"James this really isn't funny." Lily scowled as James led her through … Somewhere. She was blindfolded and very likely to trip as James led her around.

"I dunno, I think it's funny." James whispered into her ear, his lips brushing against her skin, she could fee the heat rise to her cheeks, but remained very silent.

"James, please, just tell me where you are taking me." Lily said almost pleadingly, she wasn't one for surprises, these kind of surprises especially. James was about to reply when Lily caught her foot and was about to fall, and he instead decided to concentrate on not letting her fall to the ground and instead catching her, and drawing her smaller body against his.

"Watch your step." James said grinning to himself as Lily swatted the thin air.

"Git! I can't see where I am going!" Lily scowled, James grinned and wrapped an arm around Lily waist and carried on leading her to his secret destination. Finally, very delicately James removed the blindfold from Lilys eyes, the redhead stared at the scene before her and gasped.

They were in a small alcove, that was decorated with hundred of fairy light, on the floor there was a comfy looking blanket, on which two plate of delicious smelling carrot cake sat and a huge bouquet of the most gorgeous lily's.

"James, it's too much." Lily breathed as she looked up at James with wide, glistening emerald eyes.

"No it's not… I could give you anything you asked for and it wouldn't be enough, I could give you every star in the sky and it wouldn't be enough, Lily, I could give you the whole world, every dream you could think up and it wouldn't be enough… You're so brilliant, so amazing, nothing could be enough, not for you." James breathed as he looked into Lily's eyes, she was so touched she simply didn't have any words to say, her vision was blurring with tears of total joy and happiness.

Softly James swept the tears from her cheeks, and kissed her lips so carefully so gently it was almost as if he hadn't touched her at all, but she could feel the burning sensation, one that she would never forget.

In that moment Lily knew deep in her heart that James was forever.

"Do you think we could ever be like that?" Sky asked Sev as they sat entwined in the Gryffindor Common Room, looking out the window and noticing; only briefly the couple in the grounds, they did not look for long because the moment was too private, too special to have an onlooker.

"I think we've all got the chance of being like that, of being complete." Severus said fondly looking at Sky, her eyes flashing happily at his words.

"Yeah…" Sky breathed, snuggling closer to Severus, he was right.

All to soon Lily found herself wearing long black robes, graduation robes, her friends had all left fifteen minutes ago, to be there a bit early as their families were all in the great hall. However Lily found herself pacing irritably in the Heads Common Room as her boyfriend finished getting ready.

"Hurry up!" Lily yelled as she inspected her red satin shoes once more, she was going to wear the sole out if he kept this up.

"I'm coming!" James yelled, but he didn't seem to appear instantly which was annoying Lily.

"James! You are meant to be meeting my step mum today, will you please get a move on!" Lily yelled, but stopped short when she saw James leaning against the door frame, looking outrageously gorgeous and grinning at her.

"I've already met your step-mum, and your dad." James reminded her.

"Yes, but only as the drunken idiot that my brother hangs out with, now you are meeting them as the slightly less drunken idiot who is my loving and devoted boyfriend." Lily said with a smirk as James looked mildly offended.

"I am not a drunken idiot." James said.

"Sure, now are you ready?"

"Yes Mam." James said saluting before Lily dragged him out of the Common room; Lily was fussing over straightening her skirt when James rolled his eyes and pushed her gently against a wall, silencing her with a kiss.

"You worry too much." James breathed against her lips, she would have argued, but forming a coherent sentence was incredibly difficult. Suddenly James kissed her more forcibly, eliciting a quiet moan from the redhead. Her arms automatically went around his neck pulling him closer, His hands moved down from her hips, until he managed to hook them around her knees, pulling her leg around his waist.

"Lily." He groaned as she carefully bit his lip, a devilish smile on her face. James grinned at her before nibbling and licking on the sensitive spot just below her ear, causing her to moan loudly, his fingers drawing circles on the area of exposed thigh as her skirt road up her legs.

Suddenly James pulled away and he looked into Lily's eye, she smiled at him lazily. But her smile faltered when she saw the intense look in James' eyes.


"Marry me." James said, Suddenly Lily pushed James away and stood up; she stared at him like he was totally insane.

"James! You can't ask me to marry you now!" Lily said, shocked at his request.

"I can- I am, marry me." James said again, he was smiling now, smiling so brightly, his eyes danced with happiness as Lily begun to giggled, her vision blurring as she could feel tears well up.


"You're moving in with me in September, I mean you are the only one I want to spend my life with, Marry me." James said, and for some reason, even through the shock Lily found herself nodding.

"Yes… I'll Marry you." Lily breathed, her voice so light it would have been lost if there was little more then a breeze, but James heard her so clearly. He swept forward, taking her into his arms, and rested his forehead against her.

"Forever." He murmured.

"And always." Lily said giggling and crying, feeling as if she could burst form the happiness.

So maybe it is a twisted world.

And you feel the pain and hurt

But sometimes, just sometimes

It's worth it, if only for that single moment,

That moment of pure happiness.