A/N: I am really sorry about the huge delay on this! Honestly I really am and its just that a lot of things got in the way. My schedule became even more hectic this past semester and summer session with school and now working. Again my deepest apologies and thank you all very much for your kind reviews! They really warmed my heart! Hopefully, I can get some time to write the next chapter later in the week. If not I will try and make time!

Charlie had gone to the station early before he would pick up Andrea for their trip to Napa Valley this weekend. Saying he was nervous was a complete understatement. He was in fact, a bit hesitant and wondered if he was doing Andrea right by carrying on this charade. He wanted to help her, but at the same time he just was not sure. What made him more hesitant was the fact that he had to tell her about his past situation with the law. Charlie felt that it would be completely unfair to just throw it at her. Besides, it was just one weekend and it wouldn't hurt.

"I won't be here this weekend, so if you need me just reach me on my cell." Charlie told Reese as he finished up a report on arresting a gang member earlier in the week.

Reese's face went from serene to confused. "Okay." She said it in a slight don't care tone, however it was still curiosity that gave away her supposed uninterested tone.

"Going to Napa for the weekend." Charlie absently answered as he was too observed in his report. His eyes quickly viewed the small clock on the side of the computer. It was already half past two, in which case he needed to hurry.

"Looking into buying a vineyard?" Reese asked as she began to click away at her own computer. But she had a hunch that this had to do with the woman who came to see Charlie the other day. After she left, Charlie had seemed more strange than before. He even took a two hour lunch that day for some odd reason, he usually eats and works at the same time.

"No." Charlie simply said as he finished up.

Reese rolled her eyes and decided to just ask him what was going on. Her patience as always wore thin too quickly. "Crews does this getaway have something to do with that woman that came in the other day?"

Charlie stopped typing and looked at Reese directly. "What woman? A lot of women come here everyday."

This time Reese sighed rather loudly. "Asking for you?" Charlie looked away and she decided to throw in the towel. "Alright, fine whatever goes on in your personal life is your business. Its just that you still confuse me sometimes and its quite frustrating."

"Frustration is the answer to confusion." Charlie answered calmly as he shut off his computer and grabbed his car keys.

"Ah okay, okay I get it." Reese put her hand up and decided not to ask him anything anymore. Charlie patted her shoulder as he made his way over to the elevator. Reese shrugged him off and simply shook her head. He was most definitely acting weird and it wasn't like to be so secretive. For once she was going to have to investigate on her own and this time on her partner.

"So, what exactly are you going to tell your family?" Andrea's assistant Leo asked curiously as he watched Andrea flutter about her living room putting all her things together. "I mean, come on Andy, do you really think your father will easily accept this."

Andrea zipped up her make-up bag and placed it her suitcase. "I am working on it." She simply answered as she placed her bags by the door and looked at her watch. He was running late, but she was grateful because the butterflies in her stomach were still in a flutter. "Besides, I am an adult and it is my life."

Leo scoffed and flipped open the latest issue of Vogue. "Please! Like you would actually say those words to your father. Can I come just to see his reaction?"

Andrea grabbed the nearest decorative pillow and threw it at Leo's face. "Stop mocking me! I don't feel well." She plopped down on the light blue sofa in an un-lady like manner.

Leo gasped and threw the pillow back at her. "What if you are pregnant Andy!"

She glared at him and rolled her eyes. "Impossible."

"What makes you so sure?"

"One, I am on the pill and two I took a test just to be sure." Andrea replied nonchalantly as she dismissed her assistant's sudden worry. "It came out negative. Not to mention I got my monthly flow last week."

"Oh." Leo resumed flipping through the pages of the magazine.

Before Leo could say anything else, the door bell rang and Andrea shot right up smoothing out her jeans and fixing her blush pink baby doll blouse. Her stomach was in complete knots as she made her way to answer the door. 'Maybe this is a bad idea, I should just call and say that we won't be able to make it.' The door bell rang once more and brought Andrea back from her thoughts. Her heart got caught up in her throat as she saw Charlie standing there with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Sunglasses covered his green eyes that Andrea really had liked to look at.

"Hi, sorry I'm late I just had to finish up a report." Charlie placed his hands in his pockets.

Andrea shook her head. "Its okay, do you want anything to drink before we leave?"

"No, I'm fine." Charlie assured as he looked at her. She was really pretty and he could not tare his eyes away from her. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, just come on in. I need to give my assistant a few last minute instructions." Andrea opened the door wider for Charlie to step in. Her small home was just exactly how he had pictured it. Granted it was small because it was just her, but elegance and charm radiated from every crystal vase to the vintage paintings on her light blue colored walls. He was slightly intimidated to touch anything in fear of breaking it.

Charlie followed her into the living room and saw a man dressed incredibly well sitting on the couch immensely concentrated on the lap top screen. "Leo, this is Detective Charlie Crews, Charlie this is my assistant Leo." Andrea introduced as she went over to her desk to retrieve her phone and Mac book.

Leo looked up from his screen and almost leapt off the couch. "Pleasure to meet Detective Crews, but I am her favorite assistant."

"You mean my only one." Andrea hissed as she placed her laptop in her Marc Jacobs messenger bag.

Charlie laughed and stuck out his hand to Leo. "Its very nice to meet you." Charlie looked at Andrea to confirm whether or not he knew about their situation.

Andrea looked up as she felt Charlie's gaze on her. "He knows."

Leo shook his hand and smiled. "Don't worry I am not going to judge, I have done far worse."

"Really?" Charlie rose a brow.

"Well, not to your guys' extent." Leo was going to go off on an tangent and Andrea felt it coming on.

"Okay Leo, do you know what exactly you have to do for next week's shoot? And the fashion show after the polo match on Sunday?" Andrea handed Leo a binder with everything that needed to be done. From the corner of her eye she saw Charlie react to the size of the binder, which was a surprising one.

"Yes I have everything under control, don't worry." Leo assured his boss so she wouldn't have to worry and seem happily married when she arrived at her parent's vineyard later tonight.

"Great. See you Monday and if there is any trouble do not hesitate to ask." Andrea looked at Charlie and mouthed 'I'm sorry.' Charlie shook his head gathered her suitcase in his hand. "Careful its heavy!"

"I got it." Charlie reassured her as he made his way to the Range Rover that was waiting outside. He had decided to get another car for this trip in mind, aside from the fact that he needed a new one.

"Alright well I am off. Remember-" Before Andrea could finish her sentence Leo rolled his eyes and recited her exact words to her.

"If anything happens do not hesitate to call you, I got it Andy. Please enjoy your weekend with your man." Leo smirked but quickly made his way upstairs before Andrea could hit him with a pillow. Andrea simply glared hard at him as he bounded up the steps. "Nice meeting you Detective Crews!" He shouted over his shoulder as he disappeared into the upstairs hallway.

Andrea shook her head and gave Charlie an apologetic look. "I am sorry he can be rather blunt sometimes."

"Its okay." Charlie realized it was going to take a lot from him to reassure her more than once. "Shall we go."

"Yes." Andrea finally said as she grabbed her purse.

'This is going to be a long weekend.' They both thought in unison as they made their way toward the car.

Andrea flicked through the radio stations as she was silently frustrated that she could not find anything she wanted to hear. Charlie took notice as he watched her from the corner of his eyes. He hadn't said much because he didn't want to make her uncomfortable, but he was wrong. It made it even more worse.

"Can you do me a favor?" Charlie chirped as he made a left turn to get on the freeway.

"Sure." Andrea replied wearily as she thought she might have annoyed him with changing the radio too many times.

"There is an ipod in the glove compartment as well as that thing you connect it with to the radio." Charlie tried to remember what the silly thing was called but he just could not form a coherent thought.

"The Aux cord, you mean?" Andrea rose a brow as she reached to open the glove compartment. Before she could grab the cord and ipod, a blue box fell onto her lap. Andrea quickly grabbed the stuff Charlie had asked for and closed it up. "What is this?" She picked up the little aqua blue box every single woman out there dreams of getting.

Charlie took his eyes off the road for a moment and his heart began to thump furiously against his chest as he stared at it. He had not planned on giving it to her like this, but he forgot to take the ipod out of the glove compartment and this kind of ruined everything because he didn't want her to feel upset or anything like that. He wanted to give her the ring in a good surprising way. Andrea's sudden scream brought him back to his reality as she took the steering while and quickly reared him back into the lane. Charlie quickly took control of the car.

"I'm sorry I didn't want to give you the ring this way. Kind of wanted to surprise you." Charlie said as his eyes remained on the road ahead. Andrea felt her stomach double over and her heart thump furiously against her chest. She felt tears threatening to fall. Fortunately for her she was wearing sunglasses so Charlie wouldn't be able to see her eyes become all watery. "Open it."

She sucked in a silent breath as she opened the little blue box and gasped at the size of the ring. It was certainly the most exquisite ring she had ever seen in her entire life, and for her having seen every jewelry collection she was much more in complete awe over this fine rock. Maybe because it was supposed to mean something to her? "Charlie, its very beautiful, but I can't accept this."

Charlie shook his head. "I agreed I was going to help and we have to make this look absolutely real, right?"

"Yes." Andrea continued to look at the vintage style ring.

Charlie felt very happy at the fact she had tears in her eyes, even though she tried to hide it. He knew he had picked the right ring. He just knew and that was what secretly scared him. "I would put it on your finger, but I'm driving."

Andrea laughed. "You just keep your hands on the steering wheel." She looked down at the ring and was slightly hesitant about putting it on. After all, it wasn't something she wanted to do so rushed. "I will take care of this as if I borrowed it for the evening and as soon as we finalize everything it will be given back."

Charlie shook his head. "No, it is all yours. Consider it a fond memory of the first time you did something completely insane and free."

As much as she didn't want to admit it, she had an inkling that she wasn't entirely wasted that night. Charlie Crews was completely something else and it made her wonder about those fairy tales that her sister claimed to not exist in the real world.