The Vampire Diaries
Lost Love
Chapter 10: Deals Off
Elena slowly arose from the couch. The first thought that popped in her mind was 'Why am I in the living room, and not my bedroom?' Then Elena remembered last night. How Damon had treated her, being so gentle. Elena smiled at the thought. Then Elena's head shot up, "My weddings in 9 days." Elena said aloud. She needed to see Stefan, they still needed to pick there bridesmaids and all that stuff. They were not even close to 'done'!
"Chill, Elena." She said to her self. Elena slowly got up and headed upstairs to take a shower, fix her hair, and get dressed.
After Elena was done with her hair, she slipped on a pink tanktop, her white shorts, and her favorite 'elbow-reach' leather jacket and some slip flops. She had to admit; she looked hot, but she really had no care for her appearance today. Elena ran downstairs and grabbed something to eat. "Hey 'Jer' " Elena said greeting her brother. No one really call him Jeremy, just 'Jer'. "Sup?" Jeremy said, reading something.
"Whats that?" Elena asked. Jeremy looked up from his book. "Chemistry class." Jeremy stated. Elena simply nodded. "Where's Aunt Judith?" Elena asked. "I don't know. She went some where with usual." Jeremy said and grinned. Then Jeremys head shot up, which frightened Elena a bit from the shocked look on Jeremy's face. "What?" Elena asked concerned.
"What if Alaric becomes are Uncle!" Jeremy says. "MY history teacher will be living in OUR HOUSE!" Jeremy exclaimed. Elena threw a piece of burnt toast at Jeremy and rolled her eyes and smiled. Then the doorbell rang.
"Elena can you get that?" Jeremy said still reading. "Sure, I mean its not like I'm not right next to it." Elena said sarcastically, walking over to the door. "Who do you think it is?" Elena called to Jeremy. Jeremy just shrugged and headed upstairs to his room.
Elena opened the door to reveal Stefan. "Oh-hey!" Elena said cheerfully. "I need to talk to you." Elena said. Stefan looked at Elena concerned and curious. "Um-Okay, because I needed to talk to you to." Stefan said and made a small smile which clearly did not match his eyes.
Elena looked up the stairs. "Alright well Jeremy's studying, and Aunt Judith is with Alaric, so we have about say twenty five minutes before my Aunt comes home asking why I came home late again." Elena said. "Oh well-yeah about that-" Stefan started but was cut off by Elena. "Hold that thought, come on lets go in my room." Elena said grabbing Stefan's hand and leading him upstairs.
When the two reached the room, Elena sat on her bed. "Okay what would you like to tell me?" Stefan asked. "No, no you go first." Elena said, wavering her hands. "Elena, please. I can wait." Stefan said giving off a short laugh. Elena was silent for a moment.
Elena gasped and said 'Well, okay."
"As you know our wedding is in 9 days." Elena stated. Stefan nodded. "Well I already have my 'Maid Of Honor' picked out, which is of course Bonnie. Now I need to finish picking my brides maids, and you need to pick your Groomsmen." Elena said.
Stefan nodded again and started to smile. "Well- what other guy in Mystic Falls really knows me, as well as likes me other than Damon. Oh wait- he doesn't like me either." Stefan laughed. Elena smiled.
"Hey, don't be like that! What about...Matt?" Elena suggested. "Yeah your 'Ex-Boyfriend Matt?' " Stefan said.
"It's fine! He's with Caroline now. I mean you both were on the Football Team, you hang at 'The Grill', he actually 'talks' to you, whats not to like?" Elena said. Stefan shrugged. "Fine."
"And how about-" Before Elena could finish, she was interrupted by someone.
"Aww what's wrong? Am I not proper to be invited to the wedding?" Damon said sarcastically. Elena whipped her head around. "Damon." Elena said his name full of hatred. Elena hated Damon's personality. Sometimes he can be sweet and nice, like last night. And the next day he is back to his usual cocky, jerk-off self. Like nothing had ever happened.
"Elena." Damon mocked, and smirked. Elena rolled her eyes. She was pissed. "Seriously Damon, why are you here? Because if it's to torture your brother about something he really doesn't care about, or if it's to question and mock our wedding, or if it's to just be an ass; I really don't want to hear it." Elena paused.
"You keep being a jerk, and an ass to your brother, but I'm not sure who's the older Salvatore brother now. Because while your wasting your time being mean to Stefan, he actually doing something with his life and moving on." Elena finished. Damon eyes looked hurt an confused.
There was a long silence while Damon was thinking of what to say. "So really? After all these years, of hating your own blood related brother, you still hold a grudge over him from something a century ago! Damon, Stefan is willing to try to be your friend again, but you won't let him." Elena said, waiting for Damon response.
Damon cleared his throat. Now on Damon's face, there was no smirk. There was no heart warming smile. There was just pain and fury. "Well you sure couldn't get enough of this brother last night." Damon said cold hearted and with that was gone in a blink. Elena's jaw dropped.
How could he have mentioned that with his brother right there? Last night was special to Elena. But apparently Damon could care less. Yes, right now Elena Gilbert could say that she officially hated Damon Salvatore.
"Elena. What really happened with you and Damon last night?" Stefan asked. Elena turned around her eyes wide with guilt.
Nothing had really happened between her and Damon. It was just two friends hanging? Right? Nothing more...? But Elena only felt guilt, because last night with Damon she felt a 'spark' between them.
"Elena?" Stefan asked again. Elena knew today was going to be a long day.
"So nothing happened?" Stefan asked for the 100th time. "Yes Stefan. NOTHING." Elena smiled. Elena walked over to Stefan and rapped her arms around his neck. "Stefan. Stop worrying, that's a command." Elena and Stefan smiled widely. "Because I only love you. And when you and I get married, we are going to move far from here and start our life together. And nobody else's." Elena said and kissed Stefan.
There was a long intense moment between them until Elena heard her Aunt.
"Elena! You up there?" Aunt Judith called from downstairs. Elena's eyes grew wide. "Time for you to go." Elena said. "Aunt Judith says I should stop bringing you in the house 'unannounced'." Elena said. Stefan smiled about to leave. "Bye Elena... I love you." Stefan said shyly. Elena bit her lip and kissed him again before he left. "Love you to." Elena said.
And with that, another Salvatore was out her window.
Elena went downstairs to greet her Aunt, and then felt her pocket vibrate. It was a Text Message from Stefan.
Elena, Today I am going out to find the person/vampire who attacked you last night. Don't worry, love you. -Stefan S.
Elena really had a lot of disagreements to this, but she knew she couldn't fit it all in a text.
Stefan, Alright and thanks. But please be safe, If the 'vampire' is stronger than you, you could get hurt. Since you don't drink...human blood...-Elena x
Elena waited for her phone to vibrate again.
Don't worry my Elena. If you can't reach me in about 5 hours, call Damon and he will go sense and find me. -Stefan S.
Elena rolled her eyes, Stefan always did have his stubborn moments. But, she knew she couldn't do anything about it now. Elena let out a sigh. Wait...would Damon help her and Stefan after what happened this morning?
Well, okay..Be safe; I love you -Elena x
Love you to my Elena- Stefan S.
Elena looked to the floor, and then to Jeremy's door upstairs. "Jeremy, Aunt Judith I am going for a walk!" Elena yelled up stairs. Elena waited bu there was no response. Oh, well they were probably asleep. Elena left a note on the kitchen table.
Aunt J.,
I went out for a walk, I will be home around 6pm.
If you need anything call/text me on my phone.
Love you, Elena, bye.
"No, this wasn't part of our deal! The vampire yelled. Damon and the vampire, Damon had been working with the past week were having a meeting in the woods. Damon had found out, in his human life the vampire's name was Nick. It kinda fitted him.
"I said; the deals off." Damon said emotionless. Damon was still hungover this morning from him, and Elena's conversation at her house. Damon couldn't say he 'hated' Elena, But she certainly wasn't at the top of his 'friends list' now. Not that he had many to begin with. After Damon had left Elena's house, he had went back to the Boarding House to add up the odds.
Elena was already engaged to Stefan, there was no way he could win her heart before the time of there wedding. And what was Elena to him? A better and gentler version of Katherine? No. Damon was not ever going to think that again. Because- well it wasn't true. He hated the idea of comparing Katherine to Elena.
"Well what do I do now?" Nick asked furious. Ah, the pain of new born vampires. It amused Damon. "You go and leave town." Damon demanded with more emotion behind his words. Nick looked furious.
"This isn't the last time you'll see me." Nick said and left in an instant with his vampire speed. Damon rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure." Damon said silently. Damon really didn't care or have the time for Nick's 'evil plan'. Damon let out a sigh.
The only word or thing he could think of was 'Elena'. And only one thought to. 'Why did she pick him?' Damon carried his thoughts on back to the Boarding House.
Elena locked the door and headed out side for her little walk. Elena headed down the street. She passed Matt and Vickie's, Bonnie's, and Tyler Lockwood's, house.
Elena wanted to hope that Stefan was safe. But she just couldn't- cause he probably wouldn't be. Elena took her cell phone out of her back pocket and got nervous trying to press the numbers. Elena felt her hand's twitch. But when she finally got the number right, Elena pressed 'CALL' and waited for Stefan to answer.
But sadly, It went straight to...voicemail.
'Calm down Elena. He is probably out of Mystic Falls right now still searching for the vampire, and he obviously doesn't have signal...Right?' Elena thought. 'Oh well you will just have to go for it for now.' Elena continued walking.
Elena turned down another road, with very little houses. Probably all vacated. After Elena walked for about 20 more minutes, and noticed how dark it was. Elena looked at her watch. WOW, it was already 6:30!, Elena thought. Elena turned around to head back home, but before Elena even took a step, she watched as thick fog came around her.
Just like the first day of school, when she was in the cemetery and bumped into Stefan.
'This is obviously Damon, trying to mess with me because of this morning, so he's using his 'vampire power things' to try to scare me.' Elena thought. Elena thought she knew it all. She didn't even have the half of it.
"Damon!" Elena called out. "I know it's you!" Elena said. There was no response. "You don't scare me!" Elena was getting a little worried. Damon wasn't showing up.
Authors Note: CLIFF HANGER! but i think yall no who it is! Anyway, I AM SOO sorry this chapter took me FOREVER to make! But I made if really long for you. I really hope the next chapter will not take me as long. And WOW I can't believe it already has this many reviews! Thanx guys, I love my fans and readers. Next chap will be up SOON! Gonna work On 'What I Want Is You' since you guys want me to continue ^_^