Hey Everyone!!! First Protector of the Small Fanfic, so don't be too harsh when reviewing, please!

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing :(

Dom's POV

The harsh sound of banging metals filled the practice courts as Keladry of Mindelan blocked Domitan of Masbolle's blow to her shoulder.

We have been going for hours! I can't keep this up much longer! Dom thought to himself as he slashed at Kel again.

She blocked it, and he chopped down at her shoulder with his dull practice sword. She parried and brought her blade up and drove it toward his stomach. Dom stepped to the left smoothly blocking her jab. As sweat dripped down her face, Kel tried a particularly difficult move only to once again be blocked by Dom.

Dom grinned at her, his face red with exhaustion, and panted for breath.

Kel's POV

He's getting slower, Kel noticed, and grinning with triumph she faked a blow to his right arm, switching halfway through the blow to slash at his left shoulder instead.

Dom tried to block the blow to his right arm, only to wince when Kel's sword hit his shoulder. Kel knew he was just bruised but she still regretted hitting him, her infatuation with him had grown stronger the longer they spent time together.

Dom swung a weak blow to Kel's leg, which she easily blocked. I have him! Kel thought triumphantly. She twirled her sword, deflecting Dom's to the ground. But she hesitated as she lifted her sword to his throat.

Dom's POV

Dom saw Kel's sword slow as it headed toward his throat and he reached out. Kel not realizing what was happening suddenly noticed her blade was being held at the point by Dom. Dom laughed at the expression of bemusement on Kel's face. Dom quickly pulled Kel to him by her extended sword.

"Cheater," Kel said, laughing. She tried to pull her blade away, but Dom just grinned and yanked her closer, until he could feel the heat of her body on his, and could see every one of her freckles in great detail.

A sudden warmth spread over Dom. He took his free hand and brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes, his fingers sliding across her smooth skin. It felt as though electricity was flowing through his fingertips as he touched her face. Kel looked even more confused than before, causing Dom to smile wider. Then, before he realized what he was doing, he kissed her.

Kel's POV

Kel's heart pounded, as she realized that Dom's lips were pressed gently to her own. She closed her eyes, savoring the sweet taste of him. Dom slowly deepened the kiss, and Kel responded by dropping her sword and wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.

Dom slowly withdrew and looked at her, suddenly bright red.

"Was that…All right?" He asked nervously.

Kel smiled widely, as happiness flooded through her.

"I've been waiting for that for a long time; it's more than all right."

Dom smiled, and leaned down to kiss her again.