A/N: a sequel to Mirror and Teardrops. Sorry this took so long… I wanted to get the theme for this one just right, and rather than make everyone wait until the 48th drabble (where this theme was originally listed) I decided to give everyone what they wanted! XD


He had left. Ulquiorra had actually left. Grimmjow couldn't believe this. He continued tossing clothes into the suitcase on the bed. It was obvious where the man had gone; it almost seemed as if Ulquiorra wasn't trying that hard to get away.

Why couldn't he listen? Why didn't he understand that it didn't matter how many times they had to move, as long as they were together, it didn't make anymore a difference to Grimmjow than a change of scenery.

It was unsettling that the pale man though him incapable of moving across the country with him. Grimmjow sighed in frustration as he closed the suitcase, grabbed his jacket ad walked out the door with one destination in mind: the airport.

Suits. They were boring. Ties. They were boring too. Everything about this was boring. Today's day of work would be boring. Today's walk to work would be boring. Finishing unpacking his things would be boring. And, most certainly, going to sleep at night would be highly uneventful.

Being with Grimmjow, and thinking about Grimmjow, was what got him through the day. Ulquiorra shook his head. No. I mustn't think about such things. He told himself, withdrawing the key from the lock and then proceeding to walk down the long hallway to the elevator. Press the button, wait a couple of minutes, get in, press ground floor button, wait a couple more minutes, door open, step out, walkthrough the lobby and out doors, into the bustling city…

"How may I help you, sir?" the desk attendant asked, frowning in distates at the man's state of dress.

"Is there an Ulquiorra Cifer staying here?"

The woman looked his up and down again, taking in the blue hair, cerulean eyes, the tall, muscular frame, and tired defeated face with a suitcase in hand. "And if there is?"

"I need to see him."

This seemed sketchy… "And what business could you possibly have with Cifer-san?"

"He's my… best friend…" Grimmjow said, barely catching himself from saying boyfriend.

"A likely story… what's his favorite color?"

"Green, not that you would know…" he answered right away.

"I see… and-"

"Look. I really need to talk to him. He used to live in California, then he got promoted and had to move here. He's five feet, six and a half inches tall and one hundred and twenty one pounds. His birthday is December 1st. Shoulder length black hair, deep emerald eyes, pale skin… I know who he is! Just… please, let me talk to him…"

The woman blinked at this outburst. It would seem that this man knew Ulquiorra… oh well… "Room number 64 on the 6th floor."

Grimmjow looked relieved. "Thank you." And then he was off.

It had been a long grueling first day a work. There were so many names to memorize it wasn't even funny. He let a small sigh slip past his lips as he opened the door. Upon entering, things didn't seem different than the way he had left them… however… everything was unpacked and set up the way he had planned to do so. Setting down his briefcase and keys on the table, he walked into the living area of the apartment.

There, on the couch, sat Grimmjow, two glasses of red wine were on the table. At first, he thought he was hallucinating and would need to call a doctor in the morning, but then Grimmjow decided to speak, and he knew that this was real.

"Why did you leave?"

"How did you get in here?" Ulquiorra countered, after all, the door had been locked when he'd come back in and none of the windows appeared to be broken… but coming in through the window would have been impossible! They were on the 6th floor of an apartment complex!

"That's not important, now answer my question… why did you leave like that?"

"I… I didn't want you to have to leave because of me again…"

"Ulquiorra…" Grimmjow said, getting up and walking over to him. "I love you. I would move to Antarctica with you if that was where you were going to work."

"That's ridiculous… my job would never take me to Antarctica…"

Grimmjow sighed. "I'm staying here with you. And if you get promoted again, I'll move with you to wherever you need to go. Why is it so hard to understand that I want to be with you?"

Ulquiorra allowed Grimmjow to wrap his arms around him. "I don't know…. I just keep expecting you to leave."

"I hate to break it to you, but you were the one who left me across the country…"

"I'm sorry…" Ulquiorra mumbled.

Grimmjow was silent for a moment. "Its fine, but I'm staying here."

A small smile graced his pale lips. "Thank you…"

"For what?"

"For coming after me…"

Grimmjow grinned. "It was nothing really… s'not like I was just going to continue living like you'd never existed."

And so there they stood, finally understanding one another… finally ready to live together without any doubts of the other leaving ever again…

A/N: And so concludes that small trilogy! XD I'll try to have the next oneshot up soon!
