A/N: YAY! This is my first fanfiction I ever made. So, be nice to me okay? *pleading eyes* And sorry for the verbs. Well, English is not my first language so... I'm kinda.. suck at it.

Disclaimer: I do not own KHR. If I do,then Tsuna wouldn't be in love with Kyoko. But with his men of course.. x))


Tsuna is walking along the crowded street alone. Well, usually Gokudera and Yamamoto would gladly (especially Gokudera) escort him home. But Tsuna kindly brushed off their offer. Tsuna knew since a long ago that his two best friend is more than just a 'friend'. And since Reborn, his home tutor out to Italia, Tsuna don't have to go straight to home like usual. It's been long time since Tsuna had peacefull times like this. No Reborn pointing gun at him. No Gokudera yelling. No Hibari sudden appearance. Just Tsuna alone. "Hmm,what to do now~" Tsuna humming to himself. Then, a warm breeze brought sakura petal to Tsuna's face. "Maybe watching sakura alone would be good" Tsuna said to himself.

Tsuna walked to nearby convenience store. He bought orange juice and onigiri. When Tsuna about to line up. He saw white haired guy. At first Tsuna tought he was an old guy from his hair. But he has masculine body and has some alluring aura. His age about around 25's. By curiosity, Tsuna walk toward that guy. Just close enough so Tsuna can see his face. Tsuna peeked from corner. And.. Tsuna was mesmerized by that guy. The deep amethyst eyes,messy but soft looking white hair, and neverthless to say, a very handsome face too. Only one word can describe that guy. "Beautiful..." Tsuna cover his mouth in shock. Damn, did that just came out? The white haired guy turned around and his eyes meet Tsuna's. His eyes widened. He even dropped a bunch of marshmallow product he buying. Then he smiled. Not a fake smile. But a warm smile like they have known each other for ages. Tsuna can feel his blood up to his head. That guy look more handsome if he smile! The said guy walk toward Tsuna cheerfully. Tsuna just about to back up when he grabbed Tsuna's wrist.

"Finally I found you my Tsu-chan~" he said still with his warm smile. Tsuna blinked a few times before saying his mind out loud.

"Hiee? How did you know my name??" Tsuna possing defensive position.

Tsuna can't remember if he ever met any white haired guy before(except the grandpas). There's no way in hell he ever meet that guy before! I mean, hello ? Young white haired guy with violet eyes? It's not easy to forget.

"Eh? You don't remember me? So crueeel.. It's me, your older brother. Byakuran." Said Byakuran with his fake pouting face.

"I don't remember I ever had a older brother..." Tsuna said more to himself than to guy in front of him. Byakuran observed Tsuna's face before he shrugged and said ," Oh well, it doesn't matter. I'll make you remember Tsu-chan" And Byakuran hug Tsuna tightly. Tsuna already red face turned to crimson red. If he blushed more, Tsuna sure all his body would turn white because lack of blood except his bright red face.

"Awww, it's been a long time since I feel your soft hair like this. You're still as cute as ever Tsu-chan" Byakuran patted Tsuna's hair gently. Tsuna can feel the older guy touch. It's kinda.. nice and warm too. He feel secure, being holded like this. And Tsuna snapped. OMG, i've been hugged by stranger and I liked it! Tsuna quickly pushed Byakuran away. And ran out from the convenience store. "Ah, wait for me Tsu-chan! I haven't paid my food!" Byakuran watch Tsuna running from behind. And he chuckled when Tsuna tripped when there's nothing on the floor. "Still as clumsy as ever." Byakuran just humming some cheerful sounds and go to the cashier.

Up until today, Tsuna already know that Japan is filled with perverted freak that would easily touched,hugged,and even kissed someone just because he is cute. Usually Tsuna would just blushed and shrugged them off. But, this time different. He can feel his hearbeat gone crazy. And he can feel his whole body getting hotter and hesitantly pull his shirt to his nose. He take a deep breath . The smell of Byakuran's. It's smell nice, like fresh mountain air and a bit sweet like marshmallow. What am I doing? Now I AM the pervert. Tsuna sighed and walk toward the park. With or without snack, he still want to see sakura trees. Because last year when go to sakura seeing with Reborn. Well, it was.. a complete chaos so he didn't get to see the sakura tree completly.

Tsuna sit under the largest sakura tree in the park. He look up. The sky was so beautiful. A blue sky, without no cloud. Tsuna sighed again.

Just who the heck is that guy? I don't even have any brother! Oh wait, I don't remember I had a father too before Mom told me. I guess I'll ask Mom when I get , what if he was from mafia too? I don't want to indulge deeper with this mafia thing.

"Ah, I found you again Tsuuuuu-chan" Tsuna startled by the loud voice. He just about to look around then Byakuran pulled Tsuna into his chest. Byakuran kiss Tsuna's forhead and tilted Tsuna to face him. Tsuna's cheek blushed . Now he is eyes to eyes with Byakuran.

"Sooo, why are you running away from me?" Byakuran asked with a fake pout. Tsuna can feel Byakuran's breath and that didn't help him to concentrate on talking.

"W-w-wh-wh-why? Be-because I don't know you!" Tsuna tried to struggle but it was meaningless. Byakuran was waaaay stronger than Tsuna. Byakuran can feel that Tsuna is trying to push him away, so he tightened his hug, he don't want Tsuna leave him just when he finally can meet his cute little brother.

"But I'm your brother! Why can't you believe me?!" Tsuna see Byakuran's eyes starting to be filled with water as it about to flood anytime. Now, Tsuna feel guilty.

Stupid Tsuna! I'm really am DAME TSUNA. Maybe that guy was really my brother and I'm stupidly forget about him!

Tsuna hug Byakuran back and apologized, " I..I'm sorry. I don't remember you. But.. I trust you."

And Byakuran's teary eyes turned to his evil grin he smirked and say," Then, shouldn't I give punishment for my cute little brother for forgetting me?"

"Hieee, please don't hurt me!" Tsuna use his hand to cover his face. Hoping that if he can't see him, the man can't see him too.

"Ara? Bya-chan ? Tsu-chan? What are you two doing?" a familiar voice calling them out.