Hi everyone! This is just a little something I wrote because I had writer's block and really needed to get back into Ikuto's head to figure out where I want to go with ASFTN. NOTE: You may notice some OOC-ness, and this is why - I'm going to my first anime con this June with Adelaide Pitman; I'm going as Ikuto, she's going as Amu. So we've been doing a lot of character work lately, including co-writing a story (first chapter will be up soon!) in which Amu and Ikuto are actually in a relationship. The Ikuto in this story is the one that I've developed, not the one that Peach-Pit originally created. Thanks for understanding! I hope you like it!

Amu –

Hey. Honestly I don't know why I'm here or what to write. Normally I'd find something to tease you about. But…I can't explain it, but something about you makes me want to be completely honest with you.

I guess I'm writing because I think about you so much that I can't keep it all inside my head. Believe me, telling you how I felt was the hardest thing I've ever done. And then, hearing you confess that you felt the same way…I'll just say I've never been the same since then. And you really amazed me when you had the courage to turn Tadase down. You might not be able to see it, but you're strong, Amu. And I might sound like a little girl for saying this, but I feel safe in your arms.

I want to be there for you, Amu, to be your knight in shining armor, your shelter and protection. But you've taken that dream away from me, Amu, and left my pride in shattered pieces, because you're stronger than me. You're the one who has saved me, protected me, swept me off my feet, and stolen my heart. I'm still learning to play the prince, to be the good guy – your hero. But the more I'm around you, and the more I watch you, the more I learn. You are teaching me how to love.

You're beautiful, Amu, just the way you are. Don't ever listen to anyone who tells you that you need to fit in or be different from your true self. The true Amu – the one inside you who you truly want to be – is the girl I fell in love with, and she's perfect just the way she is.

I'm not perfect, and compared to you I'm certainly no angel. I can't promise that I'll be by your side for the rest of your life, or that you'll be the only one I ever love. Promises like that, if broken, leave wounds that never heal. I could never, never do that to you, my precious girl. I can only say that though I feel unworthy of you, I am happy beyond all reason to have you, and I will hold you tight as long as I can. As long as I have the strength, and you don't fight my embrace, I will hold onto you for dear life, because, dear Amu, you are my life. You are all I have, all that keeps me breathing, all that gives me the strength to face another day. Every loving glance leaves me weak, every hug leaves me winded, and every kiss leaves me breathless and yet somehow, makes me feel like I've never been so alive.

I love you, Amu Hinamori. I love you.

– Ikuto T.