The Reckoning By 331

This is what happens after the Awakening by Kelley Armstrong

I do not own anything and it all belongs to Kelley Armstrong. I am just using her characters and adding a few of my own.

Chloe's POV (point of view)

It was dark. I couldn't see anything, and the edges of my vision were blurry, not that it would matter. Suddenly I was in the middle of a forest. Simon came up behind me smiling. Then I saw a shadow come up behind him and arm came out of nowhere and sliced right through him. But instead of dying, his image just went fuzzy, like with holograms. Then he morphed into a giant skeleton with a one of those cattle skulls you find out west. He/it grabbed me and I screamed. Then Derek ran in with Tori. He transformed into a shiny black wolf with piercing green eyes, and he jumped up growling. The skeleton just swatted his arm and Derek wolf went flying onto the spiked club of another giant skeleton, instantly impaling himself. Tori starting shooting fire balls at him but it used me to block it with, and my back inflamed, causing another scream. Then my perspective switched. I was inside the skeleton, and when I moved so did it, but it was more like I was inside controlling it, not like I was actually the skeleton. Everything was tinged green, and the skeleton/me starting shooting giant green energy balls back at Tori. They exploded on impact, and she also ended up on the second skeleton's club, which I realized I could also control. Suddenly I had a whole army under my command, while I was trapped inside the first skeleton. Then the green energy turned red, and started burning. Not hot, but a cold burning, like I was being burned with ice flames. I started disintegrating, and then I was looking into a mirror. I screamed. I had turned into a skeleton, with red glowing eyes and billions of ghosts swarming around behind me. Then the mirror smashed, covering me in ice shards that felt like dropping into the ocean from fifty feet up in the dead of winter in Antarctica. Then my back began to freeze. It kept hurting and hurting and I was screaming and screaming and thrashing and screaming and it wouldn't stop and ~~~~. I woke up.

Chloe get a hold of yourself, I thought. It's not real it's not real it's not real it's not real.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I was in a tangled mess on the floor, wrapped in sheets and a flannel blanket. My head and back throbbed and I was cold. I stood up and shivered. The window was open, of course. I closed it and put the blankets back on the bed. I was at the safe house. Tori was snoring on the other side of the room. I looked at the digital clock nearby. It said 2:30am.

Great, I thought. I guess I'll just go watch some TV. I grabbed a sweatshirt from the pile of used clothes that had been generously given to us by the other residents of the safe house, and made my out into the hallway. We had arrived at the safe house last night after narrowly escaping the Edison Group, and then Andrew showed us to our rooms, gave us some clothes to borrow, and then we went to sleep. I made my way downstairs. I went into a living room, in which were Simon and some other guy I didn't know, and a flat screen TV playing Dirty Jobs on the discovery channel. Simon looked up as I walked in.

"Hey Chloe! What are you doing up?" The other guy looked over. He was tan with dark brown hair and blue eyes, and had an emotionless expression. I turned my gaze back to Simon.

"I fell out of bed. Why are you out here? And watching reruns? At least turn on a movie or something." I sat down next to him.

"Hey, Dirty Jobs is a good show, regardless if it's reruns. And besides, I don't know where any of the movies are. Why don't you ask Caleb? Oh wait you haven't met him yet. Chloe, Caleb, Caleb, Chloe." He pointed to the kid on the other couch.

"Yo," he said.

"Hi" I said. Simon moved over and let me sit down next to him.

"You didn't answer my first question. Why are you up?"

"Well, I couldn't sleep, so I decided to come down and raid the kitchen, and while I was in there I met Caleb. We talked and then ended up coming in here with our snacks." I spied the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and grabbed a handful.

"Hey Caleb, what's your power?" He looked over at me and then to Simon, as if to say 'You tell her'.

"He's a sorcerer, like me, except he was genetically modified too, but instead his powers got stronger. And he accidentally got telepathic powers."

"So he can read minds?"

"Basically, yeah. He can also make stuff levitate without using his sorcery powers. He's on the run from the Edison Group too, so that's why he's here." We watched the show for a little while in silence. Then Simon put his hand on mine and smiled at me. It made me uneasy. I still didn't know how I felt about this, and recently he's been doing more stuff like that. I felt my face turn red, but I hoped it was too dark in there to see, because it was just the TV making the light. Luckily the popcorn was gone by then, so I made my escape.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get some more snacks," I started to get up.

"I'll come with you," he started to get up too. I panicked.

"No! I mean, that's okay. I'll be really quick and come back fast. Besides, I think I'm gonna go to the bathroom too." I backed out really quickly. He looked confused and sat back down. I glanced at Caleb and I saw he was laughing, which made me mad. I turned around really fast and ran down the hallway towards what I hoped was the kitchen. I had almost made it when I tripped. Right before I hit the floor, I felt hands grab my waist. I shrieked and thrashed, and I landed on the floor with an 'oomph'. Then something really heavy fell on top of me. I kicked.

"OW! Damn it, Chloe, why did you kick me? That hurt." I froze.

"Derek! What are you doing on top of me?"

"I wouldn't be on top of you if hadn't spazzed out and kicked me in the stomach!"

"Well, I wouldn't have spazzed out if you hadn't grabbed me!"

"And I wouldn't have had to grab you if you had learned how to walk correctly!"

"Get off me already!" He stood up and brushed himself off, then offered me his hand. I ignored it and got up by myself. He dropped his hand and walked into the kitchen grumpily. I followed.

"Why did you do that?" He turned around and glared at me.

"Well I assumed that you didn't want to fall your face, so I caught you. The rest occurred because of your own actions." I frowned.

"You could have at least told me you were there. You totally freaked me out. And being under you, I could have suffocated."

"And if you had kicked a little higher and harder, you would've broken my rib, which could have punctured my heart or lungs and killed me." We glared at each other for a full minute. Then I stopped and looked at my feet.

"I'm sorry I kicked you." He walked over to a cupboard.

"And I'm sorry I freaked you out and fell on you," he said. I looked into a different cupboard and found a box of pop tarts. He had found some chips and was already half way through the second bag. I sat down at the table and opened a pack. I nibbled on a corner while he sat down across from me and opened his third bag. They were only the medium sized bags though, so it wasn't as weird to see him go through them that fast.

"So why were you up?" I asked. He put down his chips for a second.

"You freaking out at Simon woke me up. Then I got hungry so I came down for some food."

"I did not freak out at Simon."

"You practically yelled at him to not come with you."

"I was not that loud, and I did not freak out at him." He gave me a look.

"Okay, so maybe I panicked, but it was not that loud. It was only loud to you because of your bionic hearing." He chuckled and went back to eating chips.

"What?" I said.

"You were loud enough to wake up Tori,"

"Was not, not even a bulldozer is enough to wake her up."

"I didn't know we had a bulldozer, but apparently Tori thinks there's one, cuz' she's up."

"Where is she now?" I said, glancing at the door leading to the hallway with the stairs.

"She was in the bathroom, but she went back to bed."

"Well, maybe I didn't wake her up, maybe she just needed to go pee."

"But when she woke up she said 'Stupid Chloe,' and then started to come downstairs, but turned and went back to the bathroom. So you obviously woke her up."

"Damn you." He chuckled.

"So why did you get up?" he asked. I squirmed remembering my dream. I hoped he didn't notice.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Why not?" He noticed.

I was debating over whether or not to tell him about my dream, when Simon walked in.

"Hey Derek, I didn't know you were up. Was all the screeching in the hall earlier you guys?" he asked. I nodded.

"I tripped."

"Ah," he said, understandingly.

"So I see you got your food." He grabbed the box of pop tarts and pulled out a pack. Derek continued eating his chips.

"So did you guys see any of the other residents yet?"

"It's like 3:00 in the morning, you were lucky to have met Caleb at all, let alone anyone else."

"Who's Caleb?" Derek said.

"He's one of the other people living here. He's a sorcerer, like Simon. He's in the other room watching TV." We sat and munched on our food. Then Caleb walked in. He nodded at us, went over to the fridge, took out a carton of milk, then walked out, and we heard him go upstairs. Simon started to get up.

"I think I'm gonna follow Caleb's example and go to bed." He grabbed another pack of pop tarts.

"Good night," he said, and winked at me. Then he walked out after Caleb.

"Wanna go watch some TV?" I said. Derek nodded and we walked into the living room. Derek sat on one couch and I sat on the other, and we switched the channel to mtv. Eventually I migrated over to Derek's couch cuz' we were both cold and there was only one blanket. Derek let me lay across most of the couch while he sat at one end. I started to doze, and I vaguely felt him turn me around so I had my head in his lap. After that I fell into ad thankfully dreamless sleep.

Okay, so this is my first fanfic, and I really hope you people like it I stayed up all night last night writing and finally finished tonight. So please Review! And if anyone has any ideas as to who else lives in the safe house, I would really appreciate if you put them in the reviews too. I want to add some funny characters and some competition for Derek and Simon (even though we all know Derek's gonna win, but who doesn't love jealous angry boys with superpowers?). Review!