This is chapter one to my BRAND SPANKIN NEW ulquihime fanfic. I hope you love it.

I update based on wether my REVIEWS have encuraged me.. like if i get a million negatives then obviously it not worth the time u cud use on other fics..

You may be asking why i started this one when i ahvnt finished my other.. well heres you answer. --- I MAY OR MAY NOT BE ENDING MY OTHER ULQUIHIME STORY. it took altoa thought on this subject to decide what to do but instead of making up my mind i just started on this. i feel like my other one didnt keep ulquiorra in his original characterness... idk what u wana call it but i was off.. every chapter had a million different moods in it where i stopped and started writing PLUS i didnt go over it to check for mistakes like i did on this one. (altho im not the best at checking for errors in spelling and grammer and such anyway, as u can tell)

REVIEW PLEASE. i dont care if its a word a paragraph or just a punctuation/emoticon! plus ill probly start posting the name and such of whoever's post i loved most between updates. YOU DO NOT NEED AN ACOUNT TO REVIEW.

Disclaimer-- These are not my characters, ALL rights reserved to their original owners... blah blah blah...

HOPE YOU ENJOY IT! i worked what little butt i have off on this!

PS. i resubmitted this chapter after having found some errors. it hasnt changed in the over all jist of things just been fixed info-wise. :)

Enter... La Noche de Vida

(The Living Night)

Without looking at her the fourth Espada spoke to her in a cold tone, "If you have not eaten it by my return I will force it down your throat."


The faceless white door locked softly behind Ulquiorra, her apparent new warden, as Orihime stared helplessly at the ground, her hands twisting together on her lap. A small sigh escaped her lips as she turned back toward the single window in her room.

The crescent moon was ever present and it seemed to be watching her, silently offering her its company in this blank world. Orihime looked once more at the tray before her, contemplating her options as she hesitantly picked up an apple and looked it over after taking a seat on the couch.

It seems like an ordinary apple… They wouldn't poison me after going through all that to get me here would they? No… that wouldn't make sense. She thought to herself and took a bite of it only hesitating a little.

She chewed it slowly half expecting there to be a razor blade hidden inside it even though she told herself other wise. After she found there wasn't she took another bite, her eyes widening in surprise as her stomach growled and she discovered that she was ferociously hungry. Within seconds the apple was nothing but a core and she was reaching for another, then a banana, and some grapes! MMM! I can't believe I haven't eaten in three days!

As happiness began to blossom inside her chest Orihime hopped up from her seat and picked up her water from the table a few feet away. But just as the glass touched her lips she felt a hand grip her shoulder gently, but firmly, as a sly voice spoke over her shoulder.

"Is our pet enjoying herself?" the man whispered against her ear.

Like a deer in the headlights she froze. Her hand tightening on the glass as the stranger slowly moved around to face her. Instant recognition registered inside of Orihime as she was faced with the Arrancar's size and build. He had the largest smile she'd ever seen and his eye patch didn't help to hide his knowing stare as his breath warmed her cheek and brought with it a curious smell, that she couldn't quite place and didn't want to know.

"W-who are you?" she tried her best to sound normal as she took a step back, her hand beginning to quiver. He's one of the Espada…

The Arrancar slowly stood to his full height in a way that instantly brought one word to her mind. Snake.

"My name is Noitora, which you should already know when you were introduced to the top Espada. Now should I be offended that you didn't remember?" He cocked his head to the side, his long black hair falling over his shoulder as his hand moved from her shoulder to her chin, tilting it up toward him while he stepped closer to her; mirroring her retreat until the backs of her legs hit against the couch where her forgotten food sat.

Orihime's eyes widened and her grip on the cup tightened to the point of pain as she realized she they were alone and she was being cornered. Inoue's trembling doubled with every step he took; his disturbing one-eyed gaze looking her over, like some type of appetizer, when she franticly shook her head in denial.

"No! T-there were just so many of you I-I—" she stammered nervously looking left and right for an exit; knowing that he was far more powerful then herself and she stood no chance losing him even if she ran. "I—

She froze in her stuttering as his smile widened even more and his face neared her own, "I'm willing to forgive… in your case." he said with mock charm as his lips closed in on her own.

Suddenly the glass shattered in her hands. Orihime jumped, screaming with surprise and fear, barely feeling where the glass sliced her hands, as she turned her face away from his and shoved at him. Inoue heard his hiss of anger and she tried to run, her feet slipping on the water, causing her to fall to her knees as he caught her wrist, yanking her back toward him.

Tears began to break free from Inoue's gray eyes as the past few days suddenly came crashing upon her; the tears only urging her assailant on as he grabbed her by the hair and hoisted her to her feet then kicked the tray of food off the couch.

Sensing his intent and dreading the possibility, Orihime began to claw at his arm and chest, kicking out futilely while tears streaked down her scared, but determined, face.

Barely even noticing her attempts to get free he threw her onto the long, wide couch, pinning down her legs with his spiritual pressure as his long fingers ripped at her dress, tearing at it barbarically causing Orihime to scream desperately. She got a hand free from his grasp and her slap echoed through the room.

Noitora froze, slowly turning his face back toward her. His eyes alight with some sick joy at the act. It was then Orihime knew that no matter how hard she fought she wouldn't win, her stomach heaved and bile rose in her throat at the thought of what was going to happen and there was no one to save her here…

Orihime closed her eyes steeling herself for what was to come Ichigo… I'm sorry…

Ulquiorra closed the door not caring what she had to say to his order. The woman's petulant disobedience was getting on Ulquiorra's thin nerves and he knew if she hadn't eaten the food as instructed, he could and would punish her. I'll deal with her later. Now I have more important matters to deal with. Aizen said something about instructing Wonderwiess…


Ulquiorra strode out of the Practice Field and flicked his wrist uninterestedly, riding his hand of the blood marring its pale perfection.

Hmm its been barely 15 minutes…he realized, not altogether surprised. I'll give the girl 15 more minutes before returning.

Having decided, he started to turn in the opposite direction of her chamber but was stopped as he heard the sound of shattering glass. He paused, looking over his shoulder, a slightly suspicious expression on his face.

"Where is Noitora?" He snapped coldly at a nearby arrancar, who happened to be one of Noitora's fraccion, without looking at them.

They regarded him blankly; showing no respect as they deftly hid their resentment and fear of him. "My Lord," he said harshly, "goes where he pleases." Then he turned away; back into the Practice Field.

Ulquiorra's eyes narrowed slightly and he took a step. His hands slid out of his pockets. Another step. He released a fraction of his spiritual pressure, and was gone.

A second passed and he was at her door, hearing her scream, a brush of his rietsu and the door flew open, crashing against the wall. Noitora had pinned down Aizen's prisoner, intending to dominate her in the way of hollows; a degrading act on their part, branding them as your own whether willing or no. Rage rose up inside Ulquiorra's usually emotionless mood at the split second recognition of Noitora's act.

Without pause Ulquiorra refrained from drawing his sword and formed a fist instead, using his momentum to drive it deep into Noitora's diaphragm, then swung his elbow crashing up into contact with his jaw. The 4th's attack sent the Quinta Espada sailing across the room, cracking at least six ribs and effectively shattering the left side of his jaw.

After regarding his "comrade" with distain bordering on outright disgust, Ulquiorra looked down at the girl lying shaken on the couch. Her cheeks were flushed and wet with obvious tears; hers eyes still shimmering but no longer flowing with that foreign emotion. He stared almost curiously at the expression of willful determination that masked the fear she obviously must have been feeling.

Suddenly she was looking up at him with those eyes and the great Espada felt his body lurch slightly. Puzzled, Ulquiorra wondered about the effect of her eyes on him; they were a silvery gray, although an uncommon color, it was not something that should have caused a shock to his system. This woman… I have not encountered such a creature before…

She didn't flinch at his bitter gaze as others did, and now she was looking at him with silent gratitude, knowing somehow that he wouldn't accept or appreciate that recognition. She got up from the couch holding in the fits that randomly shook her body as she tried to still her trembling hands.

Ulquiorra pushed his questions aside and paced past her, over to where Noitora was beginning to pick himself up. The Arrancar was clutching at his jaw and ribs in pain, a glare plastered on his face. Ulquiorra looked up at his subordinate almost at eye level with the normally towering Arrancar. Somehow even as he had to look up to Noitora, Ulquiorra managed to look superior. The he conveyed his disgust by speaking in a carefully emotionless tone,

"Noitora, you know Aizen-sama has put this woman under his protection along with my own." He paused letting it sink in while he noted the scratch marks on his face, "Furthermore it would seem that the Fifth Espada needs more training, having been injured by a human woman." Noitora's glare intensified at the indication of his inferior rank; and had his jaw not been broken beyond speech he would have cussed out the scrawny Espada before he could continue.

"I preferred it when that woman was still seated as Tercero, keeping you in your place back when you were nothing but dirt under my feet. She knew her place and her boundaries unlike you." Ulquiorra finished without so much as a twitch in expression.

At the mention of his female predecessor and enemy Noitora's rage ignited and his hand flew to the hilt of his sword, but just as he began to draw Ulquiorra's hand shot out of his pocket and lashed across this cheek, backhanding his smashed jaw.

The beaten Espada let out a howl of pain and the sound of bones popping and blood splattering echoed in the small room. Behind Ulquiorra, Orihime gasped and covered her mouth in horror at his crushed mouth and bloodied face. Cifer-san broke him so easily…

Ulquiorra watched with disinterest as Noitora leaned against the side of the couch gagging and coughing up blood onto the white ivory floor while clutching his ribs.

"And don't be mistaken, Noitora, because obviously you still are nothing but dirt to me. For unlike your predecessor, I won't give you the mercy that you've never deserved then be stabbed in the back because of it." He finished coldly then turned away from him, showing that Ulquiorra didn't even count him as a threat, as he grabbed the Inoue girl's wrist, leading her to the door. He then released her and nodded to the right.

"Your replacement chamber is this way woman." He said with his once again calm, cool voice; not even looking at Noitora as he followed her out, walking in his gracefully-haughty, and yet completely uncaring manner.

Noitora fought for breath, gagging on the blood flooding his throat. He staggered into the hallway knowing that the med room was near this one. Finally with one last glare at the coat-tails disappearing around the corner, he ran as best he could toward the help of his loving Fraccion.

This isn't over Ulquiorra, you bitter bastard… It's far from over. You can count on that…

Like i asked before

PLEASE REVIEW. if you prefer this story to my other ulquihime one then please tell me. i have two other chapter already written and depending on the feedback i may or may not post them. so kepp me posted if u like it :D


Go to youtube and look up user silanduqiaocui for AN AMAZING YOUTUBE VIDEO OF ULQUIHIME! (its the electro world one) ALSO watch Hekkushun (Ulquiorra's view) AND Destiny's people (Orihime's view) They are BEAUTIFUL! and they are also all hand drawn by an amazing artist if you ask me

I also recommend the one called BlumberBerry and ShadyVaati for Ulquihime videos!