I do NOT own Twilight neither do I own the characters!! Teardrop, Sad Day!!!

So what happens when Bella gets hit by an on coming Semi- truck and closes her eyes for what she thought was the last time, But 150 later she wakes up in "the meadow" still human? All she knows now is she has to find Edward and her Family!

I woke up this morning more excited than I have in years Edward had asked me to marry him two weeks ago and I had been very cautious on accepting the offer. I mean I loved Edward with every fiber of my being but marriage right out of high school what would my parents think and oh the gossip! But today I realized if I loved Edward as much as I say I love him then I wouldn't care what people thought. So here I am rushing over to his house to tell him. I'm pretty sure Alice has already seen my decision but I didn't care I was just to dog-on excited! Soon my name would no longer be Isabella Marie Swan, but Isabella Marie Cullen.

I couldn't hold back the tears of excitement which is probably why I didn't see the oncoming semi-truck coming head on to my rustic old truck that Edward had complained about so many times. But before I could do anything I saw black. I was woken up by the prodding of cold fingers and loud beeping noises I though knew this was my last couple breaths and I was going to use them wisely I mustered all the strength I could and whispered I love you Edward Cullen. And with that I closed my eyes forever or, so I thought.

I remember it like it was yesterday though it had been 156 years since I had died in that car wreck the last thing I remember is me saying "I love you Edward Cullen" and never-ending darkness now hear I am laying in the grass wet with the dew from the morning awakening. I don't know what happened but I know I have to find Edward as I step into the sunlight I have just a flash of hope that I would sparkle like my one and true love, but my skin was still that ivory cream color. I look down to see what I was wearing and sighed a simple skinny jeans and a nice flannel shirt. Now I have to find out wear the heck I was and how to get out of this forest!

As I looked around the little circle of stores that I found I tried to make out were I was. But then I saw it, Bella Italia and I got a series of flash backs. Me and some one entirely way to pale sitting in meadow while he sparkled, us sitting in a entirely to large house with people just as pale as he, and one heart breaking scene of us in a forest with our last farewell kiss. Edward!