be some crazy bird thing that wants to kill me. The stranger who I helped me in the woods is a wolf and you are a vampire! Excuse me for feeling a bit overwhelmed!" She yelled at him. Her face had turned red as he started to chuckle. "What?!"

"Now you're getting it. Fine, yes, you can be overwhelmed but you better get use because it doesn't get better. Half the people you meet are going to be like us, maybe even worse. But, remember this not everything is as it seems. There are people out there - Seers, Wolves, and Vampires alike who would love to get a hold of your pretty little neck. So I wouldn't be acting so scared if I were you. Because we are all you've got." Silver finished smirking at her.

Ethan scowled at him, "Did you really have to put it like that?"

Silver shrugged and Ethan sighed as he beckoned to Soul, "You might want to take a seat. This could take a while." Soul cautiously sat on a chair located by the window and watched them all carefully.

Ethan sighed, "Okay, who wants to go first?" Gale frowned and stared at her lap.

"I think I got mine covered." Silver said smirking; Ethan frowned and shook his head.

"Fine, Soul who do you want to go first?" Soul pointed at Ethan and he sighed knowing he would have to go first. "Fine, what do you want to know?"

Soul tapped her index finger against her chin in thought. "What are you exactly and why are you here?"

Ethan sighed and took a deep breath, "Well, my real name is Gold. I am a Seer, a black wing one to be exact. I'm here to protect you."

Soul frowned, "But, why? From what I've read you're supposed to be trying to kill me, right?"

Ethan hesitated, "Technically yes. But I'm not going to."

"Then why the lies? Why did you change your name to Ethan?"

He sighed and thought back, "Well, because the old Gold would have taken pleasure in killing you. But not now, things changed. Plus, if I went by Gold, you would've probably heard of me. Remember when I left when we were younger, about 10? I went on an adventure with Silver and Crystal. We became champions. But, then I was given the awful mission of killing you. Which obviously I refused to do. You're lucky that it was me who was sent out on this mission or else you would be dead." Soul sat there in stunned silence.

"Gale, it's your turn." Ethan said quickly before Soul asked a question he wouldn't be able to answer. Gale glared at the Seer in distain but nodded at Soul.

"Why did you help me?"

Gale sighed and shook her head, "I was supposed to. You needed saved and that's what my job is. It's to keep you safe. Unlike these two, I don't have anything against Soul Readers." Both boys glared at her which she simply shrugged off not caring of what they thought.

"So you're a wolf? Does that mean that you can literally change into a wolf?"

Gale laughed at her curious gaze and gave her a wolfish grin. "Yep, watch and learn!" Gale exhaled slowly as her body slowly melted and changed into a beautiful wolf.

"I knew that wolf was you, damn dog." Silver grumbled as the wolf started to growl.

Ethan sat up in alarm. "That's enough Gale shift back. Before you lose it." The wolf shivered and shifted back into the silver haired girl from before.


Gale smirked at the stunned Soul and glared at the vampire, "Would it kill you to at least try to clean the blood off you! It's disgusting!"

Silver shrugged and gazed at Soul and sighed, "Fine, What?"

"Have you ever…. Killed someone?" Soul asked slowly, not sure if she wanted to know this answer or not.

"Every vampire has. If they say they haven't then they are lying." Silver said not looking at her.

Soul stared down at the floor, "W-What about that girl in Violet city?" She asked, clenching her fist.

"That was me." Soul didn't make a sound and continued to stare down.

"W-Why did you kill her?! Why?" She yelled as tears sprung into her eyes.

Silver sighed and shook his head, "Don't get upset over such a trivial thing as death. Get used to it. It happens on a daily bases in our world. If it gives you any peace in your mind, she was going to die anyways. The girl had a brain tumor that was about to burst. I just put her out of her misery."

"That is no excuse for killing somebody!" She yelled at him letting him see the tears that fell from her caramel colored eyes.

His cold gaze met hers unflinching, "You still don't get it. I'm a vampire; get that through your thick head. I'm made to kill."

Soul glared and walked up to him ignoring Gale's protests. "Fine, then kill me too, because I'm going to die in about seventy years anyways, so why not put me out of my misery?"

Silvers glared intensified and he shook his head, "No you still have a long life ahead of you. That girl had one maybe two years left. Or even less."

Soul shook her head, "How do you know that? There was no possible way! She could have pulled through it and been able to live! Or at least she could have spent some time with her family before she died!" Soul argued. Silver sighed in frustration and left, slamming the door behind him. Soul flinched and sobbed as the tears refused to let up.

"I'm leaving too. Be safe, Soul…" Ethan whispered as he left.